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To: A_perfect_lady; Jim Robinson
Well I can’t believe God did it if there’s no reason to think that any such creatures exists.

That’s your prerogative. Use it in good health.

Yet you haunt the halls of FR looking to quarrel with Christians (that seems to be your sole mission). Why?

Your principal argumentative tactic appears to be feigned indifference to the very issue central to the whole topic by remaining passive like a rug on the floor and by pretending to embrace a life that extends little beyond washing and shopping for beans and toilet paper.

“I’m the washing, shopping for beans, and toilet paper type. I don’t care how the universe began. I do care about my budget, my job, my home, my family, my pets, my health... you know... LIFE.”

A transparent attempt to escape responsibility for your advocacy, thereby avoiding the skullwork necessary to defend that advocacy (an activity that would fail in any event). You profess umbrage at the thought that some people believe in the Judeo-Christian God and are given to express that belief on FR. Yet you chose to go, unnecessarily, to the very threads that so give you offense, while proclaiming your indifference to their content, yet noisily objecting to their existence. Your behavior casts profound doubt on your declarations. If you are sincere, you should follow the advice of our forum sponsor and patron:

Don’t have to view ‘em. Don’t like ‘em, just stay out of ‘em.
- Jim Robinson -

Dear lady, I like you well enough to not burn you at a stake or dunk you in a pond, but not so much as to not name what it is that you are doing.

439 posted on 01/06/2012 11:07:50 AM PST by YHAOS (you betcha!)
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I've said this a dozen times, but I'll say it again because some people don't get it: there are dozens of religious threads on FR. I stay off of them. Only when a thread picking on a specific atheist comes on do I say anything, because silence implies consent, and I do not consent.

As for why I stay to argue, I speak because people address me and ask questions. If you look at this thread with any honesty, you'll see that if I stop answering questions, I get attacked as having "run away."

So really, there is no way to please Christians. If you speak, they demand answers and explanations. If you don't give them, they accuse you of cowardice and avoidance. If you do give them, they try to get you zotted or invoke JR to shut you down.

Why don't you just admit that what you want is to abuse and revile atheists and they had better keep quiet and keep their heads down or else. Which reveals to me that Christians have not really changed much since they days that they DID seek out atheists and murder them. Nowadays, the only way you can persecute them is online. So you do. Your basic attitudes have not changed, only your ability to inflict distress.

445 posted on 01/06/2012 11:32:32 AM PST by A_perfect_lady (Anyone opposed to Newt should remember: we're not electing a messiah, we're electing a politician.)
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