do you think China and Russia smiled when they heard about this? i mean every attack against us makes China's rise as hegemon that little bit quicker doesn't it?
this is pretty awful stuff... yes, thanks for the support yanks... i have three friend in central london who just missed the explosions... blair to speak in 15 minutes
it's true but also white gaijin are kindof respected out of insecurity as much as out of dislike. japan has a very intriguing history. any nation that only opend up to outside in the late 19th century is bound to harnass strange ideas of foreigners. japanese respect white western culture in a curious way and us to them in a healthy way. it's a good relationship.
The Conservative party is all we in the UK have at the moment. They are FAR from perfect but if you were to find people of a Freeper mentality then they would be in the lower eschelons of the tory party. Many younger conservatives I know are nothing like what you see leading the party in westminster. I liked UKIP for a while until I met some of their MEPs - far more stuck up and idiotic than and tories i've met, it put me right off them.
will this make wars more probable? the reason we don't goto war so much nowadays is because of the possiblilty of casualties. also, if a man wont die for his country where does that leave us? can of worms comes to mind
Apparently there is a ceasefire in Sudan. Not withstanding the fact that 100 people were killed in an air strike last week and Ethnic violence is now errupting in the east of Sudan. It's going to get worse. I do agree though failure to call this genocide is appalling.