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Do You Know How Radical Kevin Jennings Is? (What is Obama's school czar's real agenda?)
Human Events ^
| 12/19/2009
| David Limbaugh
Posted on 12/20/2009 9:02:03 PM PST by SeekAndFind
I'm wondering whether there's anyone out there with the guts to pretend that it's insignificant that President Barack Obama keeps appointing radical after radical to his czar positions. Can anyone honestly say Obama's appointments don't tell us a great deal about Obama himself -- as if we needed any further proof he is a left-wing extremist?
I don't need to make a list of his radical appointees and detail proof of their extremism. Anyone paying attention knows it's irrefutably true that this has become a deliberate pattern. Statistically, Obama couldn't accidentally appoint this many radicals in two political lifetimes. Is he rubbing these people in our faces or just surrounding himself with like-minded soul mates -- or both?
My educated guess is "both" because his general attitude toward governance has been utterly dictatorial. He knows what's best for America -- the type of America he envisions, anyway -- and he will proceed to implement it, full well knowing that he's violating the will of the majority every step of the way.
It's truly sad to me that our federal government has expanded to the point that no one flinches at the thought that we need some federal bureaucrat in charge of making our local schools indoctrination facilities for homosexuality, er, safe.
As you know, Obama appointed known homosexual activist Kevin Jennings for the position.
Why would Obama, a self-professed Christian, choose Jennings, who admitted in his 2006 memoirs that he harbored a deep-seated hatred for God and religious believers at the time he embraced a homosexual lifestyle?
Jennings wrote: "Before, I was the one who was failing God; now I decided He was the one who had failed me. ... I decided I had done nothing wrong: He had, by promising to 'set you free' and never delivering on His promise. What had He done for me, other than make me feel shame and guilt? Squat. Screw you, buddy -- I don't need you around anymore, I decided."
Jennings may have since modified his beliefs, but it's still clear that he hates Christian conservatives. reports that he told fellow homosexual activists in 2000 that members of the "religious right" were "hard-core bigots" who should "drop dead." He said he really wanted to tell them, "F--- you!"
He was also on the advisory board for a 2001 PBS documentary "that slammed" the Boy Scouts of America for its policy of excluding homosexuals from membership. This video was then promoted at gay pride conventions to galvanize homosexuals against the Scouts.
If Obama were truly God-fearing, would he rub God's nose in this appointment?
But there's more. Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft said that an unnamed Massachusetts teacher told him she personally witnessed Jennings in action, in 2000 at the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network's Boston conference at Tufts University. In a youth workshop on sex, which specifically targeted 14- to 21-year-olds, GLSEN presenters taught kids how to perform "fisting" -- a vile, despicable, obscene act involving the fist and other body parts.
Jennings supposedly denied he knew GLSEN was engaging in these presentations. But the witness said, "This whole conference was his dream and his mindset. This was his vision from the very beginning." Indeed, Page 8 of the conference schedule contains an entry describing the "youth-only" workshop, called "What They Didn't Tell You About Queer Sex and Sexuality in Health Class."
Jennings is the one who, as a teacher at Concord Academy in Massachusetts, failed to report the homosexual statutory rape of a high-school sophomore to the administration or the police. He just wanted to make sure the boy was wearing a condom.
Jennings is also the man who admits to being inspired by Harry Hay, a homosexual activist and promoter of pedophilia. Hay once said: "If the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what 13-, 14- and 15-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need."
Yes, Jennings admired this guy. And Obama, in turn, apparently admires Jennings and wants him to influence all the nation's children.
There's still much more, but you get the picture. How many of you believe this appointment has to do with promoting safe schools, as opposed to propagandizing for the normalization of homosexuality?
-- Mr. Limbaugh is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of Bankrupt: The Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party, Absolute Power and Persecution.
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2evil4words; democrat; democrats; evil; evilevilevil; fistgate; homosexualagenda; impeachobama; kevinjennings; obama; pedophilemongering; queering; schoolczar
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To: SeekAndFind
I had not seen pictures of the up your alley festival in SF before last year.
This is what Jennings has to support more of, is it not? The queering of America?
posted on
12/20/2009 9:07:06 PM PST
(The Lion of Judah cometh. Hallelujah."Our middle regiment, Gloria Patri, Filio et Spirito Sancto.)
