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Keyword: dagga

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  • Police: Paris Hilton detained in South Africa (possession of dagga aka marijuana)

    07/02/2010 2:40:36 PM PDT · by NormsRevenge · 48 replies
    AP on Mercury News ^ | 7/2/10 | Eric Naki - ap
    JOHANNESBURG—Paris Hilton was detained in the South African city of Port Elizabeth on Friday for possession of marijuana, two South African police officers said. The officers spoke on condition of anonymity, since they were not authorized to release Hilton's name before she appeared in court. ... A police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Hilton was caught with an unspecified amount of marijuana. "She was found in possession of some amount of dagga," the officer said, using the local name for marijuana. "We don't know how much. It's a high profile person, only the top cops are dealing...
  • Thousands To Mark 'Cannabis Liberation Day'

    05/04/2002 12:21:17 AM PDT · by LarryLied · 7 replies · 525+ views
    Ananova/Guardian/BBC ^ | 4/04/02 | staff
    Thousands of people are marching in cities across the UK to mark Cannabis Liberation Day. The Million Marijuana March is a worldwide event involving people taking to the streets in nearly 200 cities across the globe. According to the organisation's website, marches are taking place in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Hull, Sheffield and Stafford. In London the march, entitled Dance on the Grave of Cannabis Prohibition, will go from Kennington Park to Brockwell Park, in south London, where a festival is being held featuring live music, a speakers tent and food stalls. Across the world marches are taking place...