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Keyword: falseprophets

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  • Chicago Megachurch Pastor: Ruth and Naomi Were in a Lesbian Sexual Relationship and Boaz Was a Sperm Donor

    08/29/2024 2:45:06 PM PDT · by Morgana · 27 replies
    Disntr ^ | August 29, 2024 | staff
    Meet Keith McQueen, a self-styled “bishop” who seems to think that his platform at Powerhouse Church is a stage for profound biblical illiteracy rather than for the preaching of the truth and the exhortation of obeying God’s word. If there were a trophy for most ridiculous theological claims, McQueen would be clearing space on his shelf. In a shocking—but, at this point, not surprising—display of interpretative gymnastics, sitting on the stage with his homosexual lover he claims to be “married” to, McQueen has somehow managed to read the Book of Ruth and come away convinced that Ruth and Naomi were...

    07/28/2024 5:13:33 PM PDT · by patriot torch · 233 replies
    youtube ^ | Oct 12 2016 | Robert Breaker
    Excellent Scripture based teaching videos based on prophecy. Robert Breaker presents his videos in an easy to follow format using timelines and charts.
  • History of False Prophets among Our Christian Brother

    03/24/2024 5:24:09 PM PDT · by grumpa · 97 replies
    Prophecy Questions Blog ^ | February 1, 2024 | Charles Meek
    HISTORY OF FALSE PROPHETS AMONG OUR CHRISTIAN BROTHERS In every generation after the apostles, there have been Christians who mistakenly believed that they were in the last days. They have thought that their generation was the one Jesus spoke of when He prophesied that “all these things” would happen in “this generation.” Failed prognosticators have been a persistent embarrassment to Christianity. Perhaps there is something fundamentally wrong with these predictions. Francis Gumerlock, in his book THE DAY AND THE HOUR: CHRISTIANITY’S PERENNIAL FASCINATION WITH PREDICTING THE END OF THE WORLD, lists end times prophecy predictions made by Christians beginning in...
  • THE BIBLICAL LAST DAYS: As Defined by Scripture

    03/14/2024 5:20:55 PM PDT · by grumpa · 22 replies
    Prophecy Questions Blog ^ | February 1, 2024 | Charles Meek
    Are you looking for current events to identify the “biblical last days?” If so, you are reading your own presuppositions into the text. Theologians call that “eisegesis.” That’s an illegitimate methodology for biblical interpretation. Instead, we should be trying to glean the meaning intended by the biblical authors themselves―and the understanding of the original audience, i.e. “exegesis.” Let’s avoid newspaper-eschatology and go to the Bible to define the “last days” or “end times.” The Bible never speaks about the end of the world―only about end of the AGE. The King James Version of the Bible has misled readers for 400...
  • 7 Reasons a Re-built Temple is Not Biblical

    03/07/2024 4:51:11 PM PST · by grumpa · 44 replies
    Prophecy Questions Blog ^ | February 1, 2024 | Charles Meek
    It seems to me that Christians too often are more interested in defending a position, rather than surrendering to what the Bible teaches. Let’s see what the Bible teaches about a rebuilt temple. Fear not to be challenged and changed. 1. Re-instituted temple sacrifices would be blasphemous to Jesus. The New Covenant began in the first century; there is no New New Covenant. SUPPORTING EVIDENCE: The writer of Hebrews said that Jesus’ sacrifice was ONCE FOR ALL (Hebrews 10:8-14). 2. All promises of restoration of Israel have come true in Messiah Jesus (Luke 1:54-55, 69-75; 2 Corinthians 1:20). Jesus replaced...
  • Prophetic Mega-Trends Reshaping Our World In 2024

    01/12/2024 8:59:05 AM PST · by Rev M. Bresciani · 4 replies
    New American Prophet ^ | January 12, 2024 | Mark Hitchcock
    AI, China’s impact on global events, upcoming elections, major developments in Israel, and many more events are shaping the world in 2024. I would like to provide a brief overview of what I consider “six mega-trends” for the upcoming year, which carry important prophetic significance.
  • Andy Stanley Presents False Gospel to Congregation, Complains that Christians Don’t Believe It

    01/03/2024 7:35:10 PM PST · by Morgana · 31 replies
    Disntr ^ | January 2, 2024 | staff
    Stanley has always been a controversial figure, but it wasn’t until the last two years that he has been in the headlines quite a bit over the last year or so over his capitulation to the LGBTQ movement and his acceptance of it. Stanley’s theology is aberrant and he has often made comments that do not align with biblical orthodox Christianity. But whether it’s his open mockery of expository preaching, his trashing of biblical authority, or his promotion of homosexuality in the Church, it’s clear that Andy Stanley’s dangerous views stem from one thing—a lack of understanding of the gospel....
  • Vatican takes 'step' towards transgender Catholics

