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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)
Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate
why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!
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To: King Prout
posted on
08/01/2004 10:51:20 AM PDT
To: cyborg
it sucks, too - cuz I LIKE RYE BREAD
hard to get rye bread without caraway.
not impossible, but a major PITA
posted on
08/01/2004 10:55:31 AM PDT
King Prout
("Thou has been found guilty and convicted of malum zambonifactum most foul... REPENT!)
To: bad company
I usually do not see anything important, either.
the "windows" are different from being "called" to speak with a person.
posted on
08/01/2004 10:56:53 AM PDT
King Prout
("Thou has been found guilty and convicted of malum zambonifactum most foul... REPENT!)
To: King Prout
posted on
08/01/2004 11:01:42 AM PDT
To: bad company; King Prout; Darksheare; Conspiracy Guy; OSHA; Laura Earl
1/2 Wyandot (with a dash of french)
1/2 who knows what on the Y side but with a lot of Welsh and various other things brought in through the X side.
It runs in both sides of the family but is fairly mild on moms side. On dads we have the Kentucky Derby with all of his siblings having it to some extent.
This generation only my brother and I have it.
Physically: fine bone structure.
5" and a fraction.
Between 0 and 200....Oh all right 105.
Dark brown hair that started getting sprinkled with silver when I was 17. About 5% silver now and no I don't dye it. I am who I am.
Black eyes from birth
Skin, very light and I do not tan at all.
Very strong for my size. I can lift my weight in equipment and carry it. If I lay hands on something and want it to move, it moves.
Have to be careful about what I eat which is why I am in to cooking.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:02:15 AM PDT
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Ense et aratro! "Lady Snuggles of the Lethal Yew" Keeper of the thread killing Mr.Ducky RKBA)
To: King Prout
I wonder: do you have an immediate adverse reaction to caraway seeds? I don't use them in cooking. Not as bad as green pepper but not my favorite thing.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:08:33 AM PDT
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Ense et aratro! "Lady Snuggles of the Lethal Yew" Keeper of the thread killing Mr.Ducky RKBA)
To: cyborg
yeah, it was a good slaunchwise pun
posted on
08/01/2004 11:13:37 AM PDT
King Prout
("Thou has been found guilty and convicted of malum zambonifactum most foul... REPENT!)
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
Is it that you don't like them or that you cannot abide them?
for us, it isn't even a matter of taste: I tested one of my nephews (with my sister's grudging consent) when h was three years old by placing a caraway seed on the skin on the back of his hand for five minutes... it raised a small blister.
something in us does not abide something that is in them.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:17:46 AM PDT
King Prout
("Thou has been found guilty and convicted of malum zambonifactum most foul... REPENT!)
To: Fedora
All liquid, high Hemoglobin diet!!
posted on
08/01/2004 11:24:22 AM PDT
(Lunatic turtle on the barnyard fence with a fruitcake gun, shouting many squirrels..)
To: King Prout
My dad installed it when I was about five.
My great-grandma died and we went to the funeral. There was a major amount of hostility floating around and I was picking up on it.
As I grew up I learned how to use it both defensively and offensively.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:24:25 AM PDT
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Ense et aratro! "Lady Snuggles of the Lethal Yew" Keeper of the thread killing Mr.Ducky RKBA)
To: King Prout
Just do not like I think.
Will not eat. I don't believe I have ever touched them so I don't know.
Very interesting. Maybe I should buy some and experiment.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:28:06 AM PDT
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Ense et aratro! "Lady Snuggles of the Lethal Yew" Keeper of the thread killing Mr.Ducky RKBA)
To: King Prout
Sounds familiar.
"Your eyes.. they're like black holes, sucking in everything and letting nothing back out!"*
*said by someone trying to pry into my head.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:32:52 AM PDT
(Lunatic turtle on the barnyard fence with a fruitcake gun, shouting many squirrels..)
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
ah, a guard program later integrated/subsumed into your own systems.
done a couple of them - they do seem to work.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:33:55 AM PDT
King Prout
("Thou has been found guilty and convicted of malum zambonifactum most foul... REPENT!)
To: King Prout
I've 'disappeared' while standing in plain sight.
Dunno how I 'do' it, I just do.
I have discovered that it is somewhat random as I'll be deep in thought sitting alone and will be spotted, or I'll be sitting down and not be seen at all.
Weird, but useful at times.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:34:42 AM PDT
(Lunatic turtle on the barnyard fence with a fruitcake gun, shouting many squirrels..)
To: Darksheare
something like that, yes.
the usual reaction from the uninvited guest is "recoil in horror, depart in haste"
posted on
08/01/2004 11:35:14 AM PDT
King Prout
("Thou has been found guilty and convicted of malum zambonifactum most foul... REPENT!)
To: King Prout
Yes, it is odd.
I think it may be that people who have these kinds of 'talents' tend to gravitate towards each other in one way or another.
(Sometimes people with similar talents dislike each other intensely but for some inexplicable reason are friends.. Noticed that in 'the real world' a few times.)
posted on
08/01/2004 11:37:43 AM PDT
(Lunatic turtle on the barnyard fence with a fruitcake gun, shouting many squirrels..)
To: bad company
Not so off the wall the way questions go.
It is guessed that there's a Celt or three in the ancestry.
Mom's side of the family has been said to have "Black Irish" in the family tree somewhere.
(Proving difficult to track down.)
But there is one person who was into witchcraft known in the family roughly around 1880's.
(Named by family nickname "Sadie". [Sarah])
So some pretty weird stuff is known in the family.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:41:01 AM PDT
(Lunatic turtle on the barnyard fence with a fruitcake gun, shouting many squirrels..)
To: Darksheare
plain-sight invisibility is, I think, more an inherent knack than a learnable skill. There are tricks which can refine the skill, though.
Most people's eyes dart around constantly, not under conscious control. they build a soert of automatic-pilot model of their environment, and only notice objects and motion in the focal zone. departing tangentially away/by a person when their eye darts in the opposite direction, your motion gets masked by the motion of the eye itself. When they next look back to where you were, you have "disappeared".
that's a bio-neuro trick.
the "ki" side of it, otoh... how can I explain what I can do but cannot claim to understand HOW i do it?
posted on
08/01/2004 11:41:19 AM PDT
King Prout
("Thou has been found guilty and convicted of malum zambonifactum most foul... REPENT!)
To: King Prout
What is known for certain in my ancestry is *ptui* French and German.
Beyond that it starts becoming guesswork.
5'5" 110lbs
Eyes: Brown eyes, iris turns reddish under certain moods/emotions. (Embarrassing to say exactly which emotions)
Hair: Seasonal change dark brow/black in winter going red/crimson redbrown in summer depending on sun exposure.
Pasty pale skin unless exposed to sun often, then it's a mild light tan/light sallow.
Talon hands/ 'darth vader grip'.
I also burn off anything I eat rapidly, gaining weight is a nightmare.
I'm told that I surprise people with my grip at times.
(My brother in law, when he told me that my step-daughter was dead, went to grab me to keep me standing. He ended up asking me to let go of him. He's 6 foot and 200 pounds.)
posted on
08/01/2004 11:46:40 AM PDT
(Lunatic turtle on the barnyard fence with a fruitcake gun, shouting many squirrels..)
To: bad company
Heard of it.
Great grandfather had it.
posted on
08/01/2004 11:47:26 AM PDT
(Lunatic turtle on the barnyard fence with a fruitcake gun, shouting many squirrels..)
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