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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)
Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate
why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!
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To: Darksheare
"I'm used to hearing, "Umm.. just WHOSE chest is that you're clutching?"
But the person in charge of bustin' on me like that is unavailable anymore.:
Some of us are not too "particular" --- at least, when we are sober...
posted on
11/06/2004 3:29:26 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: tiamat
posted on
11/06/2004 3:36:20 PM PST
(Personality shattered and horribly twisted, the humor flows out through the cracks.)
To: tiamat
Hey Girl!
Are you rested?
posted on
11/06/2004 3:43:08 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: King Prout; Monkey Face
I am humbly appreciative, Sire.
(You did ask...)
Mmm Face, you asked, "is nothing sacred?" The answer is no, nothing is sacred.
I have written poems about the sacred, (and books about the profane.)
I have written poems about nothing.
I have written poems about "is".
I can write a poem about any subject ... except King Prout.
The King is not a subject.
posted on
11/06/2004 3:47:31 PM PST
(My first book is out! -- You may need gloves... AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne.)
To: Monkey Face; tiamat
*Tarzan like call followed by painful sounding crash*
I'm fine! *flicks strange bug off shoulder* Really.
Halloo halloo.
posted on
11/06/2004 3:49:27 PM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: NicknamedBob
I can write a poem about any subject ... except King Prout. The King is not a subject.well, some folks tell me there is a King of Kings, so...
posted on
11/06/2004 3:49:55 PM PST
King Prout
("We've found more WMDs in Iraq than we've found disenfranchised blacks in Florida." - Ann Coulter)
To: Monkey Face; Darksheare
posted on
11/06/2004 3:53:03 PM PST
King Prout
("We've found more WMDs in Iraq than we've found disenfranchised blacks in Florida." - Ann Coulter)
To: Monkey Face
For somne odd reason I am reminded of a song lyric by a little known band called 'Into Another'...
posted on
11/06/2004 3:55:01 PM PST
(Personality shattered and horribly twisted, the humor flows out through the cracks.)
To: NicknamedBob
"I can write a poem about any subject ... except King Prout."
I noticed. Clever man, you! I am in awe. I may disagree with what you say, but I will....(you know the rest)
posted on
11/06/2004 3:58:12 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: Darksheare
"For somne odd reason I am reminded of a song lyric by a little known band called 'Into Another'..."
Do I dare ask????
posted on
11/06/2004 4:00:29 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: Monkey Face
posted on
11/06/2004 4:04:31 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: King Prout
The Price to Pay
We have a journey coming. The path is marked for you.
Youve all received instructions in the things you have to do.
Dont worry about the payment. Your fares been paid in full.
It took a little influence, but we know Someone with pull.
You may have had a chance sometime, to give some kids a ride.
Im sure it made you feel real good, somewhere deep inside.
How generous could you have been to pay the price in pain?
Could you have had the courage to go back again and again?
A million times? A billion? Ten billion ... even more?
We cant conceive the suffering, or the purpose it was for.
The passage has been paid for us, but somethings still not fair.
You still owe a debt of gratitude that cant be paid by prayer.
You can pay this debt to others who may need something from you,
Pay it forward, if you will, when you see that its come due.
The ones who need are needy. Some even carry signs.
Be careful though to choose your path, there are so many lines.
Do not fall prey to giving, just for the givings sake.
The proper way to lend your help will give your back an ache.
And blisters could show up on those oh-so-soft hands you have,
Be comforted that where youre bound, there will be healing salve.
NicknamedBob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 25, 2004
posted on
11/06/2004 4:10:48 PM PST
(My first book is out! -- You may need gloves... AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne.)
To: All
Is Arafat dead or just "on ice" until a successor can be found?
posted on
11/06/2004 4:12:16 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: Monkey Face
Ummm.. too late.
It's the END part of the song.
Into Another - T.A.I.L.
It is a pity that she never sees
So many faces he hides from her
And he is as amphibious as they come
And as they come he iis promising her everything
Oh, if she only knew everything
And he thinks he is so pretty, but he never sees
His own reflection staring right back at him
The water's always rippling
And I won't see things his way
No, Idon't know him
I don't owe him anything
She loves him
He's not there
She wants to leave
And she wants to believe the countless lies he tells her
And she tells a few herself
But, let me say in her defense
She lies in self defense
It is a pity that she's never been to many places
He hides from her
He says he loves her
He tells us all that
When she wakes uo
She'll leave
She's gonna leave him
Leave him
She loves him
He's not there
He is
It's not the mere fact that she's reptilian
Though you'd think that it would be
Wouldn't you?
It's in teh way he takes
The way she gives so willingly
As they've done all their lives
She loves him
He's not there
He is
You know she'll wait there
Or anywhere
And everywhere
posted on
11/06/2004 4:17:04 PM PST
(Personality shattered and horribly twisted, the humor flows out through the cracks.)
To: Monkey Face
Could've been worse.
Could have been this song:
Into Another - 'May I?'
May I Love you madly
like a boy?
Kiss you sadly?
Feed you tears and drink your skin?
Invite myself right in?
May I?
Half-child voice falls on my head like warmest ocean waves
GENTLY and deliberately drowning me
And WILLINGLY I drown.
If I ask politely
Will you watch as I die nightly?
Would you think me TACTLESS if I act LESS like the man I am?
May I?
Half-closed eyes like those,
on a tired TIGERESS.
Gently and deliberately melt my BULLETPROOF MIRRORSHADES
Peer inside at MY REAL EYES
And I can't help but SMILE
No I can't help.
Would you think me thoughtless
If I thought less of myself from time to time,
Or if I knowingly, willingly lost what's left of my MIND
Oh, I can't help but smile
No, I can't help.
posted on
11/06/2004 4:17:47 PM PST
(Personality shattered and horribly twisted, the humor flows out through the cracks.)
To: NicknamedBob
Ah. I can see you are a rare gem with many facets...
posted on
11/06/2004 4:23:52 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: Darksheare
I think I am hearing music that isn't really there, and the words are all mangled in my brain.
But yah -- it works!
posted on
11/06/2004 4:27:09 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: All
The headache is making the right side of my head seem really hugh, so I am going to bed...this sucks.
Later all. Take care.
Maybe it needs to be stuned with a beeber...(anyone?)
posted on
11/06/2004 4:41:31 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: Monkey Face
posted on
11/06/2004 4:42:43 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
To: Monkey Face
posted on
11/06/2004 4:42:44 PM PST
Monkey Face
(Life is too short to dance with ugly men.)
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