    11/11/2023 9:54:44 AM PST · by Dr. Marten · 34 replies
    France 24 ^ | 11.11.2023 | France 24
    Vatican City (AFP) – LGBTQ rights campaigners welcomed a Vatican statement that transgender people can be baptised as a step towards a more inclusive Catholic Church, but denounced caveats that provide cover to those who object.In a document published on Wednesday, the powerful Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, one of the main departments that manages the affairs of the Holy See, said transgender believers can be baptised if it would not cause scandal or confusion.
  • Exclusive: Andy Stanley Tells ‘Unconditional Conference’ Attendees That Scriptures Against Homosexuality Were About ‘Serial Sexual Relationships’

    10/08/2023 12:08:58 PM PDT · by Morgana · 16 replies
    Protestia ^ | October 7, 2023 | staff
    For part 1 of our exposé, dealing with our general sense of the conference click here. For part 2, where we review a session by panelists with trans children who argue for gender affirming care, click here. For part 3, where a speaker repeatedly teaches that we must be gay affirming, click here. For part 4, where Stanley tells the audience that he refuses to call homosexuality a sin, click here. (ON LINK) Andy Stanley joined Debbie Causey for the second main session of the Unconditional conference. Causey is a pastor and the long-time Care Director at North Point Community...
  • Bethel Pastor Says You Can Dictate What the Devil Does and What God Does Through Prayer and Prophecy

    09/26/2023 8:18:08 AM PDT · by Morgana · 5 replies
    Disntr ^ | September 25, 2023 | staff
    Frankly, Bethel Church in Redding California is no church at all. It is a blasphemous, idolatrous organization ran by gospel-distorting men and women who do nothing more than lead people right into the hands of the enemy. From its faux signs and wonders to its rank heretical prosperity gospel, it can safely be concluded that Bethel Church should be marked and avoided at all costs. Yet, much of its musical trash is still spread throughout mainstream denominations and independent churches around the world. Some who would even be considered “doctrinally sound” churches have turned a blind eye to the apostasy...
  • Charismatic Prophetess Claims She Battled ‘Underground’ Demons…LITERALLY ‘Under the Ground’

    08/02/2023 12:14:03 PM PDT · by Morgana · 23 replies
    Protestia ^ | August 2, 2023 | staff
    Like a younger version of Kat Kerr before she started smoking the electric lettuce or eating the devil’s jambalaya, Emma Stark is an up-and-coming prophetess from Ireland. She founded the Glasgow Prophetic Center with her husband in 2019 and describes herself as “a prophet who hears from God’, ’a traveling lecturer in spirituality’ and ’a church pastor. We featured her in a post last year, after she stated there are grooming demons out there whose goal is to use lassos to tie Christians down in order to prevent them from reaching their full potential, and then after she claimed one...
  • The Anatomy of a Scoffer

    06/19/2023 2:22:45 PM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 88 replies
    Rapture Ready ^ | 6/17/23 | John Salom
    Surely at some point, as a modern-day watchman on the wall, you have experienced that sharp smirk or the raising of unbelieving eyebrows as you attempt to explain to a lost friend or family member that the world we now see unfolding before our very eyes is exactly as the Bible said it would be at the end of the age and that the long-awaited return of Jesus to this earth is finally upon us! Perhaps your warnings have even evoked laughter or biting sarcasm, scoffing of a more contentious nature? None of this, however, has really come as a...
  • This Is It!!! We Are The Final Generation!!! Jesus Is Coming!!!

    09/06/2021 7:10:09 PM PDT · by Old Yeller · 54 replies
    YouTube ^ | 5/5/21 | Watchman on the Wall 88
    This Is It!!! We Are The Final Generation!!! Jesus Is Coming!!!
  • Who or what is a false prophet? Is there a difference between a deceiver and someone who made a sincere mistake?

