Keyword: alamin
The words "F*** Islam and F*** ISIS" were spray painted on the signs outside the Alamin Islamic CenterDetectives are searching for a vandal who wrote an obscenity on a South Florida mosque's street signs. The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office said Wednesday that the vandal spray-painted the signs outside the Alamin Islamic Center overnight. The Council on American-Islamic Relations says the mosque's surveillance cameras recorded a car entering the parking lot about 12:40 a.m. Wednesday.ebook
Who would imagine that a convert to Islam calling himself Hamza Yusuf Hanson, living in the San Francisco Bay Area and in his late ‘40s, would be listed as number 38 among the "Top 50 Muslims in the World" by a leading government body in Jordan? Or that the same Hanson would have announced recently, in grandiose terms, the prospective launch of an American Islamic institution of higher education to be called Zaytuna College, and aimed at becoming a "Muslim Georgetown" in academic prestige? "Shaykh Hamza," as he prefers to be known, achieved so high a rank among the "Top...
From the FBI press release on last night’s Dearborn, MI raid-turned-shootout that left radical Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah, aka Christopher Thomas dead: Abdullah was the leader of part of a group that calls themselves Ummah (“the brotherhood”), a group of mostly African-American converts to Islam, which seeks to establish a separate Sharia-law governed state within the United States. The Ummah is ruled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rapp Brown, who is serving a state sentence in USP Florence, CO, ADMAX, for the murder of two police officers in Georgia.Interesting to note the active tense used in the...
Kenny Gamble is best known for being "the architect of the Philly Soul Sound."...But Gamble is also the architect of a planned stealth Islamist enclave in Philadelphia where he is better known in Muslim circles as Brother Luqman Abdul Haqq. Gamble has admitted that he intends to bring about the Muslim community in South Philadelphia through his "Universal Companies" and proclaims that his state and federally subsidized funded building endeavors are part of an Islamist blueprint, "We are not down here just for Universal-we are down here for Islam." In 1975 after a personal crisis Gamble converted to Islam and...
DETROIT–A man described as a leader of a radical Sunni Islam group in the U.S. was fatally shot this afternoon while resisting arrest and exchanging gunfire with federal agents, authorities said. Agents at a warehouse in Dearborn were trying to arrest Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, on charges that included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms. Ten followers listed in a criminal complaint were also being rounded up in the area. Three – Mujahid Carswell, 30, Mohammad Alsahi, 33, and Yassir Ali Khan, 30 – are Ontario residents, the FBI said in a release. Abdullah...
October 28, 2009 Note: The following text is a quote: Eleven Members/Associates of Ummah Charged with Federal Violations One Subject Fatally Shot During Arrest United States Attorney Terrence Berg, Eastern District of Michigan, Andrew G. Arena, Special Agent in Charge (SAC), Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI), Detroit, Michigan, and Police Chief Warren Evans, Detroit Police Department (DPD), Detroit, Michigan announced a federal complaint was unsealed today charging Luqman Ameen Abdullah, a.k.a.Christopher Thomas, and 10 others with conspiracy to commit several federal crimes, including theft from interstate shipments, mail fraud to obtain the proceeds of arson, illegal possession and sale of...
Senate Candidate Kirk has Links to Terrorism By MARC LEVIN An Austin Review investigation has revealed that U.S. Senate candidate Ron Kirk is employing an anti-Israel activist who has defended terrorist groups and is friends with American Taliban John Walker Lindh. The Review has also learned that Kirk has received numerous campaign donations from individuals linked with terrorism and anti-Semitism, one of whom also violated U.S. export laws by shipping sensitive technology to Libya and Syria. Kirk's recently filed campaign report shows payments to a Steven L. Hyland, Jr. of: $1133.22 for "payroll expense" and three separate payments totaling $638.30...
