Keyword: dcchapter
DAVID LIMBAUGH -- BOOK SIGNING PARTY FOR "ABSOLUTE POWER" WAS AN ABSOLUTE DELIGHT -- 4/18/01 News/Current Events Breaking News News Keywords: DAVID LIMBAUGH, RUSH LIMBAUGH, SEAN HANNITY, ANN COULTER, MONA CHARON, KATE O'BIERNE, AND MORE Source: Self Published: April 18, 2001 Author: Angelwood Posted on 04/18/2001 21:20:16 PDT by Angelwood Morton's Steak House is located in the Washington Square Building at Connecticut Avenue and L Street in DC. It has been in the news at various times since its opening due to the clientele -- Monica Lewinsky has dined there frequently. I happen to work in this building and found...
Bill Clinton waived to a pedestrian and gave the thumbs up while his black SUV idled at a stop light in New York City — but the mood changed quickly when the man yelled “How’s Monica?”
D.C. Chapter of honor roll for tonight: Angelwood, BufordP, RFP, ironman, Jimmy Valentine's brother, leadpenny, sauropod, Gore_War_Vet, Tolerance Sucks Rocks, tgslTakoma, John L, GunsareOK, and kristinn.Her Heinous, Hillary ! held a fundraiser this evening for the Florida Democratic Party at her Washington, D.C. mansion. Attendance was up from her previous efforts, with party bigwigs like Sen. Chris Dodd ('Rat-CT)and has-been former Senator Carol Mostly-Fraud (Crook-IL) paying homage to 'Ol Crusty along with several busloads of supporters.The FReepers took a position at the corner of Whitehaven Street (where Hillary! lives) and Massachusetts Avenue, NW. Whitehaven is a deadend street, so ...
After 573 weeks, starting our 12 year on the New Year Weekend, the DC Chapter is declaring VICTORY over the moonbats that formally stood opposite us. There has been a single moonbats for several years, occasionally having support from her daughter. Since mid-October, she has been a no show. Weather has been good most weeks, but she has stood in inclement weather in the past. We can only conclude she has given up. The DC Chapter is going to have a special FReep, Saturday, January 21,2017, the day after Trump’s inauguration. All FReepers in good standing are invited to join...
Cold weather finally settled in. After a 70 degree Christmas day, it was welcomed - NOT BELOW: This is Lurker Jim's temperature reading at 10AM as we got started. . But this pales when compared to several Walter Reed FReeps. One time Kburi's gauge read 20 when we started and 12 when we ended. And there was no ambient warmth from the sun on the cold Friday nights. Of course today in Olney there was 20 MPH+ winds which cancelled out any ambient warmth. One gust was so high that we saw gravel and trash being blown along Rte. 108....
CHRISTMAS 2015 - DC Chapter The DC Chapter held its Annual Christmas Party this year at GunsAreOK's Party Room in Northern Virginia. There were 17 of us in attendance and as you might guess the big topic was politics. Second biggest topic was reminiscencing about old FReeps. Boy, you can tell every one is getting old. And since we held it on Sunday this year, football ran a third. But the food, 22 lb. Turkey, ham, pumpkin pie, sage sausage stuffing, apple pie, kugal, modeled salad, all berry pie, rolls, pecan pie, mashed red potatoes, and much more, was always...
A Red-carpet of liberals arriving with their correspondent escort.
The D.C. Chapter of invites all FReepers and lurkers in good standing to join us for our annual protest of media bias to be held outside the White House Correspondents Association dinner in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 25. The D.C. Chapter has freeped this dinner every year following the first freep organized by Free Republic in 1999. This protest is always the most fun one of the year as it puts us in direct contact with reporters, columnists, editors, politicians, activists, government officials, Hollywood-types and curious tourists. Our protest location has been moved this year for the first...
All FReepers and lurkers in good standing are invited to join the members of the D.C. Chapter of in a freep of Her Heinous Hillary Rodham Clinton this Saturday morning in Pentagon City. Clinton is scheduled for a book signing appearance for her State Department whitewash memoir at the Costco. We freeped Clinton there on her Living History tour. BufordP is going to anchor this one. When: 9: 00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday, June 14, 2014 Where: on the public sidewalk in front of Costco, 1200 S. Fern St. Pentagon City, Virginia. As always, the D.C. Chapter's rules...
