Posted on 12/29/2011 1:01:09 PM PST by daletoons
Atheist militant Richard Dawkins has produced a children's book entitled "The Magic of Reality" and in doing so has joined the Millstone Swim and Dive Club. Spreading his venom for God to kids under the guise of Scientism is about as putrid as it gets. Children using simple God-given logic conclude the existence of a creator. It requires an abandonment of logic to attain self omniscience and declare there is no God. The materialist's faith in the escape hatch of "there just wasn't enough evidence for me" won't wash on judgement day. Here's a book idea: The ghost of Christopher Hitchens, Jacob Marley style, appears to Richard Dawkins and sets him straight. Dickey would probably make a hash of it, too bad Hitchens isn't still around to write it.
I’m not so sure why I was pinged to this ongoing discussion, but this is getting interesting.
And I guess this answers MY question. You actually don't believe there is any such thing as non-belief. Or rather (to use your little trick), you actively believe that non-belief does not exist. You believe in the non-existence of non-belief.
Nice dodge. Answer the question or maybe you should run away like last time.
Answer what question?
Pipe, she hits each note in perfect pitch and somehow forms that child’s instrument into the perfect sound box ... at such a young age. It is almost as if when she opens her mouth another being takes over the sounds coming out of her. Astonishingly beautiful it is.
Why is your belief there is no God simply not another belief?
My answer does not change: Asexual means lack of sexuality, not a different sexuality. Atypical means not typical, not a different kind of typical. Arrhythmic means no rhythm, not a different kind of rhythm. Athiest means a lack of belief in gods. There is nothing else that goes with it. It’s not a belief system.
As soon as you do, I'll answer yours about "unbelief".
It's really a simple question.
Spare me the nonsense.
You really need to think a bit deeper....
Good night. And please stop spouting nonsense, that's all you've done.
This does explain why you are religious, though. You looked around at reality and said "I don't like this answer, give me another." And religion gave you another. Now you think that this is the way to handle everything.
[ she hits each note in perfect pitch and somehow forms that childs instrument into the perfect sound box ]
Its true...........
Until I {..ugh..} obsessed on her I never knew that (I) could determine perfect pitch.. almost 70 years old and I never knew (or cared) that about myself..
Started questioning myself what is it about this kid that attracts me so?.. Started going over various items it could be.. But you may have hit on it.. Some people can determine “pitch” better than others can.. Like some have more sensitive taste buds than others and some can smell with more sensitive smellers than others.. Must be about pitch as well..
I started noticing (after determining this) that some bands had instruments “tuned” to each other better than others.. and singers were sometimes close but not pitch perfect.. effecting the quality of the performance.. all from this little girl.. What you say is true.. but I think she projects “her spirit” as well.. whatever that is.. “Voice people/professionals” might argue but there is something spiritual in her performances.. I’m not real sure what “the spirit” is but it seems to be real.. to me..
Made me open to the possibility others could project their “spirits” in some other ways.. I’m still considering that.. Wonder if you can develop the ability to gauge/measure that..
I really could care less about most singing before this..
My mentality went in other directions.. Hell I’m even studying OPERA of all things.. Opera to me before was “silly”.. and “ballet” comical.. Well I still think ballet kind of silly.. But maybe “the spirit” can be projected there too..
Anyway theres more to this girl than meets the eye..
Could really be a gift from God..
She said in one interview that she thanks God for her “gift” and ask God to sing with her on every performance.. (the little sweetie LoL)
If I was God.... “I would”...
perfect lady: But I dont feel cornered at all
Spirited: Being cornered is not your problem, having no “self” (soul) is. Six centuries before Jesus Christ, Buddha already knew that if there is no God—the supernatural God and not an immanentist version-—then there is no source for ‘self’ (soul, mind, free will).
If atheism, or scientific materialism, immanentism and evolutionism for that matter are true, then man is nothing but an empty shell. He is a mindless, soulless nothing, and so are you, perfect lady.
Negation of ‘self’ is nihilism, and the impossibility of living within its’ parameters is made evident every time an atheist (or materialist, etc) reasons, conceptualizes, theorizes, argues, dreams, imagines or argues with believers, as is taking place in this thread.
God the Father IS.
They're just kidding themselves:
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Romans 1:20Thank you so very much, daletoons, for posting the hilarious cartoon and for sponsoring this spirited thread!
When a poster declares that he does not believe, it strikes me as bizarre as if he said that he does not believe my brother exists. I've known my brother my entire life but I do not expect everyone else I know to also know him and yet it would be bizarre for them to deny his existence simply because they do not know him.
Not everyone has the gift of "ears to hear" to know Him.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: - John 10:27
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned. - I Cor 2:13
For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. - I Cor 18:22-24
I'm not mindless, but I'm definitely soulless. So are you. So is everyone. A "soul" is a human fantasy, growing mostly out of an absolute inability to comprehend that you will one day cease to exist. Most of humanity's ego simply cannot accept that. "I? Cease to exist? Something as wonderful and complex as I am?? Impossible!"
If you say you have a brother, I would accept that, because millions of people have brothers and there’s nothing peculiar about it. If, however, we met for coffee and you gestured toward an empty chair and said, “And here’s my brother!” ... well... we’d have a problem. And if you told me that if I believed first, then I’d “see” him, I would made a gentle excuse and grab my coffee and get away from you as quickly as possible.
It seems A_perfect_lady cannot discern spiritually for the simple reason that she denies Spirit. She's got herself locked up in a box that she sees no reason to get out of....
In her book, God, being "supernatural," cannot exist. Thus she "edits reality" down to the size of her own insistent demand that God NOT exist....
Sigh. It's sad.
Thank you ever so much for writing, dearest sister in Christ!
If I am “natural man,” so be it. I like that title just fine. It’s a big world and there’s plenty to see and do right here without plugging your brain into the Matrix. But to each his own.
Thats your prerogative. Use it in good health.
Yet you haunt the halls of FR looking to quarrel with Christians (that seems to be your sole mission). Why?
Your principal argumentative tactic appears to be feigned indifference to the very issue central to the whole topic by remaining passive like a rug on the floor and by pretending to embrace a life that extends little beyond washing and shopping for beans and toilet paper.
Im the washing, shopping for beans, and toilet paper type. I dont care how the universe began. I do care about my budget, my job, my home, my family, my pets, my health... you know... LIFE.
A transparent attempt to escape responsibility for your advocacy, thereby avoiding the skullwork necessary to defend that advocacy (an activity that would fail in any event). You profess umbrage at the thought that some people believe in the Judeo-Christian God and are given to express that belief on FR. Yet you chose to go, unnecessarily, to the very threads that so give you offense, while proclaiming your indifference to their content, yet noisily objecting to their existence. Your behavior casts profound doubt on your declarations. If you are sincere, you should follow the advice of our forum sponsor and patron:
Dont have to view em. Dont like em, just stay out of em.
- Jim Robinson -
Dear lady, I like you well enough to not burn you at a stake or dunk you in a pond, but not so much as to not name what it is that you are doing.
Free Republic is pro-God. You are at a convention of people who do hear Him - in truth, who are routinely speaking with Him all around you and have for years.
Is it rational to presume that all of us are nutz because you cannot hear Him?
What if you were at a convention of physicists?
Would you deny that the cosmos exists because you cannot noodle it? Or the quantum?
Would you deny relativistic time because you cannot conceive of it?
Would you deny that you are rocketing through space at over 550,000 mph simply because you cannot physically sense it?
Envision how those physicists might react to such a person at the convention - and compare it to how your correspondents have reacted to you.
Man is not the measure of God.
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