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Keyword: apostatepope

Brevity: Headers | « Text »
  • [Catholic Caucus] God is allowing the passion of the Catholic Church for our sanctification

    01/28/2025 9:30:29 AM PST · by ebb tide · 27 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 27, 2025 | Robert T. Morrison
    [Catholic Caucus] God is allowing the passion of the Catholic Church for our sanctification'Providence has allowed this painful crisis in the Church for our sanctification and in order to give more brightness to the pure gold of its doctrine and its means of redemption,' wrote Archbishop Lefebvre in 1978, words that ring even truer today. In his letter to friends and benefactors on the Feast of St. Joseph in 1978, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre wrote of the “passion” of the Catholic Church: Providence has allowed this painful crisis in the Church for our sanctification and in order to give more brightness...
  • Michael Knowles compares Vatican’s Latin Mass crackdown to Henry VIII’s hijacking of Catholic churches

    01/26/2025 3:04:37 PM PST · by ebb tide · 8 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 24, 2025 | Emily Mangiaracina
    Michael Knowles compares Vatican’s Latin Mass crackdown to Henry VIII’s hijacking of Catholic churchesThe Daily Wire host shared with Raymond Arroyo how they had seen or experienced the profoundly transformative impact of the Traditional Latin Mass firsthand.Daily Wire host Michael Knowles compared the Vatican’s suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass to King Henry VIII’s Protestant hijacking of Catholic churches in England.In an interview aired on EWTN’s The World Over with Raymond Arroyo, both the EWTN and Daily Wire host shared how they had seen or experienced the profoundly transformative impact of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) firsthand.Arroyo told how “many...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis institutes 23 women as Lectors, described as ‘tectonic shift’ in Catholic Tradition

    01/26/2025 2:08:09 PM PST · by ebb tide · 13 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 26, 2025 | Michael Haynes
    [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis institutes 23 women as Lectors, described as ‘tectonic shift’ in Catholic TraditionFollowing his Canon Law changes in 2021, Pope Francis has now instituted men and women as Lectors four times, citing the 'common priesthood' in doing so. Liturgical scholars have warned that such actions contradict centuries of Catholic Tradition.Following his Canon Law changes in 2021, Pope Francis has now instituted men and women as Lectors four times, citing the 'common priesthood' in doing so. Liturgical scholars have warned that such actions contradict centuries of Catholic Tradition. Pope Francis instituted 40 men and women in the ministry...
  • [Catholic Caucus] “Angelic Sins” and the New Orthodoxy

    01/26/2025 1:24:03 PM PST · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | January 26, 2025 | Dr. Tomasz Dekert
    [Catholic Caucus] “Angelic Sins” and the New OrthodoxyIn my previous article, "Pope Francis’s Autobiography, or Why the Pope Shouldn’t Be a Psychoanalyst," I outlined the problem that arises when someone wielding as much authority as the Holy Father bases his assessments of the faithful under his care on personal assumptions about their psychological issues, combined with a tendency to generalize individual observations (not to mention potential imaginations) to a segment of the Church community.However, the entire situation—of which Pope Francis’ words in his autobiography are merely a symptomatic manifestation—has broader dimensions. Undoubtedly, there are many, but here I would like...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Pro-LGBT GLAAD president says organization is ‘working with’ Pope Francis

    01/26/2025 9:47:45 AM PST · by ebb tide · 10 replies
    Catholic Vote ^ | January 24, 2025 | CV News Feed
    [Catholic Caucus] Pro-LGBT GLAAD president says organization is ‘working with’ Pope FrancisAt the World Economic Forum this week, the president of the pro-LGBT organization Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) stated that her organization is “working with” Pope Francis.In a video clip posted to X, Sarah Kate Ellis stated during a WEF session, “We are working with the Pope, and we have been working with the Pope and other religious leaders, and I think we’ve seen the most movement we’ve ever seen. Now we’ve seen some setbacks and I’m not saying anyone – don’t, you know, we have to...
  • [Catholic Caucus] A 'female cardinal' at the head of the Governorate? Francis on Italian TV announces other 'epochal' changes.

