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Is this really it? (re: possible Obama's Kenyan B.C. - Attny Taitz) Click on the link ^ | 8/2/2009 | rxsid

Posted on 08/02/2009 1:35:53 AM PDT by rxsid

Edited on 08/06/2009 12:10:02 AM PDT by John Robinson. [history]

Attorney Taitz filed a NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Expedite authentication, MOTION for Issuance of Letters Rogatory for authenticity of Kenyan birth certificate filed by Plaintiff Alan Keyes PhD.

Barry's Kenyan B.C.??

Special Motion for leave (site has been the target of hackers, proceed with caution — John)

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To: BP2

Depends on country
British includes colonies

GRO Births at sea from 1837 to 1965 are available on 56 microfiche; however these are only indexes which contain names, dates and in some years, ship names. LDS Fiche numbers 6137268 - 6137322 The LDS Family Search Library Catalog will identify which fiche relates to which year.

marriage at sea by captains prohibited in us and uk

8,681 posted on 08/11/2009 3:19:01 PM PDT by rolling_stone (no more bailouts, the taxpayers are out of money!)
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To: hoosiermama

That was my post about the Laurie Roth show. That’s way back on this thread ‘cause I think I did that on Sat.

8,682 posted on 08/11/2009 3:19:42 PM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
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To: rolling_stone

In 1961 the three mile limit was in place changed to 12 miles much later..

8,683 posted on 08/11/2009 3:22:59 PM PDT by rolling_stone (no more bailouts, the taxpayers are out of money!)
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To: rolling_stone

The number of non-white in HI is larger than white...due to the large Asian population. Unfortunately this National survey groups all “other than white” together....Maybe HI has it’s own report that lists the races separately....

I added it up...but it’s not too helpful because of the lack of discrimination.


8,684 posted on 08/11/2009 3:27:14 PM PDT by hoosiermama (ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
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To: Natural Born 54

Will clarify on the master.

8,685 posted on 08/11/2009 3:28:58 PM PDT by hoosiermama (ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
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To: afraidfortherepublic

afraidfortherepublic -

I have not confirmed the details but, due to living outside the country as a U.S. citizen, I have looked into the matter superficially.

I was told that the U.S. at one time did not permit dual citizenship but a court case decision in the 1960’s (not sure if this decade is correct) was decided in favor of allowing dual citizenship so it was thereafter OK per U.S. law. The U.S. government (so the source said) did not want to encourage dual citizenship so it doesn’t promote the info in any way.

I think it may be time to follow up on the issue and get the dual status before it changes again or becomes difficult to establish with the other country.

8,686 posted on 08/11/2009 3:31:21 PM PDT by Natural Born 54
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To: hoosiermama
... and even members of the Bush Admin who colluded with the Obama camp during the transition to make these questions go away.

I wonder who these people were?

Would campaign donation records offer any hint?

8,687 posted on 08/11/2009 3:40:17 PM PDT by thecodont
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To: Natural Born 54

Essentially that is what David said further up on this thread. (I think it was David, or someone else). The law was changed.

Yes, I remember now it was at — I posted the link above. Scroll back around 8600 — somewhere in there. He has a whole web page devoted to it because he and everyone in his family has dual citizenship with Canada and he knows all the ins and outs. I think his name is Dave.

I’m not looking to establish another citizenship for myself — I just toyed with the idea of getting another Passport in the late 70s, early 80s. My 13th great grandfather (back) was a Col. in the American Revolution. I couldn’t become an ex-pat now, even though this economy is killing me. But, it is interesting to know how and what was legal in 1961 (and it wasn’t legal in 1961).

8,688 posted on 08/11/2009 3:51:07 PM PDT by afraidfortherepublic
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To: BP2
I wonder which ID she used to do so -- it surely would have been her old Washington state ID, with her unmarried name before she left for Hawaii.

Firstly, I ask myself, what provenance exists for the November 21, 2008 letter from Stuart Lau - I cannot recall the initial source. Is a letter such as this all one can expect as the result of an FOI request? Should there not have been an official attendance record provided? What we see is nothing but a scan...of what may have been a photo-copy.

However, the attendance record from UW shows graduation from Mercer Island and a period of credits from Hawaii; again, the Philosophy credit shows an X - another extension course? The 'Russian 100' makes me wonder...these classes were reportedly conducted at the East-West Centre. How was the UH connected to the East-West Centre?

It's almost as if attorneys looked at the events in his life, figured out the pinch-points, and had Obama "reconstruct" the facts to keep him "legal" or leave room for doubt...

That's why sometimes, my POV may appear somewhat radical...but I try to ignore what we are EXPECTED to believe.

IF she was in Hawaii at all in 1960, IMO it was for a very SHORT period. Her enrollment as Stanley Ann Dunham at UW may reflect that at the time of enrollment she was NOT using the name Obama...perhaps because she had no ID in that name?


Ms. Stanley Ann Dunham was enrolled at the University of Washington for:

Autumn 1961

Winter 1962

Spring 1962

The records responsive to your request from the University of Washington are above as provided by the Public Disclosure Laws of Washington State. This concludes the University’s response to your Public Records request. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.

Madolyne Lawson Office of Public Records 206-543-9180


And, as we have since discovered, it's possible she was never physically there, the courses shown may have been correspondence courses...that matter is still open to debate.

