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Keyword: engels

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  • Airbase housing Putin's prized £130m supersonic Blackjack bombers deep inside Russian territory 'is struck by Ukrainian kamikaze drones'

    03/20/2024 7:14:31 AM PDT · by marcusmaximus · 34 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 3/20/2024 | Will Stewart
    Ukraine hit a key Russian airbase used for nuclear bombers in an overnight kamikaze drone strike as part of a consolidated aerial bombardment of several border regions. The 'explosions and fire' at the airbase came as pro-Putin sources also accused Kyiv of targeting a nuclear power plant in Kursk region. Explosions were heard at Engels air base in the Saratov region, home of Vladimir Putin's Tu-160 'Blackjack', Tu-95 'Bear' and Tu-22 strike aircraft, late last night. All of these planes are capable of carrying nuclear missiles but have been used to strike Ukraine with conventional bombs throughout the past two...
  • Blasts reported at Engels air base deep inside Russia - online media

    12/25/2022 5:01:39 PM PST · by marcusmaximus · 83 replies
    Reuters MSN ^ | 12/25/2022 | Reuters
    Blasts were heard at Russia's Engels air base, hundreds of kilometres (miles) from the frontlines in Ukraine, Ukrainian and Russian media outlets reported early on Monday. There was no immediate official confirmation of the blasts and Reuters was not able to independently verify the reports. The RBC-Ukraine news agency reported that two explosions took place. The Russian news outlet Baza reported, citing local residents, that air raid sirens were wailing and an explosion was heard. The air base, near the city of Saratov, about 730 km (450 miles) southeast of Moscow, was hit on Dec. 5 in what Russia said...
  • (VIDEO) Ukraine Strikes Russia’s Engels Air Force Base – Home to Tu-95, Tu-160 and Tu-22M 0:02 / 2:16 Ukraine Strikes Russia’s Engels Air Force Base – Home to Tu-95, Tu-160 and Tu-22M

    12/05/2022 8:23:28 AM PST · by MeganC · 49 replies
    Suchomimus (You Tube channel) ^ | 5 December 2022 | Suchomimus
    100,359 views Dec 5, 2022 Ukraine attacks Russia's Engels Air Base with a possible drone over 600 kilometers from Ukraine home to Tu-95, Tu-160 and Tu-22M
  • Portrait of an Evil Man: Karl Marx

    07/25/2021 9:23:19 PM PDT · by aquila48 · 15 replies ^ | 07/21/2021 | Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
    In the "German Democratic Republic" they tell the story about a weary old man who tries to gain entrance into the Red Paradise. A Communist Archangel holds him up at the gate and severely cross-questions him: "Where were you born?" "In an ancient bishopric." "What was your citizenship?" "Prussian." "Who was your father?" "A wealthy lawyer." "What was your faith?" "I converted to Christianity." "Not very good. Married? Who was your wife?" "The daughter of an aristocratic Prussian officer and the sister of a Royal Prussian Minister of the Interior who persecuted the Socialists." "Awful. And where did you live...
  • The Religion of Immoralism

    04/17/2020 10:01:37 AM PDT · by otness_e · 1 replies
    The Freeman ^ | June 1, 1953 | Max Eastman
    The Religion of Immoralism By MAX EASTMAN The notion of Karl Marx as a noble brooder over man's hopes is dispelled in this account of his invention and philosophic justification of the ruthless methods of modern Communism.With Stalin gone it has become necessary to find a new focus for our hostility to the unscrupulous and inhuman behavior of the Communists. I wish it might be focused on the real cause of the trouble: Marxism. Much force of argument is wasted among Western intellectuals through a wish to exempt Marx from responsibility for this return to barbarism. Realpolitik in the evil...
  • Karl Marx's London grave vandalised in suspected hammer attack

    02/05/2019 9:21:53 AM PST · by rjsimmon · 62 replies
    The Guardian ^ | 05 Feb 2019 | Matthew Weaver
    Friends of Highgate Cemetery calls attack a ‘particularly inarticulate form of political comment’ The tomb of Karl Marx at London’s Highgate cemetery has been vandalised in a targeted attack that means the Grade I-listed monument will “never be the same again”. The suspected vandal damaged a marble plaque which was taken from Marx’s original 1881 gravestone and incorporated into the 1954 monument. Images of the defaced memorial, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year, show what appears to be damage done by a hammer to the lettering of Marx’s name and the marble on which it is mounted....
  • MSNBC: Your Kids Belong to the State

    04/08/2013 12:31:02 PM PDT · by servo1969 · 33 replies
    Rush ^ | 4-8-2013 | Rush Limbaugh
    RUSH: Melissa Harris-Perry is a professor. I believe she's at Tulane. It's a major university, wherever she teaches. She's an African-American professor at Tulane. That's right. She also has a show on PMSNBC. Of course they've got this slogan over there called "Lean Forward" or some such thing. Hosts of their shows are cutting promos that they run on the network, and last week they began airing a new Lean Forward promo for her show, which airs on the weekends. This is that promo. HARRIS-PERRY: We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've...
  • Just What Was Fundamentally Wrong with Bolshevism?

