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Keyword: elites

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  • Media Elites Whine They Are ‘Exhausted’ Just 5 Days into Trump’s Presidency

    01/24/2025 8:25:22 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 36 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 01/24/2025 | Wendell Husebo
    Establishment media personalities say they are already worn out from covering President Donald Trump and his resurgent drive to deliver the “Golden Age of America.” Media elites did not have to work very hard during the previous administration. President Joe Biden rarely gave interviews and appeared to hide from the public due to his health. Interviews conducted by the Wall Street Journal revealed Biden’s aides protected the “diminished” president from cabinet members, donors, pollsters, the media, and top Democrat lawmakers. With Trump’s return, his executive orders, pardons, and policies are already flooding the media landscape, such as Thursday’s bombshell report...
  • How Elites Betrayed Working People

    01/07/2025 10:29:29 AM PST · by Eleutheria5 · 10 replies
    Trigger Nometry ^ | 22/12/24 | Batya Ungar-Sargon
    Elites are betraying the working class. This is how. She's not leaving the US for Israel. She's staying, despite the terrible state of the country, which she describes. Transcript linked below video.
  • The West’s Romance With Elections Is Dead… the Rules-Based Order Killed It

    12/22/2024 8:24:27 PM PST · by Beave Meister · 20 replies
    Aletho News ^ | 12/20/2022 | Eve Ottenberg
    It’s been a bad few months for democracy. Election results offensive to the European Union were annulled in Romania; an attempted coup occurred in Georgia over elections that didn’t go the way the west wanted; the French government, widely hated, teetered over the abyss as president Emmanual Macron tried to ignore the last election; on December 16, Washington’s pet German government fell; lots of funny-business happened in the Moldovan referendum and election, amid widespread disenfranchisement of Moldovan voters living in Russia; elections were long ago cancelled in dictatorial Ukraine; and South Korea hosted an attempted coup. In short, western democracies’...
  • Elites out of touch? Study shows the influential 1% hold different views from average Americans

    10/05/2024 2:04:40 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 29 replies
    Just the News ^ | October 4, 2024 11:00pm | Charlotte Hazard
    When it comes to elitists in America, a recent study has shown that they are wildly out of touch with the average, everyday American people on a lot of issues such as freedom and the economy. A project was recently conducted by prominent pollster Scott Rasmussen titled "Elite 1 Percent" goes into detail about who the one percent are and what their views are regarding American policies. According to the project, the elite one percent live in densely populated urban areas, make over $150K a year and have a postgraduate degree. "Too much freedom""The views and influence of the Elite...
  • Hollywood Elites Call for Israel-Hamas War Cease Fire at 2024 Emmys

    09/16/2024 11:36:14 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 40 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 09/16/2024 | Warner Todd Huston
    Members of the Hollywood elite wore pins supporting a cease fire between Israel and terror organization Hamas in Gaza during the Emmys on Sunday at the Peacock Theatre in Los Angeles. Included among the celebrities who were seen wearing the pin were Nicola Coughlan (Bridgerton), Dallas Goldtooth and Devery Jacobs (Reservation Dogs), and TV writer Brittani Nichols (Abbott Elementary) and her partner Caroline Joyner, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Coughlan in particular has been an opponent of Israel’s attempt to put an end to Hamas. She took to her social media to tell fans why she was wearing the pin....
  • Ayyadurai is no Ordinary Senate Candidate

    04/10/2017 9:22:06 AM PDT · by nickcarraway · 16 replies
    Shiva Ayyadurai is an entrepreneur, MIT graduate, Donald Trump-supporting Indian-born immigrant and U.S. citizen hoping that his outsider status will carry him to the U.S. Senate. A Republican, Ayyadurai declared on social media several weeks ago that he intends to challenge for Sen. Elizabeth Warren's seat in the 2018 election. He filed official paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on March 17. Warren, a Democrat, is a former Harvard Law School professor who defeated incumbent Republican Sen. Scott Brown in the 2012 election. In a Monday meeting with editors of The Sun, Ayyadurai portrayed himself as a "21st-century senator" with...
  • Mike Rowe Takes Up CLASS WARFARE with Victor Davis Hanson | The Way I Heard It.

