Keyword: borderlist
Top U.S. legislators agree on extending deadline for passports 33 minutes ago WASHINGTON (CP) - U.S. legislators on a bi-partisan committee have agreed to extend the deadline of tough new identification measures at the Canada-U.S. border for 17 months. The delay is included in a funding bill for the Homeland Security Department that authorizes new fencing along the U.S. border with Mexico. It still needs to clear Congress, but observers are optimistic of its passage. The vote could come as soon as Thursday before legislators hit the campaign trail for the mid-term elections in November. The rule requiring passports or...
When Smugglers Try to Run You Over With a Vehicle........08-26-06 You're supposed to; A. Shoot at them; B. Chase them; C. Wave at them and say "Bienvenidos a Los Estados Unidos"; D. Throw a pamphlet at them on how to apply for Amnestia; E. Offer them food, water, medical care, and counseling at taxpayer expense; F. Beg them not to report you to OIG and/or the U.S. Attorney's office for using an expletive when you dive for cover; or G. Let them go. We realize you probably thought this was a trick question, but of course the correct answers are...
It’s the question of the decade if not the question of the century: “Why is there such a disconnect between the political class and the people of the United States on the issue of illegal immigration?” The easy answers are that Republicans want cheap labor for their big-business contributors and Democrats see a near-limitless source of new votes. Conventional wisdom rarely goes beyond that point, but really, labor and votes are mere surface issues. To some extent, and perhaps even unconsciously, our political elites seem to feel that many of their problems -- stuff like the recent Jack Abramoff lobbying...
Mexican politicians continuously demand more visas for their citizens, an expanded guest-worker program, and "regularization" of illegal aliens living north of the Rio Grande. While neglecting to mention that the United States admits nearly one million legal newcomers each year, they also fail to publicize: (1) the extremely high salaries they receive, often—in the case of federal and state legislators—more than their counterparts in developed nations that have substantially longer annual sessions, (2) the generous stipends that they grant themselves, including year-end aguinaldos and end-of-term bonuses of tens of thousands of dollars known as bonos de marcha, and (3) the...
MEXICO CITY - Mexicans voted Sunday in a tight presidential race to decide whether their country becomes the latest Latin American nation to move to the left, choosing between a shopkeeper's son promising to save the poor and a conservative calling his rival's free-spending populism dangerous. The campaign, which exposed Mexico's painful class divisions, was the first since Vicente Fox's stunning victory six years ago ended 71 years of rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI. Polls predicted a close race between conservative Felipe Calderon, 43, of Fox's National Action Party, and leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, 52, a...
The reason why Mexico is having chilly relations with the United States because we are importing Mexico's poor and the American tapayer is paying for them. Mexico refused to do nothing about the corruption that is pervasive in all levels of government. There is a massive crime wave being committed more and more by Mexican nationals against American citizens. Could this also be another reason why there is a chill between Mexico and the United States?The author of the piece does not touch this.
What are Hispanic groups and the Democratic Party have to fear about the upcoming immigration hearings by the GOP?What are they hiding?I thought that they would be glad that they are finally to air their views in the public.
Mexican conservative could buck trend By Alistair Scrutton 1 hour, 17 minutes ago MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - For all the talk of the rise of Latin America's left, Mexican presidential hopeful Felipe Calderon could show on Sunday that, while unfashionable, U.S.-style conservatives can still win hearts and minds. Years of stuttering market reforms under outgoing President Vicente Fox from free trade to a credit card bonanza have taken root among many voters who fear leftists so popular in countries like Venezuela and Bolivia could bring ruin. Leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is a slight favorite in Sunday's elections but polls...
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio wants 11 more large tents to house an influx of illegal immigrants. Tent City One is outside the nearby Estrella Jail in southwest Phoenix. There are 2,000 inmates in the two tent facilities and about 10,000 inmates in all of the county's jails. In August, state legislators passed an anti-human smuggling statute giving prosecutors a tool to go after smugglers. County Attorney Andrew Thomas later issued an opinion saying illegal immigrants suspected of paying coyotes could be prosecuted as conspirators. "The law is clear and I intend to enforce it," Arpaio said. "But we're going...
