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Keyword: dualcore

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  • AMD's Athlon X2 price cuts go into effect

    04/11/2007 9:04:33 AM PDT · by Ernest_at_the_Beach · 14 replies · 326+ views
    2CPU ^ | 2007-04-11 09:24:22 | ReMeDy
    ingle Socket Bargain shoppers, rejoice. AMD went full speed with their price slashing on April 9th. Source say the Athlon 64 X2 3600 price dropped to $69, the Athlon 64 X2 3800 dropped to $79, the X2 4000 price fell to $99, and the X2 4200 was effectively discontinued. Meanwhile, the higher end Athlon X2 6000 dual core price plummeted more than 50 percent to $229, while the Athlon X2 5600 dropped $50 to $179. Having competition in this market can lead to good things. Article.
  • Intel tips new chip branding strategy with Core2 Duo

    05/08/2006 4:39:00 PM PDT · by xcamel · 2 replies · 115+ views
    EE Times ^ | (05/08/2006 12:23 PM EDT) | Dylan McGrath
    SAN FRANCISCO — Intel Corp. has unified its next-generation desktop and notebook multicore processor families under the name Core2 Duo as part of a new naming convention for multicore products, the company said Monday (May 8). Intel (Santa Clara, Calif.) unified the desktop and notebook multicore processor brands, formerly codenamed Conroe and Merom, respectively, under the Core2 Duo brand as part of a new branding strategy. Henceforth, Intel said, multicore processors will be designated by a word that signifies the number of processing core, such as "Duo" for two, and a number to denote the generation, such as "2" for...
  • Dual Core Power Mac benchmarks and pictures

    10/21/2005 5:41:50 AM PDT · by Halfmanhalfamazing · 11 replies · 255+ views
    Starting today you can order a Power Macintosh G5 which will display dual processor bars inside the task manager with still only one processor on the motherboard – how does that work?
  • Advanced Micro Devices Inc. beats Intel out the door with its dual-core Opteron chip family.

    09/26/2005 4:42:23 PM PDT · by xcamel · 45 replies · 966+ views
    informationweek ^ | today | Antone Gonsalves
    Advanced Micro Devices Inc. on Monday unveiled three models in the dual-core Opteron chip family, as the company tries to stay ahead of rival Intel Corp. The Sunnyvale, Calif., company's Model 880 for up to eight-way, 16-core servers and Model 280 for dual-processor workstations and servers are available immediately. The Model 180 for one-processor, two-core servers and workstations is scheduled for release within 30 days. The new models are for the x86 platform.
  • Power Mac G5 revision expected soon, signs point to dual-core

    09/19/2005 12:39:19 AM PDT · by Swordmaker · 12 replies · 282+ views
    Think Secret ^ | 9/15/2005 | By Ryan Katz, Senior Editor
    September 15, 2005 - Apple's Power Mac G5 line will see an upgrade in the near future, possibly before the close of the month, sources have informed Think Secret. Poor sales of the current models is likely the driving force behind the premature revision, which will come less than six months since Apple last upgraded the line. The April Power Mac G5 revision saw only an incremental boost in performance as the top-end model went from dual-2.5GHz processors to dual-2.7GHz. At the disappointment of many potential customers, Apple continued using the single-core PowerPC 970FX processors in the G5s and not...
  • Intel refuses gauntlet AMD throws down

    08/23/2005 7:33:51 PM PDT · by aft_lizard · 21 replies · 668+ views
    The Inquirer ^ | 8-23-2005 | Inquiere STaff
    THE CEO OF Intel said that an advert AMD took out today challenging it to a dual core dual quite spoilt his cup of coffee. The advert, in broadsheet the San Francisco Chronicle, challenges Intel to match it on performance for dual core chips. But Paul Otellini, CEO pf Intel turned down the challenge with some disdain, refusing to pick up the gauntlet the chipsters threw down. We’ve often noted the resemblance of both Intel and AMD to the Tweedledee and Tweedledum characters in Alice through the Looking Glass. These brave warriors were forced to live a sort of mock...
  • Intel's dual-core CPUs to set new record high in power consumption

    01/18/2005 1:22:24 AM PST · by HAL9000 · 4 replies · 282+ views
    Tom's Hardware Guide ^ | January 17, 2005 | Wolfgang Gruener
    Chicago (IL) - Intel's upcoming dual-core processors once again will test the limits of power consumption. According to documents seen by Tom's Hardware Guide, the Smithfield CPUs are rated at a thermal design power of 130 watts, an increase of 13 percent from today's Prescott processors. Dual-core and multicore chips promise to be one of the most important advances in processor development history. Intel and AMD claim to be able to achieve new performance levels by integrating two processor cores into one package. This apparently will be possible even with processor frequencies significantly below today's fastest processors. We were...
  • AMD's Opteron could spur dual-core processor showdown

    10/18/2002 5:24:40 PM PDT · by Ernest_at_the_Beach · 2 replies · 204+ views
    EE Times ^ | October 17, 2002 | Rick Merritt EE Times
    AMD's Opteron could spur dual-core processor showdownBy Rick Merritt, EE TimesOct 16, 2002 (9:00 AM)URL: JOSE, Calif. — Advanced Micro Devices Inc. said its upcoming Opteron microprocessor will feature better integer performance than all other server processors, setting up a possible race with Intel Corp. to move to dual-core server processors as early as next year.AMD's 64-bit X86 processor running at 2 GHz in a 32-bit mode will hit an estimated SPECint base2000 performance rating of 1,202 and a SPECfp base2000 rating of 1,170, said Fred Weber, chief technology officer of AMD's computation products group, at the Microprocessor Forum...