Posted on 07/18/2009 11:30:17 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
Edited on 07/18/2009 11:48:33 AM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
* * R O U G H * * D R A F T * *
(continuing my remarks from prior thread)
Here is our recourse as declared by our Founding Fathers:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
It cannot be denied that the central government has become destructive of our unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and our rights to live free. The government is no longer responsive to we the People. They have stretched and shredded the constitution to the point that they have illegally seized for themselves virtually unlimited powers over the citizens and act as if we have no rights and no powers of our own. They are acting without our consent.
Our Founders established that when our government becomes destructive of our rights then it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
We have reached the point where the government's long train of abuses and usurpations has achieved absolute Despotism, therefore it is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for our future security.
Therefore, We the People of America choose to exercise our right to throw off and alter the abusive government by peacefully recalling and removing from office the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States and all U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives effective immediately.
An interim provisional Chief Executive and congressional representatives will be established as follows:
The Secretary of State shall immediately assume the office of interim Chief Executive. The Chief Executive shall appoint and the interim Senate shall confirm an interim Vice President.
An immediate election shall be held within each state legislature to appoint two interim senators to represent each sovereign state.
A special election shall be held by all states within 30 days to elect interim members of the House of Representatives.
Elections for regular government offices shall be conducted in November, 2010 as previously scheduled, except that elections will be held for all elective offices, including President, Vice President and all U.S. Representatives. U.S. Senators will be elected per class schedule by the various state legislatures.
We alter the government to provide new Guards for our future security as follows:
The Constitution of the United States must be kept intact and must be adhered to and strictly followed by all government entities as originally intended. The government has stretched the constitutional limits well beyond those intended by our founders. We must take steps to ensure that this is corrected and that the out of control government is reined in and that sufficient measures are introduced to maintain the limits, checks and balances on government and that government powers are strictly limited to those enumerated in the constitution and that our rights are reestablished, reaffirmed, re-secured and safeguarded. We must restore and reestablish the sovereignty of the people and the states and restore the constitutional balances between the central government, the various states and we the people. The constitution severely restricts government powers and guarantees unalienable freedom and Liberty to the people.
As we restore constitutionally limited government several wrongs must be righted:
The central government has illegally expanded its powers. They've done this by ignoring or stretching their constitutional limits. They have usurped powers limited to the states and the people. We must reestablish and reaffirm the enumerated powers and limit the central government strictly to just those powers. They've built huge power bases by allowing senators and representatives to be full time professional career positions. We eliminate this by establishing strict qualifications for office and term limits.
We must reestablish and reaffirm the powers to the states and the people as defined by the 9th and 10th amendments.
The central government has denied the states their constitutionally guaranteed republican form of government by introducing the 17th amendment which alters the way the senators which were to represent the sovereign interests of the various states to the central government. We must reestablish that representation by repealing the 17th amendment and allowing the state legislatures of the various states to elect their own senators as intended by our founders. This was never intended to be a function of the people. We the People are represented to the central government by our elected representatives in the House of Representatives. The sovereign states were to be represented by the state's senators to keep central powers and encroachment in check. Power is from the people to the states, and from the states to the central government. They've turned this upside down and inside out. We must correct it.
We hereby repeal the 17th amendment.
The central government has expanded well beyond the limits established for it by the founders and pay for that expansion by directly taxing the people and severely restricting our rights through an enslaving income tax.
We hereby repeal the 16th amendment.
The IRS and all sub departments and agencies are hereby dissolved, disbanded and closed.
The newly elected congress will establish rules and schedules for assessing and collecting fees, tariffs and excise taxes to support the armed forces and all constitutionally authorized departments of The United States Government per the Constitution of the United States (see schedule).
The central government is hereby stripped of all illegal powers and all departments and agencies not authorized by the constitution are hereby dissolved and disbanded. Their current budgets are hereby withdrawn. All disbanded department funds and liquid assets are to be immediately returned to the US Treasury. A list and methods for achieving this is provided in schedule xxx.
