Free Republic is pro-God. You are at a convention of people who do hear Him - in truth, who are routinely speaking with Him all around you and have for years.
Is it rational to presume that all of us are nutz because you cannot hear Him?
What if you were at a convention of physicists?
Would you deny that the cosmos exists because you cannot noodle it? Or the quantum?
Would you deny relativistic time because you cannot conceive of it?
Would you deny that you are rocketing through space at over 550,000 mph simply because you cannot physically sense it?
Envision how those physicists might react to such a person at the convention - and compare it to how your correspondents have reacted to you.
Man is not the measure of God.
If you don't want to me to speak of this on FR, you will go a long way in reducing my replies by not addressing or pinging me on such matters. If you think you are going to address me, question me, or ping me, and then tell me I shouldn't answer, then yes, you actually MIGHT be a little nuts.