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Keyword: fistgate

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  • Sex-Ed Backlash Inhibits McGuinty [Province of Ontario backs down]

    04/23/2010 8:57:44 AM PDT · by canuck_conservative · 10 replies · 374+ views
    National Post [Canada] ^ | Friday, April 23, 2010 | Lee Greenberg
    .... He insisted the new curriculum applied to "all students in publicly funded schools, including Catholic schools." His education minister, Leona Dombrowsky, also said the Catholic Church supported the new curriculum. But Catholic officials made it clear they were not prepared to implement any of the more controversial elements, including talk of homosexuality and masturbation in Grades 3 and 6 respectively..... "Talking about homosexuality and masturbation to primary children is hardly age appropriate," Sister Joan said. "Certainly it's not in the Catholic community. I'm not judging for other people. "The Church disapproves of masturbation on any level," she said. Homosexual...
  • Language removed from bill in Mass.Senate.Would have criminalized criticism of homosexuality.

    03/15/2010 1:55:53 PM PDT · by massmike · 19 replies · 578+ views ^ | 03/15/2010 | n/a
    At the last minute a Senate committee removed draconian language that would criminalize criticism of homosexuality with fines and imprisonment from a bill, just before the Massachusetts Senate voted on it on Thursday. The language had been slipped into a school "anti-bullying" bill. This is a clear victory for the pro-family movement! This would have been very extreme. (And apparently it was intended to target MassResistance in particular, given our outspokenness at the State House and online.) Similar laws have been used in Canada and other countries to snuff out free speech and religious expression regarding the homosexual movement, and...
  • IPPF Wants Fifth Graders Taught "The Pleasures of Sex"

    02/10/2010 5:46:21 AM PST · by Kaslin · 34 replies · 1,150+ views ^ | February 10, 2010 | Marybeth Hicks
    File this under: Unintended irony. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) today released a report entitled “Stand and Deliver: Sex, health and young people in the 21st Century.” I’m guessing the title eludes to the critically acclaimed film “Stand and Deliver” starring Edward James Olmos in which he played a dedicated math teacher who challenges his erstwhile high school dropouts to learn calculus. In the movie, these misunderstood yet courageous young people come of age, metaphorically, as they realize their true potential. As it happens, according to the Web site, the phrase “stand and deliver… was used by 17th...
  • Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings Favorite Book for Teens Too Lewd for Seattle Times

    02/08/2010 9:57:05 AM PST · by ethical · 96 replies · 1,499+ views
    Parents and Teachers for Responsible Schools | February 7, 2010 | Linda Jordan
    Press Release February 7, 2010 Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings Favorite Book for Teens Too Lewd for Seattle Times Newspaper says they can’t print quotes from the book because they are a family newspaper. GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings has been “queering” public schools for years. Supposedly to help kids struggling with homosexual desires feel “safe”. But Jennings didn’t limit his target group to homosexual teens. He wanted to include what he calls “questioning youth”. GLSEN’s “ Try it. You just might like it.” Target group. One of the books Jennings wants placed in every middle & high school is “Two...
  • AFA Report 2001: GLSEN Links Children to Dangerous Websites and Adults

    01/07/2010 7:31:59 PM PST · by massmike · 3 replies · 286+ views ^ | 01/07/2010 | n/a
    Time to reread one of the best summaries we’ve seen on what Kevin Jennings’ GLSEN and other homosexual activist groups are actually doing in the schools. Ed Vitagliano wrote this in 2001 in the American Family Association Journal. Targeting Kids; Part Three: Activists Encouraging Experimentation (American Family Association, AFA Journal, May 2001.) EXCERPTS: What do kids find when they access the homosexual activist groups provided as resources by the [school] pamphlet? … [In Seattle,] GLSEN’s home page was an Internet doorway into every sort of pro-homosexual venue imaginable. One GLSEN link, for example, was to a website that welcomed young...
  • Jennings calls for "queering" elementary schools

    10/23/2009 3:20:21 PM PDT · by ttjemery · 17 replies · 1,004+ views
    ( I received this email today and I hope we can stop this from happening ) Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel T, A few days ago, I informed you that Liberty Counsel is calling for the removal of Kevin Jennings, President Obama's appointee as Safe School Czar. We are already half way to our initial goal of 25,000 signers. But with each passing day, we learn more outrageous facts about his sordid past and radical ties. For example, his homosexual "partner" states that Jennings was a leading member of Act Up, a militant homosexual group that invaded St....
  • Fistgate XII: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s GLSEN Conferences Included D*ld* Tips and..