    01/25/2025 9:28:48 AM PST · by ebb tide · 6 replies
    The Remnant Newspaper ^ | January 24, 2025 | Gaetano Masciullo
    [Catholic Caucus] A 'female cardinal' at the head of the Governorate? Francis on Italian TV announces other 'epochal' changes.A female Cardinal? Well, we're getting there... Pope Francis announced that Sister Raffaella Petrini, the current Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City State, will assume the role of President starting in March 2025, replacing Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga. However, the Pope's own promulgated rule states that only a Cardinal can be President of the Governate... further amendments may be necessary. "Women handle problems better than men," said the Pope, riding one of the most painful clichés.On Sunday, January 19, 2025,...
  • We must tell the full truth about Francis: here’s why

    01/24/2025 8:21:22 PM PST · by ebb tide · 24 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 23, 2025 | Matthew McCusker
    We must tell the full truth about Francis: here’s whySome have stated that debating whether Francis is pope is a misguided endeavor. In this article I will argue that the most important task before us is to discover the truth, and that it is always better to know the truth so we can make it the foundation of our actions.But, when necessity compels, not those only who are invested with power of rule are bound to safeguard the integrity of faith, but, as St. Thomas maintains: “Each one is under obligation to show forth his faith, either to instruct and...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Papal Hate Speech and the Pact of the Catacombs: What’s the Connection?

    01/24/2025 7:27:36 PM PST · by ebb tide · 5 replies
    The Remnant Newspaper ^ | January 24, 2025 | Michael J. Matt
    [Catholic Caucus] Papal Hate Speech and the Pact of the Catacombs: What’s the Connection?This is all part of the foundational event on which Francis patterns his entire pontificate – the 1965 Pact of the Catacombs, which took place in the Domitilla Catacomb on the eve of the close of Vatican II and was a de facto declaration of war on the traditional Catholic liturgy, practice, and theology.In his new autobiography, “Hope,” Francis accuses traditional Catholics of “rigorism” and a culture of “backwardism” wherein young traditional priests “dress up” in “elegant and costly tailoring, lace, fancy trimmings, rochets” to “conceal a...
  • Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio uses the Throne of Peter to act as a servant of Satan

    01/22/2025 1:43:52 PM PST · by ebb tide · 27 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 20, 2025 | Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
    Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio uses the Throne of Peter to act as a servant of SatanThe day will come when the prelates of the Catholic Church will be asked to clarify what intrigues and conspiracies may have led to the throne one who acts as the servant of Satan’s servants.Deus, qui beato Petro Apostolo tuo, collatis clavibus regni cælestis, ligandi atque solvendi pontificium tradidisti: concede; ut, intercessionis ejus auxilio, a peccatorum nostrorum nexibus liberemur.O God, who, by entrusting to your apostle Peter, the keys of the heavenly kingdom, gave him the pontifical power to bind and to loose: grant, through the...
  • [Catholic Caucus] The End of the Male Clergy? Here's What's Happening Behind the Scenes

    01/22/2025 11:52:49 AM PST · by ebb tide · 13 replies
    The Remnant Newspaper ^ | January 21, 2025 | Gaetano Masciullo
    [Catholic Caucus] The End of the Male Clergy? Here's What's Happening Behind the ScenesAre we reaching the end of an all male clergy in the Catholic Church? Pope Francis disguised phase 1 of this change, breaking with 2000 years of Church precedent. Pope Francis, at the end of the recent Synod on Synodality, stated that “times are not yet ripe” for the female diaconate. This statement, far from being a definitive closure, seems rather to indicate a path to be developed gradually: shifting public debate towards initially unthinkable positions until they become acceptable.Pope Francis' motu proprio Spiritus Domini, promulgated about...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Cardinal Sarah: Plans to ‘abolish’ Latin Mass would be ‘diabolical’