Ownership and responsibility for all federally held buildings, lands, parks, waterways, oceans, seas, etc, other than those in Washington, D.C. or military bases, forts, reservations, or local federal buildings owned by valid constitutional federal departments (see schedule) are hereby transferred to the sovereign state governments within which they reside or are located.
Responsibility for all natural resources found within any of the various states or within lands, oceans, lakes, rivers, waterways, seas out through our international boundary limits are hereby returned to the various states. All laws for mining, drilling, logging, or otherwise capitalizing on any minerals or natural resources are to be determined by the various states within which said resources are found.
The social security system is hereby dissolved, disbanded and closed. All social security funds being held by the federal government are to be returned to the private retirement accounts of the individuals owning them. A special fund will be establish for all current recipients and new recipients according to schedule xxy and the social security system shall be phased out accordingly. The funds to support current social security benefits shall become the responsibility of the states within which the recipients reside.
No revenues accruing to the federal government shall be disbursed to any state, city or local government for any reason whatsoever. Or used to subsidize or benefit any government or private entity, organization or person, other than those explicitly authorized and enumerated in the constitution.
All states are hereby solely responsible for any and all revenues or funds required to operate their sovereign states. The central government is not obligated to and shall not interfere in state government or local affairs.
The interstate commerce clause shall be applied strictly to regulating interstate commerce as originally established and intended by our founders. No stretches or reinterpretations of any kind shall be allowed.
Our first unalienable right is the right to life. Protecting Life and Liberty shall be of paramount importance to our central government. Roe v Wade and all congressional acts, regulations, court opinions allowing legalized abortion or the taking of innocent human life are hereby rescinded, overruled, repealed, nullified and voided. Life is fully protected by the U.S. Government.
The Federal Reserve.
Border security.
FAA, FDA, FCC, various federal ABC departments agencies and agencies. Which to close, which to remake with constitutional limits and authority, etc.
Federal Pensions.
Etc, etc, etc.
Need lots of help with this document, folks. Please chime in. Would love to see a committee formed of members of every state to complete and finalize it. Then we should form and send delegates to a special national congress to work out the kinks and plan its presentation and execution.
This concept is an entirely peaceful altering of our despotic government per our unalienable right and duty. No where do I call for violence. The only force I call for is the force of numbers. We need millions of our citizens to sign on to this petition and execute its provisions. Will require millions to march on D.C. to block the government's ability to do business as usual. This is our right and duty as Americans.
I agree that everything we do be within the Confines of the Law , Encouraging the American people to throw out the Bums that are doing nothing to stop this desent into Facism is just that. All I here when pundits and Newscasts talk about this Healthcare Obamanation is How Much it will cost nothing on what it means to all of our Freedoms,its as if our freedoms are for sale for the Lowest Price.
I am all for a Massive March on Washington ,but it will have to be just that MASSIVE or it will show that the Movement would be just a Last Dying Gasp for all of us
Yeah sure!
Now you're just stuck on stupid. When have the Democrats ever thought about keeping their promises or eating their own words? ROFL!!!!
For them it's all about getting elected, advancing socialism, seizing power and destroying America, re-making it into another European Socialist-like country.
My final words to you are this: What is being advocated on this thread is nothing more, nothing less than what our Founding Fathers did in declaring this country's independence from the King and establishing our rights to self governance. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are not "just words", they are the foundation upon which our Constitution and this county were built.
Our Constitution and Country are being systematically torn down at lightning speed. There is no more time to waste or wait. If you think there is, I'll remind you that each Tea Party back in April had dozens of camera's taking pictures of the crowds. That was widely reported. It was also an intimidation attempt by this Government. Our freedoms are being taken away daily. HealthCare is but one example, a "surtax" on the "wealthy" is another. Soon Gun Rights will come under fire. Anyone who disagrees with Obama is already labeled a racist or worse, simply because we disagree with his Socialist/Marxist policies - which have nothing to do with the color of his skin.
Our side is being marginalized daily by the liberal left media, which voted 95% for Obama. They no longer report the TRUTH about anything. They claim the economy is getting better (it is not) and no longer report on the War in Iraq or Afghanistan - at least in the market I live in.
This same media was in the tank for Obama from the beginning, and they were determined to get him elected. Obama got nothing but good covereage, every other candidate got hosed. The media continues their love-fest with Obama today.
Yet, demanding our rights be restored and that our grievances be addressed by this "Government" in the same manner of the Founding Fathers you'd call TREASON?
Got news for you, your type of cowardice is exactly why the Alexander, Hamilton, Jefferson, Adams, Henry, Franklin etc.. are all spinning in their graves, wondering what's happened to this country and why it was allowed to happen.
No more. If you're not willing to lead or follow then do yourself a favor - get the hell off the road because Moderates like you helped cause this problem and you're gonna get run over standing there in the middle of the road.
Here’s a few ideas:
We need provisions to further separate and diminish powers.
Some ideas for this end could include, prohibiting from anyone from working in more than one branch of the government, so if you work in the executive, you would be prohibited from working in the legislative or judicial for the remainder of your life.
Also, a prohibition against attorneys from running for public office, since their income is generated by the practice of law, when they are in positions that presents them to create law there is a conflict of interests.
2 term limit on all elected positions. Eliminate the existence of career politicians.
Transform the FCC into an elected body.
Congress shall make no law establishing the redistribution of wealth.
We need provisions that prohibit the passage of any legislation that move the nation away from a Constitutional Republic. It needs to be more than just Congress shall make no law, because as we have seen, they simply ignore those words.
There needs to be severe penalties. Some might suggest monetary penalties, but frankly I would suggest immediate dismissal from their position, and deportation should any elected official vote for a socialist and/or communist policy.
The 2nd amendment needs to be clarified, so that it is understood that any private citizen has the right to be as equally armed as any member of our military, without being questioned or harassed by government.
I have read dozens of times about ppl bringing weapons and creating an armed revolution. Jim, pls speak up on this. Our founders and our soldiers gave us a better way, our voice and our vote. If hundreds of armed ppl show up in DC our conservative movement will be steeped in blood. Please be the voice of our Republic Jim and tell them to leave their guns at home. First we march, then we vote. This call to arms is premature, but nonetheless we should be ready.
perhaps you've got me confused with another poster.
I understand your concerns about some of the posts on this thread that advocate radical actions. I would only remind those posters to remember what Free Republic is all about. It is about defending our Constitution through political action and peaceful demonstrations. We members of Free Republic are law biding American patriots who spread the truth and defend our Constitution through PEACEFUL means!
JimRob does NOT advocate any form of radical of violent action! All other grassroots groups that will be joining us in DC are also planning peaceful protest events to make our voices heard.
I request that any Freeper who chooses to post radical ideas to damage Free Republic's reputation to cease doing so.
I’ve been thinking long and hard about this post and I believe this idea is missing one key point. You will not affect change while over half the population of this country has no problem holding their hands out milking the government teat. Every type of group imaginable has marched on Washington, it makes news for a weekend, then it fades away. (unless something happens that will cause the media to demonize the marchers- let’s not go there.)
The key to change is not first changing DC, that is a symptom of the problem. The key is education of the people. Even a million people marching on DC is a gnat on the ass of the number of people who are big brother dependent.
The Conservative greats didn’t march demanding government change, they went straight to the people and told them how being your own person, free from the shackles of government “help” is a better life. The Conservative greats built up the individual in spite of whatever happens in DC.
Next year we have another election, this one could change the make-up of congress. The founding fathers put these gates in place so revolution would not be necessary. IMHO, we should have a year of massive education. We need to stop huddling up here and isolating ourselves and instead, take the message out to the people. Use FR as a staging point where we coordinate our message. We need to all focus on what unites us, not the little a-political crap like who is the best pop-tart, God vs.(sic) Darwin, or who their favorite golfer is that we seem to fight about far too often. It is time to tighten up the message and get back to the root of our principles.
Change will only come when the country’s attitude changes. All power in DC emanates from the consent of the governed. We need to acknowledge that the liberal policies are a failure on our part to educate the people.
IMHO, Anything more than a peaceful, informational march will simply be used as a tool by the left. The tea parties have been successful in rallying our side because they where positive and informational. No one tried to take over the government. No one tried to block traffic or stop work from being done. It is an appeal to the people.
JR’s goal is to “throw the bums out” - all of them.
He invokes the Declaration Of Independence.
How the he11 do you think that happens WITHOUT going that far?
You REALLY need to review the history of the Bonus Army.
JR’s path is heading straight toward a repeat.
The “bums” want to keep their power a whole lot more than march-supporting FReepers want to strip them of it.
As I stated above, the founding fathers put in gates every two years to prevent the need for another revolution but it is up to us to educate the voting public in order to shut that gate to those who are in there and get another group in. If change doesn’t happen, we can only blame ourselves.
“Grassroots conservative participation in the local elections built organizations that grew to elect state and federal candidates. It takes patience and is not as glamorous and entertaining as bantering about a revolt, but it is truly the effective and Constituional way.”
Do we have any reason to assume there will be elections in 2010 or 2012? Or that they will be fair if they are held? The last two national elections have been marred by massive fraud. With a census in 2010, taken by ACORN, and the redistricting which will follow, give you any security that future elections will produce an accurate count? The ousted President of Honduras rigged the voting machines in his nation. Hugo Chavez, one whom our Looter in Chief admires, has canceled elections.
I believe that expecting that there will be elections, as usual, in the future may be unrealistic. We may have a very narrow window of opportunity, three years, to salvage our Liberty.
Yawn. Have any other mass marches had significant effect of late? Million Man March - was trying to remember their issue. Promisekeepers - yeah, that really helped.
Right, kid. [pats yelling seekthetruth on the head] Sure. Keep stomping your feet and yelling, they'll hear you. Yeah.
The "march in and bodily throw 'em out, roll back Constitutional amendments, and vote in a new mob while Hillary is interim President" now gives way to what, a few hours of yelling "play by the rules or we might not vote you back in next time"? Oooh, scary.
Hmmm. A few cheesed-off conservatives, vs. majority of voters pay no taxes and receive non-trivial benefits from the ever-growing gov't. Odds are looking pretty clear here.
The Founding Fathers thought tar-and-feathers were a perfectly reasonable starting point. Today, we're too scared to even go that far.
I believe you are being unrealistically negative about 2010. And if we screw that up, the rest is our fault. ACORN and the rest only have their effect on 2012 if we cannot reclaim the House with a coalition of the sane.
However, at the current rate, Obama will be hated in 2010, and this will be a hard hard situation for the Democrats. But, it is up to us to make the change and get House Committees up and running to clean up the mess.
Agree. That's why we should only use the peaceful techniques that the left have used. For example a "sit-in".
If the 17th amendment were repealed, as Jim Rob suggests, and state legislators once again appoint Senators, term limiting Senators would be an infringement on state sovereignty. I suppose term limiting congress critters could also be placing a restriction on the Liberty of an individual citizen to select who should represent him in Washington. Even so, I would support congressional term limits. If the 17th amendment remains in force I would support term limits on Senators.
Kindly indicate what, exactly, I said which you find so objectionable.
Nothing I wrote advocated such behavior. I merely observed the impotence of what didn’t work before and won’t work again.
I concur that all your mentioned changes must be made: it is imperative to do it in an orderly way. Else anarchy and chaos will be rampant.
Obama would/will declare ‘Marshal Law’ and move to remove (with force or shooting) all involved with such a up rising.
Not to be a nay sayer ... but a coup is the way to make changes in a disciplined way. Based on what I know of government. Not actual experience except life and age.
We must stop the ‘run away train’ that is headed full speed for America's total destruction: or a totally controlled slave form of existence.
God help us in our day. God bless America. In Jesus name. Amen.
We are looking more like Russia during Lenin's time everyday.
Congress and all elite politicians, do indeed want to remain in office. It looks that they believe that can TAKE OVER without a fight. Recently in Iran there was was an attempt at political protest. Look how that turned out in the end. To be effective we must have a plan and a back up.
You make a good point. All dictatorships that I can think of where triggered by someone taking power in the event of a crisis. They need a crisis to happen for the people to be willing to give up freedom. IMHO, that's why we need to go to the people, not to DC.
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