    02/21/2021 12:51:15 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 100 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 02/21/2021 | Dr. Michael Brown
    As I have been addressing the failed Trump prophecies, some Christian leaders have challenged me, saying I am not going far enough. Instead, they believe, to be scripturally accurate, I must brand anyone who prophesies falsely a “false prophet.”To quote the words of one pastoral couple who graciously challenged me, “We would respectfully ask that Dr. Brown repent of his defense of these false prophets and false teachers, adding fanciful ideas to the word of God in the process – and publicly call for the removal of the false prophets from their pulpits, the same as we would expect him...
  • On the Brink of The Rapture & World Government

    01/10/2021 8:20:02 AM PST · by Roman_War_Criminal · 37 replies
    RR ^ | 1/10/21 | Daymond Duck
    In last week’s article (World Government Looming), I listed some of my opinions about what is going on in the U.S. today. Here are some things I left off the list: The purpose of censorship, lying and deception is to control the information we read. Globalists do not want us to believe things that contradict what they say. They are trying to silence all opposition to their New World Order (NWO). Most of the media owners are part of the globalist movement, or at the very least, catering to it. The purpose of gun control is to disarm U.S. citizens...
  • Michelle Malkin brands Rep. Dan Crenshaw 'John McCain in an eyepatch' for targeting pro-Trump lawyer

    12/06/2020 12:53:58 PM PST · by marcusmaximus · 123 replies
    Washington Times ^ | 12/4/2020 | Andrew Blake
    Rep. Dan Crenshaw faced the wrath of fellow conservatives including Newsmax host Michelle Malkin for calling out a Georgia lawyer who recommended Republican voters skip next month’s Senate contests. Mr. Crenshaw, a Texas Republican and former Navy SEAL, shared a video on social media Thursday showing the attorney, L. Lin Wood, suggesting fellow Georgians boycott the upcoming special elections. “They have not earned your vote. Don’t you give it to them. Why would you go back and vote in another rigged election, for God’s sake?” Mr. Wood said in the video Mr. Crenshaw shared on Twitter. “Lin Wood is a...
  • Climate change triggers disasters, threatens millions – UN

    10/13/2020 11:54:26 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 34 replies
    Deutsche Welle ^ | 10.13.2020 | mvb/rc (AFP, Reuters)
    Climate change has spurred close to a doubling of natural disasters in the last 20 years, and world leaders are failing to prevent Earth from evolving into “an uninhabitable hell” for millions, the United Nations warned on Monday. At least 7,348 major disasters had occurred between 2000 and 2019, claiming 1.23 million lives, affecting 4.2 billion people and costing the global economy some $2.97 trillion, the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction said in a new report entitled “The Human Cost of Disasters 2000-2019.” According to the Geneva-based agency, the last two decades saw the number of disasters caused by...
  • 'The Spiritual Danger of Trump:' New book asks evangelicals to rethink their vote in 2020

    06/20/2020 8:33:08 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 88 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 06/20/2020 | Samuel Smith
    A new book consisting of essays by 30 evangelical Christians of different political and professional stripes is calling on white evangelicals to rethink their support for President Donald Trump in 2020 and warns the president is damaging the broader culture’s perception of evangelical Christianity. Get The Christian Post newsletter in your inbox. The top 7 stories of the day, curated just for you!Delivery: Weekdays The new book, The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump: 30 Evangelical Christians on Justice, Truth, and Moral Integrity, was released last Monday by Wipf and Stock Publishers.“Our plea is to white evangelicals to please take another...
  • Kanye West and Joel Osteen to take over Yankee Stadium in 2020

    12/05/2019 4:24:34 PM PST · by CondoleezzaProtege · 18 replies
    The Source ^ | Dec 2019
    According to a confirmed report from TMZ, Kanye West and Joel Osteen are going to o one bigger than Lakewood Church. The best part is that the date is already set; May 2, 2020, Joel and Ye are set to take over the home of the Bronx Bombers. The event is an installment of Osteen’s “America’s Night of Hope”, which will take place in several cities across America. Joel will do a sermon and Yeezy and his church choir will bring the noise, very similar to their tag team performance in Houston. It’s Joel’s third time doing his Night Of...
  • What Event Ignites World War 3, According To Prophecy?

    11/18/2019 2:26:08 PM PST · by David-n-NM · 47 replies ^ | 11/7/2019 | Sandra Airey
    Why Is Turkey Important Everyday Of The Year And Not Just On Thanksgiving? We need to study prophecy that comes to us from different areas of the world to get a complete picture of the future that is at our door. The Greek Orthodox Saints have left a treasure trove of prophecy with a unique difficulty. Getting accurate translations are not easy. When you consider that the Greek language has seven words for love; no wonder we say, “It’s all Greek to me!” I would like to familiarize you with the Prophecies of Saint Paisios...