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Keyword: birthers

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  • PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake

    12/23/2024 11:37:36 AM PST · by Macho MAGA Man · 66 replies
    Wolves and Finance ^ | February 1, 2024 | Wolves and Finance
    With all of the lies and deception we have seen lately in politics, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit a major question from the past. Whatever happened to Obama’s birth certificate?
  • ‘Citizen at Birth’ Term vs ‘natural born Citizen’ Term: Grammatical and Logical Analysis

    08/09/2024 9:34:27 AM PDT · by CDR Kerchner · 76 replies
    The Post & Email Newspaper ^ | 09 Aug 2024 | CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
    (Aug. 9, 2024) — First, let us put on our thinking hat and do some simple grammatical analysis of the two terms ‘Citizen at Birth’ (“CAB”) and ‘natural born Citizen’ (“nbC”). The first term, “CAB”, tells the reader simply WHEN the person became a Citizen, i.e., at birth. The second term, “nbC”, tells the reader two things, i.e., WHEN the person became a Citizen, i.e., when born, and also HOW they became a Citizen, i.e., by what type of law the person became a Citizen –- Man-made laws, acts, treaties, amendments, Positive Law(s), or the Law(s) of Nature, Natural Law....
  • Cuckoos of a Feather!

    08/01/2024 10:00:00 AM PDT · by Penelope Dreadful · 87 replies
    vanity ^ | 08/01/2024 | Penelope Dreadful
    I want you to imagine this scenario. It is 2008, and this guy, Little Bobby, is 20-years-old. Little Bobby goes on the internet, and he discovers a sovereign citizen website, where he gets told that he does not need a driver’s license, car tags or auto insurance. The website has all kinds of legal stuff on it, like blurbs from SCOTUS cases, tidbits from the Uniform Commercial Code, and excerpts from Black’s Law Dictionary and The Rules of Federal Civil Procedure. Little Bobby falls for it hook, line and sinker. So, when Little Bobby gets pulled over by the police...
  • Exclusive: National Archives Displays “Unauthenticated” Obama Birth Certificate -- “IF THEY CHANGE THAT DOCUMENT, THEY’RE PLAYING A GAME”

    04/21/2024 7:04:42 PM PDT · by CDR Kerchner · 48 replies
    The Post & Email Newspaper ^ | 18 Apr 2024 | Sharon Rondeau
    (Apr. 18, 2024) — Since at least the end of the Obama presidency, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has maintained the image of an unauthenticated copy of Barack Hussein Obama’s purported “long-form” birth certificate evidenced by its lack of an official raised seal. The seal’s absence was one of a number of items leading many to believe Obama’s “short-form” birth certificate, purportedly released by the 2008 Obama campaign and published by The Daily KOS in June that year, and the “long-form” released by the White House several years later, were forgeries devised to conceal information about Obama’s background...
  • Video: Escalating Madness

    09/25/2023 1:12:43 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 12 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2023 | Larry Johnson
    Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right.
  • Barack Obama and his Connecticut social security number

    06/23/2023 5:43:45 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 68 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 23 Jun, 2023 | Susan Daniels
    Barack Obama has used a stolen social security number most of his adult life. The one he uses was issued on March 28, 1977 to someone living in Connecticut, born in 1890 and is now long deceased. Obama was fifteen years old that day, living in Hawaii and playing on the junior varsity basketball team at Punahou. I uncovered the SSN information and include it in my memoir The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama. Obama violated federal law by using a phony number. From the United States Code: “Identity theft laws under 18 U.S.C § 1028 makes it a...
  • Nikki Haley Is Not A Natural Born Citizen of USA To Constitutional Standards – Not Eligible To Be President - The Post & Email

    01/30/2023 10:17:55 AM PST · by CDR Kerchner · 130 replies
    The Post & Email Newspaper ^ | 30 Jan 2023 | CDR Kerchner (Ret)
    Nikki Haley fails the three legged stool test! (Jan. 30, 2023) — Both of Nikki Haley’s parents were not U.S. Citizens when Nikki was born. Nikki Haley was born to a Citizen of India father (minus one stool leg) and to a Citizen of India mother (minus the 2nd stool leg). The normal path to becoming a naturalized U.S. Citizen takes five years. Nikki Haley was born in 1972 . Her father and mother emigrated from India to Canada and then to the USA in 1969. Thus there was not sufficient time for either of Nikki’s parents to become naturalized...
  • Maraniss Bio Deepens Obama Birth Mystery

