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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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To: shezza
LMOL (even if it's a bit like schadenfreude). beam_me_up got it right:
In case any of you don't get it, THIS IS GOING TO GET VERY VERY UNGLY. We are on the edge of the next great world war and it isn't only going to happen 'over there'. Those of us living inside the borders of the United States are a CAPTIVE POPULATION being exposed to a skillfully orchestrated set of mind conditioning procedures.

The best thing any of us can do is UNPLUG FROM THE SYSTEM as much as we can. THE MONSTER DEPENDS UPON OUR *BUYING INTO* ITS SYSTEM. If we REFUSE to buy it, ultimately, not without great struggle but ultimately, it will wither and die.


He's right. And here's the way; spread the word.

38,521 posted on 11/06/2004 7:03:01 PM PST by sionnsar (NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
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To: sionnsar
I almost pity the poor fools. Almost.

Okay, you're really on your own now, 'cause I'm off to bed. Three-part harmony, take it away...!

38,522 posted on 11/06/2004 7:07:35 PM PST by shezza (We will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail.)
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To: shezza
Sounds like bagpipe practice, eh? (I've got one son that wants to learn. We've already got the chanter.)

Excellent. How old is he?

A couple of cautions, though. First, only about 10% of those who start out actually make it to the pipes themselves (6 months to a year after starting).

Second, get him a teacher! This is critically important, because there are a few aspects of correct piping that just can't be taught from a book. These include the speed and (non-)timing of gracenotes and the various runs of gracenotes, as well as the critical avoidance of "crossing noises." (And I won't even go into the Art of Bagpipe Maintenance -- which includes getting a brand new set into playable condition.)

I heard a self-taught piper once -- it was not a pretty thing. The good news: bagpipe teachers tend to cost less than most other music teachers.

Bands often teach, but tend to teach band style -- rigid in timing, no expression. (Canadian pipers tend to excel at this, but I consider their playing rather mechanical, even if skillful.)

There's another style that appears to have more Gaelic roots that discards our notion of timing for expression. Even though my teacher emphasized expression (on an instrument where you have no control over volume, no sharps or flats, and only 9 notes in all, what can you alter but timing?), to these people my playing would still be rather rigid. (I often won points in competition for "expression.")

38,523 posted on 11/06/2004 7:18:17 PM PST by sionnsar (NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
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To: shezza

Well, I'm awa' too, because it's dinner time.

38,524 posted on 11/06/2004 7:19:50 PM PST by sionnsar (NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
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To: shezza; Monkey Face

G'nite! Hey, how come when I check in to say everyone goes to bed? I'm turning into the third shift Undead Thread keeper!

38,525 posted on 11/06/2004 7:21:19 PM PST by Fedora
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To: sionnsar; Darksheare
Well, I'm awa' too, because it's dinner time.

See what I mean? (See Post 38,525.) Darksheare, I think I absorbed your thread-killing powers again!

38,526 posted on 11/06/2004 7:22:41 PM PST by Fedora
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To: Fedora

Well, hi, and all that, but it's just about my bedtime! But it's only 7-ish on the West Coast ... what's wrong with those epople?

38,527 posted on 11/06/2004 7:43:37 PM PST by Tax-chick (First we had all the money, then we got all the votes, now we have all the fun!)
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To: Tax-chick

"Well, hi, and all that, but it's just about my bedtime!"

Doh!!!--not you, too!

"But it's only 7-ish on the West Coast ... what's wrong with those epople?"

There must be a party on another thread or something nobody's telling me about. . .

38,528 posted on 11/06/2004 7:48:20 PM PST by Fedora
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To: Fedora

I dunno ... I haven't hit any really hot thread this evening. I'd stay up and visit with you, but I've got nursery duty at church tomorrow, and that means 8 cranky 2-3 year olds, plus *the triplets*, who are not mine, thank God!

38,529 posted on 11/06/2004 7:53:51 PM PST by Tax-chick (First we had all the money, then we got all the votes, now we have all the fun!)
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To: Tax-chick

I can deal with the 4-5 year olds for an hour or so, but 8 2-3 year olds would wear me out! And triplets. . hoo boy! My worst babysitting experience was when I sat for a family that had 5 kids, all aged 6 or under. I happened to come down with the flu during the course of the day, so they ran circles around me, LOL!

Have a good night!

38,530 posted on 11/06/2004 8:02:19 PM PST by Fedora
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To: Fedora

You have a good night, too! I just finished a letter to my best friend back in Oklahoma, who has 7 children 9-and-under. My life is so EASY ...

38,531 posted on 11/06/2004 8:07:20 PM PST by Tax-chick (First we had all the money, then we got all the votes, now we have all the fun!)
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To: Tax-chick
7 children 9-and-under

Yikes!!! That's like the Brady Bunch plus Cousin Oliver! :)

38,532 posted on 11/06/2004 8:24:04 PM PST by Fedora
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To: RKBA Democrat

At least we agree on some things. : )

38,533 posted on 11/06/2004 8:29:37 PM PST by tuliptree76
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To: NicknamedBob

Once amaze me. LOL!

38,534 posted on 11/06/2004 8:34:12 PM PST by tuliptree76
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To: NicknamedBob
I can write a poem about any subject ... except King Prout. about tulip trees? :-)

38,535 posted on 11/06/2004 8:40:39 PM PST by tuliptree76
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To: tuliptree76
Tulip Trees

The perfect tree for a distant time, ‘ere Man was in the wood,
It harbored birds and bunnies, squirrels and mice, and all was very good.
And man arrived, with ax and saw, and made the world his own,
The tulip tree, despite its grace, into this brawl was thrown.

"How useful is this tree," he said, and cut into the wood,
"We’ll make our homes and furniture, and life will be so good."
The tree, of course, did not care which, would eat it or enjoy,
It sought to spread its wings by any means it could employ.

It did not judge the animals, or men who sought its shade,
But sought to dwell in harmony to all within the glade.
This is a lesson we can learn who seek our place on Earth.
Be useful, but progress your way, and show the world your worth.

NicknamedBob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 7, 2004

38,536 posted on 11/06/2004 9:21:45 PM PST by NicknamedBob (My first book is out! -- You may need gloves... AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne.)
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To: NicknamedBob

Wow! I am definately impressed. Great poem! *applauds* You should move it over to Amy's.

38,537 posted on 11/06/2004 9:29:14 PM PST by tuliptree76
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To: tiamat

Was gone, back from watching live the UCLA Wahington game live with friends.
Bad game, but it was just fun to go watch anyway.

38,538 posted on 11/06/2004 9:32:47 PM PST by A CA Guy (God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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To: NicknamedBob

Yep, very very nice.

38,539 posted on 11/06/2004 9:35:31 PM PST by A CA Guy (God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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To: Tax-chick
Well, hi, and all that, but it's just about my bedtime! But it's only 7-ish on the West Coast ... what's wrong with those epople?

Well, we epople were idnner aeting and a omvie nejoying!

38,540 posted on 11/06/2004 9:43:32 PM PST by sionnsar (NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
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