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Keyword: davycrockett

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  • Davy Crockett: The Forgotten History of the King of the Wild Frontier & the Battle of the Alamo

    08/18/2021 2:23:11 PM PDT · by ammodotcom · 25 replies ^ | 8/18/2021 | Molly Carter
    David Hawkins Stern Crockett, fondly remembered as Davy Crockett, was born in eastern Tennessee to pioneer parents on August 17, 1786. Like many settlers of the time, the Crockett family continually pushed West, blazing into new territory (a trend Davy would continue to do with his own family) and by the time Davy was 12, the family had moved three times and was living in western Tennessee. Known as an honest and hardworking boy with a good sense of humor, Davy learned to shoot with his father around age eight and enjoyed joining his older brother on hunting trips. The...
  • Tennessee: "THE PEOPLE are the government, administering it by their agents; they are the (TR)

    08/01/2019 7:45:49 PM PDT · by Perseverando · 4 replies
    American Minute ^ | July 24, 2019 | Bill Federer
    Tennessee: "THE PEOPLE are the government, administering it by their agents; they are the government, the SOVEREIGN POWER"-Andrew JacksonSpanish Explorers Hernando de Soto, in 1540, and Juan Pardo, in 1567, traveled inland from North America's eastern coast and passed through a Native American village named " Tanasqui." A century and a half later, British traders encountered a Cherokee town named Tanasi. After the Revolutionary War, attempts were made to turn the area into the " State of Franklin" in honor of Ben Franklin. At the State's Constitutional Convention, it is said General Andrew Jackson suggested the Indian name " Tennessee."...
  • Fed Judge Rules Trump Admin Can't Withhold Grants to 'Sanctuary Cities'

    09/19/2017 8:43:12 PM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 31 replies
    MRC TV ^ | September 19, 2017 | P. Gardner Goldsmith
    On Friday, September 15, the Associated Press reported on a fascinating new wrinkle in the centuries-old face of unconstitutional federal activity, and the details might surprise many who are concerned about the sticky issue of “immigration”. According to the report, Federal District Judge Harry Leinenweber just ruled that Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department cannot withhold federal “public safety” grants to so-called “Sanctuary Cities” if the politicians in those cities did not conform to federal immigration policies. This, in effect, temporarily removes a powerful tool in the Trump Administration’s work shed as the President attempts to wrangle with...
  • Phil Collins gives vast Alamo collection to Texas

    10/28/2014 10:11:55 PM PDT · by BenLurkin · 31 replies
    Associated Press ^ | 6 hours ago
    British pop star Phil Collins on Tuesday handed over his vast collection of artifacts related to the Battle of the Alamo and the Texas Revolution to the state of Texas. Collins was in San Antonio to donate what's considered the world's largest private collection of Alamo artifacts. It includes a fringed leather pouch and a gun used by Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie's legendary knife and letters from garrison commander William B. Travis. "There's things in there that will make your mouth drop," Collins said. The 1980s pop artist and Genesis singer-drummer has joked that he spent all the money he...
  • New Alamo motion picture shows role of Esparza family in battle

    04/22/2004 10:52:58 AM PDT · by SwinneySwitch · 8 replies · 681+ views
    Bee-Picayune ^ | 4/22/04 | Gary Kent
    Few Bee County residents were as anxious to see the release of the new Disney movie “The Alamo” as members of the local Benavides family. The reason was the Benavideses wanted to see how their ancestor, Gregorio Esparza, was portrayed in the motion picture. For them, Esparza has been a link to the past that many family members did not understand until a few years ago. George Benavides, who grew up here before moving to Austin, had heard his grandmother tell the stories of having an ancestor who fought and died at the Alamo. However, he had assumed his great-great-great-great-grandfather...
  • Alamo : Davy Crockett's defiant stand at the Alamo 'lasted just 20 minutes', claim historians

    08/16/2011 6:00:33 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 87 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 08/16/2011 | Mail Foreign Service
    The legend of Davy Crockett, the buckskin-clad 'King of the Wild Frontier,' has been cast into doubt by new claims that his fabled last stand at the Alamo may have only lasted 20 minutes. For 175 years, the Battle of the Alamo has been one of America's most cherished historical events. Celebrated in song, story and cinema, the story of heroism against all the odds helped define the young nation's pursuit of liberty. But, according to a new book, the brave last stand depicted by Hollywood stars like John Wayne was a myth. In reality, author Phillip Thomas Tucker claimed...
  • Crockett and Cruz

