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Keyword: deficitspending

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  • U.S. ‘wasted’ months before preparing for virus pandemic

    04/05/2020 5:32:43 AM PDT · by Oldeconomybuyer · 108 replies
    The Associated Press ^ | April 5, 2020 | By MICHAEL BIESECKER
    WASHINGTON - As the first alarms sounded in early January that an outbreak of a novel coronavirus in China might ignite a global pandemic, the Trump administration squandered nearly two months that could have been used to bolster the federal stockpile of critically needed medical supplies and equipment. A review of federal purchasing contracts by The Associated Press shows federal agencies waited until mid-March to begin placing bulk orders of N95 respirator masks, mechanical ventilators and other equipment needed by front-line health care workers. Now, three months into the crisis, that stockpile is nearly drained just as the numbers of...
  • When The Traffic Lights Stopped

    11/13/2024 4:38:53 AM PST · by Rummyfan · 15 replies
    Splendid Isolation ^ | 13 Nov 2024 | Kim Du Toit
    For a nation that’s supposedly laden with hard-headed common sense and a strong work ethic but is in fact more left-wing than anything else, Germany has slammed into the wall that bedevils similar political philosophies all over: they’ve run out of other people’s money to spend. And with what is so common among nations afflicted with a multi-party political system, their latest coalition government has therefore collapsed, crucified by essentially three factors: immigration (and growing popular resistance thereto), insane socio-economic policies fueled by Green eco-nonsense (e.g. an EV mandate which has led to closure of auto factories and concomitant unemployment),...
  • Americans are still grumpy about inflation and pointing fingers. That's bad news for Biden.

    06/12/2024 7:51:10 AM PDT · by MinorityRepublican · 21 replies
    Marketwatch ^ | June 12, 2024 | Hannah Erin Lang
    Inflation was muted last month, but plenty of consumers are still grumpy about high prices — and many say the government is primarily to blame. That’s according to recent research distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Economists surveyed about 3,000 adults to gauge their understanding of the causes and consequences of inflation. It’s a big problem for President Joe Biden, who has faced historically low approval ratings of his handling of the economy. Inflation — and Americans’ pessimistic view of it — amounts to “one of the most punishing and damaging domestic setbacks of any president in the...
  • Cheesecake Factory Prices ‘Have Ballooned’ Under Biden: Pro-Trump PAC Says ‘Bidenomics Is No Joke’

    06/10/2024 1:14:27 PM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 29 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 06/10/2024 | ELIZABETH WEIBEL
    The pro-Trump MAGA Inc. super PAC pointed out that Bidenomics is not a joke, referring to how food prices at restaurants have increased under President Joe Biden’s administration. In a press release from MAGA Inc. on Monday, the super PAC referenced a viral parody post on X which shows photos of former President Donald Trump at his rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, reading and criticizing the prices and items off of a Cheesecake menu. “This viral post might be a parody, but Bidenomics is no joke,” Alex Pfeiffer, the spokesman for MAGA Inc. wrote in the press release. “Prices at...
  • Scoop: Rand Paul's brewing fight with Trumpworld

    06/04/2024 3:35:50 AM PDT · by RandFan · 75 replies
    Axios ^ | June 4 | Stef W. Kight
    Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) questioned former President Trump's commitment to slashing government spending in a heated exchange with top Trump ally Russell Vought during a recent closed-door meeting, Axios has learned. Why it matters: Paul is among a dwindling number of Republicans who've refused to publicly back the former president as the party's 2024 nominee. And those in Trump's orbit are getting antsy. "There's a growing sentiment in Trumpworld that Rand can't be trusted, and it's a great disappointment," Trump ally and consultant Alex Bruesewitz told Axios. Driving the news: Paul grilled Vought on May 22 over the Trump administration's...
  • Speaker Mike Johnson Cut His Bad Deal Because Republicans Don’t Want To Cut Spending

    01/15/2024 6:44:00 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 20 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 01/15/2024 | Christopher Jacobs
    In many ways, Speaker Johnson didn’t bail out Democrats from a tough political predicament as much as he did his own Republican members.The outline of the spending agreement House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., cut with Democratic leaders sounds bad on its face. But the underlying reasons for that agreement seem far worse.As I wrote last week, “Speaker Johnson and Republican ‘leadership’ … bailed the Democrats out of the predicament they put themselves in last May.” To which I should make an important addition: In many ways, Johnson didn’t bail out Democrats from a tough political predicament as much as he...
  • Heitkamp: Trump Administration ‘Overspent and Drove Up Inflation’

