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Keyword: abramoff

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  • Lobbyist Abramoff Charged in Cryptocurrency Fraud Case

    06/26/2020 6:09:47 PM PDT · by Coronal · 2 replies
    US News ^ | June 25, 2020 | Olga Rodriguez
    SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Jack Abramoff, a once-powerful lobbyist who spent time in federal prison for fraud and corruption, has been charged in a San Francisco court in an investor fraud case involving cryptocurrency and lobbying disclosure, federal authorities announced Thursday. U.S. Attorney David Anderson said Abramoff, 61, of Silver Spring, Maryland, has agreed to plead guilty to criminal conspiracy charges and a criminal violation of the Lobbying Disclosure Act in the case involving a cryptocurrency called AML BitCoin. Anderson said the charges were the first brought since Congress in 2007 amended the act to address lobbying abuses and undisclosed...
  • House GOP Votes To Strip Independence From Congressional Ethics Office

    01/03/2017 5:19:16 AM PST · by huldah1776 · 31 replies
    NPR ^ | January 2, 2017 | Susan Davis
    The House Republican Conference voted Monday night to approve a change to House rules to weaken the independence of the Office of Congressional Ethics and place it under the jurisdiction of the House Ethics Committee — a panel controlled by party leaders. It will be part of a broader House Rules package voted on by the full body on Tuesday, after the 115th Congress officially convenes and the House elects a speaker. It's a move that is already causing a backlash among Democrats, who say it's hypocritical given that President-elect Donald Trump was elected vowing to "drain the swamp" in...
  • U.S. top court hears ex-media baron Conrad Black's appeal

    12/08/2009 2:43:29 PM PST · by NormsRevenge · 5 replies · 503+ views
    Reuters on Yahoo ^ | 12/8/09 | James Vicini
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A lawyer for former media baron Conrad Black urged the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to overturn his fraud conviction, and several justices asked whether the federal law at issue was too vague. The Canadian-born Black, a member of Britain's House of Lords, has been in prison since March 2008, when he began serving a 6 1/2-year sentence for fraud and obstruction of justice. Attorney Miguel Estrada, representing Black and two ex-colleagues who were found guilty of defrauding shareholders of one-time newspaper publishing giant Hollinger International Inc, argued before the Supreme Court that all convictions in the...
  • The Iranian Web of Influence in the United States

    04/02/2008 9:46:09 AM PDT · by K-oneTexas · 2 replies · 73+ views
    FrontPage Magazine ^ | 2 April 2008 | Hassan Daioleslam
    The Iranian Web of Influence in the United States   By Hassan Daioleslam | Wednesday, April 02, 2008 On March 21, 2008, the U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced its decision to penalize three Iranian-connected companies as "they knowingly exported three U.S. origin aircraft to Iran in violation of the Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”) and are preparing to re-export three additional U.S. origin aircraft to Iran in further violation of the EAR."1The principal firm among these is Balli Group PLC based in London. Iranian brothers Vahid and Hassan Alaghband own the company. Balli owns...
  • The Culture Of Corruption Redux

    08/20/2006 6:57:40 PM PDT · by tsmith130 · 8 replies · 756+ views
    Captains Quarters ^ | 08/20/2006 | Captain Ed
    When the Democrats adopted the "culture of corruption" meme as their campaign theme earlier this year, we noted that the culture hardly respected party lines. The leader of the Senate Democratic caucus, Harry Reid, took contributions from clients of Jack Abramoff and intervened on their behalf at least four times, and Abramoff hired one of Reid's staffers and started holding fundraisers for the Senate Minority Leader in Abramoff's offices. Now COGirl at Hang Right Politics points us towards a Los Angeles Times report on the "culture of corruption" surrounding Harry Reid and a new real-estate development outside of Las Vegas....
  • State Department creates own board to look at Libya security query (fox guarding henhouse!)

    10/09/2012 6:56:09 PM PDT · by markomalley · 13 replies
    The Washington TImes ^ | 10/9/2012 | Rowan Scarborough
    The State Department’s top security officer is coming under scrutiny for playing a role in creating a special board that is investigating last month’s fatal attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. One of the State Department’s accountability review board’s key tasks will be to probe why the office of Patrick Kennedy, undersecretary of state for management, rejected requests for more diplomatic security in Libya in the weeks leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. Mr. Kennedy, a career diplomat whose portfolio includes being the top security officer, signed the memo Oct. 1 that set up the review...
  • The Question I Wanted to Ask Jack Abramoff

