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  • FOX News Poll: Rudy Giuliani Preferred President Over Hillary Clinton If Terrorists Attack America

    09/13/2007 6:49:46 PM PDT · by finnman69 · 44 replies · 811+ views
    Fox News ^ | 9/13/07 | Dana Blanton
    A majority of Americans say they would feel more comfortable with Rudy Giuliani in the White House than Hillary Clinton if another terrorist attack were to happen in the United States, according to a new FOX News poll. When compared to other top Republican candidates, more voters see Giuliani as hardworking and as a strong leader, while Clinton leads the Democratic field for not only having the right experience, but also being able to bring about change — as well as doing whatever it takes to win. Views are divided on whether it’s appropriate for Oprah Winfrey to use her...
  • Isn't this a disgrace? (vanity)

    09/06/2007 2:34:58 PM PDT · by UKrepublican · 14 replies · 443+ views
    So as you all know, it's the 9/11 anniversary next Tuesday. On Monday night (10th september) Channel 4 in the UK (one of the 5 main terrestrial tv networks) has decided to show fahrenheit 9/11. Isn't that a complete disgrace? Am I making something out of nothing or is this just a complete insult and exploitation as I believe it is. Look for monday the 10th 9pm. I only know this in advance because they've been advertising it for ages including in the middle of a 9/11 documentary they just showed. I'd imagine if ANY of the major US...
  • Conflict in the Council on Foreign Relations

    03/13/2005 5:21:27 PM PST · by w6ai5q37b · 23 replies · 1,015+ views
    The New American ^ | March 12, 2005 | William Norman Grigg
    "The Council on Foreign Relations is a formidable place filled with formidable people -- former Cabinet secretaries and ambassadors, current CEOs and pundits of the media elite -- who've fired their reputations over the years in the foreign policy kiln," noted the February 26 Washington Post. "Even its headquarters -- at Park Avenue and 68th Street in Manhattan, in a mansion once owned by a Standard Oil director -- speaks of status, of power." “High officials leaving government go to the council to roost,” continues the report. “Those seeking the reverse trek use the council to launch government careers. Heads...
  • Michael Moore Fails to Make Cut with Writers Guild

    01/28/2005 11:10:22 AM PST · by BMC1 · 20 replies · 715+ views
    Netscape News ^ | 01/28/2005 05:22 | Reuters/Hollywood Reporter
    LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Two days after being snubbed when the Oscar nominations were announced, Michael Moore was left off the list Thursday when the Writers Guild of America unveiled nominees for its first documentary writing award for a feature film. The six nominated pictures are "The Hunting of the President," which alleges a campaign against Bill Clinton from his early days in Arkansas through his impeachment; "Control Room," an inside view of the Arab television network Al Jazeera during the war in Iraq; "Bright Leaves," a reflection on Big Tobacco by the great-grandson of a tobacco baron; "Home...
  • Michael Moore Fails to Make Cut with Writers Guild

    01/28/2005 11:55:25 AM PST · by snowrip · 16 replies · 769+ views
    Reuters | 1/28/05 | Jesse Hiestand
    Michael Moore Fails to Make Cut with Writers Guild Fri Jan 28, 2005 05:21 AM ET Printer Friendly | Email Article | Reprints | RSS Top News Iraq Says Winning War on Terror as Polls Near Iraqis Trickle to U.S. Voting Venues P&G Expands Its Power with $57 Bln Gillette Buy MORE By Jesse Hiestand LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Two days after being snubbed when the Oscar nominations were announced, Michael Moore was left off the list Thursday when the Writers Guild of America unveiled nominees for its first documentary writing award for a feature film. The six nominated...
  • A Movie With Legs "Fahrenheit 9/11" is already dated, but "The Passion" will endure.

    01/27/2005 6:01:15 AM PST · by Pharmboy · 24 replies · 1,002+ views
    Opinion Journal/WSJ ^ | January 27, 2005 | Michael Medved
    The conventional wisdom concerning Tuesday's Oscar nominations suggests that the entertainment establishment made an appropriately cautious decision to avoid controversy by simultaneously snubbing both of the year's most polarizing pictures. In fact, the sloppy, dishonest, brain-dead habit of equating "The Passion of the Christ" with "Fahrenheit 9/11" reveals more about Hollywood's bias and blindness than any aspect of the major awards the two films won't receive. "Fahrenheit 9/11" represents an unabashedly partisan piece of propaganda whose primary purpose (proudly and repeatedly announced by its irrepressible creator) involved the attempt to discredit and, ultimately, defeat the Bush administration. "The Passion," on...
  • Hollywood knows not to let facts derail a good tale

