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Obama volunteers: "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
The Birmingham News ^
| March 22, 2009
Posted on 03/22/2009 4:42:50 PM PDT by Jim Hill
"We're looking for supporters," said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; US: Alabama
KEYWORDS: 0bama; 111th; 13thamendment; acorn; agenda; antichrist; army; banglist; barackobama; bho2009; bho44; bhobudget; bhofascism; bloat; bringiton; brownpeople; brownshirts; buymoreammo; buymoremagazines; buymorerifles; chavez; chrisdehaven; civiliandraft; civilwar; communism; communists; cw2; cwii; cwiiping; democratgestapo; democrats; dictator; donttreadonme; education; fascism; fascistpigs; fascists; first100days; give; giveact; griftergangsters; hitler; hitleryouth; hr1388; impeachobama; indoctrination; itswar; justtryit; kenyan; kenyanusurper; labor; lenin; liberals; marxism; militias; miserablefailure; moonbats; mussolini; nationalservice; nazis; nccc; neomarxism; obama; obamabrownshirts; obamacontrol; obamafascism; obamagestapo; obamanation; obamapower; obamapowergrab; obamatruthfile; obamayouth; obots; ofa; organizingforamerica; oshirts; patriotmovement; publicserviceacademy; readyforyoupunks; revolution; revolution2009; rwandapart2; s277; satanicagenda; serfdom; serve; serveamerica; service; servitude; socialism; socialistagenda; teaparties; thepledge; tm; totus; treeofliberty; tyranny; uselesseaters; volunteer; volunteerism; waragainstthepeople; welfarepigs; zeroworship; zimbabweinamerica
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To: atomicweeder
If you go and get a gun at a gunshop, and they do only a background check, does that identify you? I had been looking at some at local gunshops, and at one in particular, they said they only needed a background check. Does this put you on a list?
posted on
03/24/2009 2:41:22 AM PDT
To: dsutah
“Maybe theyre afraid that some people are sneaking off Obamas plantation?”
* * * * * * * * * *
They want to disarm the resistance, both literally, as well as by eliminating talk radio. Thus, they are going to try to chip at the guarantees of the First and Second Amendments, as well as the Fifth, Ninth and Tenth. And when they come into your home to try to take your gun, they will be violating the Fourth Amendment.
This is all part of setting up the Leftist Utopia that they think 53% entitles them to do: “I won”. People want “change”.
In order to get the malcontentents-—errr-—REAL PATRIOTS to go along and work on the plantation (re-education camps are a segue), they need a monopoly on force. They ARE fascists, of that I have no doubt.
posted on
03/24/2009 2:46:54 AM PDT
(Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.)
To: TheThinker
“I sound like a conspiracy nut, even to myself but it’s all fitting together too well now. I can’t ignore all these facts.”
I’m with you - tin foil hat and all. These people are scary/nuts, and should NOT be ignored. Zero has them all convinced that he’s saving their pitiful lives, the country, the planet, etc. They will become dangerous if “their dream” is jeopardized.
To: Jim Hill; 3D-JOY; abner; Abundy; AGreatPer; Albion Wilde; AliVeritas; alisasny; ...
An army to fight us? Thanks again, you 0bama voters!
To: St. Louis Conservative
I would scream at one of these f**king brownshirts if they showed up at my house.You may need to be packing more than a loud mouth.
To: Canedawg
As I have said, we could very well end up seeing a new civil war.
posted on
03/24/2009 3:56:10 AM PDT
(GO UCONN!=^..^==^..^==^..^==^..^==^..^=)
To: popdonnelly
Who is this lunatic? The country has survived for over two hundred years without Obama. These people are fanatics.Or domestic terrorists. I hope the Feds are keeping an eye on these people. They're a heck of a lot more dangerous than the law abiding militias.
To: wastedyears; Conspiracy Guy
posted on
03/24/2009 4:35:09 AM PDT
(So then my skinny date sez, "Does Lane Bryant sell designer jeans?" and that's why the boss hates me)
To: wastedyears; Conspiracy Guy
Also forgot to mention it was a 26” barrel Mossberg 500 with a modified choke.
posted on
03/24/2009 4:38:31 AM PDT
(So then my skinny date sez, "Does Lane Bryant sell designer jeans?" and that's why the boss hates me)
To: All
To: Mom MD
Thanks! I never knew that. :)
To: mojitojoe
Around here everyone is out and being tight lipped about resupply.
posted on
03/24/2009 5:14:51 AM PDT
To: MtnClimber
I really enjoyed the first two books. I have payment sent for the third. They seem to be accurate predictions of the future, just like Atlas Shrugged, but with more action.That is EXACTLY my goal and intention, thanks!
posted on
03/24/2009 5:29:18 AM PDT
Travis McGee
To: Jim Hill
Well now this should get very interesting, very soon.
posted on
03/24/2009 5:50:18 AM PDT
(A people unwilling to use extreme violence to preserve liberty, deserves the tyrant that rules them.)
To: Jim Hill
Cool! I hope I live to see the fight!
posted on
03/24/2009 5:51:20 AM PDT
(...House a TOTAL Loss.....)
To: y6162
posted on
03/24/2009 5:52:09 AM PDT
(A people unwilling to use extreme violence to preserve liberty, deserves the tyrant that rules them.)
To: Lazamataz
There’s an address in Post 197; I don’t know if it’s his personal address.
posted on
03/24/2009 6:03:00 AM PDT
(The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
To: matt1234
Thanks for the enlightenment. Very, very frightening!
posted on
03/24/2009 6:13:02 AM PDT
To: Jim Hill
Where is the Southern Poverty Law Center on this one? <cricketts chirping?
To: Quackattack; All
I finally got around to reading the whole article and the posts to this point.
The 0bamite was speaking figuratively about amassing support, and a political fight! Yeah, is choice of words was pretty d@mn poor in these tense times. (The Leftists may not realize that much of the country is like a powderkeg!)
Most of the responses here are emotional and quite embarrassing for Free Republic. They make it seem like we're all simpletons who can't recognize abstract forms of speech.
Having said that, we know the 0bamanation and his minions intend to destroy the United States as it was founded. If we're serious about resisting that effort, we should be doing some real organizing; not just talking empty bravado.
Without a UNITED effort, we will be picked off one by one in our homes.
I suggest that we establish a “Committee on Correspondence” as our forefathers did, to coordinate our preparations and actions. I'm willing to be a member, but I don't have the technological computer/telecom skills to enable SECURE communications. BUT, WE MUST STOP TALKING AND START DOING SOMETHING! (Private messages are welcome.)
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