Keyword: cwiiping
Until Lambs Become LionsRight now, we are 80 million couch potatoes and keyboard warriors with rifles in our bedroom closets. This is not a force to be reckoned with.We are locked in a zero-sum game rebellion of the elites, who are intent on fundamentally transforming America into an authoritarian state with a single ideology and ruling class. In order to defeat this rebellion, we need to understand the terrain we are operating on and the strategy and tactics of our enemy. Even more important, we need a strategy of our own to guide our struggle and return to a functional...
Poster's note: This is a warning from someone who has probably seen, first hand, more civil wars than any other living person. Michael Yon writes in a "stream of consciousness style". Probably developed through writing while being fired upon. Please consider this before calling the Writing Police. The communists kicked me out of Hong Kong in 2020. Then the CCP pandemic blanketed the world and I read tons of books in 2020. I even re-read 1984, Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, and others in genre. Those books are amazingly “now.” (I did not re-read Atlas Shrugged. Maybe I should.)...
Matt Bracken of guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to demand action of our representatives to fight back against the anti-Trump coup.
In societies living under the Rule of Law, sworn Law Enforcement (LE) officers have always been considered fully justified in applying lethal force against violent mobs during arson riots, such as those which have been occurring with regularity in American cities during the terrible summer of 2020. This was the intent and meaning of police officials publicly “Reading the Riot Act,” announcing over a loudspeaker that a violent mob had been declared to be an unlawful assembly, that is to say, a riot. Rioters who lingered on the street after that final warning could be engaged by LE at any...
With one exception, the wars in which the United States has engaged since its inception involved our nation against one or more external adversaries. That exception, the American Civil War (1861-1865), still elicits an emotional response among our citizens due to the inherent tragedy connected to a nation at war with itself – the whole "brother against brother" dynamic that is recalled whenever discussions of this conflict arise. One less common aspect of our Civil War (as compared to other nations that have endured civil wars) is that America was geographically divided at the time by the Mason-Dixon line, which...
Prominent ‘Black Lives Matter’ activist and rapper Tef Poe has a message for “white people”: “Dear white people if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know,” Poe tweeted today. Poe is by no means a nobody, he has appeared in innumerable articles charting the rise of ‘Black Lives Matter’ and was credited with coining the phrase,“This ain’t your grandparents’ civil rights movement.” The rapper was one of the co-founders of Hands Up United, a “social justice” organization that emerged after the death of Michael Brown that...
I fear that there is a looming civil war on the horizon. It is not yet inevitable, but all true American patriots must be prepared for the coming battle. And the costs in blood will be heavy. This war will not be fought like the American Revolution or the Civil War of 1861-65, where disciplined armies observed the laws of war and respected civilian lives. This war will be waged by far-left radicals and their deep-state puppet masters. For them, civilian casualties and massacres will not be moral evils, but merely part and parcel of their larger plan to “reconstruct”...
In last week's article I discussed the issue of American “balkanization” and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming militant in their progressive ideology. In my home state of Montana there has been a surge of people trying to escape the chaos and oppression of leftist states. Some are here because of the pandemic and the harsh restrictions they had to endure during the first lockdowns. Others are here because they can't stand the hostility of identity politics, cancel culture and race riots. Either way, they are fleeing places with decidedly...
Just as the Islamic State (ISIS) claimed territory in Iraq and Syria, antifa militants have claimed territory in Seattle, Wash. According to reports on the ground from The Post Millennial’s Andy Ngo and Townhall’s Julio Rosas, protesters and antifa instigators have seized land in the Capitol Hill area around the Seattle Police East Precinct. Like ISIS, the rioters appear to have decided on setting up a government in their occupied territory, naming it “Free Capitol Hill.” “Seattle [Mayor Jenny Durkan] is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. [Antifa] militants have taken over & created an ‘autonomous zone’ in city w/their...
What is not comprehensible is the destructive actions of so many. Is it really the citizens of Minneapolis who have set the city on fire, burning down small businesses as well as the police precinct building, libraries, etc.? Who are those masked men in black with secret-service quality ear-pieces, military grade gas masks and backpacks full of Molotov cocktails? They are very likely professional rioters, recruited, transported and paid by the likes of some George Soros front group or other anonymous Cloward-Piven devotees who share Soros’ hatred of America and want to see this nation bought to its knees. No...
And the democrat run cities and states where it's happening are actively allowing and even encouraging it to happen. They want change (fundamental transformation of America, ie, throw out our system and replace it with socialism) and they want it now! They've been trying for four years to take down Trump and have failed. So now they're going to burn it all down if they have to. Scorched earth. Even an attempted direct assault on the White House tonight. If this continues unabated, the president may have to call out the troops to put down rebellions.
