Keyword: obamayouth
American pride resonates with most segments of the population, though not with young adults, according to a new poll. Only 36% of respondents aged 18 to 24 said they were very or extremely proud to be American, a new Issues & Insights/TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics survey found. That made the age group the only tracked demographic in which pride falls below 50%. The poll found an almost identical percentage (35%) of the 18-24 group saying they are only slightly or not proud at all to be an American.
Findings from a new North Dakota State University survey reveal that the majority of students identifying as liberal or liberal-leaning are not proud of America. In response to the question “Are you proud to be American?” 57 percent of liberal identifying students answered ‘no’. This is in contrast to the 73 percent majority of conservatives who answered ‘yes’ to the same question. This response was generated from a nationwide survey which asked over 400,000 students from more than 1,000 American college campuses questions about their feelings on a number of social and political issues. NDSU publicly announced the survey on...
The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Thursday that 74 people are facing federal charges stemming from clashes in Portland, Ore., amid protests over systemic racism and police brutality. Portland’s months long demonstrations, sparked by the killings of Black Americans like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, have largely been peaceful, though have at times turned violent and led to looting and clashes with law enforcement, including federal agents deployed to the city this summer to protect federal property. “Violent agitators have hijacked any semblance of First Amendment protected activity, engaging in violent criminal acts and destruction of public safety,” U.S. Attorney...
For decades we have said that there is a liberal slant in education, a leftist bias. But the concept of tacit liberal influence is in the distant past. Today, liberalism is at the forefront. Liberalism is the curriculum. Grade schools throughout the country are rewriting their history curriculums based on today's leftist politics. Some Illinois, New York and New Jersey public schools are teaching a collection of New York Times leftist opinion essays known as the 1619 Project as factual objective history. This leftist propaganda project audaciously rewrites our history as a country that was started as a "slavocracy" in...
An unidentified man dressed as Donald Trump was standing in line with his family for the haunted house exhibit at the Collier County fairgrounds in Naples, Florida this past Saturday. Then a 14-year-old girl reportedly walked up and punched him in the face, Naples Daily News writes. The Collier County Sheriff's Office says that after striking the man in the jaw, the girl laughed and ran back to four other juveniles who were holding her place in line. The man walked over to ask why she punched him before flagging down a fair worker, and requesting for sheriff's deputies to...
Colorado students walked out of an event billed as a vigil for Kendrick Castillo, an 18-year-old killed in a shooting at his school on Tuesday, when prominent speakers attempted to turn it into a rally for gun control. Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colorado) and Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colorado) each took a turn calling for gun control at the Douglas County event before students streamed out in protest. Two students at STEM Highlands Ranch, a K-12 charter school focused on science, technology, engineering, and math, shot nine students, one fatally. The accused students, who were arrested, are an adult male and a...
Devon Erickson, an 18-year-old high school student who has worked as a youth actor in Colorado, was identified by authorities as one of the two shooters accused of wounding nine students in a K-12 STEM school located in Douglas County. One of those students, 18-year-old Kendrick Castillo, died in the attack. Devon Erickson’s Facebook page says he lives in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. John Fenton, a news producer with CBS Denver, wrote that the “car towed from #stemshooting suspect’s home apparently has ‘F*** SOCIETY’ spray painted on the side. Also ‘666’ and a what looks like a pentagram sprayed on the...
Public school students in Minnesota are being instructed to write reports on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and color photos of the controversial Democrat
Younger Americans are turning on the country and forgetting its ideals, with nearly half believing that it isn’t “great” and many eyeing the U.S. flag as “a sign of intolerance and hatred,” according to a new and disturbing survey. Those who came of age under former President Barack Obama also have a larger-than-life view of the 44th president and feel that he had a “bigger impact” on the United States than the father of the country and leader of the Revolutionary War, former President George Washington. Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 4.25.17 AM.png (Screenshot/YouGov) The poll was the first “State...
nsurgent Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to take her budding political career all the way to The White House, her mother told The Post on Wednesday. “Her aspiration is to be the president,” Blanca Ocasio-Cortez, 55, said at the candidate’s childhood home in the Bronx. “She has been thinking about politics since she was a teenager. She would read historical and political books old and new. She would engage in political discussions passionately.”