As seen live on NBC’s Today Show shortly after 9:00 a.m. EDT this morning, Jim and Sarah Brady have openly started to exploit media coverage of the national Reagan state funeral service to promote renewal of the 1994 Federal “Assault Weapons” Ban (AWB). Anti-gun NBC co-host Katy Couric did her usual feel-good pandering to television viewers with her totally biased interview of the Bradys, allowing them to exploit the outpouring of sympathy regarding former President Reagan’s death as a promotional tool to convince Congress and President Bush to renew the AWB. Sarah Brady kept reiterating past reports that Reagan strongly...
First, the "good guys" and gals... "NRA04 FREEDOM'S STEEL" "4 Acres of Guns & Geer!" FReeper Badray displays "Don't Tread On Me" t-shirt TRT member/FReeper GunsareOK with a fan FReeper smokeyb with other "Pat Toomey for Senate" activists Conservative activists pass out "Arlen Specter, TOO LIBERAL FOR TOO LONG" fliers outside the convention center Tyranny Response Team (TRT-DC) observer, on the scene. ;-) And now, pictures of the anti-NRA protestors follow below... "ONE GUN is ONE TOO MANY!" sign behind anti-NRA protestors area border, protected by police Large "STOP GUN VIOLENCE" sign "NRA unwelcome", "The NRA is Dead Wrong"...
NRA President's Testimony During Congressional Debate of the National Firearms Act of 1934Introduction by Angel ShamayaDirector@KeepAndBearArms.comTranscript from U.S. Government Printing OfficeMarch 4, -- Congressional hearings over the National Firearms Act of 1934 (H.R.9066) took place April 16 & 18 and May 14, 15, & 16 of 1934. Then-NRA President Karl T. Frederick testified on behalf of the National Rifle Association (NRA). His testimony is below and includes the text in full plus scanned images of each page.Before you read the full transcript, your attention is drawn to a few of excerpts that might interest you as a friend of...
TRT/MD/DC FReepers vs. Clinton/Brady Bunch: 2004 Elections implications? From 4:00 pm. until about 8:30 pm., Thursday, December 4, 2003, members of the Maryland/DC Tyranny Response Teams, plus three DC Chapter Freepers, gave the national anti-RKBA, anti-gun elite a chilly greeting as the “Brady Bunch” celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the passage of the infamous “Brady Bill”. This exclusive forum and reception was held at the internationally acclaimed Omni Shoreham hotel in the Cleveland Park area of Washington, D.C. Sarah/James Brady, John (D.C. Gun Ban) Hechinger, Sr., Sam Donaldson (ABC News), national Million Mom March leaders, elected members of the Kennedy...
Maryland TRT members were on the frontlines, in the cold, pouring rain, until the jublilant end! Some of the many Maryland Tyranny Response (TRT) patriots and FReepers celebrate with other grassroots campaign volunteers at the Ehrlich/Steele for Governor victory celebration in Gaithersburg, Maryland, right after the polls closed Tuesday night. Maryland TRT members worked 13 hour shifts at key swing voter polling places for the Ehrlich/Steele (R) gubernatorial campaign in Montgomery County, Maryland on November 5, 2002. The evening rush hour shifts were worked outside during the cold, pouring rainstorm that hit this area last night. This explains the bedraggled...
Despite negative criticism and attacks on them by certain Republicans here in Maryland (and nationwide), Maryland Tyranny Response Team patriots (TRT), Asian Pacific Americans (APA) and Muslim Americans, nonetheless showed up at the Ehrlich/Steele rally that featured former NYC Mayor, Rudy Giuliani. Members of these three major groups of UNDECIDED voters for tomorrow's mid-term elections MIGHT still give Maryland's Republican candidates the benefit of the doubt tomorrow. This is despite the political compromising and selling out of the civil/constitutional rights and civil liberties of gunowners, APAs and Muslim Americans since the immigrant-bashing and campaign finance scandals of the mid-'90s, plus...