    01/22/2025 10:13:43 AM PST · by ebb tide · 12 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 22, 2025 | Michael Haynes
    [Catholic Caucus] Cardinal Sarah: Plans to ‘abolish’ Latin Mass would be ‘diabolical’Cardinal Robert Sarah has blasted efforts from the Vatican to ‘abolish’ the Traditional Latin Mass, describing the move as a ‘diabolical project’ that breaks with 1,600 years of tradition.Any attempt to “abolish” the traditional Mass would be a “diabolical project” that “seeks to break with the Church of Christ,” said Cardinal Robert Sarah this week.“In the history of the liturgy there is growth and progress, but not rupture,” noted Sarah at an event Monday.Drawing from Pope Benedict XVI’s now famous remark, Sarah made it his own, stating that “what...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis praises ‘profound’ Buddhist religious revival in Mongolia without mentioning Christ

    01/21/2025 3:45:50 PM PST · by ebb tide · 7 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 21, 2025 | Emily Mangiaracina
    [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis praises ‘profound’ Buddhist religious revival in Mongolia without mentioning ChristIn an address to a delegation from Mongolia, Francis praised what he called the ‘rich religious heritage’ of Buddhism, without calling Buddhists to convert to the Catholic Church.Pope Francis applauded post-Soviet Mongolia’s “profound” Buddhist religious revival without mentioning Jesus Christ or any call to conversion to Catholicism in his recent address to delegates from the country.“By reviving traditional spiritual practices and integrating them into the nation’s development, Mongolia has reclaimed its rich religious heritage,” said Francis in reference to Buddhism, which is by far the majority religion...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis’ hatred of the Latin Mass evidenced in his new memoir

    01/21/2025 10:17:26 AM PST · by ebb tide · 13 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 21, 2025 | LifeSite News Staff
    [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis’ hatred of the Latin Mass evidenced in his new memoirOn this episode of Faith and Reason, the panel discusses Pope Francis’ new memoir, specifically his criticism of priests and faithful devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass and his alleged comparison of Trump to Hitler, and much more.On this episode of Faith and Reason, John-Henry Westen, Father Charles Murr, and Frank Wright discuss Pope Francis’ new memoir, specifically his criticism of priests and faithful devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) and his alleged comparison of Trump to Hitler, pro-LGBT Cardinal McElroy’s appointment as the new archbishop...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Francis Announces Nomination on Television: Woman to Lead Vatican State

    01/20/2025 7:53:40 PM PST · by ebb tide · 8 replies
    Gloria TV ^ | January 19, 2025 | Gloria TV
    [Catholic Caucus] Francis Announces Nomination on Television: Woman to Lead Vatican StateFor the third time, Francis gave an interview to Fabio Fazio for the Italian regime TV (February 6, 2022 and January 14, 2024). All three interviews were conducted remotely, with Francis speaking from the Vatican.During the show, Francis announced that he would appoint Sister Raffaella Petrini as President of the Governorate of Vatican City State in March: "Women are better at managing than we men," he claimed, adding the cheap joke that "from the day of the earthly paradise, they have been in charge."Regarding his frequent meetings with homosexuals...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis defends inviting transgender groups to Vatican: ‘Proximity to everybody’

    01/20/2025 4:55:14 PM PST · by ebb tide · 7 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 20, 2025 | Michael Haynes
    [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis defends inviting transgender groups to Vatican: ‘Proximity to everybody’Pope Francis defended his regular welcoming of transgender groups at the Vatican when asked on Italy's Che Tempo Che Fa program on January 19: 'Proximity! That's the word. Proximity to everybody. Everyone.'Pope Francis has defended his regular welcoming of transgender groups at the Vatican, saying that “proximity” is key for the Church.“Proximity! That’s the word. Proximity to everybody. Everyone.” This was the answer of Pope Francis when asked on Italy’s Che Tempo Che Fa program January 19 about the warm welcome he has given to groups of transgenders...
  • Pope describes Trump’s planned deportations of immigrants as a ‘disgrace’

