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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)
Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate
why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!
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To: tuliptree76; Dead Corpse; Darkchylde; Darksheare; Fedora
Regarding the very interesting idea of being able to communicate on virtually a neuron by neuron level. There are a number of ramifications that should prove interesting to explore.
1.) Perfect communication, as described. Much desired in romantic fiction, but it would make for some very difficult transitions for most of us. I recall a Science Fiction short story in which a telepath manages to track down, in a very large city, another telepath who had flashed into his awareness during a trip on a transit train.
One blissful moment of perfect communication -- snatched away by the speeding train which separated them. For months he searched, trying again to find his soulmate. At last he succeeded, and quickly they shared all their secret dreams and aspirations, all their dark desires, all their hidden, shameful nastiness...
He hated her.
2.) Perfect communication obviates travel, for all reasons. This too would be a wrenching change for us, though we would save energy. Why go anywhere when you can bring the where to you?
3.) Similarly, much of our art and industry would be affected, if not wiped out. Essentially, we would have stumbled unknowingly into the world of The Matrix.
4.) A new method of slavery. Or perhaps, a way to allow our physical bodies to go to work, controlled by computer, while our minds are being entertained elsewhere. I had in mind to re-work The Gift of the Magi along this theme.
posted on
11/11/2004 9:45:48 PM PST
(My first book is out! -- You may need gloves... AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne.)
To: NicknamedBob
Ooohhh, I'm lost. What exactly are you updating?
posted on
11/11/2004 9:48:35 PM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: Darkchylde
Maybe you could go back and get your GED. It would help get you out and meet new people. Plus, it would be the first step in being able to get out on your own.
To: tuliptree76
I'm getting near time for my midnight snack, too, LOL! Probably some soup and a sandwich.
To: NicknamedBob
I like the idea of teleporation devices. It would make travel a whole lot easier. Of course...I don't really want to be one of the first people to test it out.
To: Darkchylde
Yeah, I'd like to read it!
To: Fedora
Yum! Now I have leftover stuffing for a couple more meals or snacks. LOL!
To: tuliptree76
Mom keeps saying I can't. Since I dropped out of classes, they
won't let me take it or something. So I'd have to move to another
state & try again. We've been looking to move for at least 7 years.
Mom's actually given up looking around 'cause dad isn't budging.
posted on
11/11/2004 9:52:40 PM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: Fedora
Okay. I was actually playing with haiku
& it decided it didn't want to be such.
The moon rises high in the midnight sky.
A vampire plays with unsuspecting prey.
He's got her in sight, she won't last the night.
Now she's in his arms, can't resist his charms.
His teeth sink in, told you he'd win.
She falls to the ground, no more blood to be found...
Dawn comes this way, time to hide away.
posted on
11/11/2004 9:55:55 PM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: tuliptree76
Don't mention teleportation testing to my brother when
he's up. He might think of something *sssss* creeeeepy.
posted on
11/11/2004 9:58:02 PM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: Darkchylde
How about home study courses? I've seen commercials for schools that let people get GEDs by independent study. You'd think that you would be able to get your GED some place near your home even though you dropped out.
To: Darkchylde
I'm sorry.
I can't adopt you. My wife just wouldn't understand.
[ cricket ... cricket ]
[ cricket ... cricket ]
There has to be an answer. Perhaps a relative to live with. An elderly aunt who could use a companion. One who lives in a college town.
Take college courses on-line ... work online ...
Whatever you do, don't do anything stupid. Actions taken because of "desperation" only lead to more despair.
Go to work with your Dad. Tell them it's "take your Daughter to work day" -- then just don't leave.
posted on
11/11/2004 9:59:16 PM PST
(My first book is out! -- You may need gloves... AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne.)
To: Darkchylde
LOL! I remember discussing it with him once on another thread. How many siblings do you have?
To: tuliptree76
My mom insists I'd have to move before
trying again. I've complained before about
living in limbo. It's draining mentally &
emotionally. My only outlets right now are
music, my poetry, tv & FR.
posted on
11/11/2004 10:04:04 PM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: NicknamedBob
Interesting ideas. I usually do telepathy as "non-perfect" communication as my stories, which doesn't run into some of those issues. It'd be interesting to read a story where that's done differently.