    11/29/2012 5:29:21 AM PST · by SJackson · 53 replies
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | November 29, 2012 | Steven Plaut
    I recently read the new biography of Trotsky by Oxford don Robert Service, published in 2009 by Pan Books. It is well-written and surprisingly interesting. The book does a great public service in describing the life of the actual Trotsky, whose previous “biographies” were little more than hagiographies written by his toady worshippers (people like Isaac Deutscher). The last time that I had taken any interest in Trotsky was when I was a teenager and had fleeting delusions of believing in “socialism.” Reading the new book as an adult and as an economist, I found it a useful opportunity to...
  • Obama's push to implement 'Eco-Tyranny'

    04/17/2012 9:04:47 AM PDT · by Perseverando · 16 replies ^ | April 16, 2012 | Kevin DeAnna
    Meteorologist Brian Sussman blows whistle on president's scheme The environmentalist movement isn’t about protecting the environment at all, according to meteorologist-turned-journalist Brian Sussman. It’s about destroying private property, controlling behavior, and expanding government – and the Obama administration has a secret plan to further all of it, he says. Sussman is now blowing the whistle on the real nature of environmentalism in his explosive brand-new book, “Eco-Tyranny.” He reveals secret memos from inside Obama’s Bureau of Land Management, or BLM, outlining a covert plan “to pursue a program of land consolidation” for the federal government to secure tens of millions...
  • Thousands of Protesters Fill NYC's Times Square

    10/16/2011 6:22:52 AM PDT · by Dr. Scarpetta · 73 replies & AP ^ | 10/16/11 | CHRIS HAWLEY
    NEW YORK - Thousands of demonstrators protesting corporate greed filled Times Square on Saturday night, mixing with gawkers, Broadway showgoers, tourists and police to create a chaotic scene in the midst of Manhattan. "Banks got bailed out, we got sold out!" protesters chanted from within police barricades. Police, some in riot gear and mounted on horses, tried to push them out of the square and onto the sidewalks in an attempt to funnel the crowds away. Sandy Peterson of Salt Lake City, who was in Times Square after seeing "The Book of Mormon" musical on Broadway, got caught up in...
  • One Nation Working Together

    09/03/2010 9:35:43 AM PDT · by posterchild · 1 replies according to domain name registration info at ^ | June 23, 2010 domain registered |
    Not sure what the excerpt rules are on this so link only. The theme seems to be 'Demand all the changes we voted for'
  • Karl Marx Is ‘Back in Vogue,’ NYT Book Reviewer Enthuses

    08/20/2009 3:33:21 AM PDT · by chuck_the_tv_out · 40 replies · 1,342+ views
    Newsbusters ^ | August 19, 2009 - 17:35 | Scott Whitlock
    New York Times book critic Dwight Garner on Wednesday enthused over a new biography of Friedrich Engels, cooing that Marxism is “back in vogue” and adding that the founding communist comes across as a “jovial man of outsize appetites” in Tristram Hunt’s new biography “Marx’s General.” Garner opened the review by insisting that decrying capitalism is now hip again: “Thanks to globalism’s discontents and the financial crisis that has spread across the planet, Karl Marx and his analysis of capitalism’s dark, wormy side are back in vogue.”
  • Friedrich Engels Was Not a Hypocrite (He Was a Pioneering Feminist)

    05/08/2009 1:19:16 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 1 replies · 207+ views
    The Guardian ^ | Thursday 7 May 2009 | John Green
    I welcome Tristram Hunt's contribution to bringing Friedrich Engels out of the shadow of Marx and to prevent his being forgotten by history (Feminist friend or foe?, G2, 29 April). In these turbulent times Engels still has much to say of relevance. Hunt rightly emphasises that Engels was a pioneering feminist and gives prominence to his book The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. However, I take issue with his claims of hypocrisy. The article says Friedrich Engels condemned prostitution but enjoyed it himself. In his wild youth, while alone in Paris for a short period, Engels...
  • Socialism's Broken Promises