    03/13/2012 9:11:04 AM PDT · by Starman417 · 2 replies
    Flopping Aces ^ | 03-13-12 | Brother Bob
    One of the advantages of living in Washington, DC is that a lot of interesting people pass through this town. And thanks to the sheer number of organizations and events that this town attracts if you keep your eyes open you can see some of these interesting people in person. So when a few nights ago I noticed that Jack Abramoff was going to be speaking at the National Press Club, for the price of going to the movies Sister Babe and I got to hear a talk from one of the most fascinating criminals of modern times. The subject...
  • Abramoff says Gingrich was lobbying on behalf of consulting clients

    12/08/2011 5:51:32 AM PST · by maggief · 18 replies
    The Hill ^ | December 8, 2011 | Justin Sink
    Disgraced former lobbyist Jack Abramoff hit Republican presidential frontrunner Newt Gingrich for his claims that he did no lobbying on behalf of the mortgage and health care companies that paid him millions in consulting fees, calling the system of providing "strategic advice" corrupt. "I don't want to say he's lying, he may believe what he's saying, but people have to understand that lobbying isn't just going to meet with members," Abramoff said. Abramoff served more than three years in prison following a conviction for corruption and fraud stemming from gifts he provided in exchange for votes to benefit Native American...
  • Abramoff accuses Newt Gingrich of 'corruption.' Really.

    11/16/2011 11:34:29 PM PST · by federal__reserve · 77 replies
    Politico ^ | 11/16/11 | MAGGIE HABERMAN
    Gregory asked Abramoff - who finished a jail stint over a year ago on influence-peddling charges and has been promoting his recently-published book - about the strategic counseling fee of over $1 million that was paid to Newt Gingrich by housing giant Freddie Mac. "What do you make of all that?" Gregory asked. Abramoff replied, "This is exactly what I'm talking about. People who come to Washington who have public service and they cash in on it. And they use their public service and their access to make money, and unfortunatley Newt Gingrich is one of them who have done...
  • Congress Members Took Part in Insider Trading: Abramoff

    11/11/2011 9:45:39 AM PST · by Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid! · 34 replies · 1+ views ^ | Friday, 11 Nov 2011 | 10:16 AM ET | Eamon Javers
    As many as a dozen members of Congress and their aides took part in insider trading based on foreknowledge of market moving information on Capitol Hill, disgraced Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff told CNBC in an interview. Abramoff, who was once one of the wealthiest and most powerful lobbyists in Washington before a corruption scandal sent him to federal prison for more than three years, said that many of those members of Congress bragged to him about their stock trading prowess while dining at the exclusive restaurant he owned on Pennsylvania Avenue.
  • CBS, Jack Abramoff Interview Highlights DC Corruption

    11/09/2011 9:17:25 AM PST · by radioone · 5 replies
    A Time For Choosing (wordpress) ^ | 11-8-11 | Stacy Drake
    On October 29th, when I sat on a panel during the first ever Grizzly Fest Summit, I spoke about being “disillusioned” with the state of politics and Washington DC prior to learning about Governor Palin in 2007. Disgraced former high-power DC lobbyist Jack Abramoff had a lot to do with that because as the Washington Post described back in 2006 (emphasis): Former Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff was sentenced to five years and 10 months in prison on March 29, after pleading guilty to fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials in a deal that requires him to cooperate...
  • (Kevin) Ring sentenced to 20 months in lobbying scandal

    10/26/2011 12:06:47 PM PDT · by NormsRevenge · 2 replies
    Yahoo ^ | 10/26/11 | Nedra Pickler - AP
    WASHINGTON (AP) — A former lobbyist who was a rising star under Jack Abramoff's tutelage was sentenced Wednesday to nearly two years in prison for giving public officials meals and event tickets. Kevin Ring argued up until his emotional sentencing hearing that he was operating in a corrupt Washington environment controlled by people with money and that he did not break the law. "I found a ridiculous system full of gray areas and I manipulated it," a sobbing Ring told the judge in asking her not to lock him up. It was the first time he spoke about the charges...
  • Grover Norquist's Relationships Should Give People Pause

    10/06/2011 3:15:49 PM PDT · by LSUfan · 18 replies
    Congressman Frank Wolf ^ | 4 Oct 2011 | Frank Wolf
    TERRORIST CONNECTIONS Not only was Mr. Norquist entangled with the criminal dealings of Jack Abramoff, but documentation shows that he has deep ties to supporters of Hamas and other terrorist organizations that are sworn enemies of the United States and our ally Israel. According to Senate lobbying disclosure records of his now defunct lobbying firm, Janus-Merritt Strategies, around the years 2000 and 2001 Mr. Norquist’s firm represented Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was convicted two years later for his role in a terrorist plot and who is presently serving a 23-year sentence in federal prison. Court documents and a October 15, 2004,...
  • Casino Jack (trailer) movie about Jack Abramoff

