Keyword: fatherhood
When societal shifts happen, they go from the stages of , "Oh, it's just a coincidence" to "Is this a thing?" to "We've got a problem". There are additional lesser stages, such as where The Radical Left gives us the "All we want is..." lie to the gaslighting stages, but you get the idea. For once I'll jump straight to my point: The Radical Left is waging a war on fatherhood. I submit to you these examples: 1 - Vlogger Black Conservative Perspective (BCP) dropped a post about how WOKE Black Feminist Becomes Single Mother 'By Choice' After Claiming She...
WASHINGTON — Churches must work to restore healthy marriages and fatherhood to combat a growing decline in Christianity, according to a survey released by a faith-based group. J.P. De Gance is the founder and president of Communio, a nonprofit that equips churches to strengthen the marriage and relationship health of its members. On Monday, De Gance discussed the results of the Communio Nationwide Study on Faith and Relationships at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank. The conversation also featured Delano Squires, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family. The director...
A lucky coincidence has given Murphy the opportunity to nurture an eaglet of his ownIn early March, a bald eagle named Murphy, a resident of the World Bird Sanctuary in Valley Park, Missouri, was ready to become a father. He crafted his nest carefully in the bottom of his enclosure, his home for most of his 31 years of life since an injury left him unable to fly. As time went on, he became more and more protective of his offspring, screeching and charging at anyone who tried to come near. “We’ve never had a bird at the sanctuary protect...
Fatherhood was the impetus that stirred filmmaker Don Johnson to make the new movie Dysconnected: The Real Story Behind the Transgender Explosion. It is an exposé of the transgender tsunami sweeping the U.S. and irreversibly altering hundreds of thousands of lives, especially among girls. Dysconnected features 18 professional perspectives using compelling evidence as blowback to cultural winds pushing children into thinking they can change their gender. Johnson and two of the professionals in the film spoke with the Register. daisy courtesy photo Daisy Strongin in 2022.(Photo: Courtesy photo ) “I see the chaos my girls have to live through,” Johnson...
Sitting at a campground way outside Nashville, singer-songwriter Michael Farren turned on his iPhone to record a raw and acoustic version of a new song “Checking In,” a song that simply and intimately suggests to listeners to do one of two things: call your dad or take that call from your dad. Little did he know that what he was about to record would go viral within a few days, garnering over 350,000 views on TikTok, with almost 30,000 likes along with thousands of shares and comments. Farren had only performed “Checking In” once for people just a few days...
The Connecticut mom who strangled her three children before hanging herself left a suicide note for her husband that read, “Sorry, Pedro, I take my kids with me,” his cousin told The Post on Friday. Sonia Loja, 36, had long battled depression and had been crying for days over the shuttering of her illegal child-care business before Wednesday’s horrific murder-suicide in Danbury, said relative Digna Naulaguari, 47. Loja’s devastated husband, Pedro Panjon, saw no signs of the coming violence and only realized that something might be amiss when he got home from work that day — and none of the...
Where Are the Parents?Politicians and policymakers looking to address the youth-crime crisis cannot afford to ignore the question.A group of seven young Philadelphia teens were caught on surveillance camera beating a 73-year-old man named James Lambert Jr. to death with a traffic cone in June. The footage shows the teens giggling and recording the slow, brutal assault as if it were casual entertainment. “I just don’t know what’s going on in our city,” Lambert’s niece told Fox 29 Philadelphia. “Where were the parents?”Pennsylvania, like many states nationwide, is experiencing a youth-crime crisis. Data from the state’s Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission...
Apti Alaudinov, the commander of Chechen forces fighting for Russia, praised Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, calling it a "holy war" against the "Satanic" values of Europe and the United States as well as the LGBTQ community.Alaudinov made the remarks during a recent segment of Russia's state-run Russia-1 television channel. A clip of his remarks were shared to Twitter on Sunday by Julia DavisIn his comments, the Chechen commander praised Putin for standing up against the West and NATO, describing them as evil. He praised the Russian president for preventing LGBTQ rights from advancing in their country, contending...
Thanks to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, young women are confronting some basic truths about men and women that feminism has denied for the last half-century. Like other left-wing movements, feminism is based on a denial of reality (or, if you prefer, on lies). The best-known example is the feminist insistence that, except for physical differences, men and women are basically the same. This includes the central feminist belief about men's and women's sexual natures. For half a century, women have been told that their sexual nature is no different from male sexual nature -- just as men can...
A soon-to-be father-of-three is being slammed as 'ugly' and an 'a**hole' for his 'alarming' reaction to learning that his third child will be a girl. Expectant mother @kc.fulton and her husband already have a three-year-old daughter and a one-year-old daughter — and they are now expecting daughter number three, which they learned at a gender reveal about a week ago. But while the US-based mom and her toddlers were expressed joy as pink confetti rained down around them, dad was clearly quite unhappy not to get a son and expressed that by repeatedly yelling profanities and storming off. In the...