    08/22/2024 3:34:36 PM PDT · by Eleutheria5 · 9 replies
    Mike Rowe ^ | 10/8/24 | Victor Davis Hanson
    Victor Davis Hanson, a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Distinguished Fellow at Hillsdale College, Pepperdine professor, syndicated columnist, bestselling author, and fifth-generation California farmer, argues in his July 29, 2024 article that American society is treating its citizens like lab rats, resulting in harmful outcomes. Read the article here: Transcript link below the video.
  • Christians and the Coming World Police - Andy Woods

    07/27/2024 12:49:42 PM PDT · by patriot torch · 121 replies
    youtube ^ | July 22 2024 | Andy Woods
    A lot of prophecy teachers thought most of what we're seeing today would happen post-Rapture...But here we are! So if the Rapture continues to be delayed, what's ahead for Believer's to have to deal with? This presentation concerns the present world events setting the stage for what's about to occur according to Scripture. Discerning the signs of the times. using the following criteria for the presentation. Our world is being prepared for the arrival of the antichrist. Identifying Seven major trends being used by global elites. A. Elite Opinion B. Education C. Crisis Management D. Technology E. Border Indifference F....
  • Ocasio-Cortez: Democratic ‘elites’ who want Biden to drop out want Harris off ticket

    07/19/2024 6:30:57 PM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 71 replies
    The Hill ^ | 07/19/2024 | YASH ROY
    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) took a swing at Democratic “elites” who are pushing for President Biden to stand down from the 2024 race, warning they are also “not interested” in seeing Vice President Harris atop the ticket. Her comments came during an Instagram Live on Thursday night following former President Trump’s highly anticipated speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where he officially accepted the GOP nomination for president.
  • Watch: Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be ‘Forced Into Collaboration’ With Globalist Elites

    07/07/2024 9:32:30 AM PDT · by DFG · 156 replies
    Modernity News ^ | 07/07/2024 | Steve Watson
    World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab told delegates at a conference in China this week that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities. Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home. In another clip, Schwab touted AI and other technologies becoming ubiquitous as a reason why humanity must “work together” with the global elite. “To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across...
  • We're All Soviets Now

    06/25/2024 9:40:21 AM PDT · by Wuli · 58 replies
    The Free Press ^ | June 25, 2024 | Niall Ferguson
    "A government with a permanent deficit and a bloated military. A bogus ideology pushed by elites. Poor health among ordinary people. Senescent leaders. Sound familiar?" ...............
  • Summers: Our Enemies Must Love Our ‘Future Elites’, ‘Craven’ University Response to Protests, We’ve Failed at Education

    05/04/2024 9:38:43 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 5 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 05/04/2024 | Ian hatchett
    On Friday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Wall Street Week,” Harvard Professor and President Emeritus and former Harvard President Larry Summers said that America’s enemies must “be taking great encouragement from the spectacle that is being made by our young future elites on so many of our leading college campuses, and even more by the craven responses that are typifying university leaderships.” Summers stated, “This is very depressing and worrisome to me. As I’ve said on your show before, David, I think the United States is in the most dangerous geopolitical moment we’ve been in probably two generations, given what’s happening in...
  • Andrew Jackson & the Second Bank of the United States

    04/10/2024 6:05:13 AM PDT · by xoxox · 4 replies
    The Imaginative Conservative ^ | April 9th, 2024 | Bradley J. Birzer
    By the end of 1819, so many banks, persons, and businesses had declared bankruptcy that each defaulted to ownership by the notorious Second Bank of the United States (SUSB), thus making the SUSB one of the largest and most important property owners in the early republic. Many elites benefitted from its seemingly endless largess, but most Americans despised it as a “monster.” Not only did it seem to own everything in sight (and beyond!), but it also had been responsible for the inflation and sudden deflation that had caused the Panic/Depression of 1819. Its first president, William Jones, had been...
  • If you believe that sociopaths are in charge, you’re right

    04/05/2024 11:33:36 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 16 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 5 Apr, 2024 | Andrea Widburg
    For sociopaths, their end always justifies the means, and it turns out that the most powerful people in America have no brakes. Anyone with a brain knows that there was epic cheating behind Biden’s “win” in 2020, ranging from official cheating (e.g., mail-in ballots, drop boxes, and ballot harvesting) to unofficial cheating (e.g., delayed vote counts, faked ballots, and illegal registrations). Pollster Scott Rasmussen has discovered something very disturbing about all that cheating: While ordinary Americans want fair elections, the “elite”—that is, the rich, powerful, and connected—don’t. They want only to win. According to the Issues and Insights editorial board:...
  • ‘Most Terrifying Poll Result I’ve Ever Seen’: Scott Rasmussen Surveys America’s Elite 1%

