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Keyword: bushrecord

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  • Myths and Facts About the Real Bush Record

    12/22/2008 6:02:55 AM PST · by Dawebman · 18 replies · 2,514+ views
    RealClearPolitics ^ | December 22, 2008 | Ed Gillespie
    As the year draws to an end and President Bush enters his final month in office, there is much commentary about the Administration's record over the past eight years. Unsurprisingly, many of these stories assail and distort the President's record and recycle myths and unfounded allegations that have been leveled for the better part of his two terms. Historical accuracy requires a response to the litany of attacks leveled against President Bush, and while there's not enough space to respond to all of them, here are five of the most egregious:
  • The Pie Got Bigger

    08/26/2008 6:17:46 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 17 replies · 323+ views
    IBD Editorials ^ | August 26, 2008
    Economy: Average U.S. income fell when George Bush took office in 2001. Naturally, Democrats and the media unfairly blamed him for it. But now Americans are better off than when Bill Clinton was president.According to the latest data from the Internal Revenue Service, average adjusted gross income in 2006 hit $58,029 in 2006 dollars. It was the first time that average income had exceeded the peak year of 2000, the year before incomes began to decline. The average income in 2006 was 1.2%, or $739, higher than in 2000, when incomes were swollen by capital gains from a roaring market,...
  • The Real Bush Record (Dick Cheney Responds to Greenspan in Op-Ed)

    09/18/2007 9:25:46 PM PDT · by RWR8189 · 24 replies · 1,907+ views
    Wall Street Journal ^ | September 19, 2007 | Vice President Richard Cheney
    In his new book, "The Age of Turbulence," my longtime friend Alan Greenspan argues that President Bush's economic and budget policies have been fiscally irresponsible. I've known and admired Alan for years, and I believe he was a great chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. But I think his assessment is off the mark. Alan tells of his first meeting with then President-elect Bush on Dec. 18, 2000, at the Madison Hotel in Washington. I recall this breakfast meeting very well, especially Alan's comments on the state of the economy. The Fed chairman told the president-elect and our team that...
  • Republicans at the Crossroads, Part Two:Next Week's Chance For Redemption May Be Their Last

    06/04/2006 8:09:25 AM PDT · by rdmartinjd · 23 replies · 648+ views
    TheVanguard.Org ^ | 2 June 2006 | Rod D. Martin
    The talk of a Republican apocalypse this fall is likely premature, but very well earned. A White House that can't seem to communicate its way out of a paper bag surely can't lead. A Senate which forgets it was elected to cut spending, reduce waste and change Washington should expect to be sent home. This is just reality. But there's more to this story than meets most eyes. There's also a real chance for redemption. Republicans in 2004 won an historic victory, on the wave of an overwhelming coalition of fiscal, defense and social conservatives representing a large majority of...
  • The Real Bush Record

    11/13/2001 7:17:48 AM PST · by ILoveFreedom&Liberty · 142 replies · 861+ views
    The NewAmerican ^ | August 13, 2001 | Gary Benoit
    The Real Bush Record by Gary Benoit By most accounts, George W. Bush is an arch-conservative busily dismantling the liberal, big government legacy of the Clinton-Gore years. But the record compiled by the new administration during its first six months in office shows that the media-generated conservative image is only skin deep. Close observers of presidential politics were given fair warning early on that Mr. Bush would continue the activist role of the federal government. "Government has a role, and an important one," the new president declared in his February 27th speech to a joint session of Congress. "Our new ...
  • Somewhere a town in Taxas is missing its Idiot

    09/18/2004 3:30:21 AM PDT · by gr8eman · 60 replies · 1,779+ views
    Vanity | 18 Sep 2004 | gr8eman
    Yesterday I saw some geek wearing a T-shirt that said "Somewhere a town in Texas is missing its Idiot" (or some such) on the back! It got me thinking about the definition of idiocy. I don't have to get the dictionary to know it as well as most people, but it is time the distinctions were discussed. Regarding the constant ape-like chants and missives about how stupid George Bush is, I think it is high time for factual comparisons of idiotic behavioural patterns.Fact: Pres. Bush piloted an F-102 successfull for approx. 4 years and did not crash once! If he...
  • In Defense of the President's Environmental Record