Left-wing Twitter went ballistic on Monday over coach Tony Dungy standing with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signing a pro-fatherhood bill into law. DeSantis signed HB 7065 into law on Monday, a $70 million initiative that reportedly aims to “will provide resources for educational and mentorship programs to help children, fathers and families in the state through the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) and the Department of Children and Families (DCF),” according to the Hill.
A Canadian father who has not been vaccinated against Covid has temporarily lost the right to see his 12-year-old child. A judge ruled his visits would not be in the child's "best interest". It followed a request by the father to extend his visiting time during the holidays. The judgement is the first depriving a parent of access rights on immunisation grounds, a family law expert told Le Devoir newspaper. The judge's decision, made at the end of last month in Quebec province, suspends the father's visitation rights until February, unless he decides to get vaccinated. The mother lives with...
When his girlfriend told him she was pregnant, Jean-Paul Noel-Cephise was elated. Although he was only young and the pregnancy was unplanned, he had always wanted to be a dad and felt confident they would make great parents. After all, he had a good job, was financially stable with his own home and they were madly in love. ‘I’d had a happy childhood and couldn’t wait to recreate it with my own child,’ says Jean-Paul. ‘I know some young men would’ve been horrified at the prospect of having a baby but I really wasn’t — quite the opposite.’ Sadly, though,...
In other words, of the 130 million U.S. households, there are 23.1 million "nuclear family" homes in the U.S. -- the fewest since 1959. Here are some other related numbers from the same report: Percentage of U.S. adults living with a spouse: 50 percent (87 percent in 1960). Average age of a woman at first marriage: 28.6 years (20.4 years in the 1950s and 60s). Average age of man at first marriage: 30.4 years. Over 37 million adults lived alone in 2021 (33 million in 2011). 55.4 births per 1,000 in the second quarter of 2021 (58.5 in 2019). ---...
On October 30th, People ran a story as part of their ‘Women’s Choices, Women’s Voices’ “stories from abortion-seekers” campaign, featuring the example of a Texas woman named Mariah Armonta, a single mom of three living children, with her youngest being just nine months old. When she took a pregnancy test after missing her period in mid-October, the result confirmed that Armonta was expecting her fourth child. The 25-year-old, who had been back to work for just six months following her nine-month-old daughter’s birth, told People that her initial reaction was panic. She scheduled an appointment at a Texas abortion business...
The success of Matthew’s parenting isn’t defined by the comedic moments when he messes up, but by the countless times he keeps going. Hollywood spares no expense promoting broken families, gender fluidity, and careerism. Yet Kevin Hart’s new Netflix movie, “Fatherhood,” is different. Based on a true story, the movie depicts the life of Matthew Logelin (played by Hart), right after he loses his beloved wife. While still grieving, Matthew raises his newborn daughter, Maddy, as a single parent. Matthew believes in the importance of fatherhood with all his being, and he lives by it. His dedication to his daughter...
June is the month many American families celebrate Father's Day – but thanks to progressive politicians and policies, the number of us who observe the occasion is declining precipitously. Father's Day has always fallen short of generating the attention, sentimentality or commercial activity of Mother's Day. So many children in America now live in single-parent, mother-only households that fatherlessness is, like the crisis at our southern border, a disaster progressive Democrats ignore, deny and avoid. Fatherlessness is one of the most debilitating domestic issues confronting our country. Almost 20 million children in America live in fatherless households. Approximately 40 percent...
There were more shootings in Chicago over the weekend. The irony of these shootings, in which 52 were shot and 5 died (Chicago Sun-Times Wire, 6/21/21), is the weekend itself….Father’s Day weekend. Some sociologists note that what we’re seeing in large part is quite often the result of fatherlessness in America. Mark J. Perry, a scholar with American Enterprise Institute, put out a chart on March 30, 2021 on fatherlessness in America. He compiled the statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics, and the chart compares the “percentage of U.S. births to unmarried women by race” for the year...
Famous Actor Regrets How He Raised His Baby Boomer Kids - YouTube Autogenerated transcript below for those who don't want to watch the video (lacks punctuation, sometimes provides incorrect words) I think that I and I assume millions of others of my generationwanted some of the things that we did for our childrenand our wives and ourselves.Was explained by the fact that we were products ofwhat is called the depression. Sadly, they saymany young people today don't even know what that term means.It means that everybody was poor.Statistically almost everybody was poor for about 10 years.Starting with the stock...
The routine demonisation of men is a disease that has spread across The West. The enormous commitment to good of fatherhood is now belittled as evil patriarchy. This is not so in The East. Pat Buchanan described this self-destruction as suicide of a super power. What went so insanely wrong?