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Keyword: builtbackbad

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  • Manchin blasts WH staff for leaking 'absolutely inexcusable' things about him after rejecting BBB

    12/21/2021 8:16:10 AM PST · by Conservat1 · 51 replies
    FoxNews ^ | Dec 20, 2021 | Houston Keene
    Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., blasted the White House "staff" for leaking "absolutely inexcusable" things about him after rejecting President Biden’s Build Back Better Act during an interview on "Fox News Sunday." He said he would not be pressured into supporting the bill by his fellow Democrats Manchin said during a Monday interview with MetroNews Talkline that the White House "retaliated" against him after he told "Fox News Sunday" that he could not support Biden's signature COVID–19 relief legislation. "Basically, they retaliated," the West Virginia Democrat said. "I figured they would come back strong."
  • Build Back Better -- Wasting Trillions

    11/17/2021 3:45:57 AM PST · by Kaslin · 14 replies ^ | November 17, 2021 | Star Parker
    As Democrats regroup to try to pass their $2 trillion Build Back Better Act, pressure grows for shining the light of fiscal responsibility on all this. Given resident Joe Biden's crashing approval ratings, there is some hint that the American people smell a rat. One sign of the smell of that rat is the alarming escalation of the rate of inflation to where it hasn't been in over 30 years. Let's start with the announcement from the Treasury Department a week ago that the revenue measures built in to finance the $2 trillion in spending will not only not add...
  • For Democrats, the Word Is 'Transform"For Democrats, the Word Is 'Transform'

    11/24/2021 3:33:59 AM PST · by Kaslin · 6 replies ^ | November 24, 2021 | Byron York
    Remember when Joe Biden ran for president in what commentators called the "centrist" lane of the Democratic primaries? The idea was that a "moderate" like Biden, unlike rival Bernie Sanders, would not push radical plans to completely change American society. That would reassure non-progressive Democrats, and independents, too, that Biden would be a safe choice for president. They didn't want to remake the world. They just wanted things to get better. You could see the difference in the Democratic debates. To take one example, at a debate in November 2019, Sanders urged people to join him "if you want to...
  • Added IRS Funding Spells Bad News for Minority Communities

    11/28/2021 6:03:22 AM PST · by Kaslin · 22 replies ^ | November 28, 2021 | Daniel Savickas
    The Biden administration is scrambling to come up with ways to pay for its trillions of dollars of social program proposals. One such way they’ve proposed to do this is to give the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) more funding to go after potential tax cheats. Proponents say more money for the IRS will pay for itself by allowing the agency to go after millionaires and billionaires who are underpaying on their federal tax returns. However, if the IRS’s past track record is any indication, it will not be the rich and powerful that come under their microscope. Before ProPublica resorted...
  • Biden's 'Build Back Better' Fraud

    11/30/2021 5:35:19 AM PST · by Kaslin · 5 replies
    Townhall. com ^ | November 30, 2021 | Oliver North and David Goetsch
    No president has ever proposed a more egregiously misnamed piece of legislation than resident Joe Biden's so-called Build Back Better plan. The label "Progressive-Democrats" chose for this European-style socialist legislation is an example of their favorite ploy: semantic subterfuge -- assigning an appealing name to an appalling concept. n reality, the plan is a socialist wealth redistribution ploy to erode America's free market economy and replace it with government control, burdensome regulations and even higher taxes. When it comes to building back better, what Biden and the Democrats need to rebuild are the successful policies of the previous administration they...
  • Government Isn't Required to Build Back Better

    12/09/2021 5:06:53 AM PST · by Kaslin · 8 replies ^ | December 9, 2021 | Veronique de Rugy
    Should we ignore the costs of the "Build Back Better" bill and simply focus on the benefits? Wouldn't that be nice? Unfortunately, the most constructive criticisms of the legislation reveal why the magical thinking behind this monstrously expensive spending package will not improve American society. In urging us to focus less on costs, economist Alan Blinder asserts: "The House bill includes several real winners. Do you oppose universal pre-K education? You shouldn't; it works. Are you against more-affordable child care? Not many Americans are. Do you think we should ignore global climate change? If so, think again." But these assertions...
  • Biden spending plan promotes discrimination against Christians

    12/14/2021 2:40:13 PM PST · by Conservat1 · 9 replies
    WND ^ | Dec 13, 2021 | Bob Unruh
    The executive editor of The Federalist has issued a warning that Joe Biden's proposed $3.5 trillion welfare expansion would set up a deliberate discrimination against Christians across America. Specifically, the "Build Back Better" entitlement bill "would require religious child-care providers to disavow longstanding theology about sex in order to receive federal child-care funds."