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Keyword: antijihad

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  • Germany: 10,000 expected at Muslim anti-terror march, 1,000 show up

    06/18/2017 12:43:29 PM PDT · by ForYourChildren · 35 replies
    Jihad Watch ^ | 06/18/2017 | Robert Spencer
    And that number includes many non-Muslims. In this case, many Muslims didn’t show up because Muslim organizations refused to endorse the march, due to the involvement of the German Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Sunni Muslims generally consider Ahmadiyyas as heretics or apostates. But this is not the first time that attendance at a Muslim rally against terrorism has been decidedly underwhelming. In July 2016, a much smaller than anticipated crowd showed up at a Muslims Against ISIS rally in Washington, D.C. There are thousands of Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan, but only 100 showed up for a rally against ISIS and “Islamophobia”...
  • White House: Obama Will Fight Media To Stop Anti-Jihad Articles

    01/13/2015 9:30:27 AM PST · by ColdOne · 91 replies ^ | 1/13/15 | Neil Munro
    President Barack Obama has a moral responsibility to push back on the nation’s journalism community when it is planning to publish anti-jihadi articles that might cause a jihadi attack against the nation’s defenses forces, the White House’s press secretary said Jan. 12. “The president … will not now be shy about expressing a view or taking the steps that are necessary to try to advocate for the safety and security of our men and women in uniform” whenever journalists’ work may provoke jihadist attacks, spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at the White House’s daily briefing.
  • Anti-Jihad Ads Considered Constitutional

    10/01/2012 2:02:13 PM PDT · by Cindy · 67 replies - Top Opinion Story ^ | September 24, 2012 | Liana Whitehead
    SNIPPET: "New York City is the center of a public uproar as Internet blogger Pamela Gellar rises with an “anti-jihad” ad campaign." SNIPPET: "Gellar and her group are protesting the Jihad, which in definition is the religious duty of Muslims. According to the Dictionary of Islam, jihad is defined as “A religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad . . . enjoined especially for the purpose of advancing Islam and repelling evil from Muslims.” The literal meaning of jihad, according to the British Broadcasting Network, “is struggle or effort, and it means much more than...
  • Anti-jihad expert furious he won’t be witness at ‘radicalization’ hearings

    01/19/2011 4:00:54 PM PST · by Nachum · 10 replies
    yahoo ^ | 1/19/11 | Liz Goodwin
    Steven Emerson is executive director of the nonprofit research group the Investigative Project on Terrorism, which has labeled some American Muslim leaders as radicals. And he's furious now at being excluded as a witness in upcoming congressional hearings on the "radicalization" of American Muslims. New York GOP Rep. Peter King, who is organizing the hearings, says he never told Emerson he was going to be a witness, according to Politico's copy of the angry correspondence between the two men. "That you have caved in to the demands of radical Islamists in removing me as a witness, in light of the...
  • *** The 'Anti-Jihad Movie': Filming of BLACK ***

    12/06/2010 6:28:00 PM PST · by Milagros · 5 replies
    Filming of BLACK starts in weeks :: Weekly Blitz Oct 28, 2010 Internationally acclaimed award winning journalist and peace activist Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury and his entire team are spending busy time in giving final touches into the script of Bangla movie named BLACK, which is being made targeting international audience. In this film, is it shown that few decades back, Bangladesh was a country of religious harmony and peace. But, for past decades, Islamism and activities of Islamists became gradually prominent in the entire village. Clergies in the mosques and madrassas became increasingly influential in the locality, thus imposing...
  • The post-Karadzic world

    07/28/2008 6:02:35 PM PDT · by Doctor13 · 6 replies · 246+ views
    The Guardian (UK) ^ | 28 July 2008 | Ian Bancroft
    Lord Ashdown's warning about the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina � which was intended to rouse Europe's capitals from their "comfortable slumber" � certainly dampened the optimism that accompanied last week's arrest of Radovan Karadzic. However, in attributing the problems facing Bosnia and Herzegovina to the actions of Bosnia's Serbs, Lord Ashdown overlooked � intentionally or not � several broader issues that continue to undermine the state's viability. From the fiscal frailty of one of Bosnia and Herzegovina's two entities, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to persistent discord amongst Bosnia's Croats, the country is beset by a number of...
  • Serb nationalists clash with police after Karadzic arrest