FReeper maica, who often joined the DC Chapter at Walter Reed and on the National Mall to freep and counter anti-war protests, passed away Sunday, May 10, age 74.
Live thread of dinner............
I'm scheduled to appear on the Andrea Shea King Show tonight at 9:15 p.m. EDT on Blogtalk Radio. The subject will be my recent articles on Media Matters (posted at Gateway Pundit and featured on Fox and CNN)and the D.C. Chapter's upcoming annual protest against liberal media bias held outside the White House Correspondents Association dinner this Saturday.The show runs from 9 to 10:00 p.m. EDT. Andrea's preview of the show:"Media Matters Chief David Brock has admitted to working with media outlets on stories "As Kristinn Taylor reported over the weekend at The Gateway Pundit, Brock claimed ignorance about whether...
Jimmy Valentine's brother pays tribute to Doctor Raoul, WHCA Dinner 2013 It's that time of year again when the elite of Washington gather to party at the coolest high school prom for grown ups in the country: the White House Correspondents Dinner.As we have been doing since 1999, FReepers will gather outside to let the media know our opinion of their work.Yours truly, 2013, photo by Stratman1969This FReep is your chance to tell reporters, editors and media executives face to face how their reporting hurts or helps the country. You will also have the chance to tell politicians and politicos...
The terrorist support group Code Pink announced this evening they are holding a protest at the Embassy of Egypt in Washington, D.C. at noon Thursday. Drama queen Medea Benjamin will likely be there to dramatize her dramatic deportation from Cairo as the Egyptian government thwarted her plans to aid the Hamas terrorist enclave Gaza. Where: 3521 International Court, NW, Washington, D.C. Limited street parking available. Closest Metro stop is Van Ness/UDC on the Red Line. Google map link.Please bring camera/video recorder if you can to document the high drama and terrorist supporters in action.
Yes FR, there is an ACTIVE DC Chapter Not all of the DC Chapter FReeps had AARs wrote, so it was decided to write a Year In Review AAR for all of our activities. Enjoy the new AARs threads and remember the ones you already read. April 01: Dr Raoul’s Funeral: There were 18 FReepers in Philadelphia this day. They came from Ohio (StayTrue), Florida (Kristinn, TGSLtakoma and Taxman), the eastern shore of Maryland (Credo2) and places in between. We finally met Raoul’s family and his family finally met Raoul’s FR family. All were pleased to talk with each other...
A Washington institution closed up shop Saturday night for good. Famous Luigi's on 19th Street, Northwest served its last meal. The classic Italian restaurant was started by immigrant Luigi Calvi back in 1943.
To all FReepers far and wide I have been hearing here and there about DC Chapter members who will be in DC this Sunday for the Million Vets March. Lets gather under my tall U.S.-Gadston flag. I am hoping to get there around 8AM I will be making some signs. If anyone has a sign idea just let me know. If you want a specific saying for yourself, let me know so I can save it for you. Most public bathrooms are closed due to the shut down. Hopefully the backers of the Million Vet March have order a couple...
The D.C. Chapter's own Mr. Trooprally was just shown on Fox's On the Record with Greta Van Susteren. He was protesting the closure of the World War Two Memorial today with Beverly Perlson and others.Mr. T was interviewed by Griff Jenkins.
In 2007 the D.C. Chapter heard the Gathering of Eagles’ call to show appreciation to our recruiters on Armed Forces Day. Being that Armed Forces Day is on a Saturday and recruiter stations are closed, the Friday before that Saturday was the official Recruiter Appreciation Day. The D.C. Chapter has adopted the Silver Spring, Maryland recruiter station. We have supported the military when Code Pink and Raging Grannies have protested there. The leftist have put super glue in the door lock and cracked the plate glass window. The D.C. Chapter has occasionally shown our appreciation at the L Street,...
All FReepers and lurkers in good standing are urged to join members of the D.C. Chapter of and other patriots in a show of support for whistleblowers and families of the Benghazi terror attack at a Congressional hearing this Wednesday--and to also show support for Chairman Issa and the others working to expose the Obama administration cover-up of the Benghazi attack.While the hearing is set for 11:30 a.m., supporters are advised to arrive as early as possible in the morning to get in line for seating at the hearing or to freely demonstrate outside the Rayburn Building where the...