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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day....05-25-05....Doggie Tails ~ River Rendezvous
| 5-25-05
| dollyCali
Posted on 05/24/2005 10:11:15 PM PDT by DollyCali
A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day
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~ Billie, Mama_Bear, dutchess, Aquamarine, DollyCali ~
How much is that doggie in the window? The one with the waggley tail? How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggies for sale.
Pet shops & breeders are possibly still the biggest platform in securing your new fuzzy friend in a PLANNED addition. You know the breed, disposition, size & look you want. You begin the search.
Personal dog rescues(as compared with rescue groups), have become a pretty common UNPLANNED way for the new little or BIG guys for finding their way into your home & hearts. Some just show up on your porch or in your yard. Some you find along the highway wandering & obviously dumped
you just need to get him off the street to another place. Problem is by the time you get home, you are already in love.
Then there is that email from Susie at church. -Either she or someone she knows has a little whatever that needs a home
could you keep him just for the weekend? Of course they know in 2 days you will be hooked & more readily part with your left arm than Mr. Fuzzy.
The ways to get them is legion
So here is my story of how my son found his way into my Catty life.
A dog? Ha. No, double Ha. Ridiculous. Just had cats all of my MANY years no way could I have a dog. My yard wasnt fenced, I didnt know how to take care of a dog, and I could go on & on why I wouldnt consider a dog when friends would call or email me with a little fella in need of a home.
Cats were easy.. Travel? Just leave a big bowl of water, ditto on dry food & lots of litter in their box (which they will ignore anyway) Sure cats are often a nuisance, tear up your furniture & make your friends think cat urine is your perfume fragrance of choice, but most often added much more joy than problems.
No, no dog for me. I am cat people.
Most know I am an outdoor type. One weekend afternoon a couple weeks after 911 my friend John, 2 of his children & I were kayaking on the Cuyahoga River just north of the Akron area. Beautiful day to be out on the winding, interesting & varied river which finally passes through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. before winding its way to Lake Erie in Cleveland.

Bathing suit weather it was
HOT & a wonderful day to be outdoors and around/in water. It would be about a 6 hour outing with a few stops to beach comb, collect golf balls & check out the treasures along the way. John normally brings his golden retriever but Chance is not as smart as he is pretty & often just takes off after something or other & forgets where his Daddy is. Phone calls from MILES away and hours later are then the relief that Chance has not become road kill or adopted by someone who chooses to ignore the ID tags.. So no hassle about worrying about a dog today! None at all. Zippo.
Down river kayaking is a wonderful & quiet experience.. You often come upon any variety of wildlife in water and on shore. But the tranquility was broken as about half way into the trip we go around a large bend & hear woowoowowowowo & there iN a drain pipe on the bank is a dog. Head up & howling at us. John is already shooting pictures by the time I get nearby. WOW, Scrawny looking dog & barking pretty fiercely. Probably will bite if try to go nearby. He is giving us the once over with his gaze.

Gee, I am thinking, I hope this dog is okay when we leave
But what is now happening???. We are discussing taking the dog with us? He will die if we leave him in this unpopulated area. .hmm ~ well, I tell John we can find his owners maybe.
There is a collar not a tag. Not a good sign I later learn.
So we manage to convince the pooch to get into Johns kayak & the agressive demeanor turns into a love fest. The rest of ride pooch is licking, loving & buttering up his rescuer. John of course is reveling in it.

I tell John that if he cant find the owner, he might be a nice addition to their household. He tells me he will be a nice addition to MY household & I laugh saying no way Jose. What a funny thought. John was NOT joking & when I eventually returned home the dog was IN MY VAN HEADING TOWARD MY HOME.
At Johns home it was decided that Oliver needed a bath. Whew did he stink. IF WE COULD GET HIM AWAY FROM CHANCE. The two dogs played well but their favorite game seemed to be HUMPY DUMPTY WHO IS ALPHA?. This NEW dog had so much energy.. just bounced & jumped & was a good match for High energy dolly - me. He was ALL OVER
. John started calling him ALL OVER.. not too many hours until that changed into Oliver.. Mistake. Naming him.
Giving a large rambunctious dog a bath is a LOT harder than giving a bath to a cat. I couldnt do it with him in water & me out.. so I just got in the tub with him. Still no easy chore but oh my, he was much better (IMHO) with the earthy smells & gook on his fur replaced with lemon, rosemary & strawberry scents.