    07/22/2008 1:45:41 PM PDT · by Tailgunner Joe · 11 replies · 83+ views
    DPA ^ | July 22, 2008
    Belgrade - Serb nationalists protesting the arrest of Bosnian war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic trashed businesses and clashed with police Tuesday in downtown Belgrade, news reports said. After several hundred demonstrators gathered at Republic Square, a group of about 50 broke chairs and windows in several bars and attacked police. They fled when riot police appeared. Three young men were arrested, Serb media said. No injuries were reported. The protesters, who sang patriotic songs and wore shirts with Karadzic's face, began dispersing after a speech by the secretary- general of the ultranationalist Radical Party, Aleksandar Vucic. Vucic said the Radicals...
  • US Airmen Share a Little Known WWII Survival and Rescue Story

    07/06/2008 5:42:26 PM PDT · by Bokababe · 84 replies · 1,086+ views
    WTOL Toledo ^ | July 4, 2008 | Jennifer Boresz
    YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN (WTOL) - As we celebrate Independence Day, four veterans of World War II want to thank those who kept them safe in enemy territory years ago. They were recently reunited at the Yankee Air Museum in Ypsilanti thanks to the Experimental Aircraft Association. News 11's Jennifer Boresz was there and has their story. These men are called the 'Forgotten 500' in a published book. As more and more people hear the story, however, they're hoping the daring rescue mission and the men behind it will never be forgotten again. "When they said pull that rip cord, I started...
  • Kurds Provide Safe Haven for Christians

    04/24/2008 5:04:26 AM PDT · by SJackson · 31 replies · 48+ views | Frontpagemagazine ^ | April 24, 2008 | Kenneth R. Timmerman | The Kurdish regional government in Northern Iraq is providing a safe haven to several thousand Iraqi Christians who have fled persecution in other parts of the country, government officials and local pastors told Newsmax. Unlike refugee camps set up for some 100,000 Shia Muslims fleeing attacks from Sunnis, which are closely monitored by Kurdish security forces, Christians have been encouraged to live anywhere. “Christians in Iraq need special attention, because they’ve been suffering because they are Christians,” Deputy Prime Minister Omar Fattah told Newsmax in an exclusive interview in Erbil. “Maybe we give some instructions to others where...
  • U.S. Ambassador to Serbia visits Pranjani Today

    11/09/2007 6:13:55 AM PST · by Ravnagora · 8 replies · 438+ views
    November 8 , 2007 Embassy of the United States of America Belgrade Ambassador Munter Honors Serbian Families in Pranjani U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Cameron Munter will visit Pranjani on November 9, 2007 to honor Serbian families who saved the lives of hundreds of U.S. airmen shot down by Nazi forces during World War II. The Ambassador will present an official proclamation from the Governor of the State of Ohio, thanking the people of Pranjani on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the Halyard rescue mission. The State of Ohio is proud to be an active partner with Serbia in...
  • Rich Ward of Stuck Mojo on "A Field Guide to American Politics"

    10/23/2007 8:14:51 AM PDT · by Bodhi1 · 3 replies · 36+ views
    All American Blogger ^ | 10-23-07 | Duane Lester
    The song “Open Season” by Stuck Mojo gained notoriety on YouTube, where it was pulled even though it had a clear anti-Jihad message. Here is the video. The song and video were condemned by CAIR. Here is the CAIR remix.Call in and talk to Rich about his music and his politics. The phone number for the show is (724) 444-7444, then punch in the Talkcast ID: 25742. You can call in without being a Talkshoe member, but membership has it’s benefits. Either way, don’t miss this interview.
  • India in secret arms overture with Israel

    03/09/2007 8:37:25 AM PST · by sukhoi-30mki · 11 replies · 663+ views
    The Australian ^ | March 10, 2007 | Bruce Loudon, South Asia correspondent
    India in secret arms overture Bruce Loudon, South Asia correspondent March 10, 2007 INDIA is set to expand its military ties with Israel following a secret visit to the Jewish state by the chief of India's 1.2 million-strong army. General JJ Singh is believed to be in Israel discussing training for elite special forces, joint military exercises and anti-terrorism and infiltration strategies - all issues that go to the heart of India's current security problems with its Islamic neighbours, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Until now, Indian leaders - despite Israel's emergence as the second-biggest arms supplier to the country after Russia...
  • The Rise of the Anti-Jihadists

    12/06/2006 9:43:28 PM PST · by TheConservativeCitizen · 6 replies · 729+ views
    Mens News Daily ^ | 12-06-06 | David M. Huntwork
    The Internet has become a favored propaganda tool for Islamists, terrorists and al-Qaeda types the world over. It is used to distribute their videos, release their fatwa’s, troll for recruits, shore up their base, coordinate their activities and influence the mainstream media. It has also given birth to a whole class of ‘anti-jihadists’ who now wage their own propaganda war of commentary, analysis, and occasional mockery using websites and blogs as their personal weapons in the Terror Wars. The internet jihadist has now been matched by the keyboard crusader. Some present themselves as scholarly, analytical, ‘think tank’ type websites. Others...
  • Hezbollah Rocket Attack Hits Israeli Town of Safed

    07/13/2006 5:23:20 AM PDT · by Dubya-M-Dees · 139 replies · 5,653+ views ^ | 7/13/2006 | FOXNews
    Breaking on FoxNews
  • Dutch blogger starts Mohammed parody contest (funny!)