Now allow me to ask a hypothetical question. I imagine myself as a physically handicapped student who wishes to study and graduate. I cannot attend an enrollment interview. A parent takes to the university whatever records I can supply - and I am enrolled. I study at home...or far, far away...

8,689 posted on 08/11/2009 4:15:16 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (DON'T LIE TO ME!)
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To: Fred Nerks
it's possible she was never physically there

She received passing grades in all her courses. They were introductory courses. In my experience, almost all introductory courses have a final exam as a minimum. More advanced courses may be "paper only"

There's only two possible explanations: She was physically there to take the finals, or she pulled a Ted Kennedy and had someone take the finals for her.

8,690 posted on 08/11/2009 4:53:51 PM PDT by Fractal Trader
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To: Natural Born 54; BP2

thanks, you may find this comment from BP2 informative:

8,691 posted on 08/11/2009 4:57:35 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (DON'T LIE TO ME!)
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To: Fractal Trader
She received passing grades in all her courses...

how does your statement relate to the 'Spring' period in Hawaii?

8,692 posted on 08/11/2009 5:17:55 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (DON'T LIE TO ME!)
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To: RegulatorCountry

Is the 14th Amendment solely about naturalization? (Hint: what part of “all persons BORN...” don’t you understand?) Was the 14th Amendment promulgated Congress and ratified by three-fourths of the states?
The Amendments are no different than the Articles, Sections and Clauses of the Constitution.
Marbury v Madison established the concept of judicial review. The 14th Amendment has been under judicial review hundreds of times in hundreds of different cases. The precedent setting 14th Amendment case with regard to natural born status is United States v. Wong Kim Ark from 1898. The Supreme Court ruled (6-2 with one Justice not participating in the decision) that a child born in the United States to foreign (in this case, Chinese) parents is indeed a born citizen of the United States.

8,693 posted on 08/11/2009 5:37:49 PM PDT by jamese777
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To: Natural Born 54
I remember reading that the Hague Convention 1933 did not allow for joint citizenship if one of the countries opposed it. Indonesia did NOT allow joint citizenship. They both SADO and BO, could have lost their citizenship....

Would SADO have restored hers at the time of her divorce....also would BhO?

8,694 posted on 08/11/2009 5:42:08 PM PDT by hoosiermama (ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
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To: All

Can someone find the cruise ship routed tt would contain both Mombasa and HI? (Early ‘60s)

Also the air plane routes between Mombasa and US mainland? British airline served Mombasa at this time.(Early ‘60s)

8,695 posted on 08/11/2009 5:49:33 PM PDT by hoosiermama (ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
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To: Fred Nerks

I am referring only to her registration and grades from the Fall 1961 quarter at the UW. Additionally, Obama’s alleged Seattle baby sitter has SAD in Seattle in February/March of 1962. Her Seattle friend places SAD in Seattle in August of 1961. Both of these people’s statements showed a knowledge of SADs situation vis a vis Obama, the marriage and his need for a Kenyan wife, etc. Additionally, the personal details (”SAD came with a newborn that she didn’t know how to change his diapers”) strike me as authentic and difficult to make up on the fly.

There are certainly problems with both of the witnesses statements but, given the concurrent information which includes registration at the UW (though I’m not sure about Corsi’s August 19 date), passing of classes and setting up a domicile recorded in Polk’s Directories, I find no reasonable case that would exclude her presence in Seattle from, at the minimum, from August until February.

8,696 posted on 08/11/2009 5:50:51 PM PDT by Fractal Trader
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To: Fred Nerks

Ah! It was both - thanks.

8,697 posted on 08/11/2009 5:52:36 PM PDT by Natural Born 54
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To: little jeremiah

please explain what you mean by what soil?

the fact has always been: if he was born anywhere besides US soil, he never had US citizenship...

if he was born in Hawaii he is a ‘native’ under the 14th, but he could not have EVER held the citizenship of a natural born because his father was a foreigner.

Period...he never was constitutionally qualified to run, let alone take the oath of office and our country is suffering everyday he is in office and he is doing harm that will take decades to correct.

8,698 posted on 08/11/2009 5:54:06 PM PDT by patlin
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To: BP2

As Obama SR did not graduate from Hawaii University until June 1962, and makes no mention of his bride and infant child in a June 22, 1962, interview with the Star-Bulletin the day he left Hawaii , one must wonder if other memories of Blake’s meeting with Dunham match relatively-established, critical statements of dates and locations.

Ya know there is a thought arising from this..

If Obama Sr didnt know about the supposed marriage thingy, and that he was suppose to be the father of Obama Jr then he wouldnt acknowledge them...

Nobody saw them together in Hawaii and she didnt live with him or stay with him...

Ann used her maiden name to register at UW because it was HER LEGAL NAME at the time...Fall 1961...

Susan Blake may have made the whole thing up...

What if Obama was a convenient “father” after the fact ???

Obama only saw his Dad that one time years later...

It’s not unusual to take a photo of your children with a good family that photo at the airport...

Obama never went to Kenya until after Obama Sr was dead...

Just a thought...

8,699 posted on 08/11/2009 5:54:55 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: patlin


8,700 posted on 08/11/2009 5:56:03 PM PDT by little jeremiah
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