To: SeekAndFind
And I thought the Clinton administration was the worst we could get.
posted on
12/20/2009 9:08:21 PM PST
To: combat_boots
Kevin Jennings is the founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network
GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) sponsored the conference that produced the notorious Fistgate scandal (in which young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous homosexual perversions including fisting).
So, Obama appoints the founder of GLSEN to head up Safe Schools efforts at the Department of Education.
Jennings is a vicious, anti-religious bigot who once said [Fk] em to the Religious Right.
He supports promoting homosexuality and gender confusion as normative to even young students.
He made that comment in a New York City church.
TAKE ACTION: Urge your U.S. Congressman and Senators to call for the withdrawal of Jennings appointment at the Education Department. Call Congress at 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121.
To: SeekAndFind
His real agenda?
young boys, and lots of ‘em.
posted on
12/20/2009 9:14:35 PM PST
To: BenLurkin
Here is
another source
GLSEN Founder and Obama Education Appointee Kevin Jennings Said [F- -k] em to Religious Right in a Church
Addressing a church audience on March 20, 2000 in New York City just days before Fistgate GLSEN Executive Director Kevin Jennings offered a stinging (and quite intolerant) assessment of how to deal with religious conservatives:
Twenty percent of people are hard-core fair-minded [pro-homosexual] people. Twenty percent are hard-core [anti-homosexual] bigots. We need to ignore the hard-core bigots, get more of the hard-core fair-minded people to speak up, and well pull that 60 percent [of people in the middle] over to our side. Thats really what I think our strategy has to be. We have to quit being afraid of the religious right. We also have to quit Im trying to find a way to say this. Im trying not to say, [F---] em! which is what I want to say, because I dont care what they think! [audience laughter] Drop dead! Jennings speech to
Marble Collegiate Church, March 20, 2000.
(It should be noted that GLSEN and Jennings make heavy use of the words respect and tolerance in their public rhetoric and in descriptions of their programs.) [GLSEN's also sponsors a "No Name Calling Week," which includes "No Dissing" in its advice to kids as part of a school-based program to "eliminate bullying."]
Although Jennings has employed manipulative methods that exaggerate homosexual victimhood to advance his pro-gay agenda in schools, he has occasionally been frank about GLSENs real agenda:
Id like five years from now for most Americans when they hear the word GLSEN to think, Ooh, thats good for kids. Sane people keep the world the same [sh---y] old way it is now. Its the [crazy] people who think, No, I can envision a day when straight people say, So what if youre promoting homosexuality? or [when] straight kids say, Hey, why dont you and your boyfriend come over before you go to the prom and try your tuxes on at my house? [I]f we believe that can happen, we can make it happen. The only thing that will stop us is our lack of faith that we can make it happen. That is our mission from this day forward. Jennings comments October 25, 1997 at GLSENs Mid-Atlantic conference in New York City, Lambda Report on Homosexuality [conservative publication published by Peter LaBarbera that preceded Americans For Truth About Homosexuality], January/February 1998, GLSENs Jennings: That Is Our Mission from this Day Forward, page 5, Brian Burt, reporting.
Full CWA Paper
Kevin Jennings bio from Dept of Education release announcing his appointment:
Kevin Jennings, Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools
Kevin Jennings is the founder and former executive director of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), an organization that works to make schools safe for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Prior to his tenure at GLSEN, Jennings served as History Department chair and a history teacher at Concord Academy in Massachusetts and before that as a history teacher at Moses Brown School in Rhode Island. Jennings has also authored six books including Mamas Boy, Preachers Son: A Memoir which was named a 2007 Book of Honor by the American Library Association and Telling Tales Out of School which was the winner of the 1998 Lambda Literary Award. Jennings received an A.B. in history from Harvard, an M.A. from the Columbia University Teachers College and an M.B.A. from NYUs Stern School of Business.
To: SeekAndFind
"Before, I was the one who was failing God; now I decided He was the one who had failed me. ... I decided I had done nothing wrong: He had, by promising to 'set you free' and never delivering on His promise. What had He done for me, other than make me feel shame and guilt? Squat. Screw you, buddy -- I don't need you around anymore, I decided." Poor damned soul.
