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Posts by geopyg

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  • 'Call to Renewal' Keynote Address By Barack Obama - U.S. Senator for Illinois -

    03/17/2008 1:38:37 AM PDT · 11 of 16
    geopyg to woofie

    “Moreover, given the increasing diversity of America’s population, the dangers of sectarianism have never been greater. Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”

    America may have been a “Christian” nation at one time - although with the various sects, etc. it obviously was still VERY diverse in 1791 (Bill of Rights - A1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof....).

    That said, I believe that America WAS founded on Christian principles, and these principles still form the backbone of our nation and guide us today. This in no way minimizes the rights of non-Christians or their influence in society or government. However, I find that people trying to undermine the influence of Christian ideas on the founding of our country are generally trying to undermine the country itself.

  • Bad Monday in Asia

    03/16/2008 11:53:16 PM PDT · 149 of 158
    geopyg to rbmillerjr

    Here’s from the Founding Father’s Quotes thread that I thought was apropo:

    “We should never despair, our Situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new Exertions and proportion our Efforts to the exigency of the times.”
    George Washington

  • Spot gold surges more than 3 percent to over $1,030

    03/16/2008 9:40:18 PM PDT · 56 of 67
    geopyg to Lester Moore

    Everyone looked at me like I was nuts when I prepared for Y2K. The generator and wood stove have been put to good use for the several long power outages we have had since then, and the habit of keeping lots of extra food on the shelves gives peace of mind (and easy cooking on the wood stove with no trips to the store when the wheather is bad and their power is also out).

    And the gold coins I bought when it was at $200/oz are also looking like a not-too-stupid insurance policy.

  • Spot gold surges more than 3 percent to over $1,030

    03/16/2008 9:11:25 PM PDT · 44 of 67
    geopyg to Publius

    Last night’s news had a story on folks selling their gold stuff to the gold and coin dealers to buy gas. One gal had a coin from her grandma that she sold so she could pay her rent.

  • A Question for Communicants

    03/16/2008 9:03:33 PM PDT · 3 of 18
    geopyg to P-Marlowe
    Thanks, and marking for a more detailed reading. In the kid's Sunday school today we were learning about the Road to Emmaus, and how Jesus (the stranger they did not recognize) talked with two of the disciples as they walked. After they had invited Him to dinner he broke the bread and offered the wine and the disciple's eyes were clear and they recognized him.

    For the younger kids, we just try to get across that communion is for us to “remember Jesus”. It took me a long time to get used to the idea of young children taking communion. After hearing our children's director discuss it, and having a couple of special classes for the children on Communion I finally relented. The kicker for me was “none of us can fully understand the Holy Communion”.

  • Obama's church accuses media of character assassination

    03/16/2008 5:23:34 PM PDT · 15 of 78
    geopyg to BerryDingle

    Kind of like the guv’s hooker getting mad that photos she (or friends) put out on the web are getting media attention. “They print those photos and make me out like some sort of ..... , well...whore or something.”

  • JPMorgan to buy Bear for $2 a share

    03/16/2008 5:04:19 PM PDT · 44 of 229
    geopyg to wideawake

    “The number of loyal Bear employees who had large bonuses trapped in vesting share programs is large.”

    I forget who I heard it from years ago - but they told me not to rely on my company’s stock options too much. If the company goes bad you’re out of a job AND your savings.

    I’m thinking of changing my tagline to “Living on a borrowed dime is living on borrowed time”. The bad part is that all of us that don’t have huge debts are going to get hammered along with everyone else.

  • Bush's Bull's-Eyes

    03/15/2008 10:17:25 PM PDT · 6 of 18
    geopyg to smoothsailing
    They showed the speech live on the local 24hr news channel and I just happened to catch it. I wish he would give more speeches (like FDR's fireside chats propaganda). Bush admits that he figures the proof is in the pudding, and he doesn't need to talk about it.

    But his speech brought up a lot of good points (52 months of growth, recovery from Enron-type deals, natural disasters, two wars. Oh - and that 9/11 thing. And is optimism in the ingenuity of the American people to get us through these tough times.

    I do hope he is correct. Although living the past 20-30 years on a borrowed dime is like living on borrowed time (folk's overextended on credit).

  • Pushes Creepiness Factor Past 11 for Obama

    03/13/2008 10:46:16 PM PDT · 27 of 35
    geopyg to The_Reader_David

    “I’m in no way suggesting that Barack Obama has any similarities at all with Hitler...”