    01/21/2005 12:58:13 PM PST · by SmithL · 25 replies · 1,721+ views
    San Francisco Chronicle ^ | 1/21/5 | Ruthe Stein
    Whoppers: In "The Aviator," Howard Hughes is depicted coming to Katharine Hepburn's rescue after she's ended their affair. Hughes learns that a sleazy Hollywood tabloid is about to publish incriminating photos of her with Spencer Tracy. Hepburn's new lover is married, and Hughes realizes that the publicity could ruin her career. There's a dramatic scene of Leonardo DiCaprio as Hughes negotiating for the negatives, which ultimately are handed over in return for stock in his airlines. The only problem is none of this happened. "The Aviator" -- a Golden Globe winner for best drama and a sure bet to score...
  • Anti-Semitism?

    12/21/2004 3:18:18 PM PST · by swilhelm73 · 152 replies · 2,038+ views
    NRO ^ | December 21, 2004 | William F Buckley, Jr
    An honored friend, charging that there has been anti-Semitism on the air, sends along the offending transcript, and I read through MSNBC's Scarborough Country (for Dec. 8) and found some noisy people discussing Hollywood. The question before the house: Will The Passion of the Christ win the relevant Oscar, or will it be Fahrenheit 9/11? The seven guests of Pat Buchanan, who was the mc that evening, included a rabbi (Shmuley Boteach) and the president of the Catholic League (Bill Donohue). The Catholic League ("The Nation's Largest Catholic Civil Rights Organization") fashions itself after the Anti-Defamation League of the Jewish...
  • Michael Moore: Democrats need to embrace Hollywood

    12/08/2004 12:56:17 AM PST · by JohnHuang2 · 47 replies · 1,587+ views ^ | December 7, 2004
    © 2004 Michael Moore (courtesy United Artists) Don't blame Hollywood for Sen. John Kerry's defeat in the presidential election last month, says filmmaker Michael Moore, who insists activist entertainers made the race closer than it would have been otherwise. Reacting to charges that his polarizing activism galvanized Republicans, Moore -- director of the provacative, anti-Bush film "Fahrenheit 9/11" -- contended Kerry lost the race simply because he was "not the best candidate." "For the last month, we've had to listen to a lot of conservative pundits talk about how Democrats need to run away from Hollywood," Moore told reporters before addressing...
  • Fred Barnes: They Still Haven't Figured Him Out (Bush's unexpected qualities)

    12/03/2004 7:34:52 PM PST · by RWR8189 · 182 replies · 6,442+ views
    The Weekly Standard ^ | December 13, 2004 | Fred Barnes
    A DEMOCRATIC SENATOR who attended a special screening of the movie Fahrenheit 9/11 was asked what he thought was the most revealing part about President Bush. The senator pondered a moment, then said it was the episode where Bush, in close-up, continues to talk to a grade-school class in Sarasota, Florida, for six or seven minutes after he's learned that planes had flown into the World Trade Center. What did it reveal? The senator couldn't say.My impression, as Bush begins his second term in the White House, is that many in the political community, including the press, still haven't figured...
  • Fahrenheit 9/11 Marine now featured speaker of leftists events. Will not serve if ordered.

    11/30/2004 5:26:17 PM PST · by Trteamer · 85 replies · 5,076+ views
    11/30/04 | Trteamer
    Colorado peace-niks have found a new hero. The featured speaker this weekend will be Abdul Henderson, the Marine who appeared in Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit 9/11, saying that he would not return to Iraq if ordered to do so.
  • Michael Moore named least-intriguing star

    11/22/2004 7:47:05 PM PST · by LarkNeelie · 13 replies · 971+ views
    ABC News Online ^ | 11/23/04 | Reuters/VNU
    He ranks No. 1 on this year's "Frigid 50" roster of lackluster stars published by online movie magazine ...[The] list names the stars it found to be the "the polar opposite of the hottest celebrities. These are the least powerful, least-inspiring, least-intriguing people in Hollywood," it said. "The Frigid 50 ice pack have left audiences cold with their overbearing personalities, poor career choices and chronic inability to stop making fools of themselves..."
  • After the Election (Semi vanity: HK Chinese talkshow host mocks Michael Moore, Kerry, libs, US MSM)

    11/05/2004 3:45:23 AM PST · by NZerFromHK · 55 replies · 1,783+ views
    Disclaimer: this talkshow has no transcripts available and it was broadcasted entirely in Chinese (Cantonese). I'm summarizing the important points here for Freepers to know what this famous HK talkshow host is saying. Some of the mainpoints in the programme include: On Michael Moore and Osama bin Laden: Michael Moore is either incredibly dumb or an undercover campaigner for Bush. He (along with OBL) has unwittingly helped Bush thinking his pseudo-documentary Fahrenheit 9/11. There was a scene when Bush learned the attacks in New York on 9/11 and he was frozen and pondering. Moore remarked in the film that Bush...
  • Sony is selling a Farenheit 911 CD (Barf warning)