Well it's already leaking out so no sense in pussyfooting around it any longer. All this shiny object nonsense in the MSM right now is a nice distraction but it's not going to last because leaks are still happening, but it's the swamp what do you expect. So all those chasing the monkey over Barr & Trump feuding take a seat. Durham has been investigating the ObamaÂ’s response or lack of to RussiaÂ’s election interference in 2016. He's assigned a team to hunt down the reason & proof Brennan and the IC hid the evidence & manipulating analysis about MoscowÂ’s...
The 2020 Virginia Showdown Rolling into 2020, all eyes are on Virginia following Governor Ralph Northam’s declared intention to pass onerous new gun control laws that could mandate the forced confiscation of common semi-automatic firearms which have been legal for Virginians to own for more than a century, ever since their invention. The first date in the coming showdown to be aware of is Monday, January 20th, when the Virginia Assembly opens for the new session, and Northam’s new gun laws will be considered. The Virginia Civil Defense League, a pro-Second Amendment group, is organizing a “Lobby Day” rally to...
What will Americans face if southern countries fall into chaos? When President Trump proclaimed “Build the wall!” in 2015, pundits mocked the slogan as an empty promise, a simplistic non-solution, or a dog whistle for racist nationalism. But astute observers of Central and South American geopolitics heard something different. Rather than a call for a more robust physical barrier or even a byword for immigration reform, “Build the wall!” suggested that candidate Trump grasped the cataclysmic threat to U.S. stability evolving in the south. Unlike President Trump, however, few Americans think about what a multi-national breakdown of order among our...
Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill say local police who do not enforce gun control measures likely to pass in Virginia should face prosecution and even threats of the National Guard. After November's Virginia Legislature elections that led to Democrats taking control of both chambers, the gun control legislation proposed by some Democrats moved forward, including universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, and a red flag law. Legal firearm owners in the state, however, joined with their sheriffs to form Second Amendment sanctuary counties, which declare the authorities in these municipalities uphold the Second Amendment in the face of any...
In response to the wave of proposed anti-gun legislation in Virginia, many of its cities and counties have declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries. One county, in particular, took it a step further at their December 3rd County Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting. In addition to passing their Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution, the county also passed a Militia Resolution. This resolution formalizes the creation, and maintenance of a defacto civilian militia in the county of Tazewell. And to get a better understanding why the council members passed this resolution, Firearms News reached out to one of its members, Thomas Lester. Mr....
In the summer of 2018, journalist Vivian Yee amused herself with the thought that Orange Country, California, was once an agricultural, “conservative (think Richard Nixon and the John Birch Society) and white (very, very white),” slice of America. But “Chinese and Korean immigrants, and Asian-Americans from other states,” she wrote on the eve of the midterm election, “have made Irvine nearly half Asian.” Asians, Yee noted, are reliably liberal on gun control, climate change, and public spending. Indeed, Michelle Malkin recently took a deeper dive on the same topic in these pages: With the midterms at the time of Yee’s...
The moment that Hillary Clinton’s reference to those disinclined to vote for her as “deplorables” and “irredeemables” made this unmistakable, Donald Trump’s victory became possible. The people who voted for Trump, many despite reservations about him, did so seeking a shield against insult and injury from above. But the 2016 results confirmed the ruling class in its judgment, and emboldened it to act in “resistance” and in ways no one had ever imagined. Ordinary Americans in voting for Trump got a loud voice on their behalf, but no shield. Between 2016 and 2020, we have been pressed as never before...
Partisan political division and the resulting incivility has reached a low in America, with 67% believing that the nation is nearing civil war, according to a new national survey. “The majority of Americans believe that we are two-thirds of the way to being on the edge of civil war. That to me is a very pessimistic place,” said Mo Elleithee, the executive director of Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service. And worse, he said in announcing the results of the Institute’s Battleground Poll civility survey, the political division is likely to make the upcoming 2020 presidential race the...
I’ve lived through a few coups. They’re insane, random, and terrifying, like watching sports, except your political future depends on the score. The kickoff begins when a key official decides to buck the executive. From that moment, government becomes a high-speed head-counting exercise. Who’s got the power plant, the airport, the police in the capital? How many department chiefs are answering their phones? Who’s writing tonight’s newscast? When the KGB in 1991 tried to reassume control of the crumbling Soviet Union by placing Mikhail Gorbachev under arrest and attempting to seize Moscow, logistics ruled. Boris Yeltsin’s crew drove to the...