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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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fiskmetosamabinladen; footingturf; forkinghay; formarmsandbody; formfeetandlegs; formkeywrdwatchgroup; frantictickticktock; freedomtoarmbears; freedumb2003; freepersinspace; fruitbat; fruitfliesinmywine; funwithkeywords; gameskeepersbigwilly; gameskeeperwillie; garignak; georgeorwell; getmeabeeredith; gggggggggggggggggggg; giantcatfishofthepo; givesdumbabadname; glocksandotherguns; gmanindahouse; goasphalt; gobosox; gocookacamel; godhatestrolls; godie; godthedevilandbob; goingforkwrecord; goingtoneedanewone; goodgrief9000posts; goodthink; goodthreadsgonbad; gotwood; grapejelly; greeneggsandham; growingkeywords; guderianrules; guinnessisgoodforyou; gunsandmoreguns; gunsnroses; hachachacha; hammerofthemods; hannity; happychristmas; happygal; happyhannukah; harmlessteddybear; headachemonkey; helloyoucrazypeople; helpimoutofwine; helpmetheygotme; herekittykitty; hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh; holyhandgrenade; holyshit; holyshiteonastick; hookedonfonics; horsefeathers; hottrollsex; howaboutamint; howboutthemcowboys; 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kickmeimtrollish; killthisthread; killthisthreadplease; kilroy; kilroywashere; kilroywasthere; kingofthebritons; kingproustpretender; kingproutlives; kittyfood; kittylitter; kittypoo; kittyvomit; kiwiword; kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk; klingon; klingonmacbeth; knightsofcolumbus; knowledgedecisions; konichiwa; kookkookkachoo; kwvandals; lastkeyword; lastpost; lavrenti; learntospelljews; leaveittobeeber; letthegoodtimesroll; letthisthreaddie; liberal; library; likeablackhole; limitto75000; llllllllllllllllllll; longestzotthread; lostpost; lotofstuffboutnuttin; lotsofkeywords; luigisloogies; makersmarkrules; marsupialbeeber; marsupialroadkill; massalama; maxx; me; meaddakeywordtoo; megathread; messagemassage; metallica; michaeldeeeeehiggins; migrationscultures; mikeiniraqwuzheretoo; milfmilfmilf; ministryoflove; ministryofpeace; ministryofplenty; ministryoftruth; mmmeggsandcoffee; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm; moderatemyass; moderatorinstigator; modsareinonit; molassesmiasma; monkeybutt; monkeyfacerules; 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owahtogusiam; pagingdrphil; paleoneonihilist; peoplewithnolife; phantomofkrankor; pharmboyzotjj; piazzarewls; pigthethroughnet; plasticbabies; pleasedeletethread; poisonivyberries; poppies; poweqi; pp; pppppppppppppppppppp; presidio9; pukindogishot; pumpkinchili; pumpkinhead; qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq; ragingalcholicmonkey; ragweedinoklahoma; ramjetrocks; reagan; reprobatshavebabies; rewl; rexxy; rightbloodygenius; righteousgentils; righttobeararms; righttobearlegs; rightturnclyde; rkba; roadkilledbeeberassn; rosiecotton; rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr; rudy; rush; samiam; sarahisahottie; scoobysnacks; scourgeofyazid; screamingzot; scumdogs; scurvydog; seinfeld; selfimposedquiet; senatordouchebag; senatorhuntingducks; series; setbeeberonstun; setbeeberstostune; severedfoot; sexophones; shabedbeeber; shavedpalms; shitforbrains; shootpoolwithrope; signofthebeast; sillylatintaglines; sitzpinkler; slingsandarrows; smelltheglove; smokeybackroomrules; somethingtouchedleg; soseries; spandexpantload; spinthetroll; 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To: King Prout
I am so sorry.

I am sitting on the 1 year anniversary of the death of a very loved dog.

My husband and I were discussing it earlier this evening. Our pain over the loss of this special little blessing is still great.

She was terminal and no medicine could help anymore. We administered a lethal injection not the vet.

No one can understand the taking of a life that you love to end suffering like someone else that has also done it.

My heart breaks for you and your loss.
43,461 posted on 11/17/2004 11:58:33 PM PST by TASMANIANRED (Free the Fallujah one.)
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To: King Prout

Sorry for your loss

43,462 posted on 11/18/2004 4:17:40 AM PST by scott0347 (Commander of the 0347th Lancer Brigade, Operator of the Immaculate Steamroller)
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To: A CA Guy
Five days of medicine to go still though.

Don't stop taking your medicine just because you feel better! Drink your orange juice! Wash your hands! Get plenty of sleep! Clean your room! Stop hitting your sister! Whoops! Mom rant OFF.

Take care - hope you're all better in a week!

43,463 posted on 11/18/2004 4:23:37 AM PST by Tax-chick (The whole world has gone crazy. Their beebers are stuned and there's no turning back.)
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To: Tax-chick; All
Here's my boy Patrick to say "Good Morning" to you all!
43,464 posted on 11/18/2004 4:50:06 AM PST by Tax-chick (The whole world has gone crazy. Their beebers are stuned and there's no turning back.)
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To: sionnsar
Can we FReepmail you?