    06/21/2012 11:09:30 PM PDT · by Nachum · 28 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 6/22/12 | Jack Cashill
    David Maraniss has no use for "birthers." In a recent interview, he dismissed their beliefs as "preposterous" and wonders why they cling to them, since "every fact and document leads in another direction." Yet the one core belief that has united the birther community -- if there be such a thing -- is that Obama dissembled when he talked at both the 2004 and 2008 Democratic Conventions about his parents' "improbable love" and "abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation." Birthers have known for years that there was no Obama family, that the couple never lived together, that Obama...
  • Hillary Clinton starts Birther Movement (Andrea Mitchell Interview 2013) Download and save this video

    03/30/2022 2:18:44 PM PDT · by yesthatjallen · 15 replies
    Youtube ^ | 05 10 2013 | Suspicion Sustained
    Andrea Mitchell (Andrea Mitchell Reports, MSNBC) discusses the origins of 'The Birther Movement' with Ben Smith (Politico Sr. Political writer) in 2013. Ben Smith traces 'The Birther Movement' to Hillary Clinton supporters when she was losing to Barack Obama in 2008. Andrea Mitchell appears somewhat flustered and shaken by this revelation and tries to tie it to Donald Trump and Republicans. "Ben Smith, thank you so much, from Politico for...reminding us of where this all started". (She doesn't appear all that thankful). Don't just save the link. Download and save this video for future reference. Hillary Clinton starts Birther Movement...
  • Obama: The Unanswered Mystery Of The Century

    02/23/2015 12:02:59 PM PST · by Windflier · 109 replies
    Tea Party Command Center ^ | November 3, 2014 | Unknown
    It will be interesting to see what they put in his "Presidential Library" about his early years, when he is out of office. In a country where we take notice of many, many facets of our public figures' lives, doesn't seem odd that there's so little we know about our current president, Barack Obama. For example, we know that Andrew Jackson's wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery; Abe Lincoln never went to school; Jack Kennedy wore a back brace; Harry Truman played the piano. As Americans, we enjoy knowing details about our newsmakers, but none...
  • More Questions We Don't Have Documents to Resolve: Did Obama Go To Columbia College?

    11/01/2008 11:29:57 AM PDT · by moneyrunner · 16 replies · 1,018+ views
    The Virginian ^ | 11/1/2008 | Moneyrunner
    There is so much that we are taking on faith with Barack Obama. Unqualified Reservations blog asks a question that has been asked in other places and in different ways. For example, what were Obama's grades at Columbia. This blogger asks a very basic question: was he even a student there? If so, why don't more people remember this leading contender for President? I know. I swore that my evil demagogic talents would go unused in this volatile, historic, and deliciously operatic election. And we'll certainly have a fun discussion after the event. At the moment, though, I find myself...
  • Elon Musk retrieves Birth Certificate Showing he was Born in Hawaii, Runs for President

    04/28/2022 2:36:48 PM PDT · by Mount Athos · 43 replies
    No you can't see the long form certificate.
  • Exclusive: Birth Certificate for Ted Cruz’s Mother

    01/08/2016 1:51:03 PM PST · by elhombrelibre · 22 replies
    BRIGHTBART ^ | 8 Jan 16 | Unknown
    Eleanor Darragh, mother of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), was born in Delaware on Nov. 23, 1934, establishing her citizenship by birth–and, according to U.S. law, that of her son, even though he was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on Dec. 22, 1970. The Cruz for President campaign provided Breitbart News exclusively with the birth certificate.
  • Levin: the birther tactic is crap, here's the relevant statute

    02/28/2022 12:40:27 PM PST · by conservative98 · 182 replies
    247Sports ^ | Jan 7th, 2016
    WVUfan222:Levin: the birther tactic is crap, here's relevant statute: --------------------------------------- 8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth.... didn't matter where Obama was born, it doesn't matter where Ted Cruz was born, it didn't matter where John McCain was born, it didn't matter where George Romney was born. The phrase “natural born Citizen” has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time. If one of your parents was a US citizen, which is the case...
  • Just Who Made Obama's Birth Certificate an Issue?

