Sounds like you made an informed decision (you listened to Rush). You're in the right place.
If you stay a while, keep the other site in mind when the Freepathons come around - no ads, but keeping Free Republic going isn't free.
Keep poking around: it's not all politics on FR. Food, religion, crafting, movies, music, cars, guns, boats, losing guns in boating accidents, women that are guilty vs. not guilty, and where they fall on the Hot/Crazy Matrix, etc. It's all here.
Keep posting your opinions: everyone has one, and they're like, well, you know.
Keep participating in discussions.
Post links that you think other people would be interested in. Then, when you least expect it, some people will connect with you, probably via FreepMail, and you'll make new friends who are either like-minded, or have enough similar interests that you can argue with them about.