    01/20/2025 8:37:03 AM PST · by ebb tide · 74 replies
    CNN ^ | January 19, 2025 | Christopher Lamb
    Pope describes Trump’s planned deportations of immigrants as a ‘disgrace’Pope Francis has criticized US President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to deport immigrants as a “disgrace.” The pontiff, speaking during an Italian television interview, was asked about the incoming Trump administration’s plans to expel undocumented immigrants through an aggressive slate of immigration executive orders by the incoming president, who will be inaugurated Monday. “If it is true, it will be a disgrace, because it makes the poor wretches who have nothing to pay the unpaid bill. It won’t do. This is not the way to solve things,” Francis said during the Sunday...
  • [Catholic Caucus] In New Book, Pope Francis Repeats Message of Welcome to LGBTQ+ People

    01/19/2025 7:52:27 PM PST · by ebb tide · 26 replies
    New Ways Ministry ^ | January 17, 2025 | Jeromiah Taylor
    [Catholic Caucus] In New Book, Pope Francis Repeats Message of Welcome to LGBTQ+ PeoplePope Francis’ new book, Hope: The Autobiography released this week in the United States on Jan. 14, directly addresses the pontiff’s record on LGBTQ+ issues, reports America. The book’s front coverIn Hope the Holy Father restates his support for Fiducia Supplicans,the 2023 Vatican document allowing pastoral blessings of individuals in same sex relationships,by once again stating: “It is the people who are blessed, not the relationships.It arises from the wish not to ascribe one situation or one condition to the entire life of those who seek to...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Victim of Francis: Don Alejandro Gwerder - Dedicated Priest and Pastor

    01/18/2025 4:13:28 PM PST · by ebb tide · 6 replies
    Gloria TV ^ | January 18, 2025 | Gloria TV
    [Catholic Caucus] Victim of Francis: Don Alejandro Gwerder - Dedicated Priest and PastorOn 16 January, the anti-Catholic Jorge Scheinig, Archbishop of Mercedes-Lujan, Argentina, announced in an unsigned document - "even in this they are cowards" (Caminante-Wanderer) - that Francis' Dicastery for the Clergy had dismissed Don Alejandro Gwerder from the clerical state for alleged offences against "obedience and communion".The same dicastery that takes decades to convict sexual abusers, or pardons them once convicted, that remains impassive while priests commit the most flagrant acts against obedience and communion in the Church - by preaching heresies, presiding at blasphemous liturgies and blessing...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis’s Autobiography, or Why the Pope Shouldn’t Be a Psychoanalyst — Article by Dr. Tomasz Dekert

    01/18/2025 2:16:57 PM PST · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | January 18, 2025 | Dr. Tomasz Dekert
    [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis’s Autobiography, or Why the Pope Shouldn’t Be a Psychoanalyst — Article by Dr. Tomasz DekertIn recent reports about Pope Francis's newly released autobiography, two aspects particularly caught my attention. First, the book recounts episodes from Fr. Jorge Bergoglio SJ's life in which he sought help from a psychiatrist. Second, it includes his now-traditional (ironic, isn't it?) critique of what a German website calls the “arch-conservative church representatives who continue to cling to the so-called Tridentine Mass.”I reconstruct the Pope’s discourse based on the English version of the book (Pope Francis, Hope: The Autobiography, trans. R. Dixon,...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Fr. Gerald Murray accuses Pope Francis of ‘endorsing the homosexual lifestyle’

    01/17/2025 4:07:52 PM PST · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 17, 2025 | Michael Haynes
    [Catholic Caucus] Fr. Gerald Murray accuses Pope Francis of ‘endorsing the homosexual lifestyle’In an appearance on Raymond Arroyo's 'The World Over,' Father Gerald Murray accused Pope Francis of 'endorsing the homosexual lifestyle' and 'spouting propaganda of the homosexual interest groups' in his new memoir 'Hope.'Father Gerald Murray has accused Pope Francis of “endorsing the homosexual lifestyle” in the Pontiff’s newly released memoir.During the January 16 episode of Raymond Arroyo’s “The World Over,” Fr. Murray opined that instead of renewing the Church’s teaching on homosexuality, the Pope was in fact “endorsing the homosexual lifestyle by saying that these people have to...