    01/17/2009 5:46:00 PM PST · by Coleus · 13 replies · 906+ views
    thenewamerican ^ | 12.26.08 | Michael E. Telzrow
    Even in the United States, the Utopian economic and political system known as socialism remains attractive to those who are not familiar with its track record of broken promises.  "The free market for all intents and purposes is dead in America," said Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.). "The action proposed today by the Treasury Department will take away the free market and institute socialism in America." Senator Bunning's comments, made in the wake of the bank bailout, and followed by the election of a president who has openly advocated redistribution of wealth, should make Americans pause, for the formerly unthinkable is...
  • The racism of Marxism

    08/03/2008 12:40:55 PM PDT · by mainestategop · 4 replies · 1,946+ views
    mainestategop blog ^ | 8/3/08 | mainestategop
    Marxism is probably the most racist ideology to ever rear it's ugly head on the Earth. Although its adherents claims to be anti racists, their ideology is the epitome of racism. Consider it's founder Karl Marx. Marx was an evil white supremacist and anti Semite. Although such people would balk at that notion, claiming Marx was a Jew and go so far as to say the whole reason of his ideology to destroy the white race! The truth is that although Marx came from a Jewish background, he would be right at home with Hitler, David Duke and Richard Butler....
  • Another Obama Marxist

    04/26/2008 11:22:37 PM PDT · by smoothsailing · 29 replies · 686+ views
    American Thinker ^ | 4-27-08 | Lance Fairchok
    Return to the Article April 27, 2008Another Obama MarxistBy Lance Fairchok Barack Obama has a thing for Marxists. He befriends them, listens to their counsel, and he even hires them to work in his campaign.  And they seem to feel the warmth.  President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, who led a revolution there in 1979,  says Barack Obama's presidential bid is a "revolutionary" phenomenon, and Americans are "laying the foundations for a revolutionary change." A captured computer revealed that an unknown person chatted with Marxist FARC guerillas on Obama's behalf (they believed), stating he would be the next President and US policy...
  • Kennedys must take a higher road

    01/11/2006 8:39:11 PM PST · by george76 · 56 replies · 2,098+ views
    Cape Cod Times ^ | January 5, 2006 | SOLON ECONOMOU
    Within the space of a single week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Sen. Edward Kennedy have managed to mangle reality with op-ed pieces in two of the nation's leading newspapers. ''As an environmentalist, I support wind power,'' began RFK Jr.'s op-ed piece in the New York Times, ... Then he proceeded to once again propagate the inaccuracies repeated like mantras by those opposed to the Nantucket Sound wind farm. ''The noise of the turbines will be audible onshore. A transformer substation would house...40,000 gallons of potentially hazardous oil... The Humane Society estimates the whirling turbines could every year kill thousands...
  • Racism of Marx and Engels; inspiration for the left?

    12/01/2004 3:51:52 AM PST · by William of Orange · 243+ views
    an 6 year old Free Republic thread ^ | April 30 1998 | Michael Coren
    All Things Considered Predictions of Marx and Engels were fundamentally flawed Manifesto a dubious achievement This year marks the 150th anniversary of the first publication of a long obscure but now infamous political program outlining the ideas and beliefs of a tiny revolutionary society. The small and secret group was known as the League of the Just and the two men who wrote the party's policy document were Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. It was The Communist Manifesto.
  • Bush Looks at New Health Care Initiative, Advisers Say

    01/17/2004 4:43:41 AM PST · by dread78645 · 145 replies · 415+ views
    NY Times ^ | January 17, 2004 | ELISABETH BUMILLER and SHERYL GAY STOLBERG
    WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 — President Bush is expected to propose a health care initiative in his State of the Union address to help the uninsured and the underinsured, White House advisers said on Friday. It was unclear how much the initiative, to be announced in the address on Tuesday, would cost at a time when Mr. Bush is under pressure because of a growing budget deficit. But White House officials have made clear that they do not want to cede the politically potent issue of health care to the Democratic presidential candidates, all of whom have made health care a...
  • Bush Looks at New Health Care Initiative, Advisers Say

    01/17/2004 1:42:55 PM PST · by putupon · 6 replies · 210+ views
    New York Times ^ | January 17, 2004 | ELISABETH BUMILLER and SHERYL GAY STOLBERG
    WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 — President Bush is expected to propose a health care initiative in his State of the Union address to help the uninsured and the underinsured, White House advisers said on Friday. It was unclear how much the initiative, to be announced in the address on Tuesday, would cost at a time when Mr. Bush is under pressure because of a growing budget deficit. But White House officials have made clear that they do not want to cede the politically potent issue of health care to the Democratic presidential candidates, all of whom have made health care a...