At a time when almost all of Maryland's gunowners are cowering in fear from police interrogations, gun grabbing raids... and while "politically correct" (PC) politicians avoided freedom debates, hide in their closets or "head for the hills" on the subject of gun control... once again, the DC and Maryland Tyranny Response Teams rise up to confront the anti-gun, anti-freedom, anti-RKBA, anti-American, gun CONTROL FREAKS that came out to "protest" Maryland gubernatorial candidate Bob Ehrlich's moderate "record" on gun control, right in front of the main Ehrlich/Steele campaign office in downtown Bethesda, Maryland. This gun control freak protest and the resulting...
Diverse group decries 'spy files' Capitol rally airs concerns about police By Nick Groke Special to The Denver Post Monday, April 22, 2002 - Political activists, bikers and masked demonstrators converged outside the state Capitol on Sunday to protest the Denver Police Department's collection of secret intelligence files on more than 3,400 protesters. The rally, organized by the Tyranny Response Team, a pro gun-rights group, drew about 100 participants, including members of the Colorado Libertarian Party, the Colorado Green Party and several local motorcycle clubs such as Bikers for Justice. "The whole idea behind the files is to intimidate," said...
A graphic of the original flier may be found on this thread: will keep seat despite flap over flier Apr. 10, 2002 County Council members have rejected a proposal by County Executive Douglas M. Duncan (D) to dismiss a member of a county commission on hate and violence who sparked controversy last month by distributing anti-gun control fliers that portrayed three state lawmakers as Nazi soldiers. Duncan wants to remove Augustus Alzona of Bethesda from the commission because Alzona distributed the controversial leaflets before a House committee meeting on gun control March 14 in Annapolis. Duncan cited an inability...
comPOST editorial columnist attacks Alzona for Mel Brooks-like political parody of Democrat gun control freaks...(Note: article only partially quoted) P.J. Hogans Heroes "Trivializing Mass Murder"By Colbert I. King Saturday, March 23, 2002; Page A21 Augustus Alzona of Montgomery County, a prominent figure in the news as of late, is a political wannabe who won't take no for an answer. . . . . . . . to become a Republican member of the Maryland House of Delegates in 1994. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undeterred, Alzona, a self-described conservative, presented himself...
P.J. Hogan's HeroesGraphic credit: Maryland Tyranny Response Team Flier raises questions of `hate speech' By WHITNEY L. JACKSONJournal staff writer Steps are being taken to remove a Bethesda man from a county committee on hate and violence after he ruffled political feathers on both sides of the aisle with a flier depicting three Montgomery legislators who support gun control as Nazis. Gus Alzona, an elected member of the county Republican Central Committee and a gun-rights advocate, could lose his spot as treasurer of the county's Committee on Hate/Violence if the County Council agrees with County Executive Douglas M. Duncan's decision...
First, some relevant facts:1. Mr. Alzona submitted this controversial flier, solely as testimony on behalf of the Maryland Tyranny Response Team, directly to members of both the Maryland Senate and House Judiciary Committees during last week's hearings. This flier was submitted in OPPOSITION to a NAZI-like gun control bill that called for the photographing, fingerprinting, numbering and registration of all Maryland gun owners.2. Montgomery Democrat leaders, Senators Frosh and Van Hollen, plus Delegate Mark Kennedy Shriver, were the lead sponsors of their proposed final solution to the problem of "gun violence" allegedly afflicting Maryland's children.3. The multi-million dollar Kennedy Shriver...
The Eritrean Government has reacted furiously to criticism from the US State Department. The US State Department called on the Eritrean Government to release two local employees of the US embassy in Eritrea who have been in detention since last year; Ali Alamin and Kiflom Gebremichael. It also urged the Eritrean Government to grant them an open and fair trail and "respect fundamental human rights." The Eritrean Foreign Ministry released a statement which said it totally rejected the state department's position, and called on it to refrain from unwarranted intervention. But the statement also contains some surprises, with the government...