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  • The UN Charter should become the legal foundation of a multipolar world

    02/07/2025 5:41:29 PM PST · by Timber Rattler · 19 replies
    Russia in Global Affairs ^ | February 4, 2025 | Sergey Lavrov
    Eighty years ago, on February 4, 1945, the Yalta Conference opened, at which the leaders of the victorious countries of World War II – the USSR, the US and UK – defined the contours of the post-war world. Despite ideological differences, they agreed to finally eradicate German Nazism and Japanese militarism. The agreements reached in Crimea were confirmed and developed during the Potsdam Peace Conference in July 1945. One of the results of the negotiations was the creation of the UN and approval of the UN Charter, which remains the main source of international law to this day. The goals...
  • What Will You Do When You Can’t Buy or Sell Anything on The Internet Without Your UN-Mandated Digital Identity Chip?

    01/22/2025 6:03:23 AM PST · by Rev M. Bresciani · 70 replies
    New American Prophet ^ | January 22, 2025 | Michael Snyder
    Imposing mandatory digital identification on every nation on the entire planet has become a primary goal for the global elite. It isn’t going to happen tomorrow, but eventually the plan is to get virtually everyone in the world into the system. If the global elite get their way, a time will come when you will not be able to buy or sell anything on the Internet without logging in with your UN-mandated digital identity chip. You won’t be able to go to school, get a job or open a bank account without your UN-mandated digital identity chip either. In essence,...
  • Hundreds of Thousands Flood the Streets in Romania to Protest Cancelling of the Presidential Election Over Bogus ‘Russian Influence’ Charge

    01/12/2025 4:33:16 PM PST · by Kazan · 19 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | Jan. 12, 2025 | by Paul Serran
    Hundreds of thousands of Romanians furious with the current government for the cancellation of the presidential election marched today (12) through the capital Bucharest to demand that the vote should proceed and that outgoing – and by now illegitimate – President Klaus Iohannis should resign. Reuters reported:“In a move that polarized voters, Romania’s top court voided the presidential election on Dec. 6, two days before the second round.The cancellation came after state documents showed frontrunner Calin Georgescu, a critic of NATO, had benefited from an unfair social media campaign likely to have been orchestrated by Russia, accusations Moscow has denied.”Reuters...
  • They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population – 47 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite That Will Make You Want To Lose Your Lunch

    01/08/2025 5:06:13 PM PST · by george76 · 52 replies
    End Of The American Dream ^ | January 5, 2025 | Michael
    There is a clear consensus among the global elite that overpopulation is the primary cause of the most important problems that our world is facing today. Many of them are completely convinced that humans are literally a “plague” upon the Earth and that extreme measures are required to prevent us from destroying the entire planet. To the elite, everything from global warming to our growing economic problems can be directly traced back to a lack of population control. They warn that if nothing is done about our exploding population, humanity will be facing a future full of poverty, war and...

    01/08/2025 3:13:56 PM PST · by Lazamataz · 232 replies
    1/8/2025 | By Laz A. Mataz
    To all my fellow Freepers who live in California, Especially those in the Los Angeles area, I'm monitoring the out-of-control fires that are raging in your area. My heart breaks for you all. The scenes I am seeing look like a Biblical disaster. A small nuclear device would have done less damage. The entire LA area looks like it will be utterly destroyed. I'm leaving out any discussion of fault, that is fodder for another thread. This thread is simply to wish you all well. Please remember, your life (and the life of those you love, including pets) is of...
  • It’s All About Control: The Elite Plan for the Great Food Reset

    11/03/2024 4:21:52 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 65 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 3 Nov, 2024 | Janet Levy
    By getting governments to over-regulate farming, elite oligarchs like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab aim to take control over food production in the name of sustainability. Besides ‘degrowth’ and ‘net zero,’ one other dangerous buzz phrase being bandied about by proponents of the Great Reset is “nature-positive food systems.” The stated goal of moving to new food systems is to reduce nitrogen emissions, livestock production, and meat consumption. This is to be achieved by consuming plant-based products, lab-grown foods, and insects (as a source of protein). The moot question, however, is whether such a change is at all necessary? The...
  • The 1965 Immigration Act: Anatomy of a Disaster