    03/13/2022 8:32:25 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 74 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 03/13/2022 | Pam Key
    Former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that today’s soaring inflation was former President Donald Trump’s fault. Heitkamp said, “You always blame the party in power. And, you know, the administration wasn’t aggressive enough, in my opinion, in pushing back on the red herrings. The red herrings like it’s because you didn’t build the Keystone XL pipeline and remind them one of the first things Donald Trump did was give the permit, and in four years, the pipeline didn’t get built? Why not? It wasn’t economical to build that pipeline in those price points. They argue...
  • Why Democrats’ Inflation Is A Major Tax Hike On The Poor

    05/26/2021 7:23:37 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 8 replies
    The Federalist ^ | May 26, 2021 | Christopher Jacobs
    At a time the wealthiest Americans have gotten even richer due to booming times on Wall Street, pernicious inflation would give working families a crushing blow.resident Biden claims he won’t raise taxes on families making less than $400,000 per year. But given Biden’s twists and turns on taxes—he now wants to eliminate a loophole he and his wife exploited to avoid more than $500,000 in taxes the past four years—Americans have reason to take his campaign promises with a grain of salt.Even if he does not levy taxes on middle-class families directly, Biden’s free-money policies are beginning to impose a...
  • "Attack of the debt tsunami": Coronavirus pushes global debt to record high

    11/19/2020 2:17:41 AM PST · by zeestephen · 18 replies
    CNBC ^ | 19 November 2020 | Silvia Amaro
    The IIF said global debt would break new records in the coming months to reach $277 trillion by the end of the year. Among advanced nations, debt surged above 432% of GDP in the third quarter — a 50 percentage points increase from 2019. In emerging markets, debt levels rose to over 248% of GDP, with Lebanon, China, Malaysia and Turkey experiencing the biggest rises in non-financial-sector debt.
  • Can America Do It All?

    10/20/2020 5:09:53 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 6 replies ^ | October 20, 2020 | Pat Buchanan
    In fiscal year 2020, which ended on Sept. 30, the U.S. government set some impressive new records. The deficit came in at $3.1 trillion, twice the previous record of $1.4 trillion in 2009, which was set during the Great Recession, and three times the 2019 deficit of about $1 trillion. Federal spending hit $6.5 trillion, one-third of U.S. gross domestic product, a share unrivaled except for the later years of World War II when federal spending exceeded 40% of GDP. The U.S. national debt, $14 trillion when Donald Trump took office, now stands at $21 trillion, roughly the same size...
  • Low Interest Rates Do Not Excuse Reckless Deficit Spending

    09/09/2020 11:01:52 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 7 replies ^ | September 9, 2020 | Haesong Shin
    The state of the federal budget, shaky to begin 2020, is being pushed to the brink by the COVID-19 crisis. This year’s deficit is expected to reach $4 trillion, which is almost as much as last year’s $4.4 trillion total budget. Total federal debt held by the public is on track to exceed GDP for the first time since 1946. Lawmakers are currently negotiating another multi-trillion-dollar fiscal response package. Despite all this,  there are bipartisan efforts to use low interest rates as an excuse for yet more reckless deficit spending unrelated to the immediate crisis. President Trump in late March tweeted,...
  • Pelosi Attempts to Rein In 2020 Dems With This Unsolicited Advice

    11/02/2019 7:23:56 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 19 replies ^ | November 2, 2019 | Beth Bauman
    Over the last 10 months we have seen Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) struggle with keeping her caucus in check. Months ago, she made it very clear the House would not move forward with impeaching President Donald Trump because of the it was an issue that divided Americans. She lost that fight to the extreme progressives of her party, in particular the freshman “Squad” consisting of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA). Even though she can’t control her caucus – or the very chamber she oversees – Nancy has a word of advice...
  • Penzeys Shows Me its True Colors

    03/04/2015 5:46:31 AM PST · by JayGalt · 12 replies
    email | Wed, Mar 4, 2015 | Bill Penzey
    The Pi Day of the century, 3.14/15 is only a little over a week away. For a time now Pi Day has been all about fun and of course pie, but with the way in recent years, science and even reality itself have come more and more under attack, I’m thinking maybe this year it’s time for Pi Day to emerge as something more than just fun. For so much of our history, the people of our country and the world have benefited greatly from the science-based reality that has shaped America’s future. Science may be based on numbers, but...
  • The Incurable Disease -- Government Spending

    11/02/2014 9:03:10 PM PST · by Abakumov · 7 replies
    Radix News ^ | November 3, 2014 | Ben Carson
    I have had a fulfilling career as a pediatric neurosurgeon, which unfortunately included numerous instances where worst-case scenarios played out in the operating room. Good surgeons plan ahead for these possible events so that bad outcomes are minimized. But of course, few treatment plans will succeed if the doctor continually fails to make a proper diagnosis before surgery begins. When I look at our nation’s massive federal debt, it is clear that Washington has chronically misdiagnosed the situation, which has resulted in a seemingly never-ending cycle of borrowing and spending. Much like a life-threatening disease, if the underlying cause is...
  • I Hate When That Happens...

