The Brits were living in subway tunnels and a large portion of the french were actively collaborating with the nazis and rounding up Jews while De Gaulle hid in Britain. At the same time the Soviet aligned french commies were looking to exploit the situation and take over Paris.
No amount of diatribe is going to change that fact. You would be speaking German if not for the US, and you're already well on your way to speaking Arabic, Pashtu, and Urdu.
Back to my original point frenchie: if eurotrash care so much about Ukraine - let them pay for it and give up the troops. There is no need for the US to waste any more of its blood and treasure.
You and your fellow frenchman are welcome to act on the stirrings of Churchillian fire in your bellies, go the nearest Ukrainian embassy grift office and slaughter house and sign up for the Ukrainian infantry.
If it's that important, I'm sure you'll find a way to make it happen....just consider it the new Dunkirk and french resistance.
Show us how capable you are without the US. My bet, france will surrender those ideas in a quick hurry.