    01/03/2016 8:41:06 PM PST · by 2ndDivisionVet · 20 replies
    The Courier ^ | January 3, 2016 | Steve Toth
    Texans cherish the memory of Davy Crockett's heroic death at the Alamo in 1836 but few know what led him there or why he fought so valiantly. Throughout his life, Davy Crockett was renowned for his love of liberty and fierce loyalty to the Constitution. Originally a Democrat, Crockett found he could no longer identify with the party's positions which he believed were straying from our country's founding principles. As a man who believed in individual liberty and the principle of congressional restraint this shift was unacceptable to him. He left the party in 1833 and joined the Whig party...
  • In Tennessee, Obama Sings Davy Crockett

    07/01/2015 9:23:59 PM PDT · by Nachum · 62 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 7/1/15 | Charlie Spiering
    The president appears more willing to burst into song after some rave reviews for his rendition of Amazing Grace. During a conversation about Obamacare in Tennessee, President Obama took a question from a man named Davy Crockett. “You don’t have a beaver cap,” Obama said to the man as he asked about about pushing through his application for social security. “Y’all remember that TV show? Actually a lot of people are too young here,” he said before singing a few bars of the tune. (Video)
  • When Coonskin Caps Were Cool

    11/16/2014 11:24:04 AM PST · by virgil283 · 68 replies
    “I still have the memory of my father buying me a Davy Crockett outfit, complete with a coonskin cap,” evokes columnist Lewis Grizzard. Another Crockett fan, Russ Kane, says it was a staple of his childhood:“I was four years old [when the series came out]; I still remember wearing my coonskin cap with its furry tail, as my friends and I pretended to hunt bears and shoot unruly bad guys.” .....
  • The American Flag Daily: The Alamo Falls

    03/06/2014 3:57:14 AM PST · by Master Zinja · 9 replies
    The American Flag Daily ^ | March 5, 2014 | FlagBearer
    The Battle Of The Alamo took place on March 6, 1836, following a siege which began on February 23rd. In the battle, which lasted less than an hour, 189 Texas defenders inflicted more than 600 casualties (dead and wounded) on General Santa Anna's army before finally being overrun and eventually killed. "Remember the Alamo" was the battle cry as Texas avenged the defeat later in the year and eventually gained their independence. Today we honor the memories of the brave men who defended the Alamo and inspired a nation.
  • The American Flag Daily: Battle Of The Alamo

    02/23/2014 4:41:37 AM PST · by Master Zinja · 8 replies
    The American Flag Daily ^ | February 23, 2014 | FlagBearer
    On February 23, 1836, the siege and battle at the Alamo began, as 189 men defended the mission from the 1800-strong Mexican Army during the Texas Revolution. The small Texas force, including Jim Bowie, William Travis and Davy Crockett, would hold against the Mexican Army for 13 days and eventually cause as many as 600 Mexican soldiers to be killed or wounded in the battle before falling. The defense of the Alamo would become a rallying cry for Texas, leading to the Mexican Army defeat at the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21 and ending the Revolution with Texas...
  • Congress and the President Need a Sockdolager from Voters!

    01/12/2012 7:07:07 AM PST · by jmaroneps37 · 2 replies ^ | January 12, 2012 | Helen Sabin, staff writer
    In the late 1700’s, three term Congressman, Davy Crockett, riding the county to gather votes for his next term in Congress, received a “sockdolager” (a knockdown blow) from farmer, Horatio Bunch about Crockett’s vote to provide “$20,000 of charity” to an Admiral’s wife. Bunch asked, “Where do you find in the Constitution any authority to give away the public money in charity? …The Constitution, to be worth anything, must be held sacred, and rigidly observed in all its provisions. The man who wields power and misinterprets it is the more dangerous the more honest he is. You will very easily...
  • Joseph Farah: Remember the Real Alamo

    04/08/2004 6:11:38 AM PDT · by Theodore R. · 40 replies · 484+ views ^ | 04-08-03 | Farah, Joseph
    Remember the real Alamo Posted: April 8, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2004 "Remember the Alamo," was an American battle cry for generations. Now Disney is trying to get Americans to forget the real history of heroic fight. Disney's remake of "The Alamo" will be released tomorrow in theaters nationwide. Judging from a review of the script, the film will be a disgraceful deconstruction of Davy Crockett, Sam Houston, Jim Bowie and other American heroes who "died with their boots on." "The movie reads more like a Disney fairy tale and promotes a politically correct revisionist agenda aimed at...
  • Battle of the Alamo - Thirteen Days to Glory