    09/17/2004 12:10:32 PM PDT · by farmfriend · 6 replies · 516+ views
    Tech Central Station ^ | 09/17/2004 | Max Borders
    In Defense of the President's Environmental Record By Max Borders While the environment remains at the bottom of the priority list for US voters, a number of factions continue nevertheless to flail wildly at the President on his green record -- claiming that his administration's work on the environment is poor, or worse: The League of Conservation Voters -- gave President George W. Bush an 'F' on the organization's 2003 Report Card The Children's Environmental Health Network -- gave the Bush Administration an 'F' for "how well it has protected children from environmental threats…" The National Park Conservation Association --...
  • The Bush Line: President Bush's Record of Cutting Taxes

    09/17/2004 11:42:20 AM PDT · by RWR8189 · 6 replies · 594+ views
    George W. Bush ^ | September 17, 2004
    "Another drag on our economy is the current tax code, which is a complicated mess -- filled with special interest loopholes, saddling our people with more than six billion hours of paperwork and headache every year. The American people deserve -- and our economic future demands -- a simpler, fairer, pro-growth system. In a new term, I will lead a bipartisan effort to reform and simplify the federal tax code."-President Bush, 9/2/04 President Bush's Agenda For A Fairer, Simpler Tax CodeMaking the Tax Code Fairer, Simpler, and Pro-Growth.  President Bush will work with Congress to make the tax code...
  • Policy Memo: The Bush Administration Record on Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention

    09/13/2004 6:15:21 PM PDT · by RWR8189 · 606+ views
    George W. Bush ^ | September 13, 2004
    MEMORANDUM FROM: BC'04 POLICY DEPARTMENTINTRODUCTIONPresident Bush has made combating crime a top priority of his administration. During his time in office, President Bush has launched unprecedented efforts to crack down on gun crime, rein in corporate fraud, and reduce criminal recidivism. His innovative law enforcement reforms earned President Bush the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, the nation's largest police labor organization. Thanks to President Bush's efforts, the violent crime rate is at a 30-year low and Americans everywhere are living safer, less fearful lives.  SELECTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS1. REDUCING CRIME - THE LOWEST CRIME RATE IN 30 YEARSPresident Bush's policies...
  • George W. Bush's Missing Year

    09/02/2004 8:39:47 AM PDT · by TitansAFC · 73 replies · 2,484+ views ^ | 9-2-04 | Mary Jacoby
    The widow of a Bush family confidant says her husband gave the future president an Alabama Senate campaign job as a favor to his worried father. Did they see him do any National Guard service? "Good lord, no." - - - - - - - - - - - - By Mary Jacoby Sept. 2, 2004 | NEW YORK -- Before there was Karl Rove, Lee Atwater or even James Baker, the Bush family's political guru was a gregarious newspaper owner and campaign consultant from Midland, Texas, named Jimmy Allison. In the spring of 1972, George H.W. Bush phoned his...
  • The Bush Presidency (The Economist)

    08/28/2004 4:17:12 PM PDT · by drew · 8 replies · 501+ views ^ | 8/28/04 | The Economist
    The Bush presidency Je ne regrette rien Aug 26th 2004 From The Economist print editionAfter a tumultuous first term, George Bush has much to be proud of—and much to reconsiderFOUR years ago, George Bush presented himself at the Republican convention in Philadelphia as a “compassionate conservative”. After the dramas and division of the Clinton years, the Texan dynast, backed by reliable old hands such as his running-mate, Dick Cheney, would provide a more modest, grown-up approach. Abroad, Mr Bush promised a humble but strong foreign policy. At home, there would be a big tax cut, affordable thanks to the large...
  • The accomplishments of Bush

    08/19/2004 12:49:33 PM PDT · by whoozit · 11 replies · 1,154+ views
    I can't recall which thread this was on, and I can't seem to find it with a search, but I am looking for the list of accomplishments of George W. Bush during his term as President. Can someone help me out please? Thanks!
  • A Record of Recovery

    08/03/2004 10:06:14 PM PDT · by neverdem · 13 replies · 981+ views
    NY Times ^ | August 4, 2004 | GEORGE P. SCHULTZ
    OP-CHART Over the course of last week, we heard a lot from the Democrats about their record of economic achievement. So let's take the advice of a Democrat of yesteryear, Al Smith, the former governor of New York. His trademark phrase was, "Let's look at the record." These charts show the rate of change in real gross domestic product and in employment from 1990 to last June. The shaded areas show recessions. The vertical lines show when President Bill Clinton took office and when he left. Because the economy has momentum, it's useful to look carefully at the trends in...
  • Bush Reminds Voters of His Accomplishments