    12/28/2024 5:54:32 PM PST · by Mr. Mojo · 33 replies
    America's current mass immigration mess is the result of a change in the laws in 1965. Prior to 1965, despite some changes in the 50's, America was a low-immigration country basically living under immigration laws written in 1924. Thanks to low immigration, the swamp of cheap labor was largely drained during this period, America became a fundamentally middle-class society, and our many European ethnic groups were brought together into a common national culture. In some ways, this achievement was so complete that we started to take for granted what we had achieved and forgot why it happened. So in a...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis fails to spread the Gospel because he’s ‘bent on the globalist agenda’

    12/20/2024 10:15:04 AM PST · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | December 19, 2024 | Archbishop Héctor Aguer
    [Catholic Caucus] Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis fails to spread the Gospel because he’s ‘bent on the globalist agenda’The current pontificate is bent on the globalist agenda and interreligious dialogue; it cannot fulfill its mandate to spread the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. But the mandate remains: 'Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all nations.'Is the pope infallible? This question of dogmatic value has an affirmative answer. The First Vatican Council defined on July 18, 1870, by means of the dogmatic constitution Pastor Aeternus, that the Successor of Peter in the Roman Chair enjoys the privilege...
  • A Judicial Coup in Romania

    12/12/2024 9:52:11 AM PST · by EnderWiggin1970 · 6 replies
    Compact Magazine ^ | 12/11/24 | Thomas Fazi
    In an extraordinary and unprecedented move, Romania’s constitutional court announced last week the annulment of the results of the first round of the presidential elections held on Nov. 24, in which the independent populist candidate Călin Georgescu came out on top. The ruling, which restarted the entire electoral process, came just days before the scheduled runoff between Georgescu and the pro-EU candidate Elena Lasconi, which Georgescu was tipped to win by a large margin. It’s the first time a European court has overturned the result of an election, signaling a troubling escalation in the EU-NATO establishment’s increasingly open war on...
  • WEF Insider: Planned Civil War for 2025 Will Usher in ‘New World Order’

    11/03/2024 5:01:36 PM PST · by uzumaki_naruto · 45 replies
    The People's Voice ^ | Nov 2 2024 | Baxter Dmitry
    The global elite have a multifaceted plan for global domination and it starts with stealing the 2024 US election through deceit and intimidation and plunging the country into civil war. he elite have assessed the current landscape and concluded that now is the time to throw the US into turmoil, ignite civil unrest, and usher in the long-awaited New World Order first threatened by George H.W. Bush 33 years ago. Before we dive in, subscribe to the channel on Rumble if you haven’t already, and join the People’s Voice Locals community to support the channel and be part of our...
  • US Warns Iran: Won't Be Able To Restrain Israel If You Attack | WION

    11/03/2024 1:02:25 AM PST · by SaveFerris · 14 replies
    WION YouTube Channel ^ | Nov 3, 2024 - 1 hour ago as of this posting | WION -
    After Iran’s supreme leader threatened Israel and the United States on Saturday with 'a crushing response' for strikes on Iran and its allies amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, the US has now issued a stern warning to Iran. Watch this report to know more.
  • John Kerry Derides First Amendment as Major Roadblock to Government Being Able to “Hammer” Dissent “Out of Existence”

    09/29/2024 11:04:17 AM PDT · by DFG · 135 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | 09/29/2024 | Miriam Judith
    During the Sustainable Development Impact Meeting held by the World Economic Forum (WEF), John Kerry brazenly admitted that first amendment is a threat to government power. During the discussion, Kerry stated that free speech, particularly on social media, threatens ‘democracies’ by inhibiting the government’s ability to manufacture a consensus through the control of information. ”…I think the dislike like of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing and growing, and that’s part of our problem particularly in democracies — in terms of building consensus around any issue, its really hard to govern today.” He goes on to...
  • Forever Wars, This Way

    10/08/2024 9:01:00 AM PDT · by Kazan · 12 replies
    American Thinker ^ | October 8, 2024 | By James Soriano
    Western hegemony is passing, but for reasons other than the war in Ukraine. The war is accelerating trends already in place. But it is a “turning point” in the sense that the war’s origins are found in one kind of a world order while its end will come in a different kind.By world order we mean the way in which power is distributed around the globe, who makes the rules, and its legitimacy, how countries play by the rules.-NATO enlargement was nested within a liberal internationalist outlook. It took some inspiration from democratic peace theory, which holds that a world...
  • Alex Soros, George's son, huddles with Tim Walz in meeting in New York City apartment