Was that first night at the DollyCali home going to be a problem? Where would new dog - .. no Oliver sleep? He might hurt the cats. Better just leave him in van overnight & in morning see what we can work out. The test was the cats. If he hurt them, he was outtahere. Period.
Not having dogs before, had NOT yet learned you need to run off energy. (and wow this dog did & still does have never ending drive to run, run ,run). So since he hadnt run & didnt have a chewy, he just found his own chewy(s). Couldnt he have just chewed apart ONE seat belt? Was it necessary to chew up every seat belt in the entire van????
Well at least he smelled good & passed the cat test but rubbing & licking gently the kittens that approached him the next morning. Next night he was permitted in house to sleep, He knew which bed to go to & leaned against my sore back adding support & warmth. What a sales pitch. But the sale had already been closed. I almost didnt put the ads in. and decided if someone answered I would be very discerning if they would get him back.
But isnt that all silly. Someone dumped him, no doubt because he drove them crazy with his endless stamina. He was meant to be here & so it was.

He goes with me most of the time. He runs while I ski, he runs while I bike, he runs the banks & swims in lakes & rivers when I kayak. He loves our long arduous hikes up & down hills & thru streams. A short walk on a leash does not cut it for either of us. He waits in van while I shop or am at church. He has been to FReeps, Ronald Regans funeral; Niagara Falls, Hilton Head, Tailgates, etc.
He is gentle around all animals. He will catch up with a wounded goose & lick & mother it. You can imagine how well that goes over with the goose! Last summer while Kayaking he found a little fawn.. smaller than he is. He swam with it in the river & wanted to play. The fawn was terrified & so was the mother on the shore (pix are at bottom of my profile page of Oliver & fawn).
Well, could make this a book but let it be said, no one placed ads for this lost dog, and no one responded to my found dog ads. Shots, neutering, dog food/stuff purchases (of course including his ID tag so I would get him back) began our journey. I was told he is half German shepherd from where he gets his brains and half golden retriever from which he gets his loving disposition & drive to run, chase and draw to water.
He was truly a gift from God although I had my doubts initially. My back over the years has become more problematic. Biking was good & so was kayaking. But walking, standing & even sitting was a torture for me. Now that I had A DOG, I needed to walk & be out with him. I was forced in pain to begin regular 3X day big outings. That is exactly what I needed. My back problems of years improved and to this day are much better than they would have been had I fallen into the predictable pattern of a more sedate life
.computers, TV & movies were becoming more & more a pattern BD (before dog).

Oh about that bath.. Sweet smelling Oliver lasted 2 days. Of course they love to roll in dead animals/fish, excrement etc but on day two he beat the band by finding a skunk in the yard to play with
before I knew what happened he was in the house, rolling on the sofa, my bed oh my - BUT the silver lining was the house no longer smelled like cats..
And now the final question to answer.. Of course he isnt spoiled!
Now you have heard a little of my story.. Please share yours (and of course pix) here on this thread if you would like.. Doggie Tails will be an occasional offering from me. If you have a story FReepmail me & we can check into the possibilities of putting it on the forum.. If anyone works with a rescue group.. great. Do you have your own Oliver story? Did you save the life of a pet that then became your best friend?
03-29-05 ~ Hall of Fame #11

TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: doggieping; dogs; fonts; fun; graphics; html; humor; military; petrescue; politics
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posted on
05/24/2005 10:11:16 PM PDT
To: ST.LOUIE1; Aquamarine; Billie; dutchess; Mama_Bear; The Mayor; dansangel; deadhead; Diver Dave; ...