    11/24/2002 7:30:41 AM PST · by SAMWolf · 79 replies · 26,338+ views
    University of Texas ^ | Unknown | Stephen L. Hardin
    The siege and the final assault on the Alamo in 1836 constitute the most celebrated military engagement in Texas history. The battle was conspicuous for the large number of illustrious personalities among its combatants. These included Tennessee congressman David Crockett, entrepreneur-adventurer James Bowie, and Mexican president Antonio López de Santa Anna. Although not nationally famous at the time, William Barret Travis achieved lasting distinction as commander at the Alamo. For many Americans and most Texans, the battle has become a symbol of patriotic sacrifice. Traditional popular depictions, including novels, stage plays, and motion pictures, emphasize legendary aspects that often...
  • The Fall Of The Alamo

    08/30/2002 10:28:58 AM PDT · by robowombat · 48 replies · 1,336+ views
    Magazine of American History, ^ | January, 1878 | Captain R. M. Potter
    The Fall Of The Alamo by Captain R. M. Potter Date of Event: 1836 Written in 1860, Subsequently Revised by Author Captain R.M. Potter lived near the Alamo at the time it fell, and was in a good position to learn many of the details of what happened there. He wrote the first draft of this narrative for the San Antonio Herald in 1860, and later revised it, after communications with Colonel Juan Seguin, USA, who was an officer of the Alamo garrison up to within six days of the assault. Due to great interest in the subject of the...
  • They Died for a Just and Honorable Cause. (Did They, Really?)

    06/22/2002 1:28:14 PM PDT · by Mom_Grandmother · 26 replies · 592+ views
    DreamScape ^ | 6/22/02 | Mom_Grandmother
    The Mexicans,They Died for a Just and Honorable Cause. (Did They, Really?) I Seem to recall Americans saying the same thing about our men at the Alamo! But today I hear more talk about how damn brave the Mexicans are and how they are going to take this state and that state back. From everything I have been able to gather, we're going to let them have what the hell they want and the hell with the Alamo and it's Hero's. We have finally become the "Roll Over and Play Dead Nation" I don't feel like fighting if it does...
  • Derelict vessel to be enclosed by cofferdam, scrapped

    03/29/2011 6:01:50 AM PDT · by Bean Counter · 23 replies
    The Columbian ^ | 3?29/11 | Eric Robinson
    Contractors are now planning to dismantle the beached and broken Davy Crockett right where it sits. Workers will encircle the 431-foot barge with a cofferdam, forming an enclosed area, and take it apart piece by piece. The original plan of floating it away to a dry dock proved to be untenable, marking another setback in an operation that’s already the most expensive shipwreck in Washington history. Until this week, federal and state authorities had been planning to cut the ship in two and float both halves away to a dry dock. But officials said they were unable to reach agreements...
  • $7.5 million to get derelict barge Davy Crockett out of the Columbia River

    03/11/2011 6:20:04 AM PST · by Bean Counter · 23 replies
    The Oregonian ^ | March 11, 2011 | Scott Learn
    Getting the derelict barge Davy Crockett out of the Columbia River will take at least 75 more days, Coast Guard officials say, with costs probably topping $7.5 million. The Coast Guard, Oregon and Washington officials and contractor Ballard Diving & Salvage are trying to stabilize the 431-foot-long vessel, remove debris and machinery, patch holes and drain fuel before it leaks. Tentative plans include cutting the rusting hulk at least in two and towing the pieces to a ship yard or dry dock for dismantling. The work has cost $5.3 million to date, with a total of $7.5 million anticipated to...
  • Beached barge cleanup costs reach $5.3 million

    03/08/2011 6:47:34 AM PST · by Bean Counter · 10 replies
    The Columbian ^ | 3/8/2011 | Eric Robinson
    Contractors have yet to formulate plan to remove Davy Crockett from Columbia Camas, Washington - Contractors have rung up $5.3 million in costs for the beached and broken barge Davy Crockett, as of the end of last week. And that’s before they’ve even formulated a plan for removing the 431-foot derelict from the north bank of the Columbia River between Vancouver and Camas. Workers have cleared away enough debris that divers were able to safely access fuel tanks at the bottom of the vessel. They found what was described as remnant amounts of heavy bunker fuel, which has the consistency...
  • Leaking barge owner has history of violations

    02/08/2011 6:33:19 PM PST · by Bean Counter · 16 replies
    KGW dot Com ^ | 2/8/2011 | Abbey Gibb
    CAMAS, WA--New details show the owner of a barge leaking oil into the Columbia River near Camas has had a history of being cited for violations dating back to 1998. Currently, the U.S. Coast Guard and the EPA have launched two separate federal investigations into Brett Simpson. The Coast Guard has paid $2.1 million so far in the cleanup effort of the barge spill. A bill they say they were forced to pay ever since Simpson disappeared. "For the past 13 days he's not been part of this removal effort," said Capt. Danny LeBlanc from the Coast Guard. "We've not...