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  • Regime running terror weapons factory in Sudan?

    07/01/2010 5:40:43 AM PDT · by nuconvert · 2 replies
    The Sudanese newspaper Rai al-Shaab (Opinion of the People), owned and controlled by Sudanese opposition leader Hassan al-Turabi, recently published an article that potentially provides new and important insight into Sudan's terrorist ties to Iran. The article alleges that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, is operating a secret weapons factory in Sudan to funnel weapons to Iran-sponsored terrorist organizations in Africa and the Middle East. Several Arab bloggers circulated the article last week. Today, these blogs are the only evidence that the article ever existed. Soon after it was published, Sudanese authorities shut down the...
  • Hijacker "Given Anthrax Flask By Iraqi Agent"

    10/27/2001 10:27:09 PM PDT · by Fulbright · 30 replies · 821+ views
    London Times ^ | 10/27/01 | Daniel McGrory
    INTELLIGENCE agents from Prague to Swansea are uncovering a trail of clues that point to President Saddam Hussein of Iraq having a hand in al-Qaeda’s terrorist missions. Iraqi ministers have spent the week protesting Baghdad’s innocence to the United Nations, but will not say why some of its diplomats who met Mohammed Atta, one of the suspected September 11 hijackers, disappeared from their European posts after that date. Nor will Baghdad explain why Saddam’s agents were spotted at various times this year with Atta in Germany, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic. Many in the Pentagon are sure Saddam ...
  • Tehran's master terrorist Iman Mughniyah and the road to 9/11

    02/08/2015 5:24:35 AM PST · by RaceBannon · 3 replies
    Jerusalem Post ^ | 7 Feb 2015 | By Stephen Hughes
    part one: Before Bin Laden and 9/11 Tehran’s master terrorist had killed more Americans than any terrorist in history, Imad Mughniyah was America’s most wanted with a 5 million dollar bounty. With the Islamic Republic of Iran’s help he built a global nexus of militant warfare and terrorist operations. The road to 9/11, it was Imad who introduced Osama Bin laden to Khomeini’s cult of the Islamic Suicide Bomber. In late July 1996, American warships, a full complement of military hardware, and nearly 4,000 Marines, sailors and SEALs, were praying they could pull off the mission of their lives....
  • The History of MPAC

    08/08/2012 9:40:28 AM PDT · by bayouranger · 2 replies ^ | 07AUG12 | Andrew C. McCarthy
    On September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda operatives slaughtered nearly 3,000 Americans in an operation that marked the second major attack by violent jihadists against the World Trade Center. There wasn’t much mystery about who had carried out these atrocities — unless you were Salam al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. Marayati warned Americans not to conclude that the suicide hijacking attacks were the work of Muslim terrorists. “If we are going to look at suspects,” he told a Los Angeles radio station, “we should look at groups that benefit the most from these kinds of incidents, and I...
  • The Naysayer

    11/21/2005 2:15:32 AM PST · by GiovannaNicoletta · 6 replies · 393+ views ^ | November 21, 2005 | Thomas Joscelyn
    N THE AFTERMATH of September 11, more than several former national security and intelligence officials fashioned new careers as critics of the Bush administration's war on terror. Among the more prominent of these former officials is Daniel Benjamin, who worked for the National Security Council from 1994 to 1999. Benjamin's criticism flows from his belief that prior to the war in Iraq, as he wrote in Time magazine earlier this year, "there was no pre-existing relationship between Baghdad and al-Qaeda." Still worse, the invasion of Iraq has made us "less safe" and "above all, the invasion and occupation of Iraq--have...
  • The Islamic Republic of Sudan? (Does Iran Have a New Terrorist Weapons Factory in Sudan?)

    06/10/2010 5:42:39 PM PDT · by Ooh-Ah · 5 replies · 238+ views
    Foreign Policy ^ | JUNE 10, 2010 | JONATHAN SCHANZER
    A recent report in the Sudanese opposition media suggests that Iran may be operating a weapons factory near Khartoum. Have the two countries taken their military alliance to the next level? The Sudanese newspaper Rai al-Shaab (Opinion of the People), owned and controlled by Sudanese opposition leader Hassan al-Turabi, recently published an article that potentially provides new and important insight into Sudan's terrorist ties to Iran. The article alleges that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, is operating a secret weapons factory in Sudan to funnel weapons to Iran-sponsored terrorist organizations in Africa and the Middle...
  • DOJ Keeping Islamic Bank Settlement Secret

    08/26/2011 9:49:44 AM PDT · by bayouranger · 17 replies ^ | Aug 26, 2011 | Steve Emerson
    The Justice Department has agreed to end its investigation into an international financial network with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and a Saudi prince in a settlement in excess of $30 million, sources tell the Investigative Project on Terrorism. But DOJ officials refuse to release a copy of the settlement or make any comment on it. "Unfortunately, we're unable to provide anything in connection with this matter," DOJ spokesman Charles Miller wrote in response to a query Aug. 16. He did not contest the existence of the settlement with the Islamic Investment Company of the Gulf (IICG). Repeated attempts to...
  • The Hidden Hand (Very good piece on Iran's support of alQaeda)