    01/03/2011 9:47:27 AM PST · by fishtank · 6 replies
    Anyone seen it yet?
  • Boxer Resurrects Indian Tribe Deemed Defunct 40 Years Ago, Son Profits $8 Million Off It

    11/01/2010 8:19:12 AM PDT · by OregonRancher · 43 replies
    The Hill ^ | 10/30/10 08:55 AM ET | Rick Manning
    Boxer Resurrects Indian Tribe Deemed Defunct 40 Years Ago, Son Profits $8 Million Off It (p)It doesn't get more corrupt than this.... For the past 10 years Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) has been playing a game that would make Jack Abramoff blush, a game that can best be described using the language of “Get Smart’s” Maxwell Smart as “the ole family-profiting-off-of-the-Indian-tribe-that-you-created trick.” Here’s the story. In 1998, Lynn Woolsey introduced legislation reinstating an Indian tribe in the wine country of Northern California that had been declared defunct by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1958. None of the Indians of...
  • Boxer’s sweetheart deal with reinstated Indian tribe (Boxer The New Abramoff)

    10/30/2010 8:02:16 PM PDT · by red flanker · 36 replies
    Hot Air ^ | October 30, 2010 | Ed Morrissey
    In 2006, Democrats successfully won back control of Congress by highlighting corruption scandals involving Jack Abramoff, a lobbyist specializing in Indian tribes. But does one Democrat in particular have a problem of her own with her interventions on behalf of a California tribe that now operates a casino just outside of San Francisco? Barbara Boxer pushed a bill reinstating a tribe designated as “defunct” by the BIA 40 years earlier through legislation that she also amended to remove a prohibition on gaming on any land the tribe owned. Rick Manning at The Hill says the deal — and what ensued...
  • Iran's Oil Mafia (pro-regime Iranian lobby in U.S.)

    04/16/2007 5:08:26 AM PDT · by nuconvert · 9 replies · 552+ views ^ | April 16, 2007 | Hassan Daioleslam
    Iran's Oil Mafia April 16, 2007 Hassan Daioleslam Robert William (Bob) Ney is a current federal prisoner and a former Ohio Congressman from 1995 until November 3, 2006. Ney pled guilty to charges of conspiracy and making false statements in relation to the Jack Abramoff lobbying and bribery scandal. Ney reportedly received bribes from Abramoff, other lobbyists, and two foreign businessmen - a felon and an arms dealer - in exchange for using his position to advance their interests. Conspicuously missing from this dossier of disservice to the country was Ney’s assistance in the creation of a Washington-based lobbying...
  • Jack Abramoff working at Baltimore kosher pizzeria

    06/22/2010 4:57:54 PM PDT · by Nachum · 9 replies ^ | 6/22/10 | BEN NUCKOLS
    BALTIMORE (AP) -- Disgraced Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff has landed a job at a kosher pizzeria in Baltimore soon after his release from prison. The owner of Tov Pizza, Ron Rosenbluth, said Abramoff began working there Monday. He is learning about the business and will eventually help with marketing. Abramoff is an orthodox Jew. He was released this month from a minimum-security prison camp in western Maryland after serving about 3 1/2 years for fraud, corruption and conspiracy. The former Washington power broker's activities led to the conviction of a congressman.
  • Justice Dept. Drops Doolittle Charges After 6.5 Years of Limbo (what RINO's do to conservatives)

    06/11/2010 9:27:28 PM PDT · by SierraWasp · 15 replies · 880+ views
    A Justice Department corruption investigation that helped drive John Doolittle from office has now been closed without charges being filed, the former Sacramento, Calif.-area congressman said Friday. "I'm thrilled," Doolittle said in an interview. "They've dragged this thing out for six and a half years." Doolittle's relief, though, is tinged with bitterness at how he believes the Justice Department has mistreated him. He says he accumulated $600,000 in attorneys fees, some of which he was able to pay with campaign funds. The lingering investigation hindered his ability to find work. In the beginning, he said, it proved "very devastating" to...
  • Abramoff released from Md. prison to halfway house

    06/09/2010 1:11:12 PM PDT · by JoeProBono · 6 replies · 35+ views
    hosted. ^ | Jun 9 | DAVID DISHNEAU
    HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) -- Disgraced Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff has been released from prison to a halfway house in the mid-Atlantic region, the Federal Bureau of Prisons said Wednesday.