Please Let me know if you want ON or OFF the Finest Ping List.
posted on
05/24/2005 10:14:08 PM PDT
("Thank you for your ANSWERS". POTUS to press at end of Presser 28April05)
To: DollyCali
Wow! What a story! What a dog! What a woman you are, DollyCali!
I've got three, but this is the kind of tale that makes me want to rescue one more.
He's a handsome boy, and he's obviously been a gift to you.
Thanks for taking Oliver in.
posted on
05/24/2005 10:22:57 PM PDT
(If you want unconditional love with skin, and hair and a warm nose, get a shelter dog.)
To: DollyCali
First of all, DollyCali, I want on your ping list.
Great story! I found myself tearing up and laughing at the same time. The silver lining about the skunk cracked me up.
There is always some reason for me to wake up in the middle of the night and the story of Oliver was the reason this morning. Thanks.
posted on
05/24/2005 10:34:04 PM PDT
To: DollyCali; Slings and Arrows; Glenn; quantim; republicangel; Bahbah; Beaker; BADROTOFINGER; ...
Let's see if we can get some kitty tails...err, tales...too.
Kitty Ping List alert![Freepmail me to get on or off the Kitty Ping List.]
posted on
05/24/2005 10:34:49 PM PDT
Slings and Arrows
("Robert Byrd:He may have 'gone under the water,' but the preacher didn't hold him down long enough.")
To: Slings and Arrows; leadpenny; sinkspur
wow, someone is up!!! Thanks for your comments FReiends.. in case you have insomnia, Billie had a very clever thread on Fonts .. one of my loves in the computer world
Yesterday's Font-alicious Thread
posted on
05/24/2005 10:40:09 PM PDT
("Thank you for your ANSWERS". POTUS to press at end of Presser 28April05)
To: Slings and Arrows
I am actually going to do a Kitty Tails series.. I have, well let's say, quite a few kitties (do rescue work) and hundreds of stories.
posted on
05/24/2005 10:42:29 PM PDT
("Thank you for your ANSWERS". POTUS to press at end of Presser 28April05)
To: DollyCali
DollyCali,I loved your hats for the race.Sorry did not have time to respond:)
posted on
05/24/2005 10:43:13 PM PDT
To: fatima
Thanks fatima.. I am often like that. I have a mental list of folks to respond to re: this /that. Problem is that my mental list is very "lacking". Everyone is so busy, appreciate your dropping by & posting!
posted on
05/24/2005 10:54:38 PM PDT
("Thank you for your ANSWERS". POTUS to press at end of Presser 28April05)
To: DollyCali
Wonderul read! Great pics!
Oliver is a handsome dude. And your cat is a beauty. : )
Great thread, Dolly!
To: DollyCali
DollyCali,I loved the pictures of you in your hats:),fatima
posted on
05/24/2005 11:01:15 PM PDT
That is Cali.. she & oliver hiked with me down to the Canal (O & E) behind my house & in the Cuyahoga Valley when I took this & a series of pix... She is the senior feline here. Dumped on my porch with her 3 kitty siblings before their eyes were open ..and of course NO mama kitty - this was in 1988.
Thanks for visiting & your comments Louie!
posted on
05/24/2005 11:01:58 PM PDT
("Thank you for your ANSWERS". POTUS to press at end of Presser 28April05)
To: DollyCali
Dumped on my porch with her 3 kitty siblings before their eyes were open ..and of course NO mama kitty - this was in 1988.You're a good hearted woman, Ms.Dolly.
Hmmmm....what if a handsome, but starving, wolf showed up on your property? : )
Well, that is a good question.. we have red fox, coyotes & many whatevers here in the national park...
but if you he were starving I would prolly feed you & then repeat what I did with Oliver... shots, neuter, and first night sleeping in van.
posted on
05/24/2005 11:20:18 PM PDT
("Thank you for your ANSWERS". POTUS to press at end of Presser 28April05)
To: DollyCali
Wonderful story. I have a "rescue" dog too, but I got him from Golden Retriever Rescue of Wisconisn. Generally I just find them on my own, but I actually applied for Max. He's just wonderful. I wish you many happy years with Oliver. Thanks for the post.
To: DollyCali
NEUTER!! Aaaaaaack!
To: DollyCali
Good morning Dolly. You have quite a friend in Oliver.
posted on
05/25/2005 3:14:35 AM PDT
("It's the soldier who allows freedom of speech, not the reporter..")
To: Wolfstar; ozbushkin
Thought you might find this dog thread interesting that Dolly posted
posted on
05/25/2005 5:59:30 AM PDT
(An English Cheney Chick - BIG TIME)
To: DollyCali
Oliver's story was the greatest. I have taken in some great dogs myself. Mostly I have adopted them from shelters. Give Oliver a big hug for me. Put me on your ping list. My Harm (Malamute/Husky/Lab) would sure love to run and play with your Oliver. Harm also has a never ending supply of energy.
posted on
05/25/2005 6:15:45 AM PDT
( GoodGirlInRed Four More Years!!!!!)
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