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Obama And His Birth Certificate Are About To Make History
The Freedom Medium ^ | July 16, 2009 | Carl

Posted on 07/17/2009 5:48:28 AM PDT by kellynla

OK, I confess, the title is a bit misleading.

It should read Obama And His Lack Of A Birth Certificate Is About To Make History.

Yesterday, World Net Daily broke the story of Army Major Stefan Cook, who argued that he should not have to deploy to Afghanistan because President Obama has not proven that he is a natural-born citizen, therefore he is unable to serve as Commander-In-Chief.

This is something that will receive little, if any, coverage from the mainstream media.

However, the fact that the U.S. Army revoked the orders of a soldier about to be sent overseas based wholly upon such a claim is unprecedented.

This controversy over Obama’s failure to produce a valid birth certificate has been an ongoing saga.

And all calls for him to do so have either been belittled or ignored by the White House. Which may lead some folks to suspect that the reason he doesn’t simply produce the blasted thing and put this story to rest once and for all is because he doesn’t have one!

About the only attention we have seen regarding this issue was the presentation of a “Certificate Of Live Birth” supposedly issued by the State of Hawaii.

This proves less than nothing, as first, to look at it you would think that a 12-year old made it on their home computer, and secondly is the fact that a child does not have to be born in Hawaii in order for the state to issue such a document to the child’s parents.

Even if this document is legitimate, it is a far cry from an actual birth certificate, and it surely is not proof of where Obama was actually born.

However , there are literally thousands of articles and opinions floating around about Obama’s birth certificate, or lack therof, and I don’t want to bore you with re-visiting the same stories.

Rather, I would like to expound on my claim that Obama’s lack of a birth certificate will make history. Consider the following:

If indeed it is proven that Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen, and therefore is unable to serve as President, he will not be remembered as America’s first black President, rather history will remember him as the man who was the cause of the biggest Constitutional crisis this country has ever seen!

The question will be raised of what will happen to other troops deployed by Obama, and the troops already serving under orders from an ineligible commander in chief.

Every piece of legislation that Obama has signed since taking office would now be considered under law to be null and void.

Imagine what this would mean to the stock market, financial institutions, the auto industry, as well as every other facet of the American economy.

Not to mention, the people who already accuse the president’s critics of being racists will no doubt try to use this as their proof and stoke racial tensions to the point of riot.

Every appointment he has made, regardless if it was an appointment as a “Czar’, or a Cabinet-level position, would have to be overturned, and it would become the duty of the Vice-President to re-fill those positions.

Which leads to perhaps the most intriguing scenario of all.

The Constitution states that if the President is unable to serve, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the office.

However, if the man who chose you to be his running mate was found to have been elected to the office in violation of Constitutional law, where does that leave you Mr. Biden?

After all, we (well, some of you poor misguided individuals) voted for the two of you as a team running on the same ticket.

So if it is found that the man who picked you to be his running mate did so in direct violation of federal law, doesn’t it follow that you were also elected to the Vice-Presidency under false pretenses?


When the U.S. military accepts the claim of a soldier that the man posing as Commander-In-Chief has failed to produce his eligibility to hold that title, we may be on the verge of seeing change beyond belief.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Editorial; Extended News; Government
KEYWORDS: birthcertificate; birthers; certifigate; colb; conspiracytheory; constitution; crackpottery; eligibility; ineligible; military; obama; obamanoncitizenissue; wingnutdrooly; wolverines; woowoo
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To: IrishPennant

At least in Detroit they are busting politicians for a change. Its a start.

141 posted on 07/17/2009 6:40:44 AM PDT by 70th Division (I love my country but fear my government!)
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To: Dacula

Biden would have also been illegally elected. The ticket was fraudulent and Biden is the other half of the ticket.

142 posted on 07/17/2009 6:40:47 AM PDT by RJS1950 (The democrats are the "enemies foreign and domestic" cited in the federal oath)
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To: Sloth

The founders never defined “natural born citizen”, as they were not far-sighted enough to think “we the people” would elect a foreign-born imposter.