    07/30/2004 11:43:13 AM PDT · by yoe · 11 replies · 2,151+ views ^ | June 30, 2004 | Susan Jones
    President Bush embarked on what he called his "Heart and Soul of America Tour" on Friday, outlining some of the big campaign differences between Democrats and Republicans: "They're going to raise your taxes, we're not." President Bush told the crowd that Democrats "somehow believe the heart and soul of America can be found in Hollywood. The heart and soul of America is found right here in Springfield, Missouri," Bush said. The president said he's looking forward to the campaign and getting out among the people in Michigan and Ohio this weekend. "Today you'll hear some reasons why I think you...
  • George Bush’s Record (PRO LIFE)

    07/30/2004 10:24:06 AM PDT · by GailA · 6 replies · 838+ views
    II. George Bush’s Record Just as Truman became president in a political, social and legal context that shaped and limited what he could accomplish on black civil rights, George W. Bush took office in a context which limits what he can achieve in the struggle to establish the civil rights of the unborn. He became president under the cloud of the 2000 election recount and the Supreme Court’s resolution in Bush v. Gore. (Sidewalks in Chicago still have black stamps proclaiming “Hail to the Thief.”) Only with his decisive action in response to the attacks of September 11th, and the...
  • Presidency of George W. Bush -- the first 35 months

    07/18/2004 6:16:18 AM PDT · by yoe · 124 replies · 4,978+ views ^ | 2001 - 2003 | Staff
    This is a re-post - lest we forget and what must be told about our President Bush - read it carefully and see why the Democrats are fighting back so hard to regain power - from unions to the environmentalists to the United Nations – President Bush has acted for America and Americans. Please pass this on.Presidency of George W. Bush -- the first 35 months · Banned Partial Birth Abortion · Reversed Clinton's move to strike Reagan's anti-abortion Mexico Policy · Killed the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty · Killed U.S. involvement in the International Criminal Court · Killed Clinton's...

    06/30/2004 3:33:59 PM PDT · by soozla · 170 replies · 37,798+ views
    Unknown | June 30, 2004 | Unknown
    Abortion & Traditional Values1. Banned Partial Birth Abortion — by far the most significant roll-back of abortion on demand since Roe v. Wade. 2. Reversed Clinton's move to strike Reagan's anti-abortion Mexico Policy. 3. By Executive Order (EO), reversed Clinton's policy of not requiring parental consent for abortions under the Medical Privacy Act. 4. By EO, prohibited federal funds for international family planning groups that provide abortions and related services. 5. Upheld the ban on abortions at military hospitals. 6. Made $33 million available for abstinence education programs in 2004. 7. Supports the Defense of Marriage Act — and a...
  • The Real Bush Record

    06/15/2004 7:52:37 AM PDT · by Kerry Crusher · 10 replies · 211+ views ^ | 6.15.04 |
    As John Kerry embarks on an ill-advised assault on the economy, it’s imperative we conservatives and right-of-center bloggers are armed with the facts to counter all the misinformation that’s bound to pollute the Internet in the coming weeks and months. Therefore, with National Review’s Real Reagan Record as our inspiration, we offer Kerry Crushers, The Real Bush Record. We hope you all find this data useful.Introduction The U.S. economy is firing on all cylinders. Under President Bush's leadership, we have created 1.4 million jobs since August and the economy is growing at its fastest rate in 20 years. Despite this...
  • Bush's Pro-Life Record as of May 18, 2004, by Fr. Peter West

    05/23/2004 11:44:55 AM PDT · by Coleus · 49 replies · 13,434+ views
    Private e-mail of Fr. Peter West ^ | 05.18.04 | Fr. Peter West
    Below is a list of President Bush's pro-life efforts and accomplishments in regard to protecting children in the womb and promoting the sanctity of life.  I include some accomplishments in other areas but mostly focus on his pro-life record. This list is by no means comprehensive.  When considering other issues much more could be added to the list of positive things that Bush has done since he has been in office. I started to compile this list shortly after the President was reinaugurated after hearing from many, who consider themselves pro-life, that Bush was not really pro-life. I disagreed and...
  • Toward a Reasonable Election Day: The pundits may not admit it, but W.'s Iraq record is clear.

    05/10/2004 3:46:24 PM PDT · by xsysmgr · 7 replies · 166+ views
    National Review Online ^ | May 10, 2004 | Peter J. Wallison
    It would be astonishing if anyone who has read the Bob Woodward book, Plan of Attack, and watched the public hearings of the 9/11 Commission still does not understand why President Bush invaded Iraq. The commission, under the watchful eye of the media, is inspecting every bit of information that went to the president before 9/11, and dissecting his reaction and that of his administration to fearful but ambiguous warnings. His critics assert that the president should have acted when he was told, in a briefing on August 6, 2001, that bin Laden wanted to attack within the United...