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PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake
Wolves and Finance ^
| February 1, 2024
| Wolves and Finance
Posted on 12/23/2024 11:37:36 AM PST by Macho MAGA Man
With all of the lies and deception we have seen lately in politics, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit a major question from the past. Whatever happened to Obama’s birth certificate?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
KEYWORDS: alvinonaka; barackobama; birthcertificate; birtherism; birthers; chat; daylatedollarshort; joearpaio; mikezullo; nancypelosi; obama; obamabc
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An excellent video everyone needs to watch. Obama usurped the oval office and should be in Gitmo along with the people who helped him get in office and ran cover for him.
To: Macho MAGA Man
A 45-minute video with no conclusive “proof” other than endless allegations we have already heard.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:38:14 AM PST
To: Macho MAGA Man
Sadly, a lot of conservative leaders went along with the charade, knowing the evidence. They HAD to accept the “election” of the “first black president,” truth be damned.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:40:34 AM PST
(Why is there a "far/radical right," but damned if they'll admit that there is a far/radical left?)
To: Macho MAGA Man
Last time Trump was in the White House, he dropped the Obama birth thing like a hot potato. So good luck with that.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:41:26 AM PST
To: nwrep
There’s no evidence that Obama’s alleged “Birth Certificate” is real.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:42:02 AM PST
(To prevent misinterpretation or abuse of the Constitution:The Bill of Rights limits government power)
To: Macho MAGA Man
That story’s not going anywhere.
Save it for April 1st next year.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:42:04 AM PST
To: Macho MAGA Man
I don't mind any number of stories coming out now that tarnish the Democrat brand.
It reinforces the belief that Democrats have to lie and cheat in order to take and hold onto power.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:43:28 AM PST
Political Junkie Too
( * LAAP = Left-wing Activist Agitprop Press (formerly known as the MSM))
To: Macho MAGA Man
Obama’s Presidency is mostly remembered with a ‘yawn’ by most historian’s. His accomplishments??? Not many. His race... Half and half... America still hasn’t elected it’s first ‘black’ president.
America’s first ‘black’ President will hopefully be a Republican... Born from black parents, who’s ancestors were slaves in America. That will be the first truly ‘black’ American President. Bill Clinton and Barry Obama (half-white), do not really count.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:45:33 AM PST
(Nazis were essentially Socialist in Hugo Boss uniforms... Get over it!)
To: nwrep
No scanner on the face of the planet produces a multi-layered PDF; yet, that is exactly what the WH provided.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:46:47 AM PST
To: Macho MAGA Man
What happened to the Kenyans birth certificate? The stench of it grew so bad that a week after it was released, Osama bin Laden was killed along with any media coverage into the fraudulent BC.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:49:41 AM PST
(Go Trump! Prayers answered!)
To: Macho MAGA Man
What he says is truth.
I have that same file from the White House and I immediately noticed the layers. The green background is not actually there. As for the bending of the page, it looks like that was all fabricated, too.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:50:15 AM PST
(Trump: Befuddling Democrats, Republicans, and the Media for the benefit of the US and all mankind.)
To: Macho MAGA Man
I always thought the best way to investigate that Birth Certificate was to take a look at the certificates issued immediately prior, and subsequently to this one.
It appears the serial number on his is 61 10641. Assuming that the 61 indicates the year, it would be interesting to know the details of 10635-10640 and those numbered 10642-10645.
Do the dates seem to be in a similar sequence, or are they widely varied? Do the fonts of the printing match? How about the date stamps?
There are probably about six or seven elements that should have very similar characteristics.
Whenever that investigation is done, we'll know pretty clearly if it is real or fake.
To: Macho MAGA Man
I’ve seen conclusive proof. I don’t have to watch any more videos. YouTube was deleting videos 30 minutes after Obama released his so-called certificate of birth on the White House website. It is without question a copy and paste manufacture document..
posted on
12/23/2024 11:57:42 AM PST
(Strange that a man with his wealth would fhave to resort to prostitution.)
To: fwdude
🔝🔝🔝 And look at the decline of America since then - jaw-dropping
It was fun while it lasted.
All according to plan 

posted on
12/23/2024 11:57:58 AM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Day's of Lot; They id Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
To: Political Junkie Too
It reinforces the belief that Democrats have to lie and cheat in order to take and hold onto power. Actually, it reinforces the belief that the average Boomercon nowadays is pretty much indistinguishable from a Qanon nutjob.
posted on
12/23/2024 11:58:10 AM PST
To: Repealthe17thAmendment
His 8 years are up. Doesn’t matter. It’s about as true as BillClinton’s black son.
To: Macho MAGA Man
This can all be settled January 21 (for the sake of finally putting the rumor to rest). Trump's DoJ can go to Hawaii's Vital Records and demand the physical book where obama's Original BC is bound along with the others in that series. Inspection can be done in an afternoon by videotaping the act, and photographing the "document" to prove it is exactly as the one the obama team presented as authentic. Done, and done, finally and finito.
Unless the image is "missing" or isn't EXACTLY as the one presented as true, that is.
posted on
12/23/2024 12:00:27 PM PST
(When your business model depends on slave labor, you're always going to need more slaves.)
To: Macho MAGA Man; All
A lot of us watched videos of the PDF levels deconstructed and exposed, and thus proving the fraud, but the public was too stupid to understand the process and the concept.
posted on
12/23/2024 12:01:24 PM PST
(Common sense isn’t common anymore.)
To: Macho MAGA Man
At least one top Kenyan government official has said that Osama Obama was born there. The dust jacket on one of the dozen autobiographies he's written clearly stated that he was born in Kenya.
To: Macho MAGA Man
There are videos of Obozo’s grandmother stating categorically he was born in Nairobi, Kenya, she knows because she witnessed his birth. I will go along with Grandma.
posted on
12/23/2024 12:06:48 PM PST
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