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Greek volcano mystery: Archaeologist narrows on date of Thera eruption
ScienceDaily ^
| September 21, 2022
| Cornell University
Posted on 11/23/2022 8:35:11 AM PST by SunkenCiv
...Last spring, Manning realized he could solve the problem by looking elsewhere -- hundreds of kilometers away from Thera -- to regions of the Aegean Sea that experienced the tsunami effects caused by the eruption. Manning incorporated dates obtained for these episodes into his model to test for, and discount, the volcanic carbon dioxide caveat. On Thera itself, he also spotted the importance of a short but clearly observed gap in time between the abandonment of the town at Akrotiri and the huge eruption, and he incorporated this previously overlooked constraint into the modeling....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: History; Science; Travel
KEYWORDS: aegean; akrotiri; calliste; catastrophism; eberhardzangger; godsgravesglyphs; greece; santorini; thera; tsunami; tsunamis; volcano; volcanoes
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posted on
11/23/2022 8:35:11 AM PST
To: StayAt HomeMother; Ernest_at_the_Beach; 1ofmanyfree; 21twelve; 24Karet; 2ndDivisionVet; 31R1O; ...
I'm sure we had a similar article (not about Manning) a couple of years ago, but couldn't turn it up. For once, I'm going to spare you my usual great big dump all over the mid-2nd m supereruption myth. Thanks anonymous FReeper for the link! And it's a two-fer!

One of *those* topics.
posted on
11/23/2022 8:37:44 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
To: SunkenCiv
Had a neighbor named Thera. Sweet lady, great neighbor....but don’t get her mad because she would erupt!
posted on
11/23/2022 8:46:01 AM PST
("The NEXT election is the most important election of our lifetimes!“ LOL...)
To: SunkenCiv
And to the dates:
The modeling identified the most likely range of dates for the eruption to be: between about 1609-1560 BCE (95.4% probability), or about 1606-1589 BCE (68.3% probability).
The new timeline synchronizes the civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean while also ruling out several ancillary theories, such as the idea that the Thera eruption was responsible for destroying Minoan palaces on the coast of Crete as the first excavator of Akrotiri, Spyridon Marinatos, proposed in 1939.
"That seems not to be the case," Manning said. "Because when we date the destruction levels on Crete, they seem to be upwards of a century later."
posted on
11/23/2022 8:56:14 AM PST
texas booster
(Join FreeRepublic's Folding@Home team (Team # 36120) Cure Alzheimer's!)
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posted on
11/23/2022 8:57:46 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
To: texas booster
Thanks, and this has been clear for years, it’s nice that Manning’s starting to fall off the bandwagon a little.
posted on
11/23/2022 8:59:11 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
To: SunkenCiv
"The Fiery and Volcanic Birth of Santorini" 
[click the pic]
posted on
11/23/2022 9:01:49 AM PST
("The NEXT election is the most important election of our lifetimes!“ LOL...)
To: SunkenCiv
So this means that the flushing toilets they found in the ruins of Akrotiri on Santorini are even older than originally thought.
posted on
11/23/2022 9:11:14 AM PST
To: SunkenCiv
Greek Volcano?
That could cause a Greece fire.
posted on
11/23/2022 9:18:01 AM PST
To: SunkenCiv
Best line in the whole article: “”This demonstrates, as with so much of science, that people have to make hypotheses based on the initial information, but as you get more and more information and better analysis, you revise and refine,”
Imagine....really following the scientific method.....
posted on
11/23/2022 9:56:31 AM PST
(For evil to triumph it is only necessary that good men do nothing)
To: reed13k
He did that himself, regarding a pumice artifact from the Egyptian New Kingdom — saddling on the idea that it was from Thera, and it turned out to have come from the Kos volcano which had its last eruption 10s of 1000s of years ago. :^)
posted on
11/24/2022 4:07:08 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
To: SunkenCiv
When do you think was the eruption...these days?
I can't remember what dates we used to fuss about?
Do you?
posted on
11/24/2022 9:51:54 AM PST
To: blam
As Manning (finally) acknowledges, the Minoan collapse was clearly not temporally related to the (imaginary) supereruption.
The caldera has been known to be prehistoric, and this has been known for a long time.
The (prehistoric) collapse of the caldera was to the west, more or less right toward mainland Greece, not at Anatolia, and not at Crete. Looking in those places for evidence of the tsunami is wild goose chase.
There was no supereruption in the 2nd m BC. That idea is related to the goofy equating of Thera or Crete with Atlantis.
Zangger notes that, when evidence is presented at Thera conferences, refuting the core belief, other participants double down on it.
Herodotus says rather a lot about the island (Calliste in ancient times, Santorini in modern times) and never mentions anything about an eruption. The only ancient source that does suggests a date circa 200 BC. Herodotus lived before that, which probably explains it. For that matter, Plato lived before 200 BC.
Adapted Latin terms show up in Linear B sources, and the Roman conquest of Greece was something like 207 BC. Mycenaean cultural elements IOW were still alive long after the supposed demise of the Age of Heroes.
Other than that, we’re in complete agreement. [/rimshot!]
Maps of Santorini:
Relief map, with north at the bottom for some reason:
posted on
11/24/2022 10:33:33 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
"Even when, during the respective Thera Conferences, individual scientists had pointed out that the magnitude and significance of the Thera eruption must be estimated as less than previously thought, the conferences acted to strengthen the original hypothesis. The individual experts believed that the arguments advanced by their colleagues were sound, and that the facts of a natural catastrophe were not in doubt... All three factors reflect a fantasy world rather than cool detachment, which is why it so difficult to refute the theory with rational arguments." -- Eberhard Zangger, "The Future of the Past: Archaeology in the 21st Century", pp 49-50.
[snip] Pliny described the changes in land and sea distribution. "Land is sometimes formed . . . rising suddenly out of the sea. Delos and Rhodes, islands which have now been long famous, are recorded to have risen up in this way. More lately there have been some smaller islands formed," and he names them: Anapha, Nea, Halone, Thera, Therasia, Hiera, and Thia, the last of which appeared in his own time. [/snip] -- The Dark Age of Greece, "Changes in Land and Sea"
posted on
11/24/2022 10:42:42 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
To: moovova
posted on
11/24/2022 10:51:59 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
To: Flag_This
Nope. But the Cycladic culture that built Akrotiri laid two separate water systems, apparently one for hot water from the island’s geothermal sources, and one for cold water. The waste pipe went somewhere, probably into the sea. For its era, it was a real maritime boomtown going back into the Neolithic.
posted on
11/24/2022 10:54:43 AM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
To: SunkenCiv
Was that story not about the volcanic eruption in your article?
Sorry if it was misinformation.
posted on
11/24/2022 12:03:35 PM PST
("The NEXT election is the most important election of our lifetimes!“ LOL...)
To: moovova
I appreciated the link, but the dating and magnitude of the eruption is the issue.
posted on
11/24/2022 1:25:09 PM PST
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
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