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Heads Up - Multiple COLBS Warning [someone swapped out the Kenya BC AFTER it was posted]
Various ^
| August 3, 2009
| Various
Posted on 08/03/2009 2:12:53 PM PDT by Calpernia
There are now modified photos of the COLB that broke here yesterday. The changes are so slight, that no one is noticing them.
The original one posted in breaking news: ![](
One of the modified ones:
The changes are so subtle, you can barely tell which one you are looking at.
This modified one is showing jokes like: The Font of the Certificate=Schmutz (A Schmutz is a chump, as in you are a chump) #5733=The number of the Certificate, is code for : "Problem with Windows REGISTRY", a sly reference to your claim that Obama does not appear on the Hawaii Live Birth Registry. 47O44=Easiest of all. BOH's age=47 0=O (if you look close you can tell that that is a Schmutz Font "Oh" not "Zero") EF Lavender is ORGANIC DISH SOAP
The original one does not say EF Lavender, it says KF Lavender. The original one shows the number is: 47,644.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Government
KEYWORDS: 2012; afewcardsshy; alienbuttprobe; allahpundit; article2section1; barackobama; bho44; birthcertificate; birthers; blackhelicopters; certifigate; charlesjohnson; colb; cuespookymusic; dithf; hillary; hotair; icecreammandrake; kookmagnetthread; lgf; morethorazineplease; naturalborn; obamanoncitizenissue; offmymeds; preciousbodilyfluids; pumas; purityofessence; sapandimpurify; stopthemindrays; suckers; tinfoilhatalert; vips; whatsthefrequency
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To: SirJohnBarleycorn
I hadn’t thought to check the comparative value. Excellent point.
posted on
08/04/2009 12:06:55 AM PDT
(Perception is interesting. Truth is overwhelming.)
To: El Gato
I will send some congressmen comments on the 14th amendment that wrote it.
To: Kevmo; Swordmaker
“Its all your fault. Maybe the DUmmies will focus on you for a while & give JimRob & Polarik a break.”
LOL They won’t stop.
To: Adammon
Youre seeing what you want to see, not whats actually there. There is a different in resolution between the two documents; youre seeing JPEG artifacting thats making it appear that the characters are different. They are not. The obvious K is easily readable as an E if one just takes the time to not TRY to see a K. The 0 still resembles an 0 even at high resolution - theres a very obvious JPG artifact obscuring the top right of the 0 which is making people believe it to be a 6. Theyre both pictures of the same document.
All fuddle-duddle over nothing. Absolutely. I created that first image... it's an "E" and any "K" that is being seen is an artifact of converting a large PNG file to a small JPEG file.
posted on
08/04/2009 12:08:27 AM PDT
(remember, the proper pronunciation of IE is "AAAAIIIIIEEEEEEE!)
Someone with deep education on forging audio tapes made significant but very hard to detect changes to the initial interview with the step-granny of Obama back in Kenya. Then when a second interview was played in media, someone spliced comments from the secodn tape into the first interview and posters at FR have been trying to assert the spliced version is the authentic one! Someone is paying experts to make forgeries because they are scared blind that the truth will be revealed!
I stopped paying attention to him after around his 4th post...
To: Tellurian
whoops! didn’t know that did they abreviate?
To: Adammon
Then you're an outright liar. Here, uploaded to Photobucket are two comparisons, the high-rez one on the left, the 'real' one on the right. I've zoomed both to make sizes relatively similar, but yet still show enough detail: I have not made ANY changes to the originals, other than zoom. Comparison 1: 47044 No, he's not a liar. He is merely mistaken.
Adammon, I am the one who posted that original copy on FR. I made it. It was made from an 860K PNG capture file converted when uploaded to my image hosting service to an 87K JPEG. The "K" is an artifact of that conversion.
posted on
08/04/2009 12:16:25 AM PDT
(remember, the proper pronunciation of IE is "AAAAIIIIIEEEEEEE!)
To: shield
Can you tell us where the comments came from?
Thanks ...they made my day
To: machogirl; pissant
Sometimes he catches one...
![Image and video hosting by TinyPic](
posted on
08/04/2009 12:18:02 AM PDT
To: Swordmaker; Jim Robinson
Hold the Presses! My daughter just showed me something.
She had me open both the Australian and Kenyan documents in Photoshop Elements. From there she had me under the Image menu "Divide Scanned Photos". Nothing appeared on the Kenyan document, however six layers pealed away from the Australian one.
These layers all showed distortion.
Layer 1 - Date and Place of Birth
Layer 2 - Father (followed by) Name, Surname, Age and B
Layer 3 - Name, Surname and Birthplace
Layer 4 - Issue { Living Deceased
Layer 5 - Signature, Description Informant
Layer 6 - The entire right section of the page, specifically the inserted text fields and bottom right quadrant
Will post these late tomorrow afternoon. The interesting thing about Photoshop elements is that on edited photos it will pull them apart. On unedited photos there will be no layering. All of the separated layers exhibited a great deal of pixel distortion around the letters.
I believe the Australian certificate is a fraud. I can not confirm the authenticity of the Kenyan document.
Will be heading to bed shortly.
posted on
08/04/2009 12:18:21 AM PDT
PA Engineer
(Liberate America from the occupation media.)
To: Fred Nerks
I don’t know how they abbreviated schillings & cents. They may have used the d. as in pence, but that’s a good question. An old Kenyan newspaper might have an ad that would show it, preferably a Mombasa newspaper from August 8th or so, 1961, with birth announcements from the local hospital!
posted on
08/04/2009 12:19:21 AM PDT
(Perception is interesting. Truth is overwhelming.)
To: LucyT; pissant
To: LucyT
To: PA Engineer
posted on
08/04/2009 12:21:40 AM PDT
(ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
To: PA Engineer
I think this post should have its own thread..I dont know if its definitive yet but I am fairly convinced that the Aussie BC is fake
To: Tellurian
Now that I would like to see!
To: woofie
![Image and video hosting by TinyPic](
posted on
08/04/2009 12:22:01 AM PDT
To: woofie
posted on
08/04/2009 12:22:45 AM PDT
(A wise man's heart is at his RIGHT hand;but a fool's heart at his LEFT. Ecc 10:2)
To: PA Engineer; STARWISE; BP2; Fred Nerks; shield; penelopesire; MeekOneGOP; rolling_stone; wtc911
Excellent...a child shall lead us.......Your GOOD morning bump.
posted on
08/04/2009 12:24:52 AM PDT
(ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
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