    10/30/2004 2:01:45 PM PDT · by thought · 18 replies · 973+ views
    Sony Website ^ | 10/30/2004 | thought
    Songs and Artists That Inspired Fahrenheit 9/11 Original Soundtrack CD $18.98 Now $14.49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label: Sony Release Date: 10/5/2004
  • Bush-Cheney backers received anonymous copies of Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11.'[JAX,FL]

    10/22/2004 6:58:46 AM PDT · by OXENinFLA · 45 replies · 915+ views
    JAX Times Union ^ | 10-22-04 | JOSEPH BUSTOS
    When Marcia Nelson opened the front door of her Mandarin home Wednesday morning, she discovered an unexpected package. Someone had delivered a DVD in a green case to her house. The case bore a note: "From a Concerned Neighbor. Make sure you cast an informed vote on Election Day." On the DVD, was a bootlegged version of Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11, a commentary against President Bush and the war in Iraq. "This is garbage, the lies [Michael Moore] tells, it's a bunch of junk," said Nelson, a staunch Republican who proudly displays a Bush-Cheney sign in her front...

    10/20/2004 3:19:12 PM PDT · by swilhelm73 · 5 replies · 446+ views
    NROTC ^ | 10/20/04 | Michael Graham
    Michael Moore wants to make illegal, undeclared contributions to the Kerry campaign by making copies of his Fahrenheit 9/11 video available for free. "We believe as many Americans as possible should see this film before the election, before they make up their minds," Moore said. But for some reason, Moore & Co. don’t feel the same way about the “Stolen Honor” documentary. But threats from Democrats prevented its showing at a MOVIE THEATER last night in Pennsylvania. Thus far, the media are allowing this blatant double standard (Kerry speech good, Bush speech bad) to continue unchallenged. If they do, it...
  • My show will go on, says Moore (also Maysles lawsuit against MM Hates America)

    10/18/2004 11:08:59 AM PDT · by weegee · 12 replies · 502+ views
    The Guardian ^ | Monday October 18, 2004 | no byline
    Michael Moore insists he will arrange a television programme for the night before the US election, after a planned showing of Fahrenheit 9/11 was cancelled. Meanwhile an anti-Moore documentary has come under fire for allegedly misrepresenting one of its interviewees. In Demand, a US cable channel, had been planning a Michael Moore Election Eve Special, including a screening of Fahrenheit 9/11 and interviews with anti-Bush celebrities. Citing "legitimate legal and business concerns", In Demand has now cancelled the show. Characteristically, Moore told the AP news agencies that In Demand had bowed to pressure from "top Republicans". "Apparently people have put...
  • Dems ask FCC to probe Sinclair on reports of airing an anti-Kerry film before the election.

    10/12/2004 12:43:39 PM PDT · by rface · 44 replies · 1,042+ views
    CNNMONEY ^ | October 12, 2004: 2:29 PM EDT | CNNMONEY
    FCC 445 12th Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Powell: We write to express our concern over a recent LA Times article (attached) regarding the planned preemption of regular station programming by the Sinclair Broadcast Group in favor of an anti-Kerry attack ad expected to last approximately 90 minutes, and to ask that you look into this matter to determine whether it represents a proper use of public airwaves or if, instead, it would violate fairness rules now in place. The attached article alleges that Sinclair Broadcasting has ordered its stations, including affiliates of Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, WB...
  • Todays the day! Coordinated All Members Freeper Strike against Fahrenhate 9-11 DVD release!

    One more time on game day............. How many Freepers are there? Im betting quite a few in every city and state. How easy would it be to print up the "Fifty Nine Deceits of Fahrenheit 911" pdf and distribute them however possible in protest of the DVD release of Moores propaganda film? It prints up easily two pages on each side double sided. This is so easy to do, even if you leave just a few laying around at the local Starbucks with the newspaper or print a stack of 'em and hand 'em out. Put some on the local...
  • Put Away Your Hankies (Michael Moore's Desperate Plea to The KoolAid Drinkers)

    09/20/2004 4:09:56 PM PDT · by MisterRepublican · 150 replies · 4,873+ views ^ | 9/20/04 | Michael Moore
    Enough of the handwringing! Enough of the doomsaying! Do I have to come there and personally calm you down? Stop with all the defeatism, OK?