I used to live in NJ. Once my vehicle was struck there by an illegal alien who had no drivers license and who struck my vehicle while he was driving a company construction truck. Maybe $1500 damage to my vehicle. That driver purposefully left the scene before the cop arrived, but he had his boss (a US citizen) show up soon to deal with the property damage and insurance stuff. The cop who came to the scene went out of his way to seek no information about the other, at-fault driver, including no questions of me or of his employer about the guy who had left the scene of the accident (I took his photo), and the cop asked the employer nothing about that driver (the cop arrived before the employer). In fact, because we’d pulled out of the midst of heavy rush hour traffic and were sitting in a business parking lot, the cop made sure he didn’t write anything down at all about the accident and collected no information at all about the accident. It was like it never happened to him. All in all, I was very unimpressed with the NJ cops I observed or encountered during my 18 months living in NJ. Granted, they DO have plenty of crazy people in places like Newark and Trenton, NJ.