Former President Barack Obama says he aspires to create "a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas" who will pick up the baton in what he describes as the "relay race that is human progress." At a conference in Japan on Sunday, the former president spoke about how he hopes the Obama Foundation, a nonprofit formed in January 2014, will help achieve his post-presidential aims. "After I left office, what I realized is that the Obama Foundation could potentially create a platform for young, up-and-coming leaders, both in the United States and all around the world to come together, meet...
<p>A new documentary by CBS News reveals that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has become the face of the student body’s push for gun control, was not at the school at the time of the shooting.</p>
Marjory Stoneman Douglas student and #NeverAgain activist David Hogg told Axios founder Mike Allen at an event in Washington on Friday that his high school feels "like a prison" since the shooting last month, with "hundreds of police officers" patrolling the campus. He said this is a problem because the police are racist against black students: "What I'm very concerned about is the racial disparity between white and black students. For example, black students get suspended at a rate three times higher than white students."
Former President Barack Obama tweeted his support for students marching across the US to demand gun control, telling them they're leading the charge. "Michelle and I are so inspired by all the young people who made today's marches happen," the tweet said. "Keep at it. You're leading us forward. Nothing can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change."
Parkland student Jaclyn Corin encouraged protesters to “keep screaming at your congressman” so they will listen to pleas for gun control after the deadly shooting at her high school. Corin was one of many Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student organizers who developed the "March for Our Lives" rally in Washington, D.C. on Saturday. “There is strength in numbers and we need each and every one of you to keep screaming at your congressman,” Corin said. “Don’t be scared just because they have ‘Senator’ in front of their name.” Corin hit Congress for refusing to act despite American deaths to...
Former president Barack Obama is offering words of encouragement to the Parkland shooting survivors-turned-activists. In a tweet on Thursday, Obama called the students who have arrived on the streets of their community and the doorways of politicians “inspiring” and “fearless.”
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is spending nearly $2 million to see if courts run by teenagers can be a viable tool to fight school bullying. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) tasked WestEd, a San Francisco-based education research group, late last year to study the effectiveness of “youth courts,” where the roles of judge, jury, defense, and prosecution are filled by students, who can then administer punishment in middle and high schools. “Reports of violence, bullying, and other offenses have resulted in concerns about school safety,” according to the NIJ grant. “Administrators, anxious to restore order, have adopted policies...
Middle School Kids Taken To Hear Louis Farrakhan Call For Violence Against The 'Crackers' "We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this goddamn country up!” 1.2.2015 News Jeff Dunetz An administrator at Booker T. Washington Middle School in Baltimore, MD, took forty young teenage students as young as eleven-years-old to the 2nd Annual Black United Summit International (BUSI) conference where they heard bigoted purveyor of hatred Louis Farrakhan reference "white people as “crackers” and a call for “retaliation” for the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson." According to Danette Clark, ​who wrote about the conference for the Education...
The 20-odd people chanting “Honk if you want justice,” on a New Bedford, Massachusetts sidewalk Dec. 12 got a lot of attention. They were second graders, rallying against police for the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. While the rest of their class enjoyed 11:30 recess that morning, these 7 and 8-year-old protesters stood by the side of the road in front of the Alma Del Mar Charter School holding signs including one that read, “Please don’t shoot me, Ferguson.”...
( – In the first two years since First Lady Michelle Obama launched her ‘Let’s Move’ campaign to fight childhood obesity in 2010, teenage obesity rates increased, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). From 2009-2010, 18.4 percent of children ages 12-19 were classified as obese, according to the CDC. Since then, from 2011-2012, one in five children ages 12-19 or 20.5 percent, were classified as obese, an increase of 11.4 percent. The CDC has been tracking these data since 1966-1970, and at that time only 4.6 percent of teens were classified as obese. “The...