Keyword: lgf
So stunningly rapid was his descent into obscurity that every post about the Lizard King’s latest self-humiliation must be prefaced with a reminder that he actually used to be somebody — cited by Rush Limbaugh! a co-founder of PJ Media! — until that day in October 2007 when he decided that Pamela Geller’s attendance at an anti-jihad conference in Brussels was some kind of hate crime or something. Blame the Jews? CJ’s unraveling happened slowly and quietly at first. Most people weren’t entirely sure whether this blog war was legitimate, so they ignored it as long as they could....
Charles Johnson is doing his “Race Detective” bit: He accuses me and Dan Riehl of being “the first to defend Derbyshire,” then he writes a blog post using Riehl’s name to connect the ”racist” meme to And then — exhibiting a stunning lack of self-awareness — Johnson complains to Pam Spaulding that right-wingers “spend so much time & energy trying to smear & discredit me.” Got it? Charles (a) writes a blog post to ”smear and discredit” Dan Riehl and Dan’s employers, then (b) engages in psychological projection to claim that his enemies are doing to him what he...
Today at the far right fever swamp known as Free Republic, somebody posted a link to our latest article about Ron Paul’s connections to the white supremacist subculture, which led to an amusing and revealing sequence of comments. *snip*Then, when it finally sank in that they were talking about an article at Little Green Footballs, they dropped this uncomfortable line of discussion and united to attack their common enemy instead:
Local Government and Public Service Reform Institute LGI And Its Mission July 19, 2010 One of the most challenging issues facing open society in the transition region of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, as well as the new countries covered by Open Society Institute, is effective, democratic governance. Established in 1997, LGI supports the OSI mission by working to promote democratic and effective local government and public administration, and by advancing policy analysis as a tool for decision making in public affairs. LGI supports governmental reform, in collaboration with its civil society partners, by monitoring and benchmarking government...
Charles Johnson of LGF who has veered to the Left with hatred of Republicans and the defense of all things Obama and Muslim like a schizophrenic off his meds, has now completed his journey. Johnson -who once was praised for his support for Israel- has no gone so deep into Obama sycophancy that he now criticizes Eric Cantor's meeting with Netanyahu to buttress Israeli/American friendship in the face of Obama's obvious assault on the relationship. Johnson used to post an Idolitarian contest, for the biggest Leftist fool. No more need for such contests, Johnson now wins by default.
Uh oh. Fundamentalist Christian leader George Rekers, who founded the politically active and virulently anti-gay Family Research Council with Dr. James Dobson, has been caught by a Miami newspaper on vacation with a ‘rent boy’. "The pictures on the profile show a shirtless young man with delicate features, guileless eyes, and sun-kissed, hairless skin. The profile touts his “smooth, sweet, tight ass” and “perfectly built 8 inch **** (uncut)” and explains he is “sensual,” “wild,” and “up for anything” — as long you ask first. And as long as you pay. "On April 13, the “rent boy” (whom we’ll...
"Does anyone recognize the red flag being carried at the Washington anti-health care demonstration in this video of the Rep. Emanuel spitting incident? I'm fairly sure this is a neo-Nazi flag, but haven't found the exact logo yet." --Charles Johnson Umm yeah, that's the Tennesee state flag...
On Sunday, The New York Times Magazine featured an article on Charles Johnson, whose website -- littlegreenfootballs -- had for years been very popular among conservatives and among all those who believed that Islamic terror and Islamic religious totalitarianism were the greatest expressions of contemporary evil. The reason for the article was that Mr. Johnson has made a 180-degree turn and is now profoundly, even stridently, anti-right. This is my letter to him. Dear Charles: As you know, over the years, I was so impressed with your near-daily documentation of developments in the Islamist world that I twice had you...
Our very own E the Wise pointed out the other day that any visit to the blog Little Green Footballs has become a repulsive exercise and should be avoided at all costs. As an inquisitive glutton for online punishment I failed to heed his warning and came away feeling slightly dirty and almost ashamed of myself. I felt like I had broken a taboo or peeked into something that was designed to be hidden from the public view. It was embarrassing. LGF is a sad shell of what it once was. A shadow of its former self. The once vaunted...
Right-Wing Flame War! By JONATHAN DEE Published: January 21, 2010 Charles Johnson has been writing a blog for almost as long as the word “blog” has existed. A bearish, gentle-voiced, ponytailed man who for three decades enjoyed a successful career as a jazz guitarist accompanying the likes of Al Jarreau and Stanley Clarke, Johnson has always had a geek’s penchant for self-education, and in that spirit he cultivated a side interest, and ultimately an expertise, in writing computer code. His Web log, which he named “Little Green Footballs” (a private joke whose derivation he has always refused to divulge), was...
Conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican, it really doesn’t matter; pretty much the topic of conversation today is the special election being held in Massachusett(e)s to fill the seat left by the passing of Ted Kennedy. It’s a real barn-burner, it is, what with a stolid, leaden Democrat candidate woefully trailing a vibrant and optimistic Republican front-runner (I know, it’s almost unbelieveable). Television, newspapers, blogs are all covering the race with either despair or indifference (Democrat party hacks and the MSM) or breathless admiration and excitement (pretty much everyone else). Except one blog. This particular race doesn’t seem to have hit the...
Los Angeles Times gives a nice pat on the head to LGF's Chuckie Johnson
MediaMatters' useful idiots continue to deny damning evidence of “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings’ history of malfeasance. They never deal with the evidence presented, but fall back on name-calling. MassResistance -- and now Gateway Pundit -- are tagged bigoted, homophobic, hate group, not credible, etc. We challenge Little Green Snotballs to actually look at the evidence and tell us what exactly is not credible. The only explanation of Little Green Snotball’s denial defense of Jennings and GLSEN is that he himself sees nothing wrong with any of these activities, or instructing minor children how to join in.
Here is Turncoat Chucky with another incredibly dumb hit piece in which is attempting to save the day for his bumbling, incompetent Obamessiah.
[Chuckles @ LGF] Johnson’s comment seems to me radically unfair. Pawlenty is a model of sensible modern conservatism. His answers to Newsweek’s barbed questions indicate an instinct for practical compromise, even as he eschews any personal support for creationism. That said, the interview – and Johnson’s reaction – bespeak a religious problem for Pawlenty that will require much tact on his part and that of his campaign team. Pawlenty now attends an evangelical church, but he was born and raised a Roman Catholic. He changed denominations at marriage, accepting his wife’s evangelical faith. Without pretending any insight into the souls...
For much of this decade, Charles Johnson was one of the right's leading bloggers. His blog, Little Green Footballs, was famous for its focus on Islamic terrorism, but also for the role it played in "Rathergate" and in exposing various faked photography.... On Monday, Johnson made the split official, with a post headlined, "Why I Parted Ways With The Right." In it, he gave a list of reasons for the break... Johnson concluded the post saying, "The American right wing has gone off the rails, into the bushes, and off the cliff. I won't be going over the cliff with...
A hilarious edit of an old comic book hammers Charles Johnson's decent into madness.
It's an odd formulation in some ways as "the right" is not really a single entity. But in so far as it means the dominant mode of discourse among the institutions and blogs and magazines and newspapers and journals that support the GOP, Charles Johnson is absolutely right in my view to get off that wagon for the reasons has has stated. Read his testament. It is full of emotion, but also of honesty. The relationship of a writer to a party or movement is, of course, open to discussion. I understand the point that Jonah Goldberg makes that politics...
Leave it to Dick Cheney to teach Tareq Salahi a thing or two about how to crash a big event. On the eve of Barack Obama's most important address as president, Cheney managed to (temporarily) grab the spotlight when he told Politico that the commander in chief was weak and letting politics affect his military decisions.... Just why the ex-VP keeps popping off remains full-time fodder for the media, but Cheney's looking more partisan with each headline that he makes. James Fallows is spot on when he notes the contrast with President George W. Bush, who has "maintained a dignified...
Charles Johnson, editor of the Little Green Footballs site, has written a post declaring his personal breach with the American right. He offers 10 reasons, but they all boil down to the same one: His outrage at the bad characters found in right-wing media and blogosphere. And yes, there's no shortage of bad characters. No shortage on the left-hand side either. Or the middle, for that matter. But why surrender to them? Why let them get away with their claim to define your movement? Why not stand up to them? That was Rudyard Kipling's advice to those who felt as...
- Even not voting, migrants give Democrats 14 more electoral votes
- PREDICTION THREAD for the Presidential Election
- 🇺🇸 LIVE: Election Eve - President Trump to Hold FOUR Rallies in Raleigh NC, 10aE, Reading PA, 2pE, Pittsburgh PA, 6:00pE, and, Grand Rapids MI, 10:30pE, Monday 11/4/24 🇺🇸
- Rasmussen FINAL Sunday Afternoon Crosstabs: Trump 49%, Harris 46%
- US bombers arrive in Middle East as concerns of Iranian attack on Israel mount
- Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread 3 November 2024
- 🇺🇸 LIVE: President Trump to Hold Rallies in Lititz PA, 10aE, Kinston NC, 2pE, and Macon GA 6:30pE, Sunday 11/3/24 🇺🇸
- Good news! Our new merchant services account has been approved! [FReepathon]
- House Speaker lays out massive deportation plan: moving bureaucrats from DC to reshape government
- LIVE: President Trump to Hold Rallies in Gastonia, NC 12pE, Salem, VA 4pE, and Greenboro, NC 7:30pE 11/2/24
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