It’s Time To Go RINO Hunting By Herman Cain June 7, 2006 The split in the majority party between conservatives and RINOs – Republicans in Name Only – first became apparent during last year’s debate over proposals to restructure the Social Security program. The chasm has only deepened this session in debates and votes in Congress on immigration, tax policy, spending and judicial nominees. Whether we agree or not with all aspects of President Bush’s agenda, we at least know his positions. Conversely, Congressional Republicans are like a lost ship adrift at sea with no captain or compass. President Bush’s...
ATLANTA -- A Fulton County police officer shot and killed a man after a child was killed with an ax. (Excerpt - read the rest at: Click here.
I would like to start off with this startling fact. In 1994, the estimated costs of educating the children of exceeded 28.6 billion taxpayer dollars alone. Just multiplying that figure over a period of 20 years(adjusting for inflation). With schools cutting back on after school programs such as after school prograns, not purchasing up to date textbooks. Some states have even cut back the hiring of new teacgers and childcare prgrams. Other school districts(including the Los Angeles School District) have shortened the shool week from five days to four or shortened school hours, All of this can be diretly attributed...
There is a interesting point that was made by a local radio program. That the Senate bill has a loophole that has the potential cause their bill to implode.
The long-fought Senate immigration bill that opponents say grants amnesty to 10 million illegal aliens is unconstitutional and appears headed for certain demise, Senate Republicans now say. A key feature of the Senate bill is that it would make illegals pay back taxes before applying for citizenship, a requirement that supporters say will raise billions of dollars in the next decade. There's just one problem: The U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits revenue-raising legislation from originating in the Senate.
We Need More Big Potatoes By Herman CainMy grandfather was a farmer. Though he was the grandson of slaves, he was able to own his small farm in rural Douglas County, Georgia and earn a modest return as the fruits of his labor. Many times as a little boy when I would visit my grandparents, Granddad had to take a load of potatoes into the local farmer's market. When he finished loading the wagon Granddad would announce to all the grandchildren running around in the yard, "Them that's goin', get on the wagon! Them that ain't, get outta the way!"...
The debate in Washington over reforming America's immigration laws has produced not only heated rhetoric but a few fantastic claims. Few are wilder than a prediction from a well-known think-tank that the reform bill just passed by the Senate will result in 103 million legal immigrants to the United States during the next 20 years. In a "Web Memo" from the Heritage Foundation, author Robert Rector claims that the Hagel-Martinez immigration bill (S. 2611) would unleash a flood of chain migration that would overwhelm America's capacity to absorb so many people. He calculates that the bill would not only allow...
This caught my eye several months ago and its a good way of enforcing immigration law.This may give you the added tool to enforce immigration law. From the Backrounder In 1996, Congress expanded the Racketeer influenced and Corrupt Organization(RICO) to include violations of federal immigration law. While this expansion may not recieved publicity, it could potentially change the face of U.S. immigration law eforcement. Under the new RICO provisions, a violation of certain provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act(INA) meets the definition of racketeering activity, also know an "predicate offenses" and an entity that engages in a pattern of...
The Truth is Alien to the Left May 24, 2006 By Herman Cain The ignorance strategy apparently worked so well last year to stifle any attempt to restructure the Social Security system that liberals - from both political parties - have extended this game plan to other issues. In George Orwell's 1984, Big Brother constantly reminded the citizens that "ignorance is strength" to diminish the public's desire to know the truth. Adherence to this principle kept the government in control and the citizens in the dark. Liberals now employ the ignorance strategy to distort the truth and deceive the public...
Here is the idea... Instead of sending bricks to your congressperson's Washington DC office where mail is screened and the bricks are tossed, you send the brick to your congressperson's field office (in your dictrict) or his/her Campagin HQ. It will not be ignored so easily.
WASHINGTON — The first wave of about 800 National Guard soldiers will head to the U.S-Mexico border next week, including planners and leadership personnel who will stay longer than the planned 21-day missions, the National Guard chief told lawmakers Wednesday. Lt. Gen. Steven Blum said 200 soldiers are preparing to go to each of the four border states _ California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico _ around June 1. He said the initial troops will be part of a longer-term force of project managers who will stay on the job over time to provide continuity in the new border program....