    02/05/2006 6:19:53 PM PST · by 68skylark · 49 replies · 4,122+ views
    Zacht Ei ^ | Friday, February 3, 2006
    In a move which is both courageous and stupid, Dutch blogger 'Reet' (a Dutch colloquialism for 'ass') of the blog 'Retecool' (a Dutch colloquialism for, er, "really" cool) has started a Photoshop contest in which participants create parodies of Mohammed. The contest can be viewed here (a mirror can be found here). It's a brave move which I applaud, especially considering the cowardly attitude of the European Commission, which, according to Elsevier, seeks to curtail the press rather than deal with the real issue at hand: the lack of respect amongst some Muslims for freedom of speech (if not sheer...
  • Islamic prayers could be illegal under new laws

    02/05/2006 12:55:28 PM PST · by naturalman1975 · 98 replies · 1,580+ views
    The Age (Melbourne) ^ | 6th February 2006 | Barney Zwartz
    STANDARD Islamic prayers in mosques may be illegal under new anti-terror laws, international law specialist Ben Saul told a conference in Melbourne. Dr Saul said yesterday it could be against the law to pray in Australian mosques for victory for the mujahideen in Iraq. The conference also discussed the legality of showing training videos recruiting Muslims to fight in Chechnya. The sedition laws applied only where Australia was at war with a country or group — so training videos for al-Qaeda, the Taliban or Iraq would be illegal. But if the Australian Government had proscribed some Chechen organisations, recruiting for...
  • Street Fighting in Copenhagen

    02/04/2006 4:13:09 PM PST · by WorkinStiff · 195 replies · 8,216+ views
    According to a posting on a message board populated largely by European lefties,;....." I just spoke to my brother in Copenhagen...the situation is extremely serious...Roving bands of muslims are using SMS messages to gather at different places and then to attack defenseless Danes...My brother witnessed them stopping a bus and beating up the driver...He, ( the brother) was walking next to a lefty who's comment was; "I never ever thought I would agree with the Danish Front...( a Danish neo-nazi group)...
  • Danish Muslims Warn of Burning Qur’an in Planned Rally

    02/04/2006 1:03:00 PM PST · by bayouranger · 139 replies · 5,121+ views ^ | FEB04,2006 | By Ahmed Fathy
    Danish Muslim leaders warned on Saturday, February 4, of grave consequences if copies of the Noble Qur’an were burnt in a rally planned by Danish extremists to protest Muslim anger over cartoons mocking Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). "All hell will break loose, if those extremists burn the Qur’an," Raed Halil, the head of the European Committee for Defending Prophet Muhammad, told over the phone from the Danish capital Copenhagen.
  • Right-wing group plans rally to protest burning of Danish flags in Muslim countries

    02/04/2006 12:15:29 PM PST · by iPod Shuffle · 25 replies · 708+ views
    MSN ^ | 2/4/06
    Right-wing group plans rally to protest burning of Danish flags in Muslim countries COPENHAGEN, Denmark -- Right-wing extremists planned to demonstrate Saturday in protest of the recent burning of Danish flags in the Middle East, a gathering that could sharply increase tensions with Muslims. The demonstration in Hilleroed, 35 kilometers north of Copenhagen, also could spark conflict with left-wing groups planning a counter-demonstration there. Muslims in the Middle East and Southeast Asia have burned Danish flags and effigies of the prime minister in recent days amid anger over the publication by a Danish newspaper of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • 'We want US, India, Israel together'

    09/20/2005 11:14:55 AM PDT · by CarrotAndStick · 11 replies · 922+ views
    The Indian Express ^ | Tuesday, September 20, 2005 at 1939 hours IST | The Press Trust of India
    Washington, September 20: A new organization called the US-India League has been formed by a group of leading American conservatives to draw the US, India and Israel closer in their objectives of fighting terrorism and setting an example of progress through democracy. At its first meeting on Monday leading conservatives who spoke, including Don Feser, executive director, and Alan Keyes, a former Ambassador, emphasised that while India, the US and Israel may not agree on all issues, they are united in facing the most important challenges facing the world today. On US-India relations, the League said in a mission statement...