Posted on 07/12/2011 9:39:04 PM PDT by opentalk
High-level engineer demonstrates how Nordyke birth certificates used.
A prominent software engineer claims the Obama birth certificate released by the White House was forged by using as templates the birth certificates of twins born in Hawaii one day after the president.
The engineer, a high-level programmer for a state government, spoke on condition of anonymity...
.... He believes forgers used the registration numbers of the birth certificates belonging to Gretchen and Susan Nordyke, 10637 and 10638, to create the Obama birth certificate number, 10641.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Now that Boehner sees how dangerous this illegal alien is in the WH...just maybe hell start impeachment proceedings against him. This illegal is threatening Americans if he doesnt get his way...he has proven he is an enemy agent.
Which 20 Senate Democrats do you think are going to vote to remove Zero from the presidency? It takes 67 votes in the Senate to convict and there are 47 Republicans.
Boehner was Obama’s golfing partner two weeks ago.
“The state of Hawaii has said that he was born there. That’s good enough for me.”—John Boehner (R-OH).
I don’t want him thrown out of office on a technicality, I don’t even want him impeached (even though I believe he should be over Gun Walker), I want him defeated by the collective will of the American people in a landslide that makes Reagan’s look like a footnote.
“All of that is completely aside from the fact that both of the on-line COLBS are obvious fakes, and presumably deliberate forgeries. And certainly the Nordyke Twins have a well known connection to them, as does that baby born at the same time, who died shortly after birth, whose BC number Obama may have stolen.”
Online scanned images of documents are irrelevant. The only document that matters is the one on file at the Hawaii Department of Health and hard copies that might be made directly from that document.
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai`i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai`i and is a natural-born American citizen.”—7/27/09
Dr. Fukino’s statement along with a hard copy of the birth certificate on file at the Hawaii Department of Health including the state Seal and the stamp and signature of the Registrar of Vital Statistics for the state of Hawaii is all the documentation that would ever be needed if any challenge should ever make it to a court of law.
Thus far none have in 74 attempts. Every Obama eligibility lawsuit has been dismissed during pre-trial motions.
I have a better idea!
1) The Constitution is NOT NOT NOT a “technicality”.
2) Throw everyone responsible for having a usurper in the White House out on their rear ends with landslide primary and national elections. That includes EVERY governor, state attorney general, secretary of state, prosecutor, and federal legislator in the U.S.! ALL of them!
2) Impeach every judge, ( including all 9 Supreme Court Justices) who failed to act.
3) Summarily dismiss every one of our generals and admirals, and replace them with patriots who are committed to their oath to defend the Constitution and their military code of honor.
4) Bankrupt all of the mainstream Marxist media and nearly all of the conservative yappers. All of them need to spend more time with their families. Boycott their sponsors. Turn them off!
If BHO, Sr. was not his father, who was?
The record shows that his daddy considered putting him up for adoption, but evidently failed to clear it with his mommy. In any case, while that was going on, he'd worn out his American welcome sufficiently (apparent bigamy, chasing stateside girls) that Harvard saw fit to conspire with INS to ease him out of the country before he could earn that coveted PhD.
If he'd played his cards right, he could have easily leveraged his marriage to Stanley Ann to gain US citizenship. But that was never his plan. He wanted to be a big shot in newly independent Kenya, not a struggling immigrant academic in the US.
1. View this link from post 26:
2. Then down load the PDF from the White House server.
Your going to see that several check boxes have been duplicated, verbatim, exact pixel configuration.
Let us know what you see. Please explain to this “Old engineer with 30 years experience” how these boxes are different. Do a motion graphic and I'll gladly view it and admit I am wrong if that's what it shows.
Thus far none have in 74 attempts. Every Obama eligibility lawsuit has been dismissed during pre-trial motions.
Proof that the legal system is silly and that it should be viewed with derision.
“So all of NASA was in on it? Is that what you’re saying?”
No. But moon landing conspiracy theorists think all of NASA was in on it.
Birthers think the Obama administration, the Hawaii government (under Democratic AND Republican administrations), the Kenyan government, the Republican Party, federal and state judges, conservative think tanks, conservative pundits, all the fact-checking websites, all the news channels, and all the Constitutional law professors in the country are in on it.
Birthers would be better off if they had a conspiracy theory that implicated as few people as “all of NASA.”
You read too much into my statement. Barack Sr. may very well be his father, but that does not mean that Barry hasn't been adopted at some point in his past.
The record shows that his daddy considered putting him up for adoption, but evidently failed to clear it with his mommy. In any case, while that was going on, he'd worn out his American welcome sufficiently (apparent bigamy, chasing stateside girls) that Harvard saw fit to conspire with INS to ease him out of the country before he could earn that coveted PhD.
It certainly appears that Barack Sr. is regarded as the father at that time, but I am not ruling out the possibility that Barack Sr. was just a "beard" to cover up the fact that Frank Davis was having sex with his best friend's Daughter.
If he'd played his cards right, he could have easily leveraged his marriage to Stanley Ann to gain US citizenship. But that was never his plan. He wanted to be a big shot in newly independent Kenya, not a struggling immigrant academic in the US.
As it turned out, he became neither. He died in a Drunk Driving accident (the last of many) crippled and broken and penniless.
Birthers would be better off if they had a conspiracy theory that implicated as few people as all of NASA.
You can't call it a "conspiracy" when it is legal. All the States create fake birth certificates for Adopted children. They also refuse to confirm or deny that any child has been adopted. If you try to pry, you simply get the same sort of runaround that inquiries into Obama's documents generate from Hawaiian state officials.
1962 is a key year, and it would be helpful at least to curiosity if not forensics to get a time line of the documents, date signed, signature used, dependents claimed, and birthdates(s) claimed.
Right. And if it wasn't for Drudge, we'd still be waiting for Newsweek to tell us all about Monica, and Weiner would still be in Congress, and Schiller would still be at NPR, and Van Jones would still be in the WH. Sound familiar?
exactly - some boxes on the WH LFCOLB are identical, right down to the pixel.
I think this is my favorite WND argument yet. Obama's birth certificate looks so much like two other birth certificates from the same place and time THAT THE FORGERY MUST HAVE BEEN BASED ON THOSE OTHER TWO CERTIFICATES. There's no other explanation!
Actually, it doesn't look anything like those other certificates which happen to be original documents and not a fabricated .pdf. Where is obama's original BC?
Boehner knows zero doesn't meet Article II eligibility of the constitution. We also know the dem controlled senate would never convict'd never get that far.
Zero would be Nixonized long before that. Can you even imagine the dirt that'd come out on Zero if there was an impeachment hearing? Zero would go into such a meltdown they'd not be enough drug cocktails to prevent Biden would have to ask the 25th be invoked.
Patiently waiting for your reply...
So look at:
Entry field 3 “Twin” Box and Entry field 7g “Yes” box.
Twin Box needed to be replaced with empty check box)
Then look at:
Entry field 4, “1st” and “2nd” box.
Birth order needed to be filled with empty box)
Much appreciated.
Do you also believe they used the Nordyke certificate as a template?
So, you theorize the true original BC had FMD (who was married to Helen Canfield at the time) as the father? And that they persuaded BHO, Sr. to marry Stanley Ann in preparation for for the upcoming bastard birth, which they then legitimized by having BHO, Sr. adopt little Barry, after which the original BC was replaced by the one now in the Department of Health's files? Nice simple explanation, right? Which, BTW, also makes him eligible beyond any doubt whatsoever. LOL!
On the other hand, even if FMD was the father (or maybe Anarchist Annie just wasn't really sure), wouldn't it have been much simpler just to tell BHO he was the father and please sign here? That way, no silly adoption procedures and no need to fabricate any birth certificates, legally or otherwise.
The only issue anybody has been able to get the media to look at is lewd weiner pics. Using your standard, then, the only thing we conservatives should be working on is finding lewd weiner pics of Obama. That would be just the thing, everything we need.
I am really, really sick of establishment folks poo-poohing the rule of law as if it is a mere triviality. We all know the rule of law is critical; we all know that Obama and his thugs are totally ignoring the rule of law - on gunwalker, eligibility, and everything else. The problem is that once we’ve conceded the rule of law as trivial all that’s left is to ooh and ah over lewd weiner pics.
And that’s where we are. Thanks a lot, establishment people who poo-poohed the rule of law. This is your bed; now we’re all stuck lying in it.
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