    09/26/2024 12:17:22 AM PDT · by blueplum · 15 replies
    Fox ^ | 24 Sept 2024 | Sarah Rumpf-Whitten
    Alex Soros, son of billionaire financier George Soros, huddled with Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz and hosted him at his New York City apartment. "Honored to host Governor Tim Walz at my home in New York City!" Soros wrote in a X post Tuesday. The 38-year-old Soros has been politically active since taking the reins from his father, donating millions to political committees ... It is unclear if or how much Alex has donated to the Harris-Walz election campaign. Fox News Digital has reached out to the Open Society Foundations (OSF) for comment.
  • The UN Just Adopted the “Pact for the Future” Which Lays the Foundation for a New “Global Order”

    09/24/2024 10:53:32 AM PDT · by Obadiah · 63 replies
    America First Report ^ | 09/24/2024 | Michael Snyder
    While everyone was distracted, the global elite got exactly what they wanted. The UN adopted the “Pact for the Future” on September 22nd, and the mainstream media in the western world almost entirely ignored what was happening. Instead, the headlines urged us to just keep focusing on Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Sadly, the vast majority of the population has never ever heard about the “Pact for the Future”, and so there was very little public debate about whether or not we should be adopting a document which lays the foundation for a new “global order”. The text of the...
  • UN Summit of the Future Aims to Bring Global Governance “Back From the Brink”

    09/22/2024 10:14:46 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 29 replies
    The New American ^ | September 22, 2024 ( September 22, 2024 ) | Andrew Muller
    NEW YORK — As the United Nations (UN) Summit of the Future began Sunday morning, delegates from across the 193 member states adopted the Pact for the Future, Global Digital Compact, and Declaration on Future Generations.“Back From the Brink”Underscoring the summit is a sense of desperation to save the global governance movement from distrust, lack of credibility, and outdated processes. According to Sunday’s agreed-upon Pact for the Future:We are deeply concerned by the growing Sustainable Development Goal financing gap facing developing countries. We must close this gap to prevent a lasting sustainable development divide, widening inequality within and between countries...
  • Beep Beep! Woosh. . . !

    09/17/2024 6:34:33 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 29 replies
    James Howard Kunstler - Substack ^ | 16 Sep, 2024 | James Howard Kunstler
    “Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race. I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap.” — Brandon Smith. This time, the shooter lives to do some ‘splainin’. Do you wonder if he might get around to ‘splainin’ his role with the shady non-governmental orgs (NGOs) supported by the CIA who enabled his travels to Ukraine and his efforts there recruiting global mutts to fight for the Nazi-ish Azov Battalion? Perhaps he might rat-out actual government officials who assisted...
  • Pastor John Hagee - "The New World Order: From Genesis to Earth's Last Empire" (VIDEO)

    09/16/2024 3:43:54 AM PDT · by SaveFerris · 7 replies
    hag ^ | Sep 4, 2024 | Hagee Ministries
    The New World Order isn’t coming to America. It’s here. From the day Satan was kicked out of heaven, he has attempted to create the New World Order. Evil can have a religious face and kill you. What is the deep state church, and how is totalitarianism creeping in? Wake up, America!
  • New world order: Is Western hegemony crumbling

    09/14/2024 4:05:21 PM PDT · by Jyotishi · 18 replies
    The Pioneer ^ | Saturday, September 14, 2024 | Nilantha Ilangamuwa
    Analysis In an unprecedented joint public appearance, CIA Director William Burns and MI6 Chief Richard Moore assert the enduring strength of their intelligence agencies Last week, the heads of major Western intelligence agencies made a striking public appearance, first with a provocative op-ed and then in a high-profile interview with the Financial Times editor. Although some questions remained unanswered, their statements provided critical insights into their covert and overt operations. William Joseph Burns, Director of the CIA, and Richard Peter Moore, head of MI6/SIS, both distinguished diplomats before their current roles, asserted with conviction that their organisations are more formidable...
  • Kamala Harris Endorsed for President by 88 Business Leaders Including James Murdoch, Peter Chernin, Mark Cuban, Barry Diller

    09/12/2024 4:47:17 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 87 replies
    Variety ^ | Todd Spangler
    VP Kamala Harris has garnered support for her 2024 presidential campaign from executives spanning multiple industry sectors including Hollywood in a new open letter signed by 88 business leaders. Signatories to the letter, first reported by CNBC, include James Murdoch, founder and CEO of investment firm Lupa Systems and former CEO of 21st Century Fox — whose political leanings are sharply divergent from those of his father, conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Hollywood names on the list include Peter Chernin, co-founder and partner of the Chernin Group holding company; Jeff Bewkes, former CEO of Time Warner; Barry Diller, chairman of...