    My wife just got me the book, I’ve only had time read into the first chapter - but I agree. The link between the “science” of genetic purity (the “science” makes it true and right - we just need a Leader to bring it about) and the “science” of global warming is especially scary.

  • Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China (solar panel & toxic pollutant)

    03/08/2008 10:55:34 PM PST · 7 of 17
    geopyg to geopyg

  • Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China (solar panel & toxic pollutant)

    03/08/2008 10:49:54 PM PST · 6 of 17
    geopyg to DB

    Not quite sure who will enforce any environmental rules on the ChiComs. I get a kick (actually pisses me off) how we can’t throw our cell-phones, computers, etc. away in the trash that will be put in a sealed-for-all-eternity modern landfill. Instead we have to “recyle” them. Which means instead of a trip to the landfill it is a trip to the nearest port city. Then loaded onto a ship that burns how much fuel to get to China. Then on to another truck (with terrible emmision control no doubt) to some vast wasteland of computer parts. There some 8-year old barefoot short-sleeve wearing child smashes the thing to bits to get out the precious metals. I imagine some melting and breaking of plastics and soldier takes place. And the discards get tossed into the ditch out back with the creek running throught it.

    All for the sake of “save-the-planet”. (Actually, I imagine it is for the money they get from the metals, but that would seem just mean).

  • Rush for biofuels threatens starvation on a global scale

    03/07/2008 11:13:48 PM PST · 26 of 47
    geopyg to txflake; Fred Nerks

    Let them eat unleaded.

  • Rush for biofuels threatens starvation on a global scale

    03/07/2008 11:11:05 PM PST · 25 of 47
    geopyg to D-fendr

    “Don’t look at me. My car gets 8 miles per meal.”

    A quick search came up with numerous results that 1 tank of biofuel for an SUV (say 25 gallons?) has enough corn in it to feed a person for a year. (Not sure if “feed” means total calories, or just the amount of corn they would eat in a year). Regardless - the food to gas conversion seems awful lopsided. Not counting that it takes more energy to turn the corn into a gallon of fuel than the amount of energy in a gallon of gas.


    03/07/2008 9:46:55 AM PST · 22 of 54
    geopyg to Turret Gunner A20

    It doesn’t matter what the science is. The wheels have been set in motion for the state to save us. (Oh, and they may make some money while they are at it.) In Washington State they already have passed a law that by 2010 we must have our CO2 emissions at 1990 levels. By 2050 they must be at 50% (!) of 1990 levels.

    One of their ideas will be to make all major highways in the metro area toll roads. The city of Seattle is already making developers turn parking areas into greenbelts to promote use of mass transit.

  • Seabed Microbe Study Leads To Low-cost Power, Light For Developing World

    03/06/2008 8:06:29 PM PST · 12 of 23
    geopyg to 2ndDivisionVet

    Small things can make a big difference in a lot of people’s lives. There was an article about a device to help the lowest-level caste guys in India catch rats. It costs $25 (too much for them, but it is being given out using grants) but can increase their catch a bunch. The guy they interviewed said he made $1 more each day (he gets paid per rat) - so now his children can go to school and get better jobs when they are older.

    Oh - he also has feasts every night too. (He gets to keep the rats for dinner - along with any grains he recovers from their tunnels).

    to now be able

  • Terrorists Strike in Woodinville

    03/03/2008 4:00:44 PM PST · 20 of 22
    geopyg to Red Boots

    Perhaps it was Peter Weissbach that talked of “life energy”?? I don’t recall - sorry.

  • Terrorists Strike in Woodinville

    03/03/2008 3:53:54 PM PST · 19 of 22
    geopyg to Red Boots

    I’m thinking it might have been Kirby Wilbur (????) - just a local Seattle station talk show as far as I know.

  • Terrorists Strike in Woodinville

    03/03/2008 3:33:32 PM PST · 17 of 22
    geopyg to Red Boots

    Taxation was a large part of his discussion about our life energy being taken away. Of course SOME of that is returned to us in the form of roads and defense.

  • Street of Dreams homes burned, eco-terrorists suspected

    03/03/2008 1:21:21 PM PST · 20 of 36
    geopyg to RobRoy

    The three retirees by chance met each other in Florida and told their woes of losing their businesses and rather than start over they just retired. To make a long story short- One was a fire. The other was severe vandalism. The third was a flood during heavy rains and the dam broke. “How in the world did you get it to rain so hard?” they asked the third guy.

  • Masters of gouging

    03/03/2008 1:11:41 PM PST · 8 of 16
    geopyg to engrpat

    Thanks for that very interesting information.