    05/28/2021 4:48:13 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 128 replies
    American ^ | May 28, 2021 | Jack Cashill
    In his controversial new book on the 2020 election, Battle For The Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump. Edward-Isaac Dovere repeats a canard that has become something of a staple of Democratic mythology. According to Dovere, in November 2020, then-president Barack Obama had a hard time making sense out of Hillary Clinton's loss "to a man he thought of as a moronic carnival barker." Dovere traced Obama's grudge against Donald Trump to the birth certificate issue. Obama, writes Dovere, "would never forgive [Trump] for turning a fringe obsession with his birth certificate into an issue he'd had...
  • Donald Trump, Talk About Terry Lakin

    04/13/2011 10:16:43 AM PDT · by SonOfDarkSkies · 12 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 4/13/2011 | Stella Paul
    Attention, The Donald: have I got a talking point for you! Whether or not you can prove Obama's ineligibility to be Commander-in-Chief, he's already proven himself to be morally ineligible. How? His ice-cold indifference to the tragic fate of Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin, now rotting in prison because Obama refuses to release his birth certificate. Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin is a highly decorated army doctor who received deployment notice to Afghanistan, and asked to see Obama's birth certificate to prove his eligibility as Commander-in-Chief. In the words of Lakin's website: LTC Terry Lakin chose to selflessly defend the Constitution as...
  • Michelle Obama Knows What Her Daughters Are Thinking; Ex-FLOTUS Won’t Forgive Donald Trump

    12/19/2019 4:24:59 AM PST · by simpson96 · 34 replies
    International Business Times ^ | 12/19/2019 | Camille Heimbrod
    Michelle Obama has a special relationship with her two daughters, Malia, 21, and Sasha, 18. During her interview with People last year, the ex-FLOTUS revealed that she didn’t weep when she dropped off her eldest daughter at Harvard. Barack Obama’s wife said that being away from her daughters doesn’t make her sad because she has the resources to see them whenever she misses them. The former first lady also revealed that she regularly texts with her daughters. And she and her eldest child have a special connection. “I can text [Malia] right this second and know exactly what she’s thinking....
  • Judge rules ‘ISIS bride’ Hoda Muthana is not a US citizen

    11/14/2019 7:08:53 PM PST · by Morgana · 44 replies
    ny post ^ | Nov 14, 2019 | Lia Eustachewich
    “ISIS bride” Hoda Muthana is not a US citizen — and America is under no obligation to let her back into the country, a federal judge ruled Thursday. Judge Reggie Walton found there was enough evidence to prove Muthana — the US-born mom who fled her home in Alabama to join the terror group in Syria in 2014 but has been begging to come back to the US — was born while her father was a Yemeni diplomat, BuzzFeed News reported. The judge said Muthana’s father, Ahmed Ali Muthana, can’t provide financial support to either her or her 2-year-old son,...
  • Report: Former CIA Analyst Says Brennan Created Secret 'Task Force' To Destroy Trump

    11/06/2019 7:40:03 AM PST · by Jayster · 27 replies
    Trending Politics ^ | November 5, 2019 | Marty Walsh
    Most Americans have been wondering if and when we would see some of the Obama officials involved in the coup against President Donald Trump brought to justice. While Attorney General William Barr is getting to the bottom of how the Russia witch hunt began, a new bombshell report about former CIA Director John Brennan is sending shockwaves. According to a column from Larry C. Johnson, who is a former analyst at the CIA, Brennan created a secret task force to combat the election of Trump. Johnson says the “invitation-only” task force was created in early 2016. Johnson says the average...
  • LTC Lakin Trial Update (from his attorney)

    11/09/2010 5:03:08 PM PST · by STARWISE · 13 replies
    The Law Firm of Puckett & Faraj, PC, is preparing the defense of LTC Lakin for trial currently scheduled for December 14, 2010 at Fort Meade, MD. LTC Lakin is being charged with missing movement, disobeying orders to report to a new unit, disobeying orders to report to his brigade commander and dereliction of duty. His previous civilian attorney complicated his case and is partially responsible for two of these charges by advising LTC Lakin to refuse to report to his superior officer. The defense team is now working to minimize the damage caused by this inappropriate legal advice and...