This does explain why you are religious, though. You looked around at reality and said "I don't like this answer, give me another." And religion gave you another. Now you think that this is the way to handle everything.
It is a simple question, one that you have done everything possible in your power to not answer. You prevaricate, you wriggle, you try to move the goalposts, you change the subject, but you've never tried to answer it. You've tried to deflect the question with silly ideas about theism and atheism, or belief and unbelief semantics (really not very intelligent answers), but so far you can't deal with the above question head on. Lots of people are likely watching, so don't let them down.
Hey, you've been a pretty good sport, but until you answer the question, you will make everyone who reads this thread assume you are dodging or not very bright.
I await your answer (and presumably might wait for a long time).
You said in your last post: You looked around at reality and said "I don't like this answer, give me another."
Come now, don't you feel silly for saying that too? How in the world can you say something like that when you've never known me, never chatted with me before on FR, never had a clue what I believe or think, know nothing about my life or my history. That was as silly as your claiming that believing there is no God is not simply another belief. You've gone ad hominem instead of answering the very simple question asked of you.
Once again, I will gladly engage you about your question concerning "unbelief" once you've answered mine.