    12/28/2009 12:13:32 PM PST · by pissant · 10 replies · 1,079+ views
    Big Government ^ | 12/28/09 | Jim Hoft
    Just what every 7th grader needs to know… Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s organization held teen conferences where not only did they talk about fisting and hand out fisting kits but they distributed needle handling instructions: Mass Resistance posted this pamplet from a 2000 GLSEN conference. Barack Obama’s “Safe” Schools Czar founded GLSEN in and was the director. And the pamplet also included safe d*ld* instructions for your young curious male/female teen
  • Caption Another Obama Fist Bump (with a latex glove)

    12/19/2009 4:38:55 PM PST · by RummyChick · 27 replies · 1,436+ views
    tmz ^ | 12/19 | tmz
  • Do You Know How Radical Kevin Jennings Is? (What is Obama's school czar's real agenda?)

    12/20/2009 9:02:03 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 28 replies · 1,278+ views
    Human Events ^ | 12/19/2009 | David Limbaugh
    I'm wondering whether there's anyone out there with the guts to pretend that it's insignificant that President Barack Obama keeps appointing radical after radical to his czar positions. Can anyone honestly say Obama's appointments don't tell us a great deal about Obama himself -- as if we needed any further proof he is a left-wing extremist? I don't need to make a list of his radical appointees and detail proof of their extremism. Anyone paying attention knows it's irrefutably true that this has become a deliberate pattern. Statistically, Obama couldn't accidentally appoint this many radicals in two political lifetimes. Is...
  • Kevin Jennings & Acolyte Attacked Religious Right at GLSEN Fistgate Conference in 2000

    12/19/2009 9:20:13 AM PST · by massmike · 2 replies · 255+ views ^ | 12/19/2009 | n/a
    In Kevin Jennings’s keynote address at the GLSEN-Boston Fistgate conference (March 25, 2000), he related a Bible story of the “widow’s mite,” but gave it a perverted meaning. He twisted it from an exhortation to give all you can to God, to give all you can to the homosexual community. Also at that conference, a GLSEN national board member, Leif Mitchell from Planned Parenthood of Connecticut, led a workshop “exposing” the “Religious Wrong.” At that time, Mitchell “train[ed] teachers and children about sex education in the classroom and how to integrate homosexuality into the curriculum of public schools.” As a...
  • Defense launched for kids sex books

    12/19/2009 5:48:59 AM PST · by radioone · 3 replies · 425+ views
    World Net Daily ^ | 12-19-09 | Bob Unruh
    The chairman of the American Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee has launched a defense of Kevin Jennings and the sexually explicit books recommended for children by the homosexual advocacy organization that Jennings started, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network.
  • Statement by IFC Chair Martin Garnar on attacks against GLSEN, Kevin Jennings (*BARF*)

    12/19/2009 5:55:53 AM PST · by markomalley · 11 replies · 521+ views
    American Library Association ^ | 12/11/2009 | Martin Garnar
    The American Library Association (ALA) supports intellectual freedom and opposes censorship in any form, including the suppression of information that some may find controversial or objectionable.  Libraries and librarians give substance to intellectual freedom by acquiring and providing information without prejudice or restriction and supporting each person’s right to read and speak freely, regardless of their opinions or beliefs.There are those who challenge the right to read and speak freely, believing that certain ideas and opinions have no place in our common discourse because they find them to be offensive, harmful, or even dangerous.  They believe that certain institutions, even...
  • TEABAGGERS vs. FISTERS: The Debate Is Over

    12/18/2009 12:25:42 PM PST · by NoLibZone · 17 replies · 1,564+ views ^ | December 18 2009 | By Red Square
    After the "progressive" spokespersons at MSNBC and elsewhere labeled the Tea Party movement "Teabaggers," dismissing their opposition to socialism as deviant sexual practice, many began to wonder what equally deviant term could be applied in retaliation to the "progressives." Suggestions made at the People's Cube later turned up on Breitbart's Big Hollywood. But the "culinary" term didn't catch on, apparently because proponents of individual liberties are largely ignorant of collectivist sexual practices. That may change with the latest Fistgate scandal, which exposed Obama's Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jenning's proclivity to teach young children such non-conventional sexual techniques as fisting. ~...
  • Steve King demands Obama fire radical "safe schools czar"

    12/17/2009 7:09:49 PM PST · by bigred08 · 21 replies · 1,440+ views
    The Examiner ^ | 12/17/2009 | Kevin Hall
    Iowa 5th District Congressman Steve King continues to be one of the most outspoken critics of the Obama administration. For the second time, King wrote a letter to the President, demanding he fire "safe schools" czar Kevin Jennings. Obama never responded to the first letter authored by King, and signed by 52 GOP House members.
  • Resolution introduced in Congress to remove Kevin Jennings - MassResistance work cited!