    08/19/2011 6:43:59 PM PDT · by nuconvert · 19 replies
    Weekly Standard ^ | Aug 15, 2011 | STEPHEN F. HAYES & THOMAS JOSCELYN
    The Obama administration finally highlights Iran’s key role in supporting al Qaeda On July 28, the Treasury Department designated six al Qaeda operatives involved in shipping money and men from the Persian Gulf to senior al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The move targets a node of the global terror network that is critical to its overall strength, freezing any of its financial assets under U.S. jurisdiction and prohibiting any transactions with the operatives. Of the many conduits for al Qaeda funds and personnel across the world, the U.S. government believes this one is the most important. “This network...
  • The Iran-al-Qaeda Conundrum

    01/23/2009 11:05:27 PM PST · by Cindy · 8 replies · 192+ views
    WASHINGTON ^ | January 23, 2009 | By Matthew Levitt and Michael Jacobson
    During the designation announcement, Treasury undersecretary Stuart Levey noted, "It is important that Iran give a public accounting of how it is meeting its international obligations to constrain al-Qaeda." For the Obama administration, understanding the complicated relationship between Iran and al-Qaeda will be key as Washington begins to forge a new path in dealing with Tehran. Iran's Ties to al-Qaeda Before September 11 Links between al-Qaeda and Iran are not new and have developed over time. Ties between the two first blossomed during the early 1990s when al-Qaeda was based in Sudan. Hasan al-Turabi, the leader of Sudan's National Islamic...
  • Paul Pillar Speaks, Again The latest CIA attack on the Bush administration is nothing new.

    02/10/2006 5:16:05 PM PST · by april15Bendovr · 21 replies · 1,655+ views
    Weekly Standard ^ | 02/10/2006 4:15:00 PM | by Stephen F. Hayes
    Paul Pillar Speaks, Again The latest CIA attack on the Bush administration is nothing new. by Stephen F. Hayes 02/10/2006 4:15:00 PM IN A BREATHLESS front-page, above-the-fold article in today's Washington Post, Walter Pincus reports that a former senior CIA official named Paul Pillar accuses the Bush administration of "misusing" intelligence to take the country to war in Iraq. According to the Post account, Pillar uses a forthcoming article in Foreign Affairs to claim that the Bush administration "politicized" the intelligence on Iraq. Bush administration policymakers did this subtly, Pillar says, by repeatedly asking the CIA questions about Iraq, its...
  • PICTURE PROOF: The Saddam-Al Qaeda Connections

    09/13/2006 6:44:00 AM PDT · by areafiftyone · 13 replies · 1,348+ views
    Picture Proof: The Saddam-Al Qaeda Connections The following information did not make it into the Senate Intelligence Committee's report released last Friday, that claimed Saddam's government "did not have a relationship, harbor or turn a blind eye toward" al-Qaida operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or his associates. What do you suppose the committee had to say about these documents? Captured Iraqi Document ISGC-2004-019920 Page 6From blogger The Dread Pundit Bluto: ISGZ-2004-0199202002 Iraqi Intelligence Correspondence concerning the presence of al-Qaida Members in Iraq. Correspondence between IRS members on a suspicion, later confirmed, of the presence of an Al-Qaeda terrorist group. Moreover,...
  • Iraq and Al Qaeda - The Algerian Connection

    08/03/2005 5:37:54 PM PDT · by Big Jake · 16 replies · 1,830+ views
    The Weekly Standard ^ | 08/03/2005 12:00:00 AM | Thomas Joscelyn
    The Algerian Connection Why did Saddam financially support an al Qaeda affiliate in Algeria? by Thomas Joscelyn 08/03/2005 12:00:00 AM LATE LAST MONTH an Algerian-born terrorist named Ahmed Ressam received a commuted sentence of 22 years (prosecutors had recommended 35 years) in prison for his role in planning to blow up the Los Angeles airport. His sentence infuriated many since his involvement in the plot against LAX was immediately transparent. After all, he was captured in December 1999 after driving off a ferry from British Columbia in a vehicle laden with bomb-making explosives. Ressam received a commuted sentence after providing...
  • Saddam, the ATM of Al Qaeda

    11/12/2004 11:09:57 AM PST · by Peach · 50 replies · 4,315+ views
    Frontpage Magazine ^ | November 12, 2004 | Christopher S. Carson
    Saddam, the ATM of Al Qaeda By Christopher S. Carson | November 15, 2004 The Report of the 9/11 Commission has been digested, and the news media outlets have seized upon it as confirmation of their view that al Qaeda is a kind of purely stateless entity that never had "operational links" with rogue states like Iraq. Somehow, goes the thrust of the Report, Osama bin Laden was for years able to finance, train and supply an international terrorist corporation that had ongoing jihad operations in fifty countries - by himself, on no more than a $30 million personal...
  • CASE CLOSED (Osama-Saddam Link Proved in Intel Cmte Brief)

    11/14/2003 5:15:05 PM PST · by RobFromGa · 392 replies · 13,604+ views
    Weekly Standard ^ | Nov 14, 2003 | Stephen Hayes
    Case ClosedFrom the November 24, 2003 issue: The U.S. government's secret memo detailing cooperation between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Stephen F. Hayes 11/24/2003, Volume 009, Issue 11     Email a Friend   Respond to this article OSAMA BIN LADEN and Saddam Hussein had an operational relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons of mass destruction, logistical support for terrorist attacks, al Qaeda training camps and safe haven in Iraq, and Iraqi financial support for al Qaeda--perhaps even for Mohamed Atta--according to a top secret U.S. government memorandum obtained by...