Life is relatively short.
Eternity, on the other hand, is forever and that's a very, very long time.
posted on
12/20/2009 9:19:14 PM PST
("Get lost, Mitt. You're the Eddie Haskell of the Republican party." (Finny))
To: SeekAndFind
I think it would be funny if someone sent one of those “fisting kits”, complete with rubber gloves and a bottle of Crisco, to the White House and told obama to give it to his kids for a Christmas gift, since he (obama) apparently has no problem with the practice.
posted on
12/20/2009 9:20:50 PM PST
To: Graybeard58
The interesting thing is Kevin Jennings uttered his foul-mouthed tirade in CHURCH.
The church is the famous Marble Collegiate Church. It was founded in 1628, is the oldest continuous Protestant congregation in North America. It is located at Fifth Avenue and Twenty-Ninth Street in New York City, and is part of the Reformed Church in America. The congregation has been a spiritual home to numerous well-known New Yorkers, and welcomes guests from all over the world every Sunday. Its worship services are seen live internationally on the World Wide Web.
If you have read the book -- THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING by Norman Vincent Peale, you would be interested in knowing that he used to be the pastor of this church from 1932-1984.
To: Graybeard58
To: SeekAndFind
It’s bad enough to have to put up with Leftist retardation, and arrogance, much less an arrogant Leftist queers self righteousness.
He and his ilk should be in jail for indoctrinating those youth his life has touched thus far, and Obama and his crowd should be headed towards that same incarceration for instilling these perverts into the positions to effect our youth in the manner they prescribe.
We aren’t dealing with people that want to simply alter the approach to our Constitution. We are dealing with people that are doing their damndest to annihilate our Constitution in favor of their preferred Marxist, Socialist, Communist form of Government.
These are enemies of our Nation, not opposition.
posted on
12/20/2009 9:37:36 PM PST
(Dems, Libs, Socialists...Call 'em What you Will, They ALL have Fairies Living In Their Trees.)
To: SeekAndFind
And why, little children, do we think our bi-sexual President has chosen Fisting Jennings as his Fisting Czar???
Anyone? Anyone?
To: SeekAndFind
And then there’s this:
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release June 1, 2009
- - - - - - -
Amazing, don’t you think???
And your taxes are paying for the web site too !!!!!!!!!!!
To: DontTreadOnMe2009
And why, little children, do we think our bi-sexual President has chosen Fisting Jennings as his Fisting Czar???
And which reliable source tells us that Obama is bi-sexual ? I'm not a fan of his but please, let's try to provide some solid evidence.
To: SeekAndFind
Jennings wrote: “Before, I was the one who was failing God; now I decided He was the one who had failed me. ... I decided I had done nothing wrong: He had, by promising to ‘set you free’ and never delivering on His promise. What had He done for me, other than make me feel shame and guilt? Squat. Screw you, buddy — I don't need you around anymore, I decided.”
Nine times he references himself in a single paragraph. Narcissism is evil.
To: SeekAndFind
Imagine that: an acolyte of an apostate sect advocating immoral and forbidden acts.
What was that, Mr. Luther? John Calvin, your response?
The Word of G_d is still unchanged. Why did your “gospels” do so?
posted on
12/20/2009 11:13:35 PM PST
Don W
(I keep some people's numbers in my phone so I know not to answer when they call)
To: SeekAndFind
Look at his eyes. It's all there.
Absolute evil.
Reminder: The command staff of Hitler's Brownshirts (the SA, or Sturmabteilung) were all like this guy. Homosexual, pederastic, and sadistic. Their commander, Ernst Roehm, was the worst, and he used the Hitler Youth as his private seraglio. They all did.
To: LucyT
..another one of those...because we need to know.
To: SeekAndFind
They call us Tea Baggers but they are Fisters.
posted on
12/21/2009 12:17:47 AM PST
(If Reagan rises & runs I'll vote. Pure Conservatives know it's better to have Obama, Ayers & Soros.)
To: SeekAndFind
He’s a parvert and a genetic defective. The sooner one of his Sado-Pycho killer boy toys sews his detached genitals into his own mouth, the better.
posted on
12/21/2009 12:26:42 AM PST
(Iran Azadi!)
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