    12/17/2009 3:57:33 AM PST · by massmike · 10 replies · 1,023+ views ^ | 12/17/2009 | n/a
    Back on October 15, 53 Congressmen signed a letter demanding Jennings be fired. But as more horrible information has surfaced, the pressure to remove Jennings is boiling over. Last Friday, Dec. 11, Congressman Michael Burgess (R-TX) introduced a resolution to Congress that Jennings be removed! The resolution cites Jennings' involvement in the "Fistgate" conference (which we uncovered in 2000) and his admiration of NAMBLA supporter Harry Hay, which the MassResistance blog recently helped bring to light.
  • Thousands demand Obama dump 'safe schools czar'

    12/17/2009 7:48:20 AM PST · by pb929 · 8 replies · 694+ views
    World Net Daily ^ | 12/17/09 | Bob Unruh
    Demand for the removal of homosexual advocate Kevin Jennings from his position as chief of the Department of Education's Office of Safe Schools is growing, with the Washington Post saying the appointment was wrong and thousands joining a petition. WND reported efforts by the organization Jennings founded, the Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network, to indoctrinate young children into the homosexual lifestyle when a conference later dubbed "Fistgate" was held in Massachusetts in 2000. At, several thousand people have signed a new petition addressed to Obama, demanding Jennings' dismissal. "As a citizen of the United States of America I respectfully...
  • The left's corruption of youth

    12/16/2009 3:20:45 AM PST · by Scanian · 4 replies · 878+ views
    The American Thinker ^ | December 16, 2009 | Robin of Berkeley
    When I was 20, I fell hard and fast for a dreamy guy named Will. Handsome and hilarious, Will was the perfect boyfriend. That is until the day he hit me. We weren't arguing; we were just goofing around on the couch. Out of nowhere, he slapped me across the face. Though I was shocked, I somehow found the wherewithal to say, "Don't do that again." When I got my bearings back, I demanded to know why Will hit me. He said he thought I'd like it. I discovered that the man was into some unspeakable behavior, stuff I never...
  • Why Did MassResistance/PRC Tape "Fistgate"?

    12/15/2009 5:21:19 PM PST · by massmike · 1 replies · 347+ views ^ | 12/15/2009 | n/a
    Why did the Parents’ Rights Coalition (now MassResistance) decide to tape the 2000 GLSEN-Boston workshop, AKA “Fistgate”? Below is then-director Scott Whiteman’s December 1999 testimony before the Massachusetts State Board of Education – just months before the March 2000 GLSEN event. State education officials ignored it as not credible. Read this testimony with the hindsight offered by our Fistgate audio tapes. Whiteman refers to BAGLY (Boston Alliance of Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Youth) – whose director was a founding member of the Governor’s Commission, a close working ally of Kevin Jennings, and has run the GLBT youth prom for decades....
  • Obama's Safe Schools Czar Tied to Lewd Readings for 7th Graders

    12/15/2009 7:16:25 AM PST · by R4Roger05 · 5 replies · 538+ views
    Fox News ^ | December 14, 2009 | Maxim Lott
    President Obama's "Safe Schools Czar," already a target of social conservatives for his past drug abuse and what they say is his promotion of homosexuality in schools, is under fresh attack after it was revealed that the pro-gay group he formerly headed recommends books his critics say are pornographic. The group under fire is the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which Kevin Jennings, now the assistant deputy secretary for safe and drug-free schools in the Department of Education, founded and ran from 1990 to 2008. GLSEN says it works to create a welcoming atmosphere for homosexual students in...
  • Eye-Witness Teacher Says Safe Schools Czar Present at "Fistgate" Conference

    12/14/2009 3:55:10 PM PST · by NYer · 9 replies · 972+ views
    Life Site News ^ | December 14, 2009 | Peter J .Smith
    BOSTON, December 14, 2009 ( - New details on President Barack Obama's "Safe Schools Czar" Kevin Jennings have emerged, as an eye-witness has finally broken her silence and says that Jennings was present at Tufts University during the infamous "Fistgate" scandal, and says that he bears personal responsibility for the event.Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit reports that a Massachusetts teacher - who remains anonymous out of concern for herself and her family - told him that she saw Jennings in 2000 at the 10 Year Anniversary Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN)/Boston conference at Tufts University. At that time Jennings...