To: tuliptree76
Leftovers are great midnight snacks! :)
To: Darkchylde
How about calling the GED Testing Service office yourself and asking them about the requirements and if they know of any places near you that has classes. I found this online:
New York
Dr. Patricia M. Mooney
State GED Chief Examiner
New York State Education Department
GED Testing
P.O. Box 7348
Albany, NY 12224-0348
(518) 486-5746
Hotline: (518) 474-5906
It's located at
To: Darkchylde
So did that start off as a haiku and get changed?
To: tuliptree76; Darkchylde
"I don't really want to be one of the first people to test it out."
This one's perfectly safe ...
At the AIport ... (originally a typo, I took it as an Artificial Intelligence Port, and away I went...)
Hello, Mr. Martin? Are you our travel agent?
Yes, Maam. I understand you want to travel to Atlanta? The exceedingly well-groomed agent smiled politely.
Yes. What with all the problems with airlines, and other methods which are just so time-consuming and uncomfortable, we thought we would use this new system. Is it true that we wont really have to move at all? The rather heavy women seemed particularly concerned about too much movement.
Yes, Maam, thats true. Once we make all the arrangements about your appearance and destination, youll go into one of our travel salons to be made comfortable for your journey. You will physically remain there for the duration of your trip, and when you end the trip, you will automatically be right back here again!
The woman looked puzzled. How does that work? If I travel there, wont I have to travel back here, too?
Mr. Martin did not change his expression at all. Smiling, he patiently explained. You will not actually be going anywhere. Its just like a telephone call. When you are visiting with someone on the telephone, you may have the feeling that you are right there talking to them. Of course, when you conclude your call, you find that are right back where you were before. Mr. Martin could stand here, and smile all day. His feet would not hurt him, and his smile never tired. He resumed, This works the same way. You will make yourself comfortable in the travel salon, and then you will put on your excursion suit. The suit monitors all the movements and positions that your body takes, and watches your facial expressions. Across the country, your simulacrum, or avatar, then duplicates those motions, feeding back to you the physical objects it encounters in the real world. You can travel in elevators, open doors, shake hands with people, even give them hugs. We recommend that you not try to kiss anyone, however. That would be unsanitary, and you wouldnt be satisfied, either.
But how could I visit with people that way? They would be looking at a strangers face! My grand-daughter would run away from me!
Oh, no! Not if she knows what you look like. You see, your avatar will be wearing your face, and making the same facial expressions. When you smile, the avatar will smile, and when your picture is taken with the group, no one will know that you were not physically there.
He continued, This is our finest achievement! When you put on your excursion suit, your face and body proportions are mapped for producing an identical face on your avatar. By the way, He said conspiratorially, many people like to do a little touch-up here and there to shed just a few pounds or wrinkles! He winked at her in a friendly manner.
She dimpled at the revelation. Oh, thats nice! Id like to be able to take that home with me!
Mr. Martin laughed. Im sorry, but Im afraid it doesnt work that way. Besides, Im sure you wont want to spend too much time in the excursion suit. He looked around, then whispered, Theres no way to go to the bathroom!
She laughed, and started pulling out her identification and credit cards. She was sold.
Mr. Martin relaxed. In a few minutes, he would be able to sit down on his stool, and stare at the reservation screen. Then he would stick out his tongue at it.
The avatar was not programmed to respond to that. His tongue would contact a switch that hovered in front of his face, and disconnect him from Mr. Martin. Butch was looking forward to it. Getting the helmet off so he could scratch his thinning hair was one of the forbidden pleasures of his job.
Of course, he could always hit the Just-a-moment switch, and get back into costume in about three seconds if someone approached the counter. All in all, it wasnt such a bad job.
He didnt even have to leave his apartment.
(NicknamedBob . . . . June 19, 2004)
posted on
11/11/2004 10:10:29 PM PST
(My first book is out! -- You may need gloves... AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne.)
To: NicknamedBob
LOL! Yeah, that one's safe. But I was thinking more in the terms of Star Trek. :-D
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