    03/21/2024 4:19:07 AM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 90 replies
    The Daily Signal ^ | March 21, 2024 | Rob Bluey
    When veteran pollster Scott Rasmussen surveyed a group of Americans he calls the elite 1% earlier this year, he discovered a startling number who say it’s OK to win an election by cheating. The elite 1%—individuals who make over $150,000 a year, live in densely populated areas, and have postgraduate degrees—are overwhelmingly liberal. They give President Joe Biden an 82% approval rating, compared to his 40% average from the rest of Americans. Rasmussen asked these liberal voters: “Suppose that your favorite candidate loses a close election. However, people on the campaign know that they can win by cheating without being...
  • The Downside of Prosperity - Too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious

    02/22/2024 11:51:09 AM PST · by Starman417 · 18 replies
    Flopping Aces ^ | 02-22-24 | Vince
    I’ve always been a fan of the prosperity created by Western civilization in general and the United States in particular. Indeed, I even created a website called Gratitude for America, where I write about American entrepreneurs who invented things like barbed wire and standardized shipping containers. But maybe there’s a downside to this prosperity because we’ve created a class of people (especially in government) completely disconnected from how the world actually works. Cyrus McCormick, who invented the mechanical reaper, is the most important entrepreneur in human history. He basically untethered mankind from farming, one of the most dangerous occupations on...
  • McConnell, Tillis Openly Trash ‘Dim’ And ‘Short-Sighted’ GOP Voters After Base Rejected McConnell’s Bogus Border Bill

    02/12/2024 10:42:37 AM PST · by cotton1706 · 68 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 2/12/24 | TRISTAN JUSTICE
    Senate Republicans eager to ram Ukraine funding through the upper chamber are just as eager to dismiss their voters as dimwitted and “shortsighted.” “Our base cannot possibly know what’s at stake at the level that any well-briefed U.S. senator should know about what’s at stake if Putin wins,” said North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis, according to Punchbowl News Monday. Senate lawmakers spent the weekend advancing another $61 billion to Kyiv following last week’s embarrassing rejection of a bipartisan compromise bill that threatened to codify the invasion on the southern border. The more than $95 billion foreign spending package headed for...
  • The Elites Hate Us — But We Outnumber Them

    01/30/2024 3:58:41 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 19 replies
    Issues & Insights ^ | 30 Jan, 2024 | Armando Simón
    Elites are individuals who occupy the upper strata in society through either wealth, politics, sports, religion, and/or social status (such as entertainment), and they have been a part of society for millennia. Because of human nature, elites have usually — though not always — considered themselves to be better than those below them or have simply been indifferent to them. By the same token, those below the elites have either envied them, worshipped them, been hostile towards them, or have just simply been indifferent to them, occupying different worlds of which they were not privy to, though they might have...
  • Poll finds elites want strict rationing of gas, meat, electricity, freedom

    01/27/2024 5:58:01 PM PST · by MtnClimber · 37 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 27 Jan, 2024 | Eric Utter
    According to a new poll, nearly 90 percent of ivy league grads support the “strict” rationing of gas, meat and electricity to fight climate change. That's 90%! “Strict rationing!” The poll, conducted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, is titled “Them vs. U.S.: The two Americas and how the nation’s elite is out of touch with average Americans.” It was intended to assess the beliefs of “elites.” According to the College Fix, the poll was comprised of two surveys of 1,000 folks each conducted in late 2023, and the "Elites" were defined as “people having at least one post-graduate degree,...
  • Two Thirds of Elite Americans Favour Food and Energy Rations to Combat Climate Change, Poll Finds

    01/22/2024 8:19:45 AM PST · by MMusson · 72 replies
    The Daily Skeptic ^ | 1/22/23 | Chris Morrison
    The profound disconnect between the attitudes shared by the ‘top’ 1% elites in American society and the rest of the population is laid bare by the results of an illuminating new poll. Nearly six in 10 elite members believe there is too much individual freedom in America, more than two-thirds favor rationing of food and energy to combat climate change, somewhere between a half and two-thirds favor banning things like SUVs, gas stoves, air conditioning and non-essential air travel, while two-thirds believe teachers should decide what children are taught. Meanwhile, 70% of those polled trust Government to “do the right...