Sure. That'll work, or you can just start another thread about it. :^)

43,465 posted on 11/18/2004 4:52:20 AM PST by Samwise (This day does not belong to one man but to all. --Aragorn)
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To: freedumb2003
We OTOH are just here for the beer.

Pints? You mean it comes in pints?

43,466 posted on 11/18/2004 4:53:12 AM PST by Samwise (This day does not belong to one man but to all. --Aragorn)
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To: international american

Yah. Downloading updates from the FTP site now, even if everything new will be posted while I'm in transit. :-(

43,467 posted on 11/18/2004 5:26:32 AM PST by sionnsar (NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
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To: King Prout

Condolences. We lost a shepherd that way, 24 years ago. Not quite full-grown, he was going to be a gorgeous dog...

43,468 posted on 11/18/2004 5:27:55 AM PST by sionnsar (NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
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To: sionnsar; All
Obligatory reminder, as I go off to pack... See y'all probably tomorrow.

 This is the  --Undead Thread-- on its way to The Ultimate LimitTM: Last Post #65535.

FReepmail me if you want on or off the Undead Thread ping list.

What is this thread all about?

43,469 posted on 11/18/2004 5:33:41 AM PST by sionnsar (NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
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To: All

I was wondering, how do you post a link so that when a person clicks on it it takes them to the part of the page you want them to see not just to the top of the page?

43,470 posted on 11/18/2004 5:47:19 AM PST by Asphalt (Three can keep a secret if two are dead.)
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To: Asphalt
ok, if you are talking about linking to a specific post on an FR thread, here's what you do:

1. click on the number of the post. In the case of YOUR post on this thread, that'd be
43,470 posted on 11/18/2004 8:47:19 AM EST by Asphalt (Three can keep a secret if two are dead.)
(great tagline, by the way)

2. The page will reload, with the URL specific to that post up in the browser address bar. Select that URL with your mouse, and execute [Ctrl][C] to copy it into your "clipboard"
in the case of your post, that URL is:

3. open a "post reply" window as you would normally do, replying to whatever post on whatever thread on whatever website messageboard you choose. Compose your reply

eg: Hey, y'all, hold muh beer an' watch ...(this)...!

4. now for a little html
replace all incidents of { and } with < and >, respectively, and, of course, "your text here" should be replaced with a message of your choice:

Hey, y'all, hold muh beer an' watch {a href=""}"your text here"{/a}!

so, basically, your post would look like the following:

Hey, y'all, hold muh beer an' watch {a href=""}THIS{/a}!

5. when posted with the correct script, your post will look like the following:

Hey, y'all, hold muh beer an' watch THIS!

clicking the "THIS" will take you straight to post #43,470 on this thread.

NOTE: the space between the "a" and the "href" is absolutely critical, so don't forget it.

43,471 posted on 11/18/2004 6:10:25 AM PST by King Prout (tagline under reconstruction)
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To: sionnsar

I was a free man in Key West
I felt unfettered and alive
nobody callin me for favors
noone's future to decide....

43,472 posted on 11/18/2004 6:41:02 AM PST by international american (GOD BLESS OUR VETERANS! LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!!)
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To: All

Got a live one here

43,473 posted on 11/18/2004 6:46:10 AM PST by scott0347 (Commander of the 0347th Lancer Brigade, Operator of the Immaculate Steamroller)
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To: King Prout

"My 15 lb strange furry son is dead"


That bites....I'm so sorry...

43,474 posted on 11/18/2004 6:53:26 AM PST by Monkey Face (Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
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To: Monkey Face; King Prout

Me too King. I can't imagine losing one of my two.

43,475 posted on 11/18/2004 7:28:24 AM PST by RushCrush (I Heart Halliburton)
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To: Tax-chick

"Here's my boy Patrick to say "Good Morning" to you all!"

Now THAT's what I call a SMILE! And good morning to you, as well!

*Thanks! I needed that!*

43,476 posted on 11/18/2004 7:33:11 AM PST by Monkey Face (Never launch a vast project with a half vast plan.)
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To: freedumb2003; tuliptree76; Tax-chick; King Prout

It was a family collaboration between sis, mom, and myself.

43,477 posted on 11/18/2004 7:34:14 AM PST by Darksheare (X)The belled one (X)
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This place is depressing today. I still have my 18lb
baby (have for almost 12 years now). I don't think
of what will be tommorrow, but of what is today.

I need a distraction, does anyone else?: Pirate Name Generator

43,478 posted on 11/18/2004 7:37:24 AM PST by Darkchylde (Defenestrate - to throw something (or someone) out of a window)
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To: King Prout


Can anyone explain why the heck a giant Durex is covering the Bubba LIEbrary at this time?
Are they going to have some ceremonial unwrapping of the hideous supersized trailer or something?
And are those cinder blocks holding it up?

43,479 posted on 11/18/2004 7:37:28 AM PST by Darksheare (X)The belled one (X)
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To: Darksheare

Gee. I don't know... why IS a DUREX on the liebary?

43,480 posted on 11/18/2004 7:38:33 AM PST by Darkchylde (Defenestrate - to throw something (or someone) out of a window)
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