    10/09/2013 5:58:16 AM PDT · by SatinDoll · 6 replies
    The Market-ticker ^ | October 9, 2013 | Karl Denninger
    You know how it is, you're going along with the lies that are told every day about "recovery" and "economic conditions are kinda "OK" and "we're doing all right" and then the mainstream media and "economists" like Goldman's Alec Phillips step on their ***** and tell the truth by accident. Economists at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., IHS Inc. (IHS) and BNP Paribas SA said they expect the Treasury to husband the tax money it collects to make sure it can meet interest and principal payments on the nation’s debt. Other obligations, from salaries of government workers to payments to defense...
  • Sequester: Not Even a Cut

    03/06/2013 4:21:14 AM PST · by Kaslin · 7 replies ^ | March 6, 2013 | John Stossel
    If you're reading this, you've survived the "sequester" cuts! That may surprise you, since President Obama likened the sequester to taking a "meat cleaver" to government, causing FBI agents to be furloughed, prosecutors to let criminals escape and medical research to grind to a halt! The media hyped it, too. The NBC Nightly News said, "The sequester could cripple air travel, force firefighter layoffs -- even kick preschoolers out of child care!" The truth is that the terrifying sequester cuts weren't even cuts. They were merely a small reduction in government's planned increase in spending. A very small reduction. After...
  • The Ugly Reality On The Budget, Deficits And Debt Ceiling

    01/06/2013 10:34:02 AM PST · by SatinDoll · 19 replies
    The Market Ticker ^ | January 6, 2013 | Karl Deninger
    As you folks all know I've been pounding the table for years about the fact that if we're serious about addressing what's wrong with our budget we must break the medical monopolies. Indeed, there's an entire sub-category of Tickers dedicated to Health Reform, which I started writing on when the entire Obama mess began and the discussion took off in earnest. But lately I've been asked to look once again at exactly what sort of realistic budget cuts we could make, especially now that the "fiscal cliff" game has been "punted." Let's remember something here folks -- last calendar year's...
  • Insanity: Spending Our Way Out of Debt

    01/02/2013 11:02:57 AM PST · by SaveOurRepublicFromTyranny · 3 replies
    TPNN - TEA PARTY NEWS NETWORK ^ | January 2, 2013 | Jennifer Burke
    Congress continues to show that they view us as serfs and view your hard earned money as automatically belonging to them first… should just be happy that they allow you to keep some...
  • Our debt isn't the problem (Why worry about balancing the federal budget at all?)

    01/01/2013 4:43:34 PM PST · by gunsequalfreedom · 22 replies
    NewEconPerspectives ^ | January 1, 2013 | Stephanie Kelton
    Look, up in the sky! It’s a “fiscal cliff.” It’s a slope. It’s an obstacle course. The truth is, it doesn’t really matter what we call it. It only matters what it is: a lamebrained package of economic depressants bearing down on a lame-duck Congress. This hastily concocted mix of across-the-board spending cuts and tax increases for all was supposed to force Congress to get serious about dealing with our nation’s debt and deficit. The question everyone’s asking is this: On whose backs should we balance the federal budget? One side wants higher taxes; the other wants spending cuts. And...
  • The Madness of Keynesian Economics

    12/24/2012 7:50:37 AM PST · by Moseley · 14 replies
    American Thinker ^ | December 24, 2012 | Jonathon Moseley
    President Barack Obama demands more stimulus spending to avoid the "fiscal cliff." Obama increased the national debt $6 trillion to $16 trillion. Yet the Democrats' 'cure for what ails ya' is even more spending. Obama demands around $75 billion in new spending to stimulate the economy in 2013. "Keynesian Economics" is the insane belief that the economy can be stimulated by government spending. It provides the excuse to depart from common sense that allows politicians to ignore the alarm bells. It is ludicrous mainly because our government doesn't have any money to spend. If the government had a surplus saved...