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Obama volunteers: "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
The Birmingham News ^
| March 22, 2009
Posted on 03/22/2009 4:42:50 PM PDT by Jim Hill
"We're looking for supporters," said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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To: Jim Hill; joygrace; 3catsanadog; aetheraddict; Albert Barr; Allegra; autumnraine; Babsig; ...
Senate 277 Bill - Serve America Act Ping List
( formerly known as HR 1388 Bill Give Act Ping List)
Please FReepmail or Ping! me if you want to be Added or Deleted from this RE-NAMED Ping list. Formerly known as Bill HR 1388, Give Act
posted on
03/23/2009 9:56:22 AM PDT
(Veritas vincit)
To: Jim Hill
DeHaven of Hoover
Who is this????
posted on
03/23/2009 9:56:39 AM PDT
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: 444Flyer
They just can’t help themselves from showing cards before it is time to play them.
To: EagleUSA
You can fool some of the people all of the time. - Abraham Lincoln
You reckon that PT Barnum and ole Abe were cousins?
posted on
03/23/2009 9:56:56 AM PDT
Blood of Tyrants
(Socialism is the belief that most people are better off if everyone was equally poor and miserable.)
Comment #125 Removed by Moderator
To: BamaDi
My doorbell didn’t ring. I suspect they will only ring the doorbells in B’ham. Don’t know about the dude from Hoover.
posted on
03/23/2009 9:57:54 AM PDT
(Liberalism leads to Socialism)
To: autumnraine
Yup, proud owner of stock in Reynolds Wrap!
To: alecqss
“...That will come later, when we have an army.”
A good reply might be, “That will come later, when we have an impeachment”.
posted on
03/23/2009 9:58:07 AM PDT
(Don't beLIEve Obama.............................Never give up, never give in, never give out!)
To: Viking2002
Straight down 65, then north on 85, Twinkie. You bring your ‘army’. We’ll be waiting.
LOL LOL, I was waiting for you to post. You betcha!
posted on
03/23/2009 9:58:39 AM PDT
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: mojitojoe
Some guy who lives in a nice conservative suburb. I wouldn’t bother him, but I would love to be a fly on the wall as his neighbors read the article. lol
To: BamaDi
Doesn’t that honor go to Oklahoma ans South Carolina?
posted on
03/23/2009 10:02:12 AM PDT
To: MrB
A split is inevitable at this point.
We wont live under tyranny,
and they have no intention of letting us live outside of their control.
I keep saying this over and over again. The divide is too wide. I fear it’s not likely to end peacefully.
posted on
03/23/2009 10:02:22 AM PDT
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: del4hope
Yeah, it would be good to include ‘later.’
posted on
03/23/2009 10:02:44 AM PDT
(The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed *NRA*JPFO*SAF*GOA*SAS*CCRKBA)
To: MrB
believe thats the WHOLE/PRIMARY point of this canvassing for support - making a list of dissenters.
posted on
03/23/2009 10:02:48 AM PDT
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: mtnwmn
Mine didn’t either. I was disappointed.
To: Jim Hill
So our Tea Parties that pull in thousands of people can’t get a lick of press, but this handful of loony lemmings get a whol article about them and their desire to start and army?
In the words of Chris Matthews, Oh God!
posted on
03/23/2009 10:03:09 AM PDT
To: Jim Hill
Can someone ‘screenshot’ this article??? I have a feeling it WILL go POOF pretty soon. Zero and his cronies won’t let it hang around too long.
To: Jim Hill
“Would the moderator pull it?”
If you attribute the quote directly, I don’t see how the mod would pull it. I could be wrong, though. Also, my initial comment wasn’t directed at you; it was at the Birmingham News. I’m amazed at how the MSM/SRM is backing the POTWH (Perpetrator Occupying The White House).
posted on
03/23/2009 10:04:11 AM PDT
(Christian and armed)
Comment #139 Removed by Moderator
To: struggle
lol.. you’ll be dieing at the hands of your country...
That is, unless we form a new one with the free states.
posted on
03/23/2009 10:05:10 AM PDT
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