143 posted on 07/17/2009 6:41:07 AM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: Red Badger
The oath is to "support and DEFEND" the Constitution, and to "bear true faith and allegiance to the same." The Constitution states that the president must be native-born.

The oath also states "that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States." If Obama is NOT a native-born American, then the Army reservist was quite proper in his questioning of Obama's legitimacy.

144 posted on 07/17/2009 6:41:15 AM PDT by NewJerseyJoe (Rat mantra: "Facts are meaningless! You can use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!")
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To: Non-Sequitur
And just where are these Kenyan and Occidental College records showing that?

EXACTLY! Where are ANY of his records? A phonied up COLB from Hawai'i is all anyone has seen so far!

145 posted on 07/17/2009 6:41:28 AM PDT by JimRed ("Hey, hey, Teddy K., how many girls did you drown today?" TERM LIMITS, NOW AND FOREVER!)
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To: Ghengis

I concur. Also, if Biden was knowledgeable and complicit in hiding the deception, then he should be tried as well since he would be an accessory.

146 posted on 07/17/2009 6:42:03 AM PDT by mrmeyer ("When brute force is on the march, compromise is the red carpet." Ayn Rand)
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Comment #147 Removed by Moderator

To: ClearCase_guy
"The whole issue raises a great number of really interesting issues."

Indeed. The Constitution allows for the removal and succession of a POTUS that's unfit or incapable; however, it does not anticipate the assumption of the office by one unqualified to hold it.

I personally think the best solution is set forth in Section 4 of the 25th Amendment. Biden, with a majority of the cabinet, could legitimately assume the powers of the presidency (note that right now, it is uncertain if anybody actually holds those powers, which was at the heart of MAJ Cook's case). Once this is done, Congress can hold O's resumption of the office in abeyance until he satisfactorily demonstrates he's eligible for the office. Until he does so, Congress can indefinately extend Biden's presidential authority right up until the 2012 elections. I think this would be an even better solution than impeachment proceedings because that would imply that O legitimately held the office in the first place, and that impeachment was an attempt to remove him.

Of course this presupposes the notion that Biden and Congress were actually interested in following the Constitution, so it's all really a moot point.

148 posted on 07/17/2009 6:42:12 AM PDT by Joe 6-pack (Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
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To: holden; Travis T. OJustice; All
Holden: "I remember that scene from the Nixon Watergate resignation, with General Alexander Haig huffing and puffing, in a press conference shortly after the announcement of RMN's resignation, "I'm in charge here!""

Travis: "I believe it was when Haig was SOS under Reagan he said that."

I believe Travis is correct. IIRC, Haig said it in the aftermath and confusion after Hinckley shot President Reagan, and the "Who's in charge" debate began.

149 posted on 07/17/2009 6:43:00 AM PDT by musicman (Until I see a REAL C.O.L.B. BC, he's just "PRES__ENT" Obama = Without "ID")
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To: William Tell 2

This just makes conservatives and Freepers look like the lunatic fringe

...Whew. I’m not alone.

150 posted on 07/17/2009 6:43:24 AM PDT by Gunflint
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To: Non-Sequitur

If you split out the players the way it used to be done then Biden would not be president because this is not a normal succession. McCain (barf)would be the President and Biden would remain VP. This id completely different from resignation or death since in those cases the President is legal from the start. A completely new case.

151 posted on 07/17/2009 6:44:29 AM PDT by RJS1950 (The democrats are the "enemies foreign and domestic" cited in the federal oath)
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To: ClearCase_guy
Biden will be impeached and on federal trial for multiple counts of fraud (campaign fund raising).

The reality is that SanFranNan will would finish out Opossum's term.

152 posted on 07/17/2009 6:45:55 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (Palin shrugged.)
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To: holden
It's most curious how that happens. Is "South LA's principled, violent outburst" assuaged by setting the new sofa down in the living room, with a similar scene repeated in a thousand lower-middle-class homes?

Uh, yes...

Or does someone's rent-a-mob simply deem itself to have been adequately paid off at that point, confidently knowing there will be no criminal price to pay?


Or failing an adquate sofas-to-dissidents ratio, I remember the camera indelicately catching on tape handouts from fat stacks of hundred dollar bills. Somebody must have a grand, knowing insight to understand a priori how the handouts will quell principled violence, right?

"...sofas-to-dissidents ratio" Now that's funny right there...I don't care who you are.

153 posted on 07/17/2009 6:46:03 AM PDT by IrishPennant (RLT = Radical Left Terrorism...feel it????)
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Comment #154 Removed by Moderator

To: Non-Sequitur
John McCain lost. He lost the election. He didn't get enough votes. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution or in the law that would suddenly turn him from the loser into the winner. If both Obama and Biden are found ineligible to be president then Pelosi is it.

Uh...think about this for a second, FRiend.

Did Biden run for President? No. He ran for Vice President. And he won that election fair and square. Although I wish that he wouldn't have won, he still did. Nobody is arguing that point.

But the election for Vice President is different than the election for President. They are two different elected offices that are individually elected. According to the 12th Amendment:

The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify…

See, in theory, it might be possible for the electors to actually elect the President from one ticket and the Vice President from the other ticket. (Now, individual state laws might have "faithless elector" laws that would hamper that ability, but the US Constitution allows for that possibility)

Now, the situation that we're talking about here is if Mr. Obama was determined to be ineligible, thus invalidating his inauguration (i.e., saying he was never actually President in the first place), not saying that he would be impeached and removed from office.

There is a big difference between the two cases.

If you are talking about impeachment, then you're absolutely right in saying that the laws of succession defined in the 25th Amendment (In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President) apply.

On the other hand, if Obama was proven to be unqualified, he would have never legitimately filled the office in the first place. In other words, the oath was never validly given or received on the 20th of January and that, for all intents, the office has been vacant since that time. In that situation, I would believe that the 20th Amendment would apply:

…If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified

Again, remember, Biden didn't run for President.

When an election occurs and the winner of the election is suddenly determined to be unqualified, then there would need to be another one of the candidates for the office elected. Who came in second? McLame (there were other candidates that came in far behind both Zero and McLame).

OTOH, if Obama was legitimately and validly sworn in on the 20th of January, then this thread is invalid.

155 posted on 07/17/2009 6:46:52 AM PDT by markomalley (Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus)
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To: MrB
Of course, this will be taken as “dissing”, and then, “it’s on.”

Agreed....might as well get it over with now.

What if, in say some years down the road it became evident that zer0 was never eligible for POTUS so all of the laws that were signed up to that point now become void.

What kind of crisis would it be if we had to go back and unwind say 4-8 years of his socialist crap?

Every day that goes by it gets deeper and deeper.

156 posted on 07/17/2009 6:47:00 AM PDT by Las Vegas Ron (Move over NetZero - Obama's in the house!)
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To: theBuckwheat

“This illustrates the consequences of a judiciary that has been compromised by the State, and is too timid to seek justiice no matter how it affects those in power.”

Well, I’m “keeping my powder dry” until I see what the Judge(a Marine) in Santa Ana, CA rules on a pending case filed by Major Cook & his attorney Orly Taitz.

157 posted on 07/17/2009 6:50:21 AM PDT by kellynla (Freedom of speech makes it easier to spot the idiots! Semper Fi!)
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Comment #158 Removed by Moderator

To: kellynla
Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez

I wonder if that order came from Jeh C. Johnson, the Pentagon's Jackie Chiles.

159 posted on 07/17/2009 6:52:09 AM PDT by Roccus (The Capitol, the White House, the Court House...........America's Axis of Evil)
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To: NoObamaFightForConservatives

The judge found that since his orders over seas were cancelled, he obtained his request and there is no case to be heard.

160 posted on 07/17/2009 6:52:20 AM PDT by dangerdoc (dangerdoc (not actually dangerous any more))
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