You read too much into my statement. Barack Sr. may very well be his father, but that does not mean that Barry hasn't been adopted at some point in his past.
The record shows that his daddy considered putting him up for adoption, but evidently failed to clear it with his mommy. In any case, while that was going on, he'd worn out his American welcome sufficiently (apparent bigamy, chasing stateside girls) that Harvard saw fit to conspire with INS to ease him out of the country before he could earn that coveted PhD.
It certainly appears that Barack Sr. is regarded as the father at that time, but I am not ruling out the possibility that Barack Sr. was just a "beard" to cover up the fact that Frank Davis was having sex with his best friend's Daughter.
If he'd played his cards right, he could have easily leveraged his marriage to Stanley Ann to gain US citizenship. But that was never his plan. He wanted to be a big shot in newly independent Kenya, not a struggling immigrant academic in the US.
As it turned out, he became neither. He died in a Drunk Driving accident (the last of many) crippled and broken and penniless.
So, you theorize the true original BC had FMD (who was married to Helen Canfield at the time) as the father? And that they persuaded BHO, Sr. to marry Stanley Ann in preparation for for the upcoming bastard birth, which they then legitimized by having BHO, Sr. adopt little Barry, after which the original BC was replaced by the one now in the Department of Health's files? Nice simple explanation, right? Which, BTW, also makes him eligible beyond any doubt whatsoever. LOL!
On the other hand, even if FMD was the father (or maybe Anarchist Annie just wasn't really sure), wouldn't it have been much simpler just to tell BHO he was the father and please sign here? That way, no silly adoption procedures